Get Out of New York, If You Can
Rough politics has given way to the political weaponization of prosecutors’ offices. The price of living in and doing business in New York should not be that you have to be politically obedient.

My parents’ parents were born and lived in New York. My parents were born and lived in New York. I was born and grew up in New York, went to college in New York, and returned to New York after law school for a decade. My children were born in New York. Some of my grandchildren were born in New York. I work in New York and live part of the year in New York.
At one time, I even had an “I ♥ NY” t-shirt.
Now I’m counting down the years until I retire from Cornell and can leave New York completely and for good, never to look back.
It’s not ‘just’ the taxes, moribund bureaucracies, regulatory madness, weak economy, crime, sanctuary city policies, and embrace of de-policing and non-prosecution. That would be and is bad enough, and already is depopulating the state.
It’s something more now. Rough politics has given way to the political weaponization of prosecutors’ offices. It’s dangerous and sets a tone for the entire state that political opponents of those in power are living – and operating their businesses – on borrowed time.
I don’t care what you think of Donald Trump, it’s disgusting, unseemly, and in my view completely unethical for a prosecutor to run for office pledging not only to get a political opponent, but also his family. That’s what Letitia James did when she ran for New York Attorney General. She then fulfilled that campaign promise, weaponizing her massive and powerful office to scour through Trump’s businesses to find a crime, but she found none that could be prosecuted so she brought a civil lawsuit to ruin Trump and his family.
Nothing about this process was within norms of how prosecutors should conduct themselves and their offices. It may not be unprecedented, but it’s still clearly wrong.
I don’t think the civil lawsuit had merit and predict it will be reversed on appeal, at least as to the outlandish fines imposed, but that’s besides the point. The lawsuit never would have been brought if James had not targeted Trump with the full weight of the NY Attorney General’s office specifically because she didn’t like his politics.
I wonder if James could legally survive having her entire life scrutinized the way she scrutinized Trump’s life. I wonder if anyone could.
But it wasn’t just James, it also was Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who promised during his campaign to get Trump. And he also followed through, with criminal charges that will be going to trial in late March 2024 based on a convoluted legal theory to convert stale misdemeanor books and records charges into felonies which then were ‘tolled’ under an Executive Order, resulting in the case filed a year ago that never would have been brought if not for the target being Donald Trump. I predict that the charges will not survive appeal if there is a conviction, but that is besides the point. The massive New York County (Manhattan) District Attorney’s Office was weaponized against a political opponent who never would have been targeted if not for the politics.
This cannot be written off as “there the Democrats go again.” Rhode Island, where I live when not in New York, is even more Democrat than New York, but the Democrats here are mostly interested in lining their pockets and pensions and steering business to political friends. Rhode Island Democrats, for whatever else they are, are not nearly as vicious and vindictive as the New York Democrats currently in control of the state. Something has gone very wrong in New York.
But wait, New York Governor Kathy Hochul says not to worry, the business execution of Donald Trump is just a Donald Trump thing, others need not worry:
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and a ban on conducting business in New York for three years.
Hochul joined John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM, where she was asked if other New York businesspeople should be worried that if “they can do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody.”
“I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about, because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior,” Hochul responded….
The governor provided reassurance to New York businesses after the ruling. “By and large, they are honest people and they’re not trying to hide their assets and they’re following the rules,” she said of the people who own and conduct business in the New York City area.
That Hochul is even giving such an explanation is tantamount to an admission of the unusual nature of the effort to get Trump. Just follow the rules and you’ll be okay, until you are subjected to our inquisition and found not to be completely following a rule.
This is not about Donald Trump. It’s about a state that is becoming unlivable in so many ways. On top of all that, the loss of prosecutorial norms is more than any business or individual in the state should have to risk. The price of living in and doing business in New York should not be that you have to be politically obedient.
Not everyone can leave the state now. Including me. But develop an exit plan before you need it.
[Featured Image: Letitia James running for Attorney General, via YouTube]

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“It’s not ‘just’ the taxes, moribund bureaucracies, regulatory madness, weak economy, crime, sanctuary city policies, and embrace of de-policing and non-prosecution.”
Well said, but you forgot lack of school choice, the complete domination of K-12 education by teachers unions (America’s best example of systemic racism), and the leftist corruption of higher education.
Happy I moved to FL.
In 2014, Cuomo told Conservatives back a while ago to leave NYC because they weren’t welcome there. (started before Trump…Trump is just the excuse now) You should have believed him then. I haven’t been back and will never go back since then. I hope NYC burns down. I don’t care.
I spent some time in NYC occasionally over my career. I don’t like gridlock traffic, the steady din of noise, crowed sidewalks and so much more. I did like cultural attractions, museums and what not.
On balance, negative aspects outweigh the few positive aspects.
One of my first business was in a city. I rented a building, was living in the basement, and had not broke even yet. They sent me a bill for personal property tax. Within a few weeks I moved out, and I never returned.
We no longer need large numbers of production workers. We do not need centralized trading centers. Today our cities are full of dredges of our society, whose conduct caused most people to leave.
It is not a surprise that cities continue to decline.
I remember Rush talking about that and all the harassment he took from New York when he took them up on that offer to head down to Palm Beach
Hochul may not be quite as bright as she is nasty. Without any sense of Irony, she sought to provide public assurances to investors that they can rest assured regarding the future impartiality of the NY judges and courts, by telling them that Trump was only prosecuted , and likely unconstitutionally fined, because, well, he’s Trump.
I marvel at how much this resembles a Bill of Attainder.
Yup, I remember when Cuomo told me and every other conservative in the country that NY didn’t need our money. I will continue to take him at his word.
And the Department of Education’s jihad against both Catholic and Jewish parochial schools.
“It’s not ‘just’ the taxes, moribund bureaucracies, …”
If escaping taxes is the goal, living in RI is not the solution.
In 2013 my family and I left California and moved to the east coast – southern Maryland around PAX NAS. And found that it was California light It was better where we were but wow. So, 3 years ago we moved to central Florida. Best move.
Not only get out of New York. Also, do not visit New York. Do not do business with anybody in New York. Don’t even change planes at a New York airport.
Last year, it took me almost six months to get NYC to cough up a copy of my birth certificate (I was born in upper Queens, a couple of blocks from Long Island Sound). At one point, I was unable to cash my paychecks for three months, and was less than ten days away from defaulting on my rent. Finally got the damn certificate; that will be my final contact with New York. New York – specifically New York City – is most cordially invited to go straight to #%$&…
Make New York the Bud Light of States.
It’s already the asswhole of the world.
Asswhole? Quite a change from when it was just half -assed.
The swirling vortex of eternal damnation!
BTW, the birth certificate was due to Texas requiring it to renew my driver’s license with a RealID™ version. Since my old license expired during this period, I couldn’t cash paychecks, etc.
I did mine with a passport.
“Don’t even change planes at a New York airport.”
Especially if you have a legally-declared firearm in your luggage. I don’t know how many people have been tripped up by accepting their luggage due to a rescheduled flight, then immediately arrested for illegal possession in NY.
I won’t take a chance of driving through New York because I have a Tennessee license plate. I’m sure that would be good for a shakedown.
When I travel in California, I carry my handgun and ammunition and magazines in the manner where the state of California says I am in compliance. I have a copy of the state laws with me at all times so that I could show it to some overzealous cop. I have no idea if it will do me any good.
My mom lived in upstate NY for several years and then moved back to Georgia. She had her car registered and insured in GA within a month and started getting letters from NY fining her for not having NY insurance on a car that was now registered in Georgia.
I agree about not changing planes in New York. But sometimes life plays tricks. I knew guy flying from Florida to Maine to go bear hunting. He was using a handgun.
.454 Casual. .50 Ruger. Something like that. Anyhow the plane developed problems and diverted to New Jersey.
They had to stay overnight. He had to collect his checked luggage. He couldn’t just leave it on the carousel. His name was on the tag.
New York? New Jersey? What’s the difference. You’re screwed. You can get something called a firearm owner ID if you’re a resident of Illinois. I believe they have something similar in New Jersey and New York. I don’t know the rules. I’ve only chosen to live in free states.
But you’re screwed if you get stranded there.
The good news is federal law says if your gun is legal in your home state and your destination you can legally possess it. As long as you’re traveling straight through. The Reagan era Firearms Owner’s Protection Act. You can stop for gas in New Jersey. But no overnight stops
Which is why I prefer to drive.
New York sucks, and none of this article and comment contents are in dispute, but I did have a different experience re birth certificate. When I was there in 2012 I stopped by the office that handles such things on Worth Street. The line was long, but after providing proof of identity (driver license), I got my birth certificate right there on the spot. Perhaps the only thing they do right–or maybe not any more, since that was twelve years ago.
““I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about,..”
Oh, like Trump? He followed the rules and follows the laws.
Her statement should help his appeal BIGLY.
“Nice business you got there conservative. It would be a shame if something happened to it.”
New York
Can NYC or most other cities be fixed, I doubt that they can. Their problem is similar to public schools, You would need to fire most everyone..
Right now every business owner or potential investor in NY is watching the AG James Gestapo work it’s magic on Trump and his family. This is going to have a disastrous affect on the economy of NY. I don’t think the rest of us will miss them.
Her statement would not in the normal course be admissible on the appeal. However, it is so outrageously injudicious that his lawyers should try. Lovely Letia’s statements as part of her election platform that , if elected, she would ‘get Trump’ are similar. In someplace other than NY they might be cause for disbarment.
“Rhode Island, where I live when not in New York, is even more Democrat than New York, but the Democrats here are mostly interested in lining their pockets and pensions and steering business to political friends. Rhode Island Democrats, for whatever else they are, are not nearly as vicious and vindictive as the New York Democrats currently in control of the state.”
