Oakland Losing Its Only In-N-Out Restaurant Due to Crime
“…our top priority must be the safety and wellbeing of our Customers and Associates – we cannot ask them to visit or work in an unsafe environment.”

Oakland, CA, will lose its only In-N-Out on March 24, thanks to the rising crime in the city.
Yes, a major California city will not have the iconic California chain. From KTVU:
According to a statement by the franchise, regular car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies of customers and employees led to their decision to close down the Oakland location.
The last day of business will be on March 24.
Current employees will be able to work at other locations nearby or receive a severance package, officials said.
In-N-Out said “repeated steps” have been taken to minimize crime and maximize safety, but despite their efforts, crime has remained a concern.
“We are grateful for the local community, which has supported us for over 18 years, and we recognize that this closure negatively impacts our Associates and their families. Additionally, this location remains a busy and profitable one for the company, but our top priority must be the safety and wellbeing of our Customers and Associates – we cannot ask them to visit or work in an unsafe environment,” COO Denny Warnick said in a statement.
In November, Leslie wrote about Oakland losing its restaurants.
Home of Chicken and Waffles owner Derreck Johnson finds himself in a constant battle not to lay off employees due to loss of business: “I had a group from Miami get robbed at gunpoint on a Saturday afternoon, all their jewelry taken. That should not be my priority. That should not be my job, to make sure that my customers are safe while they’re walking the streets in Oakland.”
At the time of publication in 2023, Oakland saw 1,282 armed robberies, up 43% from 2022.
Vehicle thefts went up 50%. Home invasions rose 65%.
Oakland citizens want to recall George Soros-backed Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price.
The campaign, Save Alameda For Everyone (SAFE), has 110,000 signatures to submit to the county. It only needs 73,000 valid signatures to land on the ballot.

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Just one less business to rob. There’s no profit stealing crap from the homeless.
You make your food desert, you starve in it.
Mind the human feces while you are being robbed!
Very sad!
But very, very predictable, in light of the Soros DA.
Have the people of California learned anything yet? How bad will have to get before they decide this isn’t working?
If the recent polling out of California is any indication, the answer to your question may be ‘yes.’ Since November, Newsom has been under-water with every Demographic group except blacks and ‘over-65’ (which is weird), you would think older people would be most concerned about crime). He’s even under water with women and receives his worst results with those under the age of 29, which is also weird. While the Newsom poll didn’t specifically address his response to crime, there’s been quite a bit of other polling that indicates Californians of all ethnic backgrounds place crime at or very near the top of the list of their biggest concerns. One poll in November showed that 54% of Californians believed Newsom and the legislature were making things worse in the state, not better.
Now we’ll have to see if that dissatisfaction manifests itself at the ballot box. I’m not going to hold my breath.
Older people have a harder time changing their minds and keeping up with all current events.
(brandishing cane) Whippersnapper!!!
you’re 100% correct. I’m 83 and a dyed-in-the-wool conservative (not a John Bircher) and you’d have a very difficult time convincing me to vote for Gavin Nuisance or Moochelle Obama for President of the United States.
And yes! I’ve a very difficult time. not so much keeping up with all current events, but trying (desperately) to filter out the chaff, even from people (bloggers, not TV “news persons”) I hold in high esteem.
This being a Democrat state, I suspect that the votes on the candidates and issues have already been counted and are awaiting being announced on election night. It saves all the fuss and worry about real campaigning and voting.
Subotai Bahadur
Yes! They’ve learned to sell their California residences/businesses and move to Idaho, Wyoming, Texas to vote in people who guarantee to establish the exact same conditions they fled in California.
This (I hope I don’t offend too many) exactly like the German Jews of the ’30s fleeing to America and electing Joseph Goebbels as President.
Which one was / is the Göbbels? We’ve had some real lulus from both parties.
Well, given that Jews and Indians (Southeast Asian style) vote for the very people that directly abuse them, it would have to be Josef Biden Goebbels.
Cue the “arghh evul capitalists! People are moar important than profits!” It will be a non sequitur but that has never stopped them before.
