Rachel Maddow Suggests Trump Voters Support Him Because They Want a Dictator
“You’ll have a strongman leader, and I’ll just do what I want. Won’t that be a lot simpler?”

Fresh off of denying MSNBC viewers the opportunity to hear Trump’s remarks after winning the Iowa Caucuses, Rachel Maddow joined former Joe Biden employee Jen Psaki on Tuesday to suggest that Trump voters want a dictator, and that’s why they support him.
Don’t you love it when someone who wouldn’t be caught dead voting Republican presumes to speak for Republican voters?
FOX News reports:
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predicts country doomed if Trump wins again: ‘That’s the end of politics’
MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow claimed Monday that former President Trump’s re-election pitch is that he will be a strongman leader who will end politics in the U.S. if given the chance.
“Donald Trump is not leading the Republican Party and leading the Republican field of candidates because of his youthful vigor or because of his eloquence. None of that is going on,” Maddow told Jen Psaki, the former White House press secretary for President Biden and her current colleague at MSNBC.
Maddow argued that Trump is increasingly being honest about his dictatorial ambitions to his base.
“What he’s offering is what he both inherently offers and now, more and more, explicitly offers, which is that ‘if you pick me, that’s the end of politics,'” Maddow said.
The MSNBC anchor summarized the deal that American voters would get in the scenario that Trump wins the 2024 election and causes, in her view, the collapse of the American political system.
“You won’t have to deal with politics anymore. You won’t have to deal with contested elections. You won’t have to deal with contests or divisions when it comes to power. You’ll have a strongman leader, and I’ll just do what I want. Won’t that be a lot simpler?” Maddow said, paraphrasing Trump’s re-election pitch.
Former CNN potato Brian Stelter was clearly impressed with all this ‘news’ coverage and posted the video to Twitter/X:
Rachel @Maddow describing Trump's dictator-worshiping pitch to voters: "If you pick me, that'll be the end of politics, and you won't have to deal with politics anymore. You won't have to deal with contested elections, you won't have to deal with contests or divisions when it… pic.twitter.com/DuJxENLOJJ
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 23, 2024
Other people offered their thoughts.
Scary. If he's elected he might start throwing candidates off ballots, pressure tech companies to censor the opposition, and ignore the Supreme Court. https://t.co/bubcl8sGmp
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) January 23, 2024
Yes, because Democrats are known for their bipartisanship and meekness when it comes to using executive power. https://t.co/yPw5rM0vCM
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) January 23, 2024
I don’t think most people understand just how deranged the rhetoric is being consumed by the wealthiest and most powerful people in this country, like the MSNBC audience. This is the message day in and day out, that the uneducated poor rubes basically want to vote for Hitler. https://t.co/MWCBj1dFk0
— a newsman (@a_newsman) January 23, 2024
It's been 8 years and they're still butthurt about HRC losing to the man she *wanted* to run against. TDS is a helluva thing.
The ridiculous, hyperbolic overreaction to Trump from these folks is much more dangerous than Trump himself. https://t.co/XVSCMdRVe4
— Totally Not Spencer Corbyn, online safety expert (@spencercorbyn1) January 23, 2024
This is just the continuation of a mental breakdown for Maddow that began on election night in 2016.
If Trump pulls off another win in November, Maddow may need to retire to a quiet place that offers basket weaving.
Featured image via YouTube.

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That young man’s anger has devolved into delusion and hysteria.
It is amazing (not) how coordinated this “dictator” message has erupted, while simultaneously ignoring the dictatorial actions of Biden et al.
Yeah, ya might even think it’s sorta coordinated, wouldn’t cha?
From the Democrats’ own saint,
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Pure projection of their own actions, standard Alinsky approach. Unfortunately far too many buy it hook, line, and sinker then stand around looking at the sky wondering why it’s falling.
Err no – Trump has indicated at every turn that he has an authoritarian streak. He literally declared he was going to be a dictator on day one if he wins the presidency. He wrote love letter to NK dictator, he has been found to be an insurrectionist.
