The Breakdown of Law and Order in America Week at Legal Insurrection
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The Breakdown of Law and Order in America Week at Legal Insurrection

The Breakdown of Law and Order in America Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

It feels like the country is reaching a breaking point. This incident in New York was shocking on multiple levels.

Other cities are facing similar problems.

What’s happening at the border is part of this.

The radical left faces no legal consequences for their actions.

But people on the right do.

As our country falls apart, Democrats just continue to obsess about Trump.

The Israel/Hamas conflict continues.

Good for him.

A day late and a dollar short.

Everyone is sick of the squad.

This is on Joe Biden.

DeSantis keeps racking up wins.

Climate activism is now beyond parody.

We used to be a serious country.

The media said this wasn’t happening.

You don’t say…

More gender madness.

Sign of the times.

This seems like a big deal.



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E Howard Hunt | February 4, 2024 at 9:22 am

Boys will be boys. (Unless misgendered)

I think that there are far too many negative things happening in our society at once for them to be organic.

    henrybowman in reply to JohnSmith100. | February 4, 2024 at 7:49 pm

    They are organic only in the sense that they are natural and spontaneous outcomes of the perverted worldview deliberately fostered upon defenseless youngsters by hardcore leftists in education and media.

Where’s Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) when you need him?

Thas has been ongoing ever since george floyd riots, when police got down on one knee to virtue signal in the face of rioters and looters. There is no police protection any more in american cities. Dial 911 and leave message at the tone, the police have been defunded. BLM is smiling.

BierceAmbrose | February 4, 2024 at 8:09 pm

You’re going to need a bigger week.