Born and raised in RI. Left in 1990 (about 12 years after serving 4 years in the Army, so I was out of state for a spell) and would never go back. What you’re saying is perfectly true, but the state is full of small-minded wipers of other people’s bottoms, and I have observed first-hand illegal alterations of public records with the purpose of affecting a gubernatorial election (and was aware of other misdeeds by those in authority at different levels of state and local govt). I miss a handful of friends, Sachuest Point NWR, Norman Bird Sanctuary, Great Swamp, Colt State Park, NY system wieners, and not much else. It is the general mindset, rather than any particular corruption, that prevents me from returning.
I was raised on an east TX truck farm but now I live in the Berkshires
so now, I get snow and crazy NYC weekenders
my little village is pretty cool but Great Barrington is 8 miles away
a bastion of left wing thinking and weed capital of western MA
I’d move but I don’t where to go to be as safe
Midwest might be the best choice.
The thing to remember here is that none of this would have happened had Trump not won in 2016. It was Hillary’s turn, and keeping her from her entitlement was simply unforgivable. Had Trump not run, he would be remembered as an admired real estate developer who came back from bankruptcy, and as a flamboyant entertainer.
The problem is this country has too many people who slurp up this crap. America is fractured beyond repair.
When the unstated American ethos was “root, hog, or die,” we were a great nation. Now that it’s irretrievably morphed into “those who care not to will be supported involuntarily by those who do,” we’ve turned out exactly as anyone could have predicted we would.
Bud Light NYC
It sounds like a very sober and lucid analysis of Utopia. I concur without reservation.
Everyone in blue states needs to seriously think about leaving . . . while they still can. I seriously see a point at which refugees from these states are forced to flee to America with what they can carry on their bodies. The goal we are seeing is the destruction of America and depopulation (i.e. the death of millions of Americans); it’s not fake. It’s very real.
Hyperbole is my stock in trade, but I am not being hyperbolic here. Get out while you can still bring all that own with you. When you are fleeing to America with whatever you can carry, you will be warmly welcomed, of course, and we will try to provide for you, but get smart now. And come to America while you still can.
Depopulation of “White peolle”
All people, gonzo, all of them. They want to cull BILLIONS of people to achieve their chosen “perfect” population, which last time I checked was 1.5 to two billion. There are eight billion people on the planet. The maths are not hard, and all of the races are expendable to TPTB.
Oh, much less than that. They want no more than a worldwide population of 500 million.
NO! Not everyone in blue states. If they have any inkling of left wing politics, stay right where you are. Your kind has ruined many other states with your nonsense.
If your first thought is “there ought to be a law” for anything that upsets you, you are not welcome.
This exactly! The more the government gets involved the more things tend to get screwed up. That was the essence of Reagan’s famous quote “the scariest words in the English language are I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Or “They ought to do something.”
I started taking Trump seriously when his rallies in California were attacked, and law enforcement let it happen. I had thought he was a joke.
But every time they attack him, it sends a real signal – this man is a threat to the power structures that rule this nation in the shadows without regard to our rights or our country.
There can be no better vengeance upon the enemy than Trump re-taking the White House in 2024. He’s not the perfect man, but he’s the right man for right now.
God help us all, and keep Trump safe.
My wife and I left our former home state of Minnesnowta as soon as I retired. We’d both grown up there and loved the area, but ever since the 1970’s you could see that the collectivist/statist/authoritarians were going to completely destroy what had made it a wonderful place. We lived in the Heart of the Hive™ of SW Murderapolis where a solid 75% of our neighbors voted first for Keith Muhammed X Ellison, and then again when he handed over his seat in the House to Ilhan Omar.
We now live in a small town in NW Wyoming with neighbors who will help us fight the Marxists, rather than us having to shoot 3 our ot 4 of the idiots in MN.
If you leave your “blue” state enclaves be sure to leave your entitlement attitude and collectivist voting practices behind. Just don’t shit in your bed the way you did by voting for Communists, and then try to flee the results, only to do it all over again in your new, clean home.
Locusts destroy their environment and then destroy the new location.
There is not one financial business in NY City, of the many major ones there, that could not operate just as well if not better from another location, given modern technology. I predict that this Trump decision, regardless of what happens on appeal, will eventually cost NY State and City vastly more than the $350M judgment each and every year in lost tax revenue from companies leaving NY or choosing not to locate there. This may be NY’s “San Francisco” moment. On another note, I thought it fitting to see that recently reported SEC action has apparently made Trump’s stock holding in Truth Social worth $4 billion.
I heard that too about his Trith Socioa, is that for real
4 billion
I would have LOVED a pair of there
Trump could intentionally undermine NYC if he wants.
It’ll only take a hundred or so of the right folks to leave. NY and NYC couldn’t possibly make up the loss of tax base. Even if they taxed everyone else to death.
New York will feel the unintended consequences of Trump”s persecution for years to come.
One can only help
They have already lost over 150 financial companies with $1 Trillion in assets to other states like Florida. Look for this to accelerate. Odd Trump did business in NY his whole like but only after he became President did people have a problem with him
He only became “RACIST” after he was President. Before that, he was winning awards from the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for his work in the black communities.
