Nikki Haley Will Only Debate if Donald Trump Shows Up
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Nikki Haley Will Only Debate if Donald Trump Shows Up

Nikki Haley Will Only Debate if Donald Trump Shows Up

DeSantis: “The reality is that she is not running for the nomination, she’s running to be Trump’s VP.”

Former President Donald Trump won Iowa without showing up to debates. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second. Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley came in third.

Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out. Asa Hutchinson is still there…I think. I even had to look up his name! I kept thinking of Asa Buchanan, the former head honcho on One Life to Live!

Just saw that Asa suspended his campaign.

This morning, though, Haley said she won’t debate unless Trump shows up or it’s against President Joe Biden:

We’ve had five great debates in this campaign. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide. The next debate I do will either be with Donald Trump or with Joe Biden. I look forward to it.

We saw a few Republicans demand everyone drop out after Trump won by 30 points in Iowa.

DeSantis already accepted invitations to participate in future debates.

DeSantis also lashed out at Haley’s decision:

Nikki Haley is afraid to debate because she doesn’t want to answer the tough questions such as how she got rich off Boeing after giving them millions in taxpayer handouts as governor of South Carolina.

The reality is that she is not running for the nomination, she’s running to be Trump’s VP.

I won’t snub New Hampshire voters like both Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, and plan to honor my commitments. I look forward to debating two empty podiums in the Granite State this week.

Trump has not addressed Haley’s decision on Truth Social.


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It will make the election season more pleasant, so there’s that.

Highly unlikely that Ms. Haley would say anything in a debate that would change my mind about her, so yes, she might as well skip the remaining events.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to stevewhitemd. | January 16, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    I found “Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide.” humorous. She is a loser, but so arrogant.

    diver64 in reply to stevewhitemd. | January 16, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    Rona, Mitt and Grassley’s favorite candidate not debating? After her total gaff’s of controlling the internet and importing a few million Palestinian terrorist’s while endless borrowed dollars for European Wars I’m not surprised someone told her to shut up

Nikki Haley is terrifying. She represents everything that has gone wrong with the GOP since Reagan was able to loosen the grip of the Rockefeller Republican on the party. In fact, she’s WAY worse than the Rockefeller Republicans. She’s a neocon who’s never met a traditional value she wanted to defend. Ultimately, she’s an orthodox Democrat who just wants to bomb shit.

As I’ve said before, my greatest fear is something happens to Trump before the convention and we get stuck with Haley, the Lindsay Graham of Paul Ryans of Mitt Romneys.

    WTPuck in reply to TargaGTS. | January 16, 2024 at 11:40 am

    “and we get stuck with Haley, the Lindsay Graham of Paul Ryans of Mitt Romneys.”

    That is brilliant. I will borrow it. With attribution, of course. I’m not Claudine Gay.

    CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | January 16, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    Agreed. No Nikki Haley. Not for VP or any other position in any administration for those reasons and many others.

    diver64 in reply to TargaGTS. | January 16, 2024 at 4:59 pm

    She is the last gasp of the Country Club Deep State Republicans that the entire party of us Smellies excepting the DC Denizens and deep pocket donors rejected in 2016.

    #NeverNikki who is #TheWarKaren

Chastain needs to refill her copium script. Trump doesn’t want to debate because he is weak and hiding his health issues. He is almost as mentally unfit as Joe. Trump vs Biden debate will be a battle of the Alzheimer patients.

If I were Trump, I wouldn’t show up either.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 16, 2024 at 11:22 am

So, Haley is demanding Trump debate her. Kinda presumptuous since Trump has passed on every other debate and still swept Iowa.

I would suggest that Trump refuse to debate the demented pervert, too. Unless he wants to use the opportunity to show how demented Biden really is.

Sorta like a Rope-A-Dope.

    The so-called ‘debates’ are relics of decades ago, anyway. Republicans are asked idiotic leftist gotcha questions are asked by biased moderators fishing for sound bytes to use against them, while Democrats are give softballs that they know about ahead of time.

    And having a primary ‘debate’ is just idiotic with the what… 8? people that they started with on the stage. Each of them gets a handful of minutes over the entire ‘debate’.

