Black Chicago Residents Want City Officials to Remove Sanctuary City Status
If the Democrats think they will be able to persuade Chicago residents to blame Gov. Abbott, they are mistaken. They blame Biden.

It appears that the utopia associated with being a “Sanctuary City” isn’t exactly what was advertised.
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s move to bring the border to Blue States is arguably one of the most transformative moves a state executive has taken in the history of the nation. Now that the true scope of the illegal immigration crisis is descending on “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States,” some Democrats are now clamoring for the designation–and it’s associated policies–to be ended.
Take Chicago, for example.
Government employee Cata Truss told “Fox News @ Night” Democrat voters like her are growing increasingly frustrated with the party’s handling of the issue.
“There is no moneys to take care of the migrants, nor is there moneys to take care of the people that are there. And so we have a mess on our hands,” Truss said Wednesday.
Truss argued Windy City residents are upset over low income communities and schools being “divested in” while funds are used for the care of migrants instead.
“This is the sentiment from the city of Chicago: We would like to have our status as a sanctuary city removed,” she said. “We would also like to see a better plan in place.”
Truss said she tried to reach out to Democratic elected officials in the city to sit down with her and other members of the community to discuss the situation, but “no one was willing” to talk.
“If you are all not willing to sit down with us, if you’re not willing to talk to us, why should we continue to support you?” she said. “A lot of us [Democrats] are jumping ship.”
MSNBC, hardly a bastion of conservative ideology, is now sounding the alarm that the Biden administration’s disastrous approach to the immigration crisis is going to substantially undermine Democrat party efforts in November. Katy Tur spoke with Truss, who filed a lawsuit against Chicago over the migrant crisis.
Truss: “Democratic Party, we are watching you. We are disappointed. We are angry. We are offended. And we feel like we are being mistreated, misused. and disrespected. We will not continue to be disrespected by the Democratic Party. As I said yesterday, and I’ll say today and tomorrow, if you are an independent candidate, Green Party candidate, Republican candidate, now is your time in this city.
Truss was also involved with the lawsuits brought by black Chicago residents that have forced the city to abandon plans to use community buildings as migrant shelters.
Chicago is struggling to care for more than 35,000 asylum-seekers bussed in from the border by Texas Governor Greg Abbott over the past 18 months.
Shelters in converted warehouses are filled to the brim with new arrivals living in poor conditions, leading to the city commandeering other venues.
Among them was a field house at Amundsen Park, in Austin, where local youth are kept out of trouble playing football and kids go to daycare.
Residents were furious their neighborhood’s ‘crown jewel’ would be taken away to house migrants and after protests failed, a few tried something else.
….Truss said she was also angry Mayor Brandon Johnson’s government shelled out more than $250 million caring for migrants when her community is in poverty.
‘There’s a humanitarian crisis in the black community. But every time we have a need in our community, we’re told that there are no funds. There’s no money for us,’ she told The Free Press.
As a result of the lawsuits, Chicago was forced to to abandon plans to use community buildings as migrant shelters.
If the Democrats think they will be able to persuade these Chicago residents to blame Gov. Abbott, they are mistaken. They blame Biden.
Another [lawsuit] was filed by former Texas U.S. House of Representatives candidate J. Darnell Jones, a Democrat, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) strategist and reparations proponent who lives in Chicago’s South Side.
“What the Democratic Party doesn’t want Black people to hear is that this is a Biden policy,” Jones told The Free Press. “Biden is allowing the borders to remain open.”
The 52-year-old said the influx hit home for him and his neighbors, some 94 percent of whom are Black, when a local abandoned high school intended by locals to become a community center was instead reformulated into a migrant shelter.
“There was just this level of disgust,” Jones said. “The community has wanted this building back for so long, and now you want to use in this way that would be harmful? There was no way we were going to stand for that.
“They say it’s Abbott. But these migrants couldn’t even be getting through if it wasn’t for Biden.”
If significant political change can occur in Chicago and/or Illinois, then the Biden era should be considered “transformative” . . . just not in the way Biden’s former boss meant.

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No way. Chicago Blacks must vote Dem. That means they must remain on board for sanctuary city status, open borders, k-12 drag queen teachers, etc, etc. Sorry; no deviation from woke dogma is permitted. Can you say “No worries!” en Espanol?