And if he had ran as a Democrat likely would have never faced any of these lawsuits and an all out attempt to destroy him. I think the only real reason they haven’t tried to put some extra holes in him is because that would very likely kick off a hot civil war in this nation as opposed to the lukewarm one we seem to be going through now. They know how highly armed a lot of the populous is and know they would have targets on their backs for assassinating Trump.
Detroit will be the preview. I visited the city in 2008 or so for a funeral. My great aunt’s neighborhood was very nice in ’82 but 1 out of three houses was boarded up or gutted. And this was right across the road from Gross Point. It was shocking.
Pretty much no one could. Trump is one of the leanest, most honest and most decent people ever in American politics. His enemies have been going after him for decades and they have never been able to ever find anything on him, so they finally resorted to just making stuff up out of whole cloth and having dirty, corrupt judges presiding over insane juries to lock in their Soviet show trials. The fact that Trump is so clean (and it’s not as if he sat in his basement hiding from the world – Trump was always doing tons of stuff all over the place) drives them even crazier than they already are.
The most offensive part of all this – purely on an emotional level – is that Trump is one of the main people who saved New York in the late 70s/early 80s and brought that city back from the abyss. While almost every developer in New York was fleeing Trump started building unique, upscale projects in Manhattan. The unbelievable and historic success of the Trump Tower (the first residential property in America to sell for over $1,000/sq-ft) led Trump on a development blitz and his success brought many players back into the New York real estate development market, driving the New York economy and helping to save New York from itself. ANd this is the thanks he gets …
LOL … “leanest” was supposed to be “cleanest”!
“Lean” is not something I would ever accuse Trump of being, though he does seem to have slimmed down a bit, lately.
He looked slightly slimmer to me.. other people have noticed it.
I’m fairly sure that if he slims down more, the mainstream press will say that he has some debilitating disease causing wasting. They will hint at AIDS.
Yes, he did that and more and they are so monstrously ungrateful , this is not America
Maybe it is and we just didn’t know
If President Trump doesn’t win, oh he will but if it’s not Stolen, we are done as a country
With nowhere to go
There is absolutely no where to go
Read about the Wollman Rink –
Trump was a Democrat for much of his life and they are getting even because he was not a corrupt Democrat and cared about the country. IMO his personality is garbage, but his heart is in the right place and he has brains.
If the Republicans would grow a pair, they’d sic the United States Attorney for whatever district she lives in on her the day after the next Republican is inaugurated as President and we’d find out how she likes it. I seem to recall an article with a title like “Every Citizen a Felon” which argued that we all breach some obscure federal law or another. The Democrats have adopted the Stalin philosophy of “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” the Republicans need to go into tit-for-tat mode sooner rather than later.
that’s a big, “if”
It’s called “Three Felonies a Day”
You need to quit thinking that the Republican Party can or will take on the Dems; they are brothers in corruption and they hate you, me and Donald Trump with equal passion. The D or R behind their names is meaningless.
The UniParty and the Deep State run this country and they’ll be damned if a bunch of smelly Americans led by a guy like Trump will wind back any of their power and wealth.
“… his success brought many players back into the New York real estate development market, driving the New York economy and helping to save New York from itself. ANd this is the thanks he gets …”
Jealousy and greed. And banana republic politics.
Having to be politically obedient is not democratic. It is the stuff of third world dictators.
A large group of truckers are planning to refuse to deliver any loads to NYC starting tomorrow as punishment for the crazy verdict and fine. This needs to be EXPANDED to the entire state, with 95% of truck drivers REFUSING to deliver shipments. Start with food. Starve the entire fucking state. Professor, buy your food in RI and drive it back to Ithaca. Good luck! I’m a retired Cornell engineer from CT – moved to GA and am loving it down here!
I already turned down a load into the state. I won’t go there.
Thank you for your service diver64!!
I won’t go into NY Metro or Long Island so just begging off the entire state isn’t a hardship for me. No California or Chicago either.
Thank you! I hope this legal act of disobedience gains traction and steam rolls across the country. I hope our Canadian trucker friends join in. This needs to be a movement.
I’m sure the drivers for the major freight lines will be compelled to go to New York. It’s good that the independent operators are doing this, but I don’t know if it’s anything more than a gesture. As it is, I wish all the good courteous truck drivers nothing but the best.
Every little bit helps. People should have realized how fragile our supply chain is during Covid. It doesn’t take much to disrupt it.
How about targeting Atlanta and Washington, DC, excuse being high crime?
The way these people pursue democracy and rule of law, it makes you wonder if they ever cared about either. No one that really believed in American liberal ideas would engage in such illiberal unAmerican, neo-Marxist acts. In the meanwhile, they are very dangerous to law abiding democrats.
I wonder how many articles are similar to this one are being composed and put on the internet across the conservative spectrum.
As for businesses leaving New York, I wonder if anybody’s going to start a website tracking which companies are pulling out. I would not be at all. Surprised to see at least 10 of the major financial houses move out of New York. I’m also wondering when the New York stock exchange will become the Dallas-Fort Worth stock exchange, the Atlanta stock exchange, or something similar.
The New York Stock exchange was decentralized before the 9/11 attack. That is why it could re-open so quickly. There is no real reason for it to remain there, other than sentimentality.