    They will never allow an actual debate between Trump and Biden, and I think everybody knows it.

    So yeah, if I were Trump I wouldn’t show up to whatever farce the Democrats try to pull, either.

    And the idiotic ‘unbiased’ moderator crap is just stupid at this point. NOBODY is unbiased. ‘Unbiased’ is just code for ‘No open conservatives’.

    A REAL debate where they are forced to sit down at a table with a small group of oppositely biased moderators, or forced to do 2x debates with one Democrat moderator, one Republican moderator, or something like that, where they are actually able to DEBATE and ask questions that the other is forced to answer.

    Even if Brandon could find the debate stage without Jilly’s help he would not go anywhere near it. If he isn’t garbling his way through another Mien Fueher speech demanding fealty to the Dems he is drooling over his ice cream or calling Barry Gibb Billy for some reason.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to diver64. | January 17, 2024 at 7:33 pm

      Speaking of ice cream. Did you see the Trump “residents feel like presidents” video?

      Toward the end, Biden is eating an ice cream cone like a $20 prostitute giving a BJ in the front seat of a Datsun B-210 on Canal Street at 2 a.m.

      Not that I am aware of those kinds of things.

She’s irrelevant. Time to move on to a new grift.

Such a pity as she had such great potential early in her career. Makes you wonder what Democrats had in her to turn her in to one of them..but with bigger balls 😂😂

Trump should debate. It is important for all of us to hear from him in person not via X or brief sound bites. His age is an issue, not as big of an issue as Biden’s clearly, but an issue nonetheless.

No one is above the election process and participating in debates, particularly now that the field has narrowed, is an important part of that process.

    we’ve been hearing from Trump since 2015, we all know where he stands on the issues

      CommoChief in reply to MarkS. | January 16, 2024 at 3:29 pm

      Cool can you please answer the following?
      1. Where does he stand on trans ‘rights’? Does he still believe ‘trans’ individuals should use the facilities they feel most comfortable in or has changed his mind on this?
      2. What has he said about lessons learned, if any, from his failure to use VETO to secure border wall funding?
      3. What has he said about lessons learned, if any, about Covid policy recommendations made by the Fed govt and not reining in Fauci and Birx?
      4. Is he committed to reducing Federal spending, if so by how much in his first budget proposal and how will those reductions impact Social Security, Medicare, Veterans programs and military spending?

        Oooh, pick me, pick me! I’ll answer these questions!

        1. Trump loves him some trans rights. Always has. When he was president, the big issue was bathrooms, and he picked the wrong side.

        2. Trump has never mentioned this in any way, shape, or form (so no link available).

        3. Trump has repeatedly said that he handled the covid catastrophe perfectly. He loved him some Fauci, and even had the unmitigated gall to lie about DeSantis’ handling here in Florida (where he railed against our governor right up until the week he left office. The same week, I believe, that he conferred on the genocidal Fauci gnome a presidential award!). Trump has not acknowledged any wrongdoing at all and would do it all again. Loathsome.

        4. Trump is a BIG spender. Big. One of his worst big spending policies was sending people an EXTRA $600 per week on top of their base unemployment benefits AND allowing people to QUIT their jobs and still receive this benefit. Economy-destroying crazy that Trump pushed so his name could be on those checks. Shameless hack. It had a huge negative impact here in Florida until our governor rejected that federal money and people got off their butts and back to work.

        Let’s not even get into gun rights and his insistence that we take the guns first and worry about due process later or his pushing red flag laws on Republican governors or his claim that we should just toss the Constitution to soothe his butt hurt. Grrr.

          OK Fuzzy my turn
          1) what is a “trans right” that is not a right to each and everyone of us? Trump said during the 2016 Campaign the anyone could use which ever restroom the chose
          2) Trump took a less chaotic approach and used defense money to pay for the wall
          3) Considering that covid was a deadly unknown, he handled it quite well, except he was into the shutdown longer than hind sight say he should have been,..He as explained why he avoided a public denunciation of Fauci and instead let him fade away
          4) yes and none

          Ah, interesting, so you are okay with grown men in the bathroom with your little girls because they claim to be women?

