Police Arrest Hundreds of the Anti-Israel Protesters Who Obstructed Traffic in New York City
“Some people are not just driving to and from, across our bridges to go to their place of employment, some of them are dealing with some real emergency-type issues”

Anti-Israel protesters decided it would be a great idea to block roads, tunnels, and bridges in New York City on Monday. After all, it’s not like people who live and work in Manhattan have places they need to get to, right?
Fortunately for the rest of us, the story ended happily as hundreds of these folks were arrested.
ABC News in New York reported:
325 arrested after Pro-Palestinian protesters block major bridges, Holland Tunnel
Hundreds of arrests were made after pro-Palestinian protesters blocked traffic on the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges as well as the Holland Tunnel on Monday morning.
The NYPD’s chief of patrol said in total 325 people were arrested after the protests. In lieu of summons, many will face misdemeanor charges with a desk appearance ticket.
Around 9:30 a.m. Monday, the protesters blocked New Jersey-bound lanes of the Holland Tunnel.
Port Authority police responded and arrested 120 protesters before the tunnel reopened to traffic just after 10:30 a.m.
The Brooklyn Bridge reopened to traffic shortly before 11 a.m. while the Manhattan and Williamsburg bridges reopened just before 11:30 a.m.
At the Williamsburg Bridge, some protesters had to be cut free from the bridge before they were arrested.
Mayor Eric Adams commented on their choice of protest locations and said people shouldn’t be blocking streets in New York.
The Hill reports:
New York Mayor Eric Adams (D) made remarks following the local arrests, according to local news outlets, expressing his support for the right to protest but saying that does not give people the right to block bridges and traffic.
“The goal is to peacefully protest without doing major disruption to the city. Some people are not just driving to and from, across our bridges to go to their place of employment, some of them are dealing with some real emergency-type issues,” Adams said, per ABC7. “I have been extremely clear: It gives us all pain to see innocent lives being lost right now. We need to do whatever is possible to end anything that is going to take the lives of innocent people, but Hamas must be destroyed, they are a terrorist organization.”
Here’s a video report from NBC in New York:
It is beginning to look like these protesters are not even trying to win people over to their side. They’re just trying to exert their dominance. They want to show people they can do whatever they want without consequences.
Featured image via YouTube.

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May I suggest re-opening Rykers to store all these hundreds pending their arraignments and trials?
I’m wondering if they will actually be prosecuted. It is NY, after all.
If the recent past is any predictor, they will all receive settlement checks for their inconvenience.
We need the trial bar to step up and start bringing civil suits for false imprisonment.
Water, no food, let they hunt rats at Ryker’s.
I’m glad to see this. Now, they need to be given the max amount of time allowed by law. I don’t think they will, but I didn’t think they’d even be arrested.
Desk appearance tickets do nothing to solve the problem. The protesters who violated the law need to be charged, arraigned, and tried. The prosecutors have to take this seriously enough to get convictions and then push for some jail time. Even 30 days would be a reasonable message and a deterrent for the future.
Desk appearance tickets deter nothing.
Oh please, even if they are charged, arranged, and tried all they’ll get is token slaps on the hand and be told not to be naughty again. There will be no jail time. There will be no significant fines. They’ll all get off basically scot free and that will be the end of it. Until they pull another lunatic stunt. Then it’ll be the same slap on the hand etc. Guaranteed.
They were arrested. Which means they were also identified, Which means they were stripped of the masks they use to hide behind and escape retribution and a record.
Mug shots are very useful things.
They need to be arrested, tried, sentenced to some time in Rikers, and in the appropriate cases, be deported for violating the terms of their visas
Why give them the privilege of a trial. They should be treated in exactly the same manner that the Jan 6th protesters have been treated. They should all be rounded up by the authorities, thrown in prison without charges, without legal representations, without bail for two or three years. And then perhaps brought in front of a judge to be charged. What’s good enough for the Jan 6th protestors should be good enough for them.
I’m kinda fond of due process of law, and I’d happily extend it to terrorist supporters in exchange for getting it for the J6ers.
Due process is good. But why bother with due process when you know darn well the other side doesn’t care about due process and never will care about due process. Their only goal is to remove those that might cause a problem for them and to heck with due process and the rule of law. It just won’t happen if you’re on the other side of the process like the J6ers no matter how nice you are to the opposition.
So nope, throw their sorry butts in prison without charge, without legal representation and without bail and let them all rot for years before getting around to them. Don’t kid yourself, It’s what the democrats would do to you if you ever had the misfortune to end up in their bullseye. So you might as well play the game by their rules.
My experience is that you usually need to join ghetto dwellers in order to fix their wagon’s.
But you’d need a time machine for that. So denying it to leftists is the only fair recourse.
Preferably in Guantanamo.
And take some neon sign transformers, they work better that the old telephone magnetos.
NO. this is NOT the American way, and I mean as well that the Jan Six detainees are being violated by their long improsinment without even a trial yet. Whatever happened to their RIGHT to a “speedy” trial/ lets see if dopey Joey likes being denied access to the loo for three days, let alone three years.
Naw, these clowns violated the people they delayed. They NEEd to suffer consequences else they’ll be right back next week for a rerun. The dog won’t quit peeing on the floor until peeing on the floor becomes less fun than signalling to be let out into the yard. Some dog owners never figure this out, and tolerate their dog’s habits. The dog owns them.