Maybe pantifa could redirect their out of the basement activities to forming a human shield in the In and Out parking lot.
BLM? What ever happened to them.? (rhetorical question)
Kudos to In-N-Out for calling out the elephant in the room. Much better than the typical wimpy corporate-speak about “constantly monitor and making changes in their stores” without actually stating that crime is the problem.
In-N-Out has refused to parrot the accepted corporate orthodoxy on several issues, not the least of which is crime. Also, their CEO – Lynsi Lavelle Snyder-Ellingson – is a devout Christian and Trump supporter. Last year, they (along with the TN governor) announced they were building a secondary headquarters just outside of Nashville as part of an expansion to other parts of the country. Many observers thought this might signal at least an exploration in moving out of the state of California.
Please, God. Let them come to Louisiana. Their burgers are wonderful.
Agreed. They are one of the few things I missed when I was transferred out of California. But a double Whataburger with cheese and onions is an excellent alternative.
I tried them the two times I was in CA. They were OK, but I actually preferred another premium hamburger chain out of CA – Habit Burger.
And Florida. We actually have Culvers. Lots of them. And Five Guys.
In and Out would be nice as well.
Oh, and Bojangles
Darn, Nashville is too far to cover SE Florida 🙁
From what I remember from the announcement, the Nashville location is going to be a ‘new territorial HQ’ that is part of a longer-term plan to open restaurants in the ‘southeast.’ While they didn’t announce any specific restaurant openings outside of TN in the immediate future, it certainly felt like they intended to expand to several other southeast states, perhaps including FL.
Bring more to the Southeast…we are safe here!
So basically more Out than In.
It’s a binary choice: It’s either “animal style” burgers and fries, or an “animal style” society.
Resurfacing a very old political joke:
In and out. In and out. Isn’t that what got Gary Hart in trouble in the first place?
I’ll happily explain to anyone not old enough to know. 🙂
your just monkeying around
but that is your business 😀
Times have changed.
If Hart got caught now, he would still be running.
A city, county, or state without a robust retail presence translates into a devasted consumer economy and significantly lower retail sales tax revenues.
There goes your annual budget Newsome.
Enjoy sucking air California
The employees at the Home Depot near me say that shoplifting is a daily occurrence.
I went to HD to look at pneumatic nailers, one of the employees came by and I asked if they sold the display framing nailer, he said someone stole it. That is a big tool, how did someone manage to take it off the display and get it out of the store? Was it an inside job?
They used the display nail-puller.
That sad day, when In-N-Out realized that their customers had adopted an entirely irreconcilable concept of what “Animal Style” means.
(The irony here is that their “animal style” got its name originally from the ’60s version of “raucous, rowdy” customers — white surfer and skater kids. Today’s “oppressed” blacks have escalated raucous to a whole new level.)
And of course, they aren’t allowed to notice this, as evidenced by the white 1950s cartoon burglar on the sign.
So. I wasn’t the only one to notice. Maybe they consulted ADT.
When the last productive person bails they should turn out the lights, considering California’s energy policy, they may not have to.
How’s that defund the police working out for you CA?
More black looting for reparations? BLM is smiling.
BLM is laughing its way to the bank.
Oakland can be divided into two separate locations.
There are the ‘highlands’ in the hills with mostly white and Asian homeowners, with nice houses and a beautiful view of the bay, SF, and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Down below is the black ghetto, with your typical black dysfunctionality. The highlanders are treated to the snap-crackle-pop of the lowlander’s shootouts every night.
Unfortunately, the lowland blacks have started to drive up to the highlands to do home invasion robberies.
Maybe the remaining police can treat the gated communities the same way the BP is forced to treat the southern border…
Or just bus the perps up to the hills!
The first 3 In-N-Outs were within a few miles of where I grew up.
I. now live in Orange County, California. Every so often, LA criminals commit crimes in Orange County, not realizing that DA Todd Spizer is much more law and order than Gascon. The last time he ran for reelection, a less law & Order attorney ran against him and was soundly defeated.
“our Customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies”