U.S. Cattle Inventory to Lowest Levels Recorded in 73 years
A contributing factor to the low beef supply is Bidenomics.

We have been monitoring the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its intention to begin regulations focused on methane. This is out of concern that the organization is poised to join the globalist “War on Meat.”
And while rules will start with the “evil” fossil-fuel industry, agriculture is the major emitter of methane. Because of the bovine digestive system, cattle ranches and dairy farms produce significant amounts of this gas. And while methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, the American plans were once filled with buffalo herds…and the planet remained quite habitable.
However, while those rules have yet to be implemented, ranchers must make hard decisions based on current realities. The cattle inventory is currently down to the lowest levels recorded in 73 years.
Data shows the nation’s cattle supply has steadily dropped since 1998 from about 110 million cattle head, despite a small bump in inventory between 2013 and 2018, to 87.2 million head this year. Although several factors contributed to this decline over the last few decades, in most recent years, extreme weather has been the primary culprit.
“It’s relatively flat, but it’s been on a downward trend for about 40 years,” said Darren Hudson, professor and Larry Combes Endowed Chair of Agricultural Competitiveness at Texas Tech. “One reason is because per-capita meat consumption has dropped, but total meat consumption has not because population growth is outstripping the drop in per-capita consumption.”
Around the same time last year, the agency issued a similar report — with the same year-over-year decline of 2% — after the months-long drought in 2022 forced cattle raisers into early slaughter. In Texas, this was the biggest cattle slaughter in a decade as roughly 80,000 head of cattle were culled each week throughout the summer.
A contributing factor to the low beef supply is Bidenomics.
“This is a bad situation for America’s cattle farmers and America because we’re producing 1 billion pounds less beef than we were in this country, just a year ago,” John Boyd, Jr., president of the National Black Farmers Association, said Thursday on “Fox & Friends First.”
“We’re not investing in America’s beef and cattle farmers, and Biden policies are hurting America’s cattlemen, such as myself. They should be invested in America’s cattle farmers and making sure that we have the tools needed to stay on the farm.”
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), nationwide beef cattle inventory dropped to 28.2 million this year — the lowest level since the 1970s and down 2% from a year ago. Total U.S. cattle and calf inventory dropped to its lowest level since 1951.
Agricultural economists say persistent drought over the last three years, along with high input costs and inflation are putting pressure on both consumers and farmers.
Get ready to enjoy less beef and more inflation.
The overall cattle inventory, along with the beef cattle inventory, is historically low, yet the supply of cattle on feed is quite large.
The calf crop and beef heifers held for replacement are also historically low, which will hinder cattle inventory growth in 2024 and possibly 2025. This should provide opportunities for profitability in the cattle business in 2024, but with a smaller calf crop and fewer replacement heifers, declining production may also lead to record beef prices for consumers.
Domestic consumer demand for beef has remained strong but with record prices on the horizon, consumers’ ability and willingness to withstand higher price levels in 2024 will be the determining factor.
Additional and unneeded regulation will make it even more difficult for American consumers to enjoy the selection of high-quality protein we are used to.

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Not to worry, there are plenty of bugs in the world!!
Shut up and chow down, peasant!!
The only bugs I like are the big ones with claws they catch off the coast of Maine.
The steaks have never been higher!
I see what you did there. The curse of my bovine herd are being so darn delicious!
In the meantime Australian beef production is increasing
Those bison on the plains weren’t eating corn and soybeans.
My family had steaks all the time as a kid, but I haven’t had any in maybe 30 years. It looks like supply and demand. Chicken is my prime meat source.
They’ll be coming after that soon enough.
Steaks (sirloin) are about 3xs the cost of chicken. But like the cows for Chick-fil-a, I say eat more chicken!
Archeologists have never found a cave painting of salad…
Maybe they aren’t looking in the right places. Have they tried looking in the parent’s basements of soi bois?
As we reduce the surplus population, we shall need less food. As we have less food, we shall shrink the surplus population. Scrooge would approve of John Kerry and Obama/Biden.
Meat exports in Argentina: What can be expected by 2024?
Not only are there less bovines now than there were 150 years ago, there are also 95% fewer horses.
Eagle there are fewer horses primarily due to the shift from work farm animals to machines
Same reason total agricultural land has dropped. No longer a need for land for crops for the farm work animals to eat.
One of the major benefits of fossil fuels.
circa 1800, it took about 20 minutes to plant, grow harvest and mill sufficient wheat to make one loaf of bread
circa 1900, machines cut the time down to about 10 minutes of human labor.
Today it takes about 2 secs of human labor to plant, grow harvest and mill sufficient wheat to make one loaf of bread.
Australian beef production and exports to grow in 2023, says USDA | Garra International
Meanwhile, the number of sheep have risen to an all time high.
While the price increases for grocery store beef have been significant, it’s the price of beef in restaurants that has really been gigantic. It’s unbelievable what steak houses are charging for NY Strips and Fillets. Was at Michael Mina’s in MIA last week. A rib eye was $95….$140 for dry-aged. Insane.
I think if Trump started talking specifically about the steps he would take on day 1 through Executive Order that would free up ranchers in the US which would have a direct impact on lowering the cost of staple items – LIKE MEAT – he would do himself and his campaign a big favor.