Move it somewhere but I would avoid Atlanta. Georgia is fine but Atlanta is on the path to follow NYC. Obviously everyone who reads this blog knows of the Fulton County DA’s insane persecution of Trump and Trump supporters. Violent crime is rampant in the metro area for the same reasons as most large blue cities. Atlanta also is a leader nationally in home takeovers by squatters with a staggering 2500 homes currently illegally occupied by squatters with little recourse for owners to evict them and next to no ability to recover lost rent or reimburse them for damages.
Atlanta was just an example name. Yes, the place is horrible and has been for years.
After going to Georgia and seeing Atlanta, I was ever so happy to go back home.
There are parts of Georgia that I really like. Atlanta, on the other hand, is nothing more than a Memphis in a different state. Maybe not quite as dirty, but it’s a horrible place.
I know that a guy named Joe Vranich did that many years ago for California. He is a relocation consultant and was a periodic guest on Fox Business.
With all the financial companies and hedge funds heading to Florida I think Miami is a good bet
Eventually, virtually all the hard-working taxpayers will move out of tyrannical states like New York and California. Their tax base will erode, and only the homeless and illegal immigrants will remain. This is a death spiral. How will those states pay for all the free benefits?
Short-term thinking brings long-term disaster.
How will they pay for it? The Feds will bail them out unless Trump wins.
In other news:
Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration quietly changed the state’s “Safety Net Assistance” program eligibility rules in May to allow non-citizens who have pending applications for asylum to receive benefits, making thousands of migrants eligible for the payments.
“…allow non-citizens who have pending applications for asylum to receive benefits …”
So the goal is to crash the system. They’re not worried about themselves. It’s the Progressive/Fabian Plan endgame.
“only the homeless and illegal immigrants will remain”
You forgot all the actors and actresses who vowed they would leave the US if…………………
They will use the Federal government to extend their reach. CA wants to tax people for leaving or maybe even after they leave.
my sometimes faulty memory thinks that SCOTUS has already opined in the negative when Ohio tried that back in the ’80s
I believe we have already seen Leftist states ignore Supreme Court rulings, particularly involving the Second Amendment, and with the Federal Executive in the Left’s hands and the Legislative being bloody worthless, SCOTUS is a mighty weak reed to lean one.
Subotai Bahadur
Didn’t New Jersey do that? If you sold your house there, you were charged a type of sales tax which was refunded if you bought another house in New Jersey. So if you left the state, you didn’t get a refund.
I love LOVE upstate NY. I attended Wells College, and spent all my social (at least the testosterone-filled parts) and religious life at Cornell. I would move back in an INSTANT. An instant. If the City would divest itself of the upstate rubes it hates so much. As it is, upstate is dead and has been for decades because of the policies that MIGHT MAYBE POSSIBLY work in the City but not in King’s Ferry or Lawton or even Rochester or Buffalo.
Don’t hate on the rest of the state too much. Trucker-boycott the city and the suburbs, but don’t lump in Binghamton or Troy or Potsdam with the City. The good people of upstate do not deserve that.
on another note, I buy my maple syrup from a farmer near Buffalo. Their entire lives work has been to grow and develop their sugar bush farm. They cannot take that with them if they leave. I have talked to her. She is encouraging ALL of her kids (8, if I remember correctly) to leave the state to start their adult lives. One son is staying cuz he had already bought his own sugar bush nearby, and he will help with working both as they age. But she told me she is sending her kids away, and this was 2 years ago we talked about this.
I flew into Buffalo on a day trip in 2015, to obtain a Nexus border pass via interview with U.S. and Canadia border authorities. The area was visibly economically depressed. The most notable structures in the city where a huge casino, and, a native American, tax-free liquor and cigarette store.
The Dhimmi-crats have had decades to revitalize western and upstate New York, and, haven’t done jack excrement. These areas are also, not coincidentally, fairly conservative and are as far removed from the insane Leftism, narcissism and excesses of Manhattan and Brooklyn, as any other state in the Union.
… Or the Syracuse area … please.
Micron Technology is building a large plant in the Syracuse area. If you look at Micron’s website you will see that it expresses a “deep, global commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion” and “providing equitable opportunities … to create lasting social impact.” Doesn’t sound like a good place to work or invest your funds.
Not on your life.
My son is a physician in upstate New York. Just received a job offer in another state. He’s gone from NY come June.
Tired of the bureaucracy, the taxes, the entitlement mentality of the people. Upstate New York may consider itself different from NYC, but it’s really not.
The money and brain drain aren’t going to help.
I agree. But how many of those problems you mentioned are because of the policies the CITY reps to the Assembly force on the rest of the state?
I concur. But one cannot differentiate what part of the pool the leftists urinated in.
I spent most of a year working in NYC and another year working far upstate, and the people were certainly poorer but not all that conservative, except as compared to the City.
I lived in Ithaca for 42 years. Two major leftist-controlled universities. Ten square miles surrounded by reality. Leftist government. Leftist schools.
Outside Ithaca, decent people. Farmers, vinyards, wineries, beautiful state parks.
years ago we did weekend ski tours to the Cornell area. loved it.