No hay problema.
No hay preocuparse.
” We will not continue to be disrespected by the Democratic Party.”
Yes, you will. If being used as a tool to get elected for the last 100yrs then being ignored hasn’t waken you up, I doubt a few illegals will.
Want to lose Sanctuary Status, just vote R. It may take several election cycles and you might get there.
Then again with voter fraud it may never happen.
Aside from voting R they need to examine their culture, sacrifice to make a better life for their children. Delay gratification, take pride in ACTUAL education, speak proper English, plant gardens and can produce. Make children work with them.
In other words the same practices which drive success as other people use. They don’t need to be white to adopt traits which drive white success.
Thye need to understand that Dem policies created this mess and that it will take years to undo it, during that time they are screwed and will have to cope.
Maybe you could get a guest speaking engagement with “the black community” and teach them how to be good people.
No one can teach the black community anything. Why? Because the black community isn’t interested in being part of a larger American Community.
Those blacks who have made it left a long time ago and won’t look back. Do you think Michelle Obama cared about blacks after she “made it?” Nope. She got rich off of forcing blacks out of a larger health system that didn’t want to lose money. Michelle Obama moved on up to the East Side!
We can’t teach blacks to not live off of generational welfare.
We can’t teach blacks to wait to have children until they marry the prospective father.
We can’t teach blacks not to engage in a drug, thug culture
We can’t teach blacks that killing their own, either through abortion or black on black murder is not a good thing.
We can’t teach blacks that attending school like it’s a day care center with no purpose is a dead end for them.
We can’t teach blacks that abusing blacks who want to succeed, by calling them Oreos, isn’t a formula for success.
Call me racist. But prove me wrong.
All those years of dutifully pulling the lever for the D candidate and all you have for it is an empty bag of promises unfulfilled. Maybe a little self introspection might help you realize you’ve been lied too for 60 years. FJB
Oh, this was the plan. President Johnson is quoted saying something like Brandon’s “This is a big fzzzing deal.” on signing the fourth (?fifth?) Civil Rights Act.(*)
(*) Various Federal Civil Rights acts had been proposed, written, voted and etc. prior to this one, successfully defeated until The Screaming D’s found a way to play it for their political advantage.
what he has been credited with saying is that “this will have those N-Words voting Democratic for the next 200 years”
Yeah, that, exactly.
You have no power. You’ve given it away by persistently voting for these lunatics, regardless of what they did.
They’re calling your bluff.
What are you gonna do, vote Republican?
And even if they vote Republican, it will be counted and reported as voting Democrat.
Subotai Bahadur
They are watching their replacements pour over the border as we speak. The Dems are done with them but they just don’t realize it yet.
If you put a gun to their heads.
“Government employee Cata… Truss: “…if you are an independent candidate, Green Party candidate, Republican candidate, now is your time in this city.”
I bet the words “Republican candidate” burned in her throat like stomach acid. But they did make it out.
¡Nos problemo! El Presidente hay muchos iPhones por los negros en el Playa de Gimmee, con dinero y promisia.
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Black americans forced to wait in the back of the line behind illegal aliens. Kamala is smiling.
Replacement theory in action. Dem pecking order: LGBQWRTY, Muslims, Illegal immigrants, Hispanics, blacks, AWFLs, Unions, poor white folk…. MAGAs out behind the shed.
Maybe young black males will stop killing each other at such a high rate now that they have to compete with illegals? I bet many black females seek out Hispanic mates. I have often heard black females complain that desirable black males are hard to find.
Just wait until they get work permits and start taking jobs as postmen, bus drivers, firemen etc. Illegals have already edged citizens out of construction jobs. The ‘uniformed’ jobs that black Americans depend upon will be next.
They should have thought this out before voting for 1 world Marxism for the last 50 years.
No sympathy, fools. Did you really think these politicos cared about anything other than their own power?
You’ve served faithfully on the democrat plantation punching the democrat ticket decade after decade even while your city spiraled down into a murderous 3rd world craphole.
Yet, you still will vote democrat.
Now, you’ll be replaced by new fools who will faithfully serve on the democrat plantation punching the democrat ticket in the coming decade after decade.
