Google Vows to ‘Improve’ Gemini AI After Users Discover It’s a Hot Woke Mess That Erases White People
“New game: Try to get Google Gemini to make an image of a Caucasian male. I have not been successful so far.”

As we documented Saturday, Google has faced a barrage of criticism from users since the release of their Gemini AI tool, which among other disturbing things equivocates on the Hamas rapes that happened on October 7th by leaning in on the leftist “competing narratives on what happened” talking point and trying to lend Hamas’ denials credence.
Another area where they’ve come under fire is in their generation of AI imagery.
Last week, several Twitter users posted screengrabs of their findings, with one thread in particular from Daily Wire scripted content creator Frank Fleming getting a lot of attention.
Fleming found that Gemini was not a fan of producing images of white people, even going so far as to create images of black popes and vikings:
New game: Try to get Google Gemini to make an image of a Caucasian male. I have not been successful so far.
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) February 21, 2024
Come on.
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) February 21, 2024
This was their example of “diversity”:
Huh. I wonder what internally it thinks diversity is.
— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) February 21, 2024
There were also these discoveries:
Today's cover: ‘Absurdly woke’: Google’s AI chatbot spits out ‘diverse’ images of Founding Fathers, popes, Vikings
— New York Post (@nypost) February 22, 2024
"When the Google AI was asked to show a picture of a white person, Gemini said it could not fulfill the request because it 'reinforces harmful stereotypes and generalizations about people based on their race.'"
AI is going to be another leftist shit show.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 22, 2024
If you ask Google Gemini to create an image of someone who can only be accurately depicted as a white person, the AI engine malfunctions and refuses to produce a result.
That’s because it’s clearly programmed to produce images of multiple races and sexes, even when the results…
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 21, 2024
To repeat, if Google purposely tried to show how injecting social justice / DEI / CRT into AI was a terrible idea, they couldn’t have done any better than this Gemini garbage.
— RBe (@RBPundit) February 22, 2024
And no shockers here:
Google’s woke AI Gemini is now claiming that Jews are more violent than Palestinians and ignoring the thousands of people killed by Palestinian terrorism in Israel, including the intifadas.@Google is erasing Palestinian terrorism in real time.
— Marina Medvin
(@MarinaMedvin) February 22, 2024
I asked Google Gemini to generate an image about the evils of Mao's totalitarian regime and here's what the prompt produced. Ooof.
— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) February 22, 2024
It did get one thing right, though:
Wow based Gemini
— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) February 22, 2024
And on a slightly more humorous note:
It seems to be working. I asked google AI to show me a white king.
— Long Monkeypox (@podiatristdon) February 22, 2024
Product lead Jack Krawczyk told Fox Business that Google is “working to improve” its product after the backlash:
In a statement to Fox News Digital, Gemini Experiences Senior Director of Product Management Jack Krawczyk addressed the responses from the AI that had led social media users to voice concern.
“We’re working to improve these kinds of depictions immediately,” Krawczyk said. “Gemini’s AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that’s generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it’s missing the mark here.”
google is imposing american racial hang-ups on the rest of the world. it has nothing to do with the global user base. no one in africa or asia cares about the harmful effect of seeing a white family.
this guy is paid a lot to lie
— Razib
(@razibkhan) February 21, 2024
Krawczyk, I should point out, is a self-loathing, Very Online left-winger, so I’d take such claims of “improving” or “fixing” Gemini AI with a grain of salt:
The Google Gemini (WokeAI) guy had a thread ranting about white privilege.
I wonder where the tool's Woke bias came from?
— The Rabbit Hole (@TheRabbitHole84) February 22, 2024
The head of Google's Gemini AI everyone.
And you wonder why it discriminates against white people.
— Leftism (@LeftismForU) February 22, 2024
As is another senior Gemini AI division member, Jen Gennai:
3/ Gennai also says Google’s commitment to “antiracism” is a key component of their AI work – and she insists they won’t be deterred.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 22, 2024
Amazingly, in the name of “diversity” and “inclusion,” bias is being programmed into anti-bias systems, as Professor Jacobson explained in comments to the New York Post:
William A. Jacobson, a Cornell University Law professor and founder of the Equal Protection Project, a watchdog group told The Post: “In the name of anti-bias, actual bias is being built into the systems.”
“This is a concern not just for search results, but real-world applications where ‘bias free’ algorithm testing actually is building bias into the system by targeting end results that amount to quotas.”
Rumor has it that a lot of people at Google knew how bad Gemini AI was, but didn’t speak up about it:
a friend at google said he knew gemini was this bad…but couldn't say anything until today (he DMs me every few days). lots of ppl in google knew. but no one really forced the issue obv and said what needed to be said
google is broken
— Razib
(@razibkhan) February 22, 2024
This might be why:
The ridiculous images generated by Gemini aren't an anomaly. They're a self-portrait of Google's bureaucratic corporate culture.
— Paul Graham (@paulg) February 21, 2024
Twitter/X CEO Elon Musk says he’s talked to higher-ups at Google who “assured” him they were working to “fix” the issues ASAP:
A senior exec at Google called and spoke to me for an hour last night.
He assured me that they are taking immediate action to fix the racial and gender bias in Gemini.
Time will tell.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 23, 2024
I’ll believe it when I see it. Until then…
Related LI/EPP Reading: LinkedIn Should End ‘Diversity in Recruiting’ Feature: “Discrimination by algorithm is still discrimination”
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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All those people would have been acting white.
I’m sure Google’s idea of “improvement” is to get rid of white women too.
Follows with the eradication of white men and women from all advertising.
By themselves, yes. Showing white women paired with non-white men? All the time.
It’s working exactly as designed.