          1. That’s Trump’s take, too. I fervently disagree that males should be any women’s bathrooms, showers, or changing rooms no matter how they identify, but at least we know where you stand on this important socio-cultural issue. Right next to Trump who thinks this is super okay.

          2. Trump could have taken a stand and got the wall (all of it), but he didn’t have the spine to create the ‘chaos’ needed to get there. That your guy?

          3. Fauci faded away during Trump’s term or even now? Delusional. And yes, AT FIRST covid was a seemingly deadly unknown, but data was coming in from all over the world, and it took DeSantis only a few months to weed through it and figure out what should be done. He did the right thing in early 2020. Read that again, early 2020. Trump was still insisting that his Fauci-Birx approach was fabulous in 2022. You can make all the excuses you want, but Trump fumbled covid. Big. And he doesn’t get it at all. Even now that we know the vax (that Trump forced through without appropriate trials and then trumpeted) was not only useless but actually caused death and harm, that the six feet thing was completely made up, that the whole entire debacle was completely mismanaged by the executive branch, including the CDC . . . all of which were under Trump’s purview.

          You can’t tell me you think he watched the 2020 summer of BLM and thought, gee, yeah, this virus is deadly in churches and when your loved ones are dying in hospital but not at all a problem for mobs of burning, looting, and murdering hordes. Or is that what you are saying? Trump saw the clear disparity and actually believed it? Yikes. Isn’t that worse than that he was just trying to keep the media–who hate and despise him–happy (which was his stated goal in NOT opening by Easter ’20 as he originally planned)?

          You are backing a spineless, childishly approval seeking man-child who would rather sell out our nation than upset the writers at the New York Times. You get that on some level. You must.

          Massinsanity in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 16, 2024 at 4:36 pm

          #4 is priority #1 for me and you are spot on that Trump is a big spender. He wanted more stimulus, he would have been brow beating the Fed when it wisely started to raise rates.

          We need a real fiscal conservative to at least start to address this problem.

          golf clap

          CommoChief in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 17, 2024 at 11:26 am


          You didn’t answer the questions.

          1. What is his position re ‘Trans’ rights? Is it a straight up there ain’t no such thing and biological, chromosomal determines what restroom/locker room/sports team one may enter?

          2. Failing to use VETO power to secure wall funding. Your response, which sidesteps the question, indicates zero lesson learned. A much better position would for DJT to explicitly state he effed up on that and will 100% certain use his VETO to secure 100% of the funds required to build the damn wall.

          3. He hasn’t acknowledged missteps in his Admins Federal Covid policy or Federal Covid recommendations or his failure to direct the DoJ Civil Rights Div to intervene v States/local gov’t who violated the civil liberties of US Citizens by shutting down Churches/Religious expression/observances as one easy example.

          4. Do you mean he has proposed CUTTING Spending? Not rate in the growth of spending but cuts to existing outlays? How much and from what Dept/Agencies?

        gonzotx in reply to CommoChief. | January 16, 2024 at 4:24 pm

        Your TDS is showing

          So “TDS” is the new “ism,” I guess? Anyone who dares question a black person is a RAACIST, anyone who dares question a women is a misogynist, and anyone who dares point out the myriad failings and weaknesses of Trump is suffering from TDS. So over it. So BEYOND over it.

          How about we stop with the crazy and actually address issues. Or is that too scary for you? You have to hide behind the “TDS” you big RAACIST leftist hammer? Sad. So very very sad.

          Not really- that was a fairly issue based commentary.

          COVID is the previous war, next war will not be the same, but it will rhyme.

          Trump has some street cred on foreign policy… which is saying something in an America First white house. I also think he’s got a track record on the economy- slashing regulation.

          I think he dropped the ball on the rising DEI beast which is rampant in government.

          CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | January 17, 2024 at 11:12 am

          I voted for the man in the ’16 GoP primary and the ’16 general. Voted for him again in ’20 DESPITE my uneasiness with some of his failures on the topics I listed above.

          I will financially support, campaign for, advocate for and vote for the GoP nominee in the Fall if that’s DJT so be it. Not the first time I have expressed these points to you and yet you continue to toss TDS at me.