Every “leader” has an authoritarian streak. Some just keep it in check better and more often than others. Some never try to check it,
This kind of handwaving away of objective reality is really silly.
Garbage. I have watched rally after rally by that man. He uses them as a polling device. He tries one line after another, and listens — carefully! — to the reaction.
I can’t get over starting with “That young man” LMAO
I’m always amazed with the fascination the left press has with Ricky who about 100,000 at last count watch? Seriously?
What an a-hole.
Wanting to not have our electoral choices dictated to us is the same as wanting a dictatorship
The balls on this guy.
Who is this dude and why do you give him airtime?
Progressive = Projection
The d/prog campaign in ’24 is gonna essentially be a mix between a Santa Claus campaign of more ‘free stuff’; student loan forgiveness and so on along with an equal part of fear ‘DJT is literally Hitler’, the GoP gonna throw old folks off the cliff. Once we get past the nominating conventions its gonna be 24/7 messaging.
Not to mention the Never-Trump TDS from the so-called “Republican” side of the house. I know more libertarians and independents who plan to vote for Trump, compared to some of the “Republicans” who won’t.
TBH, I would have preferred DeSantis. But I have always stated that I will vote for whoever the Republican candidate is, because I won’t vote for a Democrat.
I’ll get a chance to vote for DeSantis in 2028.
as a registered indie I plan to vote
for Trump again …. 3rd time …
I have said I will vote for whoever the Rep. nominee is however
if it is Hindu Hillery (Nikki) I will vote down ballot but will not vote for her.
Good point. But even if Nimrata gets the nomination, she wouldn’t be Republican. She would be a Democrat.
Democrats voted for her and Democrat donors are supporting her.
Some people vote based on results and it’s pretty easy to measure Trump’s results against the shit-show we’re dealing with now.
No, we want Trump to utilize his legal executive power to the fullest and not just be a puppet for the Deep Sewer’s bureaucracy.
Though, it’s easy to see how useful idiots would interpret that as a “dictatorship”.
They just don’t want to trade off their dictator for our perceived dictator.
All is good when they are in control.
Can you cite an actual reason why you think Biden is a Dictator?
I can. Who do you think implemented mandatory experimental vaccines?
Short-cropped hair, dressed in black. Someone is playing the deviant fascist a bit too strongly. Tone it down Rachel. Less is more.
No, Rachel, we want a government that will monitor and censor speech, weaponize the DOJ, open the borders, remain neutral on Middle-East terrorism, promote sexual deviation, and . . . er, . . . wait, . . . I think we ALREADY have those!
Never mind!
“Maddow may need to retire….”
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please win Trump! Does that need a few more pleases? Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please win Trump!
Rep. Dean Phillips on meeting MAGA for the first time.
“I gotta tell you guys, I went to a Donald Trump rally a couple of nights ago. I’ve never been to one. I had an event across the street. I saw the line of people waiting in the cold for hours.”
“And I thought what the heck. I’m going to be a leader who actually invited people, doesn’t condemn them.”
“Met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line. Every single one of them: thoughtful, hospitable, friendly. Al of them so frustrated that they feel nobody is listening to them, except Donald Trump.”
“A diverse crowd, people that have never been to a Trump event before.”
“My party is completely delusional!”
Is this person a complete idiot, or just a gaslighting c*nt?
The lack of self-awareness is staggering. She spews diarrhea from her mouth about a ‘strongman doing what he wants.’ Was she not paying attention during 8 years of Obama with his ‘phone and pen?’ Is she not paying attention while Biden* simply ignores SCOTUS rulings and waives away tens of billions of student loans, or ignores his oath of office and utterly ignores the law on our borders. I could cite dozens of other examples, but this fool will never learn.
Yeah, it is both an idiot AND a gaslighting c*nt.
I’ll take gaslighting c^nt for $2,000 Alex…
Embrace the power of AND…
it is ok with them when THEY do it…
Mockingbird media.