Send an email to him
Agreed. Start laying out in broad terms the actions he will take using EO to lift regulatory burden/hurdles and explain how that translates to economic growth, lower energy costs, lower food costs, lower interest rates, lower inflation. IOW tell folks how he is gonna attempt to make their economic life/kitchen table issues better.
If Biden steals his ideas and implements them as rulers seem to indicate the WH is gonna do in issuing an EO on border security (let’s see it first) so much the better. That means the relief comes faster and Biden has to share credit with Trump b/c there’s enough alt media out there to make sure voters know about it.
What?!? Biden sharing credit with Trump?!?
That’s a knee-slapper, right there.
This should reduce the price of U.S. ranch land so Chinese proxies can purchase them at lower cost to the CCP. On a related note, when do you expect the Dems to formally change their party’s name to the USCP? They are definitely making progress. Shouldn’t be much longer.
They want you androgenous; cashless (100% trackable digital currency); driving electric cars (trackable) until they can force you onto government trains; and eating bugs.
How they doing?
I guess they want a significant portion of the population dead. But why exactly? We’re too dirty and peasant like to be of any use? We need to nip this behavior in the bud. I’ll be damned if Klaus von whatever and Ursula von bitchface will be chowing down on prime while I’m left with bugs.
They think they’ll remain fine on their perches, even with fewer of us around.
Back in the day, when all the prole hands you could get weren’t enough, more population, better for the overlords. Now, they think they have systems and machinery that needs few people, and those just hands with eyes nearby. Knowledge and how to respond are embedded in the overlords’ systems.
They’re wrong, but at least they’re consistent.
not counting Cankles, amirite ?
then you havent been to a beach lately
Quick cow lesson: Drought makes ranchers sell off excess cows (because fewer cows can graze in their area) That drops beef prices. That discourages new ranchers from adding cows even if they’re in areas not suffering from drought. Prices and beef supply continue to fall until drought is relatively over. Then prices start shooting back up. We’re about there now.
I generally like to hunt for my meat. But this news just might make me eat more hamburger
I know a Chinese butcher shop in Pacifica California. When I kill wild pigs I like them to turn the entire animal into Italian sausage.
If that’s not a recipe for international love and understanding I don’t know what is
I bet they can turn out some mean chorizo
Maybe it seems different to the rest of you. My rifle and shotgun could deliver death. Unlike Hamas I chose otherwise. I can’t tell you how many food pantries I’ve stocked.
And my bow.
I don’t need to see the pictures of what the f***tards did.
God damn, how could they! God”s creation, and they laid waste to it.
But to ask is to answer. I already know. Damn if I wasn’t 15 years younger.
You need to calm down big guy
I sent an email to the Israeli embassy because I’m feeling so helpless and I just want to do something. Anything is better than this sh**. I doubt they’ll answer.
Why does every story about our beef herd shows a Holstein? They are dairy cows not beef cattle
It’s basically a running joke with me. I read a story about mountain lions in Colorado I’m never surprised to see stock pictures of African lions in Tanzania. They can’t tell those two cats apart, does it surprise you these ivy leagues can’t tell the difference between a Hereford and a Holstein?
I was in a hurry. I own all spelling, grammar, and wording mistakes. I was never a rancher. But I practically grew up on ranches. I’ve been a hunter almost 0since the day I was born. My Uncle used to carry me from the boat to the duck blind when I was so short I would have drowned..
When I was eleven I started carrying a shotgun
Not much of a horseman either. But does anyone remember the Palomino mule Charlie O? The Oakland A’s mascot? I had a part time job taking care of him.
My niece is having a child. That makes me officially old. I miss that old mule and my uncle. I won’t mind joining them. But I’ll be God damned if I leave this earth while Hamas is still tolerated. I know they’ll still be around when I’m gone. Like gonorrhea. I can’t eliminate either.
It was a progression. From hunting ducks, and dove, to deer and bear Ask anyone I’ve ever hunted with. I’m a good shot. With a rifle. In Namibia I shot a Cape Hartebeest in the heart at 300 meters. The guide I was hunting with measured it with his Land Cruiser.
That’s 330 yards. It’s the longest shot I’ve ever taken on an animal. He took two steps forward, then two steps back, and died where I shot him.
I don’t attempt shots on animals farther than I’ve practiced. I’m out to make meat, not to torture. But those a$$holes from Hamas?
This isn’t bragging if this can be called bragging. If anything I’m confessing
I’m just ok as a wing shot with a shotgun. But I am also good with a pistol. But get kicked off the range once. I was shooting my . 44 Mag Ruger Blackhawk. It’s my habit to not try to over control the pistol.
He thought the gun was going to fly out of my hand. I was putting them all in the black. Not all in the 10 ring. But still. When he kicked me out I retrieved my target and shoved it in his face.
Hundreds of thousands are better shots than I am. Well, maybe just thousands.
Several local farmers here in Hoosierville have built up their own herds for selling custom beef cuts
Besides the farm markets , they sell every from individual packages to whole beef . They are hooked up with their own abattoirs
One even sells subscriptions for home delivery by a weekly or monthly basis
It comes at a price, but it quality stuff
Good news for my cousin, the rancher.
…so the ‘global warming’ crisis is over, right? RIGHT???