‘New Scientist’ Proposes An Alternative Protein Source: Human Flesh
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‘New Scientist’ Proposes An Alternative Protein Source: Human Flesh

‘New Scientist’ Proposes An Alternative Protein Source: Human Flesh

‘New Scientist’ asserts, based on twisted diversity principles. that we need to “reassess our views” on cannibalism

About 18 months ago, my colleague Fuzzy Slippers fisked The New York Times opinion piece for asserting there was a “time and place” for cannibalism.

What new horrors do they have in store for us? Well, cannibalism, of course. What better way to feed the masses than to feed them the masses, presumably the “good” unwashed get to consume the “bad” ones.

In the New York Times Style section, some writer posted a column about cannibalism in popular culture. Okay. Interesting.

But then, because it’s the radical left and they just can’t help themselves, the article posits that cannibalism has moved from “unthinkable” to “thinkable” due to “the pandemic, climate change, school shootings and years of political cacophony.”

However, now “science” is being used to magnify the message.

The article is another anti-Western screed with a side of archeology, to make us “rethink” our repulsion toward eating other humans.

Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why can’t it be left to feed the hungry? Our aversion has been explained in various ways. Perhaps it is down to the fact that, in Western religious traditions, bodies are seen as the seat of the soul and have a whiff of the sacred. Or maybe it is culturally ingrained, with roots in early modern colonialism, when racist stereotypes of the cannibal were concocted to justify subjugation. These came to represent the “other” to Western societies – and revulsion towards cannibalism became a tenet of their moral conscience.

A slew of recent archaeological discoveries is now further complicating how we think about human cannibalism. Researchers have unearthed evidence suggesting that our hominin ancestors ate each other surprisingly often. What’s more, it seems that they weren’t always doing so for the reasons you might expect – for sustenance or to compete against and intimidate rivals – but often as funerary rituals to honour their dead.

The article also features the Aghori, a Hindu ascetic sect in India that practices cannibalism in pursuit of transcendence.

Clearly, this is yet another on top of the multitude of reasons that trust in science is collapsing.

Choosing to consume another human being in the era of civilization means one of two things: You don’t have access to civilization (e.g., plane crash in remote mountain area), or civilization has collapsed.

Professor Jacobson recently had a post about “prepping”. I shudder to think what these recent headlines portend about our future.

This ‘New Scientist’ asserts, based on twisted diversity principles, that we need to “reassess our views” on cannibalism. However, the ‘science’ relies on tolerance for myth and superstition that actual science is supposed to counter.


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“No one is going to tell me how many people I can have for Thanksgiving…” -Jeff Dahmer

    guyjones in reply to rduke007. | February 25, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    Just wait until the posthumous Dahmer cookbook is published. “It Tastes Like Chicken! Family-friendly Meals for your Cannibal Clan!”

      Ghostrider in reply to guyjones. | February 25, 2024 at 5:23 pm

      The Left, past to present day, are all about overcoming societal and cultural taboos. They get off on the very idea of irradicating taboos. It’s who they are: sick, perverted, morally bankrupt people. They should all go to hell.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to guyjones. | February 26, 2024 at 2:23 pm

      The cookbook is “To Serve Man”, and the aliens are invited to the feast.

Soyulent green – it’s people!!

There is no taboo nor sin that cannot be embraced by the wicked.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Oracle. | February 25, 2024 at 2:06 pm

    It seems likely that cannibalism was connected to transmission of disease, and that was why it mostly ended.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 25, 2024 at 12:47 pm

At a restaurant near you:

“Donner, party of 5. Donner…”

Twenty minutes passes quickly past

“Donner, party of four, Donner…”

This could breathe new life into the troubled Friars Club.

Meh. Old news. Leftists have been burping up “Eat the Rich” for decades.

If all the woke leftists started doing this, then Kuru would start to thin their numbers.

Well, let’s see…. those perverts from the WEF want us to eat bugs, the EU wants to destroy farming in Europe, and Bill Gates wants to artificially reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (plant food) in the atmosphere, and he wants us to eat manmade whateverthehell disguised as meat.

I’d say famine is on their menu for us, for the same reason famines usually occur — because people in office in the government want their own citizens to starve.

There is no excuse for starvation on a planet with easy communication and trade.

There’s a strong biological reason for the taboo against eating human meat (aside from the motive for murder). Animals that are fed the remains of a too-similar type of animal are vulnerable to any especially ugly diseases carried by the species. HIV, for example, may have made the transition to humans due to people eating bushmeat (monkeys).

“I do wish we could chat longer, but, I’m having and old friend for dinner.” -Hannibal Lecter

BigRosieGreenbaum | February 25, 2024 at 1:33 pm

So now we’re going to have to report to the carousel.

This could be the next major field of study in our universities. I can see it now: Reza Aslan, Dean of the Department of Cannibalism Studies at Harvard.

“Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why can’t it be left to feed the hungry?”

This is just a psyop ploy to make bugs seem more appealing.

Back in 1998, Massachusetts passed a law against shooting at targets that had images of people on them. But If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why can’t it be donated to a gun club for target practice?

Reverting to cannibalism seems like a bridge too far even for the trendy leftists. Perhaps particularly so b/c let’s face it the tofu eating woke hipsters in the gentrified neighborhoods of urban areas would be the ones most likely to end up on the menu when civilization collapsed.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to CommoChief. | February 25, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    But just think; you could classify all the trendy leftist vegans as “plant based” so their fellow vegans could consume them!

      Well not ‘me’ b/c I doubt any of them make it this far and I don’t live in the most accessible place on purpose….but their fellow dazzling urbanites of all stripes…. very probably someone gonna put the hipsters in the pot under the correct conditions.

    Evil Otto in reply to CommoChief. | February 26, 2024 at 6:01 am

    “Reverting to cannibalism seems like a bridge too far even for the trendy leftists.”

    A few years ago I might have agreed. Now? I’m not so sure there is any such limit. Is there any point a leftist will stop at and go “this far and no further?”

      CommoChief in reply to Evil Otto. | February 26, 2024 at 8:26 am

      The woke lefties might advocate for others to be the main course but I’m pretty sure the typical narcissistic woke lefty ain’t gonna volunteer themselves as the main course. In a savage environment where cannibalism makes a return these weak leftists are more likely to be in the pot than outside of it.

I can see the menu now – top seller – “Rump of RINO.”

You introduce human mad cow disease from the prions.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | February 25, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    Not so much mad cow, but a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease is another prion disease, also passed by eating your neighbors, always fatal. In those of European descent, its sometimes familial, sometimes passed in transfusions or by surgical implements, or they frankly don’t know why.

    Then there’s kuru. Endemic among the ritual cannibals of New Guinea. Fatal and rapidly progressive.

    Antifundamentalist in reply to rhhardin. | February 25, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    It’s another ploy by the PTB to reduce the human population via disease. COVID just wasn’t as effective as they’d hoped, I suppose. Or maybe coronavirus was just one prong while prions are another.

    Azathoth in reply to rhhardin. | February 26, 2024 at 4:23 pm

    You can avoid such by not eating the brain or central nervous tissue.

It turns out that “Soylent Green” was a documentary, LOL. Just released too early to be characterized as such.

Honestly I am fine with it.

I own guns, My wife and daughter are excellent shots. They will be well fed on a blue-state special.

Only a progressive would propose “ethical” cannibalism unironically. Only grass-fed vegans for dinner in my house from now on!

    dwb in reply to dwb. | February 25, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    Also, I’d guess that grass-fed vegan meat is tender, like the tenderloin of deer, because it does not do much hard work. You know, honestly, I am down with this plan. When does progressive season open up in California?

This is part and parcel of Leftists’/Dhimmi-crats’ utterly obnoxious and idiotic cultural and moral relativism, most recently manifested in their elevation of and paeans paid to “indigenous” knowledge, asserting that it occupies a place of equality with western and European scientific accomplishment and knowledge.

It’s an extension of the “noble savage” conceit, updated for the 21st-century, but, no less stupid in its presumptions and assumptions.

Those people likely didn’t have much of a choice like those rugby players in the Andes near Chile.

We have socially evolved beyond such dire straits…at least I hope so (sans WEF interference).

I don’t see why you’re so upset over such a modest proposal.

Human progress–integration into the void.

Oh yippee, they are finally thinking of making soylent green

I’m old enough to remember when “eat me” had an entirely different meaning.

Subotai Bahadur | February 25, 2024 at 6:21 pm

I’m old enough that I can see it being served at “Jubal Harshaw’s ‘the Old Ones Cafe'”.

Subotai Bahadur

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | February 25, 2024 at 7:15 pm

    I’m not developed enough to celebrate the screaming meemies who have moved on. “Good riddance” isn’t the right sentiment.

    Waiting is.

destroycommunism | February 25, 2024 at 7:16 pm


it takes a village

to eat your flesh

destroycommunism | February 25, 2024 at 7:17 pm

they jeffrey dalhmer tribe is in the lead

Blaise MacLean | February 25, 2024 at 7:28 pm

“Soylent Green is people!!!”

I am ready to kill against it.. Are they ready to DIE, and go to God Jehovah/Yahweh, to defend it? I believe not…. Lets light this roman candle off and get it over with.

How could I resist. “The Reluctant Cannibal.” A fave of my husband’s and mine too.


thalesofmiletus | February 26, 2024 at 9:21 am

All slopes are slippery. This is where things go once human life is no longer sacred.

There are so many fat Americans that the parts should be great for grilling and frying. Nothing like frying meat in its own fat. I do that all the time with pork and chicken, but it is best not to give the cats ideas.