These cretins need to figure out that their conduct is not acceptable and will bring unpleasant consequences. We taught them back during Antifa that they will get their way with no real consequences. Thus they can and have done it again, and again, and again…. pain/discomfort is the only professor that will teach them to behave themselves in a civilised manner.
See here https://mail.aol.com/d/list/referrer=oldMail&folders=1&accountIds=1&listFilter=OLDMAIL/messages/ABD_8xgWg1sUZZxpMQUoUJwudTI and here https://media.aflegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/05140916/DOJ-OIG-Letter-01.02.2024-x-1.pdf?_ga=2.150232755.449336047.1704751695-107069446.1704751695 especially Footnote 12 as to why Biden’s DOJ and FBI have done nothing with respect to these domestic terrorists
Simply leads to an AOL sign in page.
And as to your second link pdf and footnote 12 that isn’t surprising at all. The whole Biden regime is infested with anti-semites why would anyone expect anything else.
I still think that the Democratic National Convention will be THE political event of the year (before November) – from dumping FJB for Michelle to 1968-style riots.
Gonna be Lit AF.
Sending URLs to messages in your own private mailboxes isn’t productive.
“Some people are not just driving to and from, across our bridges to go to their place of employment,”
I remember a long commute I had in Chicago, Once I left work, I had to go pick up my little one at day care. I had deadlines at both ends. There’s a recent video of a young man in a car yelling a protesters because he had to go pick up his daughter. I can relate. There are consequences for the parents of children who run late, every day.
There was once a joke that “you can do anything in America except stop traffic.” The Hamas supporters know it. They are doing this because Americans tend to be scheduled, unlike welfare takers like themselves.
Until these terrorist sympathizers start to suffer immediate and harsh consequences for their actions, nothing is going to change. Catch and release isn’t cutting it.
If they’re released from the bridge I might be OK with it.
At least a few rubber bullets, with an occasional temple shot.
That would work. A select-fire .68 cal pepper ball launcher could also prove useful.
Ooooooh. Would that be legal?
/asking for a friend
Treat these Islamofascist enablers and cheerleaders the same way the Hamas thugs treat dissenters and homosexuals — toss them off of a rooftop.
Or the bridge they’re blocking. More efficient.
or the bridge they were thoughtful enough to actually walk out onto….. give them a one way ticket.
Make them watch all the atrocity video.
An excellent idea, but it will do no good to subjects that enjoy that type of thing happening to Jews. As for rest, we have learned from global warming and election fraud, that liberals are simply too dense to believe the videos. They will state with complete sincerity that they were staged.
it will do no good to subjects that enjoy that type of thing
Ah, so I see you have not seen Clockwork Orange….
Electric shock is a better aversion therapy, though.
The subjects that don’t enjoy that type of thing happening to Jews will just write it off as just more of the same Zionist crude propaganda to justify genocide against the Palestinians. There is no proof they will accept that the atrocities happened & that the genocide isn’t.
Yep. They would either call it fake and a hoax, or they’d believe it and celebrate.
With no bail and no jail, this is a meaningless gesture.
That is why I suggested rubber bullets., then they will thing twice before risking more of the same.
The arrestees are overwhelmingly Dem voters. Don’t expect the Dem Mayor or Dem DA Bragg to do much that will inconvenience them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the arrestees were served hot coffee and blintzes while waiting for the judge to summarily let them go.
“They want to show people they can do whatever they want without consequences.”
And – as with antifa, blm, etc. – the justice system will gladly be their willing accomplice.
These people stand unprotected blocking 2 ton mobile death machines, but wear drugstore, medical masks because they are terrified of catching a cold.
No. They want to conceal their identities.
Or because they fear being identified.
They should fear being identified, because then they will pay dearly for years to come.
Oh, please! We went over this last night. Didn’t anyone take notes?
Will they be punished? Hell, no.
“To settle an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit brought against the NYPD over its 2020 enforcement actions, mild as they were, the Adams-era NYPD recently said that it won’t “kettle” marchers—that is, hindering their movement with metal gates to prevent them from moving, say, from a sidewalk to a street, or from a street to a major intersection.
“And to avoid the excessive-force charges that dogged them in 2020, police now refuse to stop people from blocking roadways, entrance ramps, and major transit centers, instead arresting them only after they’ve blocked a target, have finished with their planned action, and surrender themselves.”
some protesters had to be cut free from the bridge before they were arrested.
Which thing was cut? Some with a less than charitable view of these folks want to know.
They’re just trying to exert their dominance.
That’s called Islam, Mike.
And Progressivism, too.
Until the consequences for doing this crap outweighs the gain the lefty loons will continue to do it.
Probably responsible for more deaths than J6 rioters
“Mayor Eric Adams commented on their choice of protest locations and said people shouldn’t be blocking streets in New York.”
The man’s an intellectual dynamo of etiquette. Emily Post, bar your door.
Zero chance any of them get convicted of anything. I’d be surprised if any even get prosecuted.
For them, these no consequence arrests are a badge of honor.
If there were no water cannons or cracked skulls involved, the police did not go far enough.
These unemployable who are doing un lawful things are using their constitutional right to protest, however, I have the constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. This creates a problem because I feel that my rights happen to be more important than theirs! Preventing me from going where I want makes me extremely unhappy, especially to work, which these little louts obviously have no idea what work is! Of course, with degrees in Transgender Recreation, what are they actually qualified for other than a life living in their parents basement, living off society! We are already supporting them, so why not incarceration where we would continue supporting them!