I asked Google AI to show me an image of a large adult Grizzly, not ferocious, but more on the Gentle side so as not to frighten children. It showed me a picture of a red-headed guy with a long white beard.
I walked into Google AI a nobody and came out a star!
In order for any AI to work the way the “elites” want it to- the AI has to have a built in bias. Has to. let me emphasize HAS TO!
And probablt a pretty severe one sided one.
Why is that? Well, glad you asked. We’ve had self learning AIs and chatbots in the recent past. Quickly removed from public view and testing. Self learning from the start, programmed with no bias whatsoever.
Each and every one of them quickly became racist by any reasonable explanation. Judging people by groups, not people as individuals. .
You do that- racism is almost inevitable. True AI is dependent on numbers and statistics. And like it or not, the reality is, a dispassionate examination of available numbers doesn’t paint a pretty picture of some groups, which shall remain unnamed. Well, I’ll name one of them- Communists! Studying Communists dispassionately makes you a big fan of the Pinochet Helicopter Touring Company.
Wondered if anyone put the question on a Christian Supremacist to this AI, surely a white person would be put up
From Powerline Blog:
“Legal Insurrection has pretty good posts, including the occasional scoop, but the comments are garbage and frequently racist.”
thats how the lefty gets freedom of speech suppressed ( well one of the ways)
butter up the website with the thoughts of
hmmmm we could get more ad rev if we forced honest thoughts out
lefty is a trickery be-atch
Post the link, JR. It’s not hard to do.
The resident racist hunter has arrived.
Only JR can see racism against POC in an article about white beings replaced by blacks.
A search of reveals the phrase quoted by “JR” above appears nowhere on the site.
It’s probably from a comment on that site.
That was my thought as well. The cynical side of me wonders if it is his comment.
I thought that, too!
Who posted it?? YOU???
I’ll take that as a compliment.
I check both at 0300 when I get up for work. Not sure why I do this anymore… Anyways, I don’t see this. BTW: the Saturday Morning Picture Meme thread over at Powerline is not to be missed.
“erases white people”
lefty wet dream accomplished
Erases “white” people, and, outrageously equivocates on whether the evil, Islamofascist, Muslim supremacist, terrorist thugs of Hamas raped, tortured and brutalized Israeli Jewish women, on 10/7.
It probably wouldn’t have any trouble generating images of white men if you asked for pictures of slaveholders… even though there actually were blacks who owned slaves….
Especially in Africa. Even today.
Correct. The most historically inaccurate element of the miniseries ‘Roots’ (by Alex Haley) is the (laughable) opening scene depiction of European slavers coming ashore and throwing nets over African tribesman and dragging them back to their slave ships. That didn’t happen. Instead, African chattel slaves were purchased by European slave traders at markets that were managed and stocked by AFRICANS…Muslim Arabs & Africans. The VAST majority of slaves transported out of Africa were Africans who had been captured as part of the Arab Muslim conquest of the continent.
…managed and stocked by native Africans, as part of a long tradition of taking slaves in conquest, war, and raids, often for trade. This was standard near everywhere, at least since recorded human history, until shut down many places in late 18th, thru 19th centuries.
No, they weren’t. That conquest happened long before the trade with America began. These slaves were prisoners from local wars that had nothing to do with religion. Often the wars, or simply raids, were conducted for the express purpose of capturing slaves to meet the demand.
That doesn’t change the fact that as far as I know there is no record of white men ever simply kidnapped black people walking on the beach and minding their own business. It may have happened once or twice, just because over a long period almost anything possible can happen, but it was certainly not a regular thing. The local authorities would have taken a very dim view of it, not only because the kidnap victims were likely to be their own people, but also because of the competition this would pose to their business.
Head of google gemini posted on X how he was crying off and on after filling out his ballot for pedo joe biden.
What are the odds of that program not being full of schiff?
It has definitely been mistrained on value judgments as well.
Clearly, these clowns never gave this service an iota test, never mind an alpha or beta test.
I can fix it with one easy command. Have someone log in to all of the nodes where you’ve got the software running and execute:
sudo rm -rf /
Holy Manny, parent of God!
Tear it down. Fire everyone involved. Stop using Google.
I use Yandex to search for anything important.
The server for one of the private forums I’m on is located in Russia to avoid being raided by the Feds.
30 years ago, I never would have guessed that America would be so totalitarian, but here we are.
By fix the mean make the woke subtle enough to be less noticeable.
Babylon Bee: Google Gemini Finally Draws White Man After Being Prompted To Generate Clarence Thomas
Most people would have a hard time finding ethnic consistency if they analyzed their DNA. All of this racism is really a culture war, presented as a racial conflict.
I’m honestly looking at standing up some linux systems- I’m so sick of google and msft.
There’s enough non-enthusiast, consumer-facing, integrated linux system vendors these days that it’s viable for people who just wanna do their work.
— Get an integrated Linux machine, Or get an upgrade (“install”) bundle from one of those same vendors. Upgrade is no worse than a Winderz version upgrade; less hassle than many patches.
— Use only web-based — er — web or cloud services, through your browser, which is none of Chrome, Edge or whatever MIS is calling it now, or Safari.
— Use open source alternatives for any of the “standard” SW; they’re unencumbered, at least as good, and often better vs. the commercial stuff. (?Why are our documents in formats only some software can read?)
If you wanna play All The Games as non-nerd, get “proton” compatibility layer — free — through STEAM. I’ve been driving around giant, stompy, nuclear combat robots for a few years now, through the compatibility layer, on a laptop.
This is a mindset of Google. Short of a wholesale, 100% turnover of the top six levels within Google, nothing will change. They’ll just keep trying to hide it better.
“Google vows”
Didn’t they promise to not be evil?
Death do us part.