          Can you please explain what YOU consider TDS to consist of? B/C from other vantage points, certainly my own, it seems as if you consider anyone who isn’t already all in for DJT guilty of TDS. Looking forward to your explanation of how you define TDS.

    Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite in reply to Massinsanity. | January 16, 2024 at 1:24 pm

    The “no debate tactic” is his secret weapon. I wouldn’t doubt he telegraphs his intention to join the debate then not show – it would keep them off-balance.

    chrisboltssr in reply to Massinsanity. | January 16, 2024 at 1:47 pm

    No, chump. Trump won without debating.

    Stop this nonsense and just support Trump.

      healthguyfsu in reply to chrisboltssr. | January 16, 2024 at 2:11 pm

      And when Biden skips POTUS debates will you say he is also using a winning strategy?

        Precisely. What will happen is that Biden will now say he won’t debate Trump, since Trump won’t debate his opponents, and since that was a winning strategy for Trump, so it should be a winning strategy for Biden as well. What we will end up with is 2 senile candidates who won’t debate each other.

        gonzotx in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 16, 2024 at 4:35 pm

        Biden can’t “skip”

        There’s that

        chrisboltssr in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 16, 2024 at 4:43 pm

        He didn’t campaign and he “won” in 2020. If both men skip the debates, I will be happy both men did something that should have been done a long time ago.

        So just go ahead and support Trump. Or don’t. If you don’t, just don’t vote.

        henrybowman in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 16, 2024 at 7:47 pm

        You’re postulating historical fact. That’s exactly what he did last time, and he won last time.

          healthguyfsu in reply to henrybowman. | January 16, 2024 at 10:43 pm

          History repeats itself. What I meant was that the cultists won’t be able to claim this time that Biden is doing something unbecoming because their dear leader decided to do the same stupid thing.

      Nope. No way, no how. I’m not supporting Trump, I’m not voting for Trump, and I am certainly not defending him on these pages ever again. I am OVER Trump. Call me a “chump” all day long, but defend him in real terms. But you can’t, so it’s all TDS and “chump” crap.. Sorry, no. Not caving, not being bullied and harangued by you Trumpers. I am a big NO on Trump. Period.

        healthguyfsu in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 16, 2024 at 10:41 pm

        We have huge and numerous problems in this country. Unfortunately, Trump cultism and blind/deaf hero worship alerted us sane conservatives on the right to a big problem in our own backyard that rivals progressive cultism.

        There’s a sad irony in the fact that both extremes mirror one another in their useful idiot ideologies.

        I know the cultists on our side would be less destructive to societal fabric. However, they utterly fail to recognize how easily their spiteful and bitter devotion makes them easy to paint as caricatures. They make it just too easy for independents to avoid conservative leanings and even pragmatic common sense because they poison the well and project insanity and vitriol.

          chrisboltssr in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 17, 2024 at 11:47 am

          LOL, you guys are supporting a loser candidate like DeSantis, or a fake conservative like Haley, but we Trump supporters, who support a man who helped deliver on things YOU IDIOTS SUPPORTED, are the cultists.

          Well, I guess the entire state of IA has just been taken over by cultists.

          Tell the truth. When Trump won in 30 minutes, you died inside, didn’t you. 🤣

        CommoChief in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 17, 2024 at 11:39 am


        This is not a position that will help the Nation. If it is a choice between Biden and anyone else then please choose ‘anyone else’. We can’t risk Biden and his handlers being given another four years in control of the Executive Branch.

        Refusing to oppose Biden by refusing to vote the GoP nominee is a bad decision, IMO. Obviously it’s still, for the moment, a free Country and you can choose to stay home on election day. Doing so may help usher in several SCOTUS picks along with another 4 years of Judicial picks to Biden. Another 4 years of out of control Federal Agencies issuing all sorts of Cray Cray regulations. Another 4 years of out of control govt spending. Another 4 years of bumbling foreign policy among other eminently foreseeable consequences.

        I honestly don’t think there will be an opportunity in ’28 to reverse the amount of damage done if we don’t defeat Biden and the d/prog in ’24. I urge you to at least consider voting for the ‘not Biden’ candidate for all those reasons and more.