She represents the thinking of most women. That’s why the best government is a republic in which only financially independent, European stock men should be allowed to vote.
The current President and most Dem politicians are “financially independent, European stock men” and they are as emotionally driven and irrational as any young female in the throes of adolescence. I would also think most of the pretend women in the trans delusion are of the same stock, and probably most of them have jobs too.
Your sex and race-based theory would hardly be the cure-all you imagine it to be.
Yours is a perfect example of the illogical thought process I was criticizing. One must deal with the behavior of certain populations as a whole; not cherry picked individual cases.
That is a total repudiation of the concept of due process.
Rather, we should go exactly the other way, with current collectively-based privileges (age of majority, age of emancipation, employable age, etc.) based instead on individual examination and evaluation. Age of majority, in particular, would be a two-edged sword — I know some 60-year-olds who shouldn’t be let outside without a guardian, never mind voting.
The ugly truth is there would be a profound difference in electoral outcomes. In ’20 women voted for Biden 57% and Trump 42%. Note I am NOT suggesting this course of action nor agreeing with the sentiment…. but I also won’t deny the reality that such a huge change in the composition of the electorate wouldn’t lead to a profound difference in the outcome of elections.
It’s no coincidence that the age of emancipation movements coincided with the age of socialist movements.
I really hate that you’re right about that. The population numbers are clear, even though the women in my family are dynamic, brilliant, man-likers.
I would settle for limiting voting to net taxpayers.
That at least would elimiate the “gimmiedat” vote.
It would also cut your own throat by eliminating most Social Security recipients.
I think it would be a net gain.
Hardly. Most women aren’t butch.
E Howard Hunt, who walks with his knuckles dragging on the ground.
Ahhhh fuck!!!!
JRs meds wore off again.
Where’s that damned orderly?
“European stock?” Is that the new term for it? Say what you mean, E Howard Hunt… only white men should be able to vote, and then only if they pass your vague “financially independent” standard.
And yet it was good enough for Madison, Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton, and other names we know, and they were anything but vague about it.
Kipling had something to say about that:
“East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, ’till earth and sky stand presently, at God’s Great Judgment Seat.
But there is neither East nor West, nor border, nor breed nor birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, whether they come from the ends of the Earth!
–I would add the same is true of strong women, but R. Kipling might disagree.
In case it missed it. We have a dictator and it missed it.
“If Trump pulls off another win in November, Maddow may need to retire to a quiet place that offers basket weaving”
From your (digitalized) lips to God’s ears, please!
* I take some small consolation from the fact that even my spell-checker doesn’t recognize ‘Maddow’….
I don’t know but I strongly suspect that Maddow could honestly say “Nobody I know voted for Trump.” She doesn’t talk to such people and she would certainly not listen to them or make the slightest attempt to understand them.
She may sincerely believe what she’s saying. I say that because she lives in a different world. As the old saying goes, a frog in a well knows nothing of the sea.
These people are demented, their brains are so warped they wouldn’t know truth and reality if it hit them over the head. 50 years ago they’d be in a mental institute…but the geniuses closed most of them under the guise of equity.
If elected, I hope Trump goes full dictatorial.
If he made only a single campaign promise –- televising the live woodchipping of Rachel Maddow — he would cement my vote even if I had to write him in.
One of the things I truly like and respect about Trump in office is that he had a meticulous respect for the law. American law is a great contribution to humanity.
I wonder why nobody has brought up the fact that Trump has already BEEN President, and during his Presidency he didn’t do any of the dictatorial things they accuse him (and us) of wanting.
By “dictatorial” Maddow means Trump will use the law to go after his persecutors by having them charged with actual crimes. When Dems don’t get to Dem the way they want, that’s considered “tyranny.”
And “Dem-ing” the way they do want is called “Our Democracy.”
Which is really “their democracy” because nobody but communist retards is supposed to have any say.
More canonically, Muh Democracy.
Which he didn’t do the first time, even though he’d repeatedly promised to.
Just when you began to believe she had already reached Peak Stupid, she goes and raises the bar yet again.