NY business owners shouldn’t worry as long as they keep contributing to Democrats and abandon any notion of running for office as Republicans.
Forget a Grand Jury, NY could get a Ham Sandwich convicted if it was a conservative.
Nicely written, Professor Jacobson. I share your sentiments.
I was born in NYC in 1977. I left in 2011. My folks still live there (they’re in their 80’s) and I worry about their safety. I’ve tried to convince them to leave, but, they’re really wedded to the city in a way that I never was.
I refuse on principle to live in a jurisdiction that perennially coddles criminals; imposes tyrannical, onerous and crushingly unfair taxation on productive workers and businesses; welcomes, funds and enables illegal alien; and, revels in all of the usual, obnoxiously totalitarian and destructive Dhimmi-crat schemes.
Carrying water for Trump the one man crime wave sad.
As for NY, sounds more like your politics than actual facts about the place. What a joke
Go away Biden
Dim-witted “BartE” is David Dinkins’ ghost, possibly — “Hey, having streets filled with brazen criminals; aggressive and belligerent homeless men, demanding money from drivers for “squeegeeing” their windshields with filthy water and a rag; and, rampaging mobs of homicidal blacks stabbing Jews with Nazi-like zeal, is a good thing!”
“One man crime wave”.
Of course, you have evidence of this, yes? Not mainstream media propaganda, but actual hard evidence, evidence that so-called law enforcement missed, else they would have brought criminal charges rather than a civil lawsuit.
You poor, deluded, brainwashed fool…
Read the room BarkE. You visit and make comments that aren’t welcome and are far off base.
Sarge, if BarkE was a differing viewpoint,fine; who wants an echo chamber. Or, a circle-….?
But, BarkE never really say anything backed with any sort of substance. It just is something that sounds like what a bot would have generated with technology from 10 years ago.
I concur.
I don’t like echo chambers. I am a firm believer in free speech, even that which makes others uncomfortable. I have even changed my mind on some matters when challenged with facts.
But BarkE does not add to the discussion or provide facts to dispute what others comment.
As I have stated before. BarkE is a puppy who drops his 💩 on the floor and barks so everyone can pet him because he’s so proud for soiling the carpet.
The thumbs show that at least he can pet himself.
Curious how trump’s business practices went unnoticed for most of his life in NY when he was voting for Dems and donating to Dems.
“Curious how” Standard NY “business practices went unnoticed for most of his life in NY when he was voting for Dems and donating to Dems.”
Pass Laws, ignore violations until it’s SOP. Then when you find the man, you can find a crime.
And yet here you are. Did you read the article? SMH.. I guess every blog gets a BartE, they just change names over the years.
Blogs get the ones that aren’t qualified to troll Reddit.
And Reddit is 90% rabid leftist. He’s a piker.
I never see BarkE, Thad Jarvis, or JR comment on the same thread. My guess? The same person, who is not adept at logging onto different accounts.
Please list the crimes Trump committed that resulted in the ridiculous judgement against him.
Actually, don’t bother. We all know there were none.
Pro tip, troll: be witty and glib, and have some humor.
You clearly possess none of these characteristics.
Therefore, begone.
I am sorry that the leftist media has done this to you.
BarkE’s mom dropped him on the floor after birth.
Show us on the doll where Trump hurt you, Bart.
Oops I accidentally upvoted. Don’t get too excited FartE.
Thanks! Now he will come back and 💩 on the floor again since he thought he did a good thing.
But, nice job rubbing his nose in it!
It’s gotten bad enough that the wife and I hate to even drive through the state but it is the only way to Northern New England unless you go way out to Michigan and enter Canada. That still leaves getting back into the US which is worse than getting into Canada unless your an illegal alien.
After 50 years as a lawyer, having represented 6 financial institutions and an untold number of borrowers, there’s no area of the law more fraught with disputes than property valuation. A good illustration is a 20X recovery of sworn appraisal testimony in a condemnation trial. My daughter’s in a Texas law school after we agreed that she reject a full ride from one in NYC. The future there looks very grim. The steady outmigration of producers, who’re being replaced by recipients, has a predictable and ugly ending.’
TY Markhum.
First hand experience is appreciated, very much.
Though slightly wide of the mark, the same daughter modeled in NYC for 2 years. She began regaling me with stories about the rat population so I told her, ” C’mon, you’re in a verry decent area of Manhattan”. In response, she sent photos and videos of rats on her doorstep, outside window sills, a nearby alleyway and adjoining street. It was a Holy Cow moment and helped lead to an agreement that she simply return home to Texas.
You don’t want to meet NYC’s unfriendly rats.
“A good illustration is a 20X recovery of sworn appraisal testimony in a condemnation trial.”
Not being a RE lawyer, I can’t interpret this, but it sounds interesting. I’ve been unable to use the phrase to find anything on the web. Can you offer a URL of a simple explanation?
There’s been a rush of black women showing themselves to be morons recently. I assume it’s because of DEI, what used to be called a perverse side effect.
