The Unbelievable Nerve of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC Censoring Trump for Supposedly Saying ‘Untrue Things’
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The Unbelievable Nerve of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC Censoring Trump for Supposedly Saying ‘Untrue Things’

The Unbelievable Nerve of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC Censoring Trump for Supposedly Saying ‘Untrue Things’

“Maddow’s suggestion that MSNBC eschews falsehoods is itself untrue. She and her network have repeatedly broadcast lies and false accusations as news, in many cases about Trump.”

After Trump’s significant win in the Iowa Caucuses this week, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC declared that her network would not air Trump’s remarks, saying, “There is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.”

MSNBC spent four solid years promoting the Russia collusion hoax and every other anti-Trump conspiracy they could find. Nothing was too crazy for them. Rachel Maddow made a fortune pushing anti-Trump lunacy on her show five nights a week.

In April 2019, I asked this question: Why Isn’t Rachel Maddow Treated Like Other Crazy Conspiracy Theorists?

There are two major differences between Rachel Maddow and Alex Jones. The first is that Rachel Maddow has never suffered any consequences for pushing conspiracy theories. The second is that Alex Jones has been right sometimes.

Drew Holden and Thaleigha Rampersad of the Washington Free Beacon have a great article and video to go with this:

WATCH: Rachel Maddow Says MSNBC Won’t Broadcast ‘Untrue Things.’ That’s Untrue.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow announced live on-air on Monday that she would not cut to President Donald Trump’s victory speech in the Iowa caucuses, explaining: “There is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.”

It’s a line Maddow has repeatedly used before to justify blackballing Trump, the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

“We are here to bring you the news,” Maddow claimed in June, as Trump was addressing his first federal indictment. “It hurts our ability to do that if we live-broadcast what we fully expect in advance to be a litany of lies and false accusations—no matter who says them.”

But Maddow’s suggestion that MSNBC eschews falsehoods is itself untrue. She and her network have repeatedly broadcast lies and false accusations as news, in many cases about Trump.

Watch the video; this is excellent:

It should also be noted that Joe Biden and members of his team, like Karine Jean-Pierre, lie on camera on an almost daily basis, but this MSNBC standard has never applied to them.

Jen Psaki, who used to work for the Biden administration and now works for MSNBC, promoted the lie that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinfo. How is she employed at a network that claims to care about not promoting untrue things?

Their game has been exposed, and no one is buying it anymore.

MSNBC is a sad joke, and the people who work there are the only ones who don’t get it.


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Rachel Madcow is a perfect that in the midst of psychosis even the most unrealistic delusions will be believed.

We used to commit the mentally ill to medical institutions. Today, we give them cable TV shows.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | January 19, 2024 at 9:30 am

Hey Rachel, find that pee-pee tape yet?

It’s an entertainment business catering to people who want to live in that soap opera narrative. In the 60s people bought tabloids to find out the latest about Liz and Richard, a fictional life they chose to be theirs.

The right is not free of the effect either.

MSNBC is to news what pro wrestling is to sports.

Rachel, it isn’t 1917 Russia anymore. Izvestia, you and MSNBC aren’t.

    Blackwing1 in reply to Whitewall. | January 19, 2024 at 10:33 am

    No, they are the Dem-wing “Pravda”, which translates as “Official Truth”.

    You know, as opposed to objective truth.

The major differences between AJ and RM goes deeper than that. First ask how CNN manages to stay on air in a free market with hardly anybody watching (except those stuck an airport gate) and the only answer that makes sense is that the government is bundling and shuffling money to CNN and other networks. In return, the media becomes the mouthpiece for the government (specifically, Democrats).

It’s not lies that are being promoted, it is a propaganda operation being executed.

    henrybowman in reply to George S. | January 19, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    I haven’t been an in airport (by choice) for 20+ years. DIdn’t I hear that CNN lost its airport contract?

Racist Madcow

Mr. LaChance: what’s “unbelievable” about Ms. Maddow’s nerve?

I don’t think that word means what you think it means…

IMO, the real concern of Maddow is that if the viewers get to listen to what Trump really has to say then they will realize that MSNBC has been lying to them

MSNBC is an entertainment outlet that deals in saucy, titillating, gossip uttered by ‘informed,’ ‘thoughtful’ performers with command of its own subject matter jive talk and chatter. It is the exact same thing as Entertainment Tonight, one of the ESPNs, Love After Lock Up or one of the Real Wives franchises. Not better, not worse – the same, a production clone.

