GOP Primary: Nikki Haley Loses Her Home State To Donald Trump By Double Digits

Despite 0% of the vote being tallied and within minutes of the polls closing, most of the major networks projected the GOP presidential primary in South Carolina a huge (yuge?) win for Donald Trump.

South Carolina, of course, is former governor and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley’s home state, so this is a crushing blow to her campaign.

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) was clearly quite thrilled by the results. Another humiliation for Haley.

Prior to the primary, Trump received an unexpected endorsement (of sorts) from Gruesome Newsom.

It looked like there may have been shenanigans in some parts of the state, but it (so far) has not affected the results.

Interesting tidbit:

The Washington Post reports slightly different numbers, but the fact that Haley outspent Trump by such huge numbers and still lost by double digits has to have Haley (and Biden) donors worried.

Haley’s campaign and allied super PAC outspent Trump’s campaign in the state by about $15 million to $1 million, according to media tracking data from AdImpact.

Obviously numbers are still rolling in, so we will update this post with final figures when they become available, but it looks like the expected blow out, with Fox News reporting Trump’s 63.5% to Haley’s 35.5% as of this writing.

Tags: 2024 Republican Primaries, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, South Carolina