No One Has Learned a Thing Week in Education
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No One Has Learned a Thing Week in Education

No One Has Learned a Thing Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

Students at some our best schools are showing that they are incapable of learning why they’re on the wrong side of this issue.

In some ways, things have actually gotten worse.

There doesn’t seem to be any end to it.

This is proof that people are tired of it.

Trigger warnings for everyone!

Legal Insurrection is getting results.

This is good news.

Of course.

We will keep an eye on this story.



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No one has learned a thing this week.

Or last week either for that matter.

How about next week? Same o same o.

So much for the benefits of an education. The Ivory Tower has turned into a dungeon.

Dear Jews:

It’s time to leave.

The student demonstrators who support the slaughter of Jews in Israel reminds me of Hitler’s Brownshirts. I worry about what they will do to Republicans when Dems decide to take power. Everyone who opposes Dems destruction of our country should exercise their 2nd amendment rights and purchase at least one AR15 with plenty of ammunition so the can resist Dem’s tyranny.