          That’s not how it works, Chief. I live in Florida, and I voted AGAINST Hillary in 2016 because it looked like a tight race here. And we have a butt-ton of Electoral College (EC) votes. But this time around, I don’t have to worry because Florida is going to Trump (if he’s the nominee, and it seems that he will be), so I don’t have to get on board, hold my nose, or in any other way vote for this man.

          It won’t matter because he will win Florida and our electoral votes, so . . . what’s your beef? That I won’t vote for someone I think is a disaster in order to juice the “popular vote” that doesn’t matter at all? Sorry, Chief, I’ll be disappointing you because I am NOT voting for Trump. And it won’t make one tiny bit of difference because FLORIDA will be Trump’s along with every single one of our winner-take-all EC votes. You get that, right?

        chrisboltssr in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 17, 2024 at 11:44 am

        Yay for you, woman! Sit your ass and keep your mouth shut, make me a sandwich l, and go stew in a corner!🤣🤣🤣

Trump has nowhere to hide? He’s not hiding, it’s just that you can’t see him behind four years of Middle East peace accords, $2,.25 gas, one percent mortgage rates, low unemployment, record wage growth, record manufacturing sector growth, and a complete lack of military blunders.

Come on out ya coward you!

Haley becomes more unlikeable with time. Is there very much she has not said already?

Haley is George Bush in a dress.

Not ready for prime time, and she never will be.

I don’t like the idea of Trump winning because we hate the alternatives.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Andy. | January 16, 2024 at 3:13 pm

    That is the nature of politics, picking lessor evils. I would add that many people who may be likable are often terrible choices.

    henrybowman in reply to Andy. | January 16, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    Well, yeah. But it’s not like you get to pick your preferred alternative. This is a McDonald’s, sir, and there’s no such thing as McDuck Under Glass.

The ONLY thing that will keep me from voting for Trump is if he picks Haley as his running mate. Even if Trump is either in jail or not on the ballot, I will write him in!

    thad_the_man in reply to oldvet50. | January 16, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    He will not pick Haley. The betting money is on Carson, but I would prefer Sarah Sanders.

    There are others I might pick, but they are needed elsewhere strtegically.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to thad_the_man. | January 16, 2024 at 3:18 pm

      ” but they are needed elsewhere strtegically.”

      Aside from DeSantis not having the chops to do what America needs at this time, his presence in Florida is best for the state and country.

      gonzotx in reply to thad_the_man. | January 16, 2024 at 4:33 pm

      I would like Carson too, I only wonder if he’s “tough” enough

      But you
      Don’t become a neurosurgeon and breakout of a ghetto,
      Fatherless situation without some fortitude

      scooterjay in reply to thad_the_man. | January 16, 2024 at 5:13 pm

      Haley ‘ku is overdue…
      Once upon a time
      Sandlappers thought that Birdbrain
      Was going to slay.

      Confederate flag;
      Removed from upon the plynth.
      No likey likey!

      Nikki has proven…
      Her demeanor is Gowdy
      And her words are Graham.

      Trump will not honor
      Nikki Haley as VP
      Watch for Ben Carson.

Let me sum up: this is a person saying this is a two person race when she came in third.

Nikki who?

January 16, 2024
NBC “News” Poll of Iowa Caucusgoers: Nearly Half of Nikki Haley’s Supporters Will Vote for Joe Biden in General Election

—Disinformation Expert Ace

Nikki Haley is a Deep State/Democrat plant?!! No way, dude!

Most likely Republican Iowa caucusgoers say they’ll vote for former President Donald Trump in the general election if he’s the GOP nominee, regardless of the candidate they’re supporting on caucus night. Advertisement
That is, except supporters of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, with nearly half of them — 43% — saying they’d vote for

Nikki needs to go home and decorate her mansion. I wonder if she and Liz Cheney ever shared a room.

I suspect Nimrata Randawah will become more screechy and unlikeable within the next two weeks before dropping out to become the next “Conservative” commentator for CNN.

I suspect Haley’s decision to forgo any debates is more about DeSantis than it is about Trump. DeSantis’ record is far better, and he would be able to embarrass her.