There was a quote long ago whose attribution I’ve lost, praising the infinite sweetness of elderly black ladies. That was the old South probably.
Maya Angelou has partly plagiarized it but it wasn’t her quote.
Alvin Bragg and Letitia James ran and won on a platform of targeting Trump. There may be a few muted protests by intimidated business owners, but most New Yorkers that voted for one or both appear with the verdict.
This is not too different from the J6 trials in DC where harsh treatment, confinement without bail, guaranteed verdicts of guilty, and maximum penalties have been the rule.
I would expect similar prosecutorial behavior in most deep blue cities in the country, regardless of state. Do we think a jury in Austin, TX would decide much differently? How about Miami?
I think we can conclude that the Justice System in the U.S. has been thoroughly corrupted.
Newsweek just ran a high-dudgeon article about a GoFundMe account being opened by a MAGA to pay Trump’s fine. The comments column is stuffed with New York sheeple agreeing with them.
GoFundMe wil likely keep the money when they decide this collection campaign violates their standards.
GiveSendGo is the better bet I hear…
I believe threats of lawsuits taught them their lesson when they attempted to do much the same thing with the Canadian truckers’ funds.
I’ve never been to NY. Would’ve liked to see the Statue of Liberty and a few other items of historical interest. Not now.
It is funny. when I first went to NYState in the early 90s, everyone back home was telling me how dangerous the city was, to be safe, thinking I was the next victim of a mugging. I was 200 miles away in a village of 500 people. But when I did go into the city on day trips, it was beautiful and fun and SAFE. I was there in the middle of the Giuliani years. I have great memories of Central Park and Thanksgiving parades…. It makes me sad to see it revert to the NYC of the 70s and 80s and then surpass that crime and degeneracy.
I last visited the state in 2017. I will not be going back.
I used to go into the city on occasion for business meetings about ten years ago. I kept vigilant and never had any issues. It was fun. I wouldn’t go there now.
Now it just reeks of shyte all the time. NYC is an open sewer.
Shootout in bronx subway this morning. Six victims.
How’s that defund the police working out for you NY? Dial 911 and leave message at tone, mayor adams is smiling.
Trump got off easy with only a bill or attainder. Most NY victims are shot or stabbed.
These black prosecutors aren’t smart enough to charge Trump for a takeout hamburger. They were chosen by their puppet masters because their skin tone provides a huge layer of insulation.
The Rotten Apple needs a solution only the likes of Snake Plisken could understand .
The trucker’s boycott isn’t enough. Until tunnels and bridges are blocked NYC will continue to exist in the vein of Tammany Hall.
b/c once trump falls
they are HOPING that no one will even try to fill his shoes and lead pro western americans to taking back the country
they want trump in a jail cell so he can meet up with a hillary operative ala eps
the gop sits on the sidelines and the ones that raise cain about it
then find themselves with charges of their own ( the mat gaetz “issue” comes to mind)
Funny how they fail to see the similarity between their treatment of a political opponent and that of Navalny. And still go on about Russia, Russia, Russia with a straight face.
as poster rhardin stated:
“rush of black women”
they are also touted as welfare state successes ..or at least thats the optic to be given
then to further that….black males are not only the leaders of the crimes ( per capita) in the usa
but then these same bl wymon get to show their love by giving light if any at all sentencing
the downplaying of crimes ( look at how long this whole kc cheifs party shootings is taking) is the
black women paying back the black men THEY ABANDONED VIA THE
be it the men or more likely
the children of those men
b/c the wont blame the sperm donators as they are seen as victims of the
white supremacists and backed up by the Biden DOJ
in which of course the “justice” is really just emotional>>revenge
the next goal is to collapse the economic money system so that it can all be
and what was /is being called reparations will be called something nicer like a
RE-BALANCING OF NATURE or some sh like that
its here and happening and will continue and the burning of cities will continue should any power struggles appear
“[T]he days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.”
Understand that Trump is not the target; YOU are the target. Trump is only in the way.
Letitia James could well have said, and certainly meant, “The days of business people are coming to an end.”
nope, the guv said the quiet part out loud,..this only applies to Trump
The funny thing is, either claiming that or denying it hangs her, just with different ropes.
They spelled Kulak wrong
Here in Florida I assist my local Republican Party in registering voters. What we see is that people we register or who have recently registered or who tell us they will be registering soon once they move here is that there state (CA, NY, Illinois, etc.) is so far gone that Florida is the main destination now. We are on track to hit over 1 million more active Republican voters than Democrats here. Apparently some liberals are willing to leave Florida to go back to New York (good riddance) because we are accused of the usual names. So, yes, if you come here from New York, get off your butt and make sure you help us register voters and run for office and don’t bring any liberal NY nonsense here,
Thank you for your service!
Yep. This time around a great many finally figured it out. And are voting for freedom.
“By and large, they are honest people and they’re not trying to hide their assets and they’re following the rules,” she said of the people who own and conduct business in the New York City area.”
Trump was convicted of inflating the value of real estate.
That’s precisely the opposite of hiding assets.