No sympathy.
.Mayor Brandon Johnson: Caught between his peeps and the Chicago Teachers Union. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. *Stifles a smirk*
Note that these “good times” for Chicago residents are coming when the Federal government is runnig a $2 trillion deficit. That is during a decent economy, with 3% GDP growth, when Econ 101 says you are supposed to be running a budget surplus. Things are not going to get better for these folks.
They voted for a mayor whose advisory committee authored a policy called “First We Get All the Money”. Now that the Democrats have all the money, they no longer need these voters and will willingly curry favor with the next batch of voters.
No sympathy
At this point removing the city’s sanctuary status would not change anything. Being a sanctuary city does not mean an offer of hospitality; they will be saddled with these expenses whether they’re a sanctuary city or not, just as the Texas border towns are, even though they’ve never been sanctuary cities.
The only thing “sanctuary city” has ever meant, in this context, is that the city promises not to report illegal immigrants to ICE, or to cooperate with ICE in capturing them. That used to serve as a significant attraction for them, because in such cities they could feel safe. But nowadays, under the Biden administration, ICE isn’t interested in tracking them down or deporting them, so they don’t mind being reported. Besides, they’re now “documented”, with their parole papers that allow them to remain and work here until their court dates some time in the 2030s, so they have nothing to fear. So revoking a city’s sanctuary status would change nothing; now they’re all “Go ahead and report us, we don’t care”.
As often the case, factually correct, but misses the point.
Because the administration has (intentionally) dropped the ball, illegals could be sent anywhere and they would have nothing to fear. But Abbott sent them to Chicago precisely because its “sanctuary” status sends a signal to the invaders that they can find support here in this country. The status was never meant by Dems to invite illegals into their cities specifically. It was meant to invite them into the country generally. The cities promoting illegal immigration didn’t care that their promotion resulted in a burden on other States. The point of sending the illegals to Chicago (and other cities) was to force the “sanctuaries” to face the consequences of the invasion they invited, and to pressure them to pressure the Dems to do something about it. And it worked like a charm.
Yes, it did. But removing the city’s sanctuary status now will not change anything. If these people imagine that doing so will correct the problem, they’re mistaken. That might have worked years ago, but not now.
Such miscalculation. The consequences of The Screaming D’s imposed policies are only supposed to land on their enemies.
I think Black Chicago Denizens captures the mood better.
OMG! It’s hilarious to watch the blacks complaining now that they realize they are being replaced by illegal aliens as the preferred minority in the city of Chicago and that monies and services that were going to the blacks is now being diverted to these illegal aliens.
How DARE Mayor Brandon! How DARE he give those illegals money and services that us blacks should be receiving.
blacks were all for Chicago being a sanctuary city when there were no consequences in doing so. But now that it’s directly affecting them it’s all NIMBY! NIMBY! NIMBY! NIMBY!
What a bunch of hypocrites.
Everyone in the diversity Olympics is competing for their portion of the crumbs the grifters and hucksters leave for them. When additional competitors arrive the level of competition increases as do the stakes b/c the crumbs are finite.
The irony is that if they weren’t living off Other People’s Money, the crumbs would NOT be finite.
What’s the problem? The biggest industry in Chicago has been black on black murders. How long do you think it will be before blacks turn their wrath on illegal military age invaders under the guise of undocumented immigrants.
I’ll bet we begin to see a great increase in the murders of these immigrants when they step on the toes of the thugs in Chicago.
Poor denizens of Chicago can’t afford drugs when they no longer can collect from the public trough. That trough is being closed to them, for the sake of illegals who get better accommodations and benefits.
The thugs will not like the decrease in revenues, not to mention rival gangs like MS-13.
Black America: the Dupes of Hazard.
Progressive America: the Dupes of Harvard.
Black Chicagoans overwhelmingly vote Democrat, so I have zero sympathy. They bought the ticket, so enjoy the ride.
They will do as their told. It’s not like they aren’t going to vote 112% for Biden anyway
Are they willing to withhold their vote until they get the gubmint services they want?
Doesn’t this perfectly illustrate the corruption of the political process that comes from government largesse?
They are getting exactly what they voted for, so what’s the problem?