Never underestimate the depths to which human stupidity will sink, they will prove you wrong every time.
She’s not really upset, you all do realize. The people at MSNBC/CNN/ABC/NBC/CBS want Donald Trump to win so they can pretend to be “the resistance” again ,and regain their fake status of being the noble, intelligent and virtuous opposition. They are only really happy when they have their boogey man to hate. Also Trump is gang busters for their ratings. No MSNBC are excited to see him win, and are overjoyed at all the insane and over the top TMZ style “reporting” they can now rope more viewers into to.
The people who love Chinese government say I want a Dictatorship
Maddow doesn’t mind a dictator, as long as it’s her dictator
Dictator? I thought she said Dick Tater!
But she’s a Lez Bean!
I believe I saw Dick (drums) and Lez (tenor sax) play with Miles Davis at Montreux back in the 70s.
If we wanted a dictator in the white house, we could just keep the pedophile in the white house right now. He did a really good Hitler impression when he tried to force experimental, poorly tested “vaccines” on everybody, whether they needed them or not, whether they would be harmful or not. This is simply leftists projecting their own inner fascism and autocracy on people who have no such inclinations. Most folks on the right would rather just be left alone.
If I wanted a dictator, I would vote for Zhou Bai-Den.
Rachel Maddow aka Dieter
Her categories are tiresome! Let’s DANCE!
Maddow, like many d/prog kool aid drinking true believers, has a habit of projection.
The Democrats CLEARLY want a dictator.
Even if I bought the BS that Trump was going to be a dictator, if it were a choice between Dictator Trump and Dictator Biden, I’d still pick Trump.
Because if dictators are our only option, then I’m picking the one that’s nominally on our side.
I wonder if she, Rachel, and Anne Coulter have ever shared a room.
This has to be the weakest part of the entire article:
“Don’t you love it when someone who wouldn’t be caught dead voting Republican presumes to speak for Republican voters?”
Not a single Republican would be caught dead voting Republican, after all. Although some allege that a couple of them have been caught voting Democrat while dead in some parts of the US…
Maddoe is invoking woke fantasies
Just what is one to make of Rachel Madow? She holds herself out to be a “Journalist”.
The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language defines “Journalism” as follows:
journalism /jûr′nə-lĭz″əm/
1.The collecting, writing, editing, and presenting of news or news articles.
2.Material written for publication or broadcast as news.
3.The business of a journalist; the occupation of writing for, editing, or producing a newspaper or public journal; the diffusion of intelligence or of opinions by means of journals or newspapers and periodicals.
What Madow is doing here is NONE of those things. She is, instead, SLANDERING Donald J. Trump by KNOWINGLY and WILLFULLY inventing false accusations and charges out of whole cloth. Even worse, Madow KNOWS, for a FACT CERTAIN that there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that any of the claims, accusations and charges made by her have any basis in reality or fact. She simply hates the man and she hates those who support him. Those supporters amount to about half the voters in this country.
That NBC not only tolerates this tortuous behavior but actively encourages it should gives us all pause. That NBC is not alone in this sort of behavior should cause the stockholders, viewers and subscribers to their various services to seriously reconsider how they invest and spend their money. These streaming services and broadcasters are NOT acting in the Public Interest. They are an extension of the Democrat Political Campaign apparatus and should cease being governed by the FCC and come under the regulation of the Federal Election Commission.
Rachel Maddow says. Joseph Goebbels says. Baghdad Bob says. Lord Haw Haw says. Tokyo Rose says. What’s the difference other than Maddow adding the additional lie that she’s a “journalist”?
We are voting for Trump because it might give Rachel Madcow a stroke.
I’ve not got a good count.
Is Dark Brandon on track to match The One’s inventory of smackdowns from The Supremes for overreach?
You know after his inevitable reelection, and beating similar odds again, against out running old age for the whole term.
“You’re awake by the way,
You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream.
Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell.
This is your life now.
This is our election now.
This is us; this is our country.
It’s real.”
Make Rachel cry some more.