It has its star top performers, its second raters, and supporting cast of bobble head sycophants. It sucks-up, it trash talks just like the rest of them. It flatters itself because it gets to use the names of high visibility politicians and words like democracy, insurrection, and impeachment are a part of its lexicon, but at the end of the day, it’s a gossip column. It just doesn’t work the crowd on the sidewalk or have a cooking session with frying pans like one of the morning shows.

    Paul in reply to Owego. | January 19, 2024 at 12:48 pm

    they should at least hire people who are pleasant to look at. this thing looks like an ugly dude in drag.

    Owego in reply to Owego. | January 19, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    Further, why the outrage? “The Unbelievable Nerve of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC” for “ Censoring Trump for Supposedly Saying Untrue Things.” Sheesh, what is it about the bores at 4th rate MSNBC that are so angering? What could this sorry jabberer on this sorry network possibly say that warrants a headline and piece on LI? Talk about elevating mediocrity.

    Rarely a viewer of any television, much less “news” channels, I’m unfamiliar with virtually any of its personalities. That said, gossip about these gossips that comes around always seems to center upon who’s out, who’s in, who’s sleeping with whom, and how the next round of management’s going to halt some tanking network’s ratings.

    Good lord, MSNBC begins its day by presenting hours(!) of Morning Joe and his squeeze surrounded by their clutch of nodding puppies and wraps up its day with more hours(!) of whatever Maddow is. What MSNBC could possibly bookend all day with these two collections of flop-jaws is unknown to me, but I suspect Donald Trump could mostly give a rat’s pitute. Don’t elevate the trivial.

Huh, this leftist clown is still on the air. I forgot all about her. Been many years since I cut the cord. Looks like I’m still not missing anything.

Maddow is utterly insufferable, a disgusting human being.

I guess it forgot about the lies of the Russia dossier and the Tax forms it illegally obtained.

Maddow is the poster boy for the DNC. She has no shame or sense of embarrassment. Hypocrisy is unknown to all leftists yet they are masters of it. One thing we have all learned in our lives is that when someone says “Trust me” we know we are about to be lied to.

To the college educated, especially women (a sexist would say), that Maddow and her friends are, and cater to, it IS truth, even if out of touch with reality.

What about the constant litany of lies you told about the coof ‘vaccine’ you vapid whore?

She has an future in comic acting. Being able to say that without laughing is amazing.

I remember when MSNBC didn’t suck. Then, starting around 2005, they jumped on the crazy train and have never looked back.

    henrybowman in reply to Virginia42. | January 19, 2024 at 2:03 pm

    On the day they were created, and we learned that the MS stood for Microsoft, I knew they were destined to be the dumpster fire of journalism.

Unfortunately, a lot of independent voters get their news solely from MSNBC and the NY Times. All they know about Trump’s views is what they are fed.

They never get to watch a full segment of a Trump speech or any populist opinions. They only get told that Trump and or conservatives spewed hateful lies full of racist dog whistles etc. Even when they do include an actual quote, they look into their crystal ball and tell viewers what he or populist/conservative speakers/writers really mean.

Much of the non wacko segment of the American public is never exposed to the real world but instead consume non stop leftist/globalist propaganda.

Want a test? Ask your non woke but liberal leaning friend or relative about any of the outrageous actions of the FBI, DOJ or blue city judges and courts. They won’t have idea about what you are talking about as they have never heard or seen any factual news on key issues of the day.

How dare anybody say untrue things. That’s Rachel Maddow and msnbc’s job

I suspect that the irony of Maddow’s statement, “There is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things” is wasted on her and the rest of MSNBC and what ever loyal viewers that can retain.

Lies or not, Trump is a major public figure and former president. The public has an interest in what he says. If he’s lying, won’t Maddow just tell us about it?

Maddow is a slave to our overlords, who decide for us what is good, and what is not good, to hear. It’s not that they distrust our ability to tell the difference. Quite the contrary, they know we can. Their hope is that by not allowing us to hear the truth, we will not be able to discern their lies.