Why not tax him on his valuation? That was never the goal. The do this because they CAN. Using obscure laws to get their way. They know that the Feds have their backs. They will do this and more until they either completely control everything or are vanquished.
The movie “Escape From New York” was never supposed to be a documentary and instruction manual on how to escape from New York.
When Lee Van Cleef and Snake show up we know we have a problem
No.. an instruction manual of keeping them IN!
Don’t forget the former state of California, now, PDRK (People’s Democratic Republic of Kalifornia)
We have one commenter that is absent … Milhouse. Milhouse lives for and by The Law….. it is his life. Everything the judge did was “legal” … by the book. Why isn’t he defending The Law and taking us to task? This is not to dismiss his position but a reminder that The Law may and in this case, is a weapon intended to be used by the Left just as the were…. just like the invented extension of the limitation solely to get Trump. We have seen the institutions used as weapons… not the test of validity of an idea… but the sole goal of eliminating all but one ideology.
I haven’t had anything to contribute. There haven’t been any interesting questions, just a piling on which is only slightly exaggerated. Prof J makes a good point, that the fact that an AG campaigned on a platform of “lock him up” says a lot about the state.
As for this conviction, I expect it to be overturned on appeal. I hope it is. But that still leaves the fact of the prosecution, which wouldn’t have happened to most people. I believe Hochul when she said that most people don’t have to worry about it, but “most” is not “all”. In particular, the host she was addressing, John Catsimatidis, is a rich man, an active Republican, and is stuck in NY because his business can’t be moved. If he were to step on the wrong toes he could be the next one to be made an example of.
A number of wise people advised the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre to reincorporate outside New York, way back when it would actually have worked. But apparently those tedious tailor appointments kept getting in the way.
I think they know they’ll fail. They just want the short term payoff for the election. Like the last 7 years.
The process is the punishment.
Hochul, and before her Randy Andy both declared out loud in public that NY State “wasn’t for” “the wrong kind of people.”
Whatever laws, conventions, or compact prevail in NY State, they do not extend to all the people, all the citizens, or anybody resident.
“a reminder that The Law may and in this case, is a weapon intended to be used by the Left”
We shouldn’t need the reminder.
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”
Can someone with some actual legal knowledge enlighten me?
This case is State v. Trump. It is at equity, not for a legal remedy of actual damages.
Apparently, as long as a prosecutor and judge agree, the state can confiscate without limit, and require performance even as a condition of appeal.
How is this not a subterfuge that renames a criminal action an equitable one? Penal fines are a form of criminal sanction. Does the requirement to tender a half a billion dollars to even appeal create a federal cause of action alleging deprivation of due process under color of law?
Or maybe it has always been this way, just no one had the cojones to try it at this magnitude.
born and raised in Philly. left in 1980. never looked back. never will go back.
Trump has to cough up hundreds of millions of dollars in order to appeal. The only way is a fire sale of real estate and Leftist billionaires are lining up to take a discounted piece of Trump’s wealth. There is only one answer to that… Elon Musk.
This is Dred Scott V2.0
Surely even that is grounds for appeal?? 🤷♂️
All based on one partisan ‘judge’s’ summary judgement based on ridiculous numbers with no opportunity to reply it. Ah, New Just-Us
After doing a bit of reading it seems Trumps only hope of not coughing up a few hundy million is to sue in a federal court and go straight to appeal to have it set aside and straight on to the Supreme Court to hear the case.
Seems if the Supreme Court had some actual conservative judges they’d step in without waiting to be called upon to see every fucking Democrat inspired lawfare aimed only a Trump aside and declare President Trump, like every fucking President before him, has absolute immunity from prosecution for any fucking crime Democrats can think up.
Ditto. NY born, raised, and educated. Left a long time ago, but kept family summer home upstate until 2021. So exhilarating not to have to file NY state income tax returns any more (no such thing here in FL).
Kathy Hochul is abominably stupid to say something like that, but then again she did win. New York is like that because New Yorkers are like that, and it will get even worse as more normies flee.
For example, during her gubernatorial campaign debate with Lee Zeldin, Zeldin pointed out the high and persistent level of crime in the state. Her response was “I don’t know why this is so important to you.” That should have been a deal breaker right there, but the voters didn’t agree.
Zeldin should have responded “Why? Because I was attacked by a knife-wielding assailant at a campaign stop just a few weeks ago. Why? Because there was a shootout among juvenile thugs right in front of my house in Shirley while my family was home. Is that enough for you?”
Already have the house, leaving mid year. Negotiated my final years working as remote as did my wife. Taking our 401K, small pensions & savings elsewhere. Going to pay full year NYS tax just to avoid the hassle and then that is it. Two less taxpayers.
Congratulations! But:
Sadly, working remote doesn’t exempt you from NYS income tax if you are working for a NYS company. I paid NYS income tax for 6 years while living in FL.
What the hell is wrong with you blaming New York?
The court that screwed Alex Jones wasn’t in New York.
The problem isn’t a place–it’s a party, an ideology.
It is the Democrats and the left.
Face it, they want you to leave. that gives them a bigger majority. they are paid by the taxpayer so they don’t care about the economy.