Trump Wins Iowa by Largest Margin in History, Vivek Ending Campaign
DeSantis and Haley battling for second.

11:33 PM ET
DeSantis comes in second.
11:22 PM ET
Vivek ending his campaign. He endorses Trump.
BREAKING: Vivek Ramaswamy is ending his 2024 presidential campaign on Monday night after a disappointing result in Iowa's Republican caucuses despite spending months in the state trying to woo voters, a spokeswoman confirmed to ABC News.
— ABC News (@ABC) January 16, 2024
11 PM ET
Trump’s speech
He gave props to Ron, Nikki, and Vivek:
“I want to congratulate Ron and Nicky for having a good time together. We’re all having a good time together.”
He said that both “actually did very well,” adding that “we don’t even know what the outcome of second places.”
He then honed in on Vivek Ramaswamy, saying “he did a hell of a job.”
“He came from zero and he’s got a big percent, probably 8%, almost 8%. And that’s an amazing job.”
Trump’s comments come as DeSantis and Haley battle for second place, with DeSantis sitting at 21.3% and Haley at 19.1%. Ramaswamy is below Haley at 7.7%.
10:43 PM ET
With 79% of the precincts in and Trump with a large lead, yes, he did win Iowa.
Then-Sen. Bob Dole won the Iowa caucus by 12.8% in 1988. Trump will now have the largest margin in history. That’s about 30% at the time I’m writing this.
I’d like to know how many showed up to vote. I have no doubt the hardcore Trump people showed up. They always do.
I also cannot wait to see how DeSantis and Haley will react after this. Will they change strategies? Will they finally go after Trump? I wonder if Vivek regrets not responding to Trump.
But a reminder:
This is how I am going to cover every race. I get mad when ANY media outlet calls ANY race way too early.
Remember how angry everyone was when Fox called Arizona right away in 2020?
I will do this correctly and wait for the numbers to come out.
I prefer to wait until it cannot be changed at all. Also, I’m a libertarian. I have no one in the Democrat or Republican race. I can only vote in the Oklahoma libertarian primary.
9:48 PM ET
I refuse to call the caucus. I am furious that all media outlets called Iowa for Trump for a minute; at least, that’s how it felt after voting started. As you can tell from below, there is a process for voting.
No precinct should have had the ability to call for Trump that quickly.
Trump is leading as of 9:48 PM ET:
You have to caucus in person at your precinct. Nothing is done virtually or by mail.
The state has 1,657 precincts. It is a closed caucus, but you can register or change your party on the caucus day.
- Those at the precinct elect a chair and secretary.
- Supporters pitch their preferred candidate.
- Caucusgoers cast secret ballots.
- Workers tally the ballots.
- Workers report the total.
We should know the results a few hours after voting. Hopefully, it doesn’t end up like Iowa in 2020 with the Democrats!
Trump Not Get 50%
Does President Donald Trump need 50%? It’s significant because Trump has bragged about being above 50 points, some as high as 60, in polls.
Gov. Kim Reynolds said it would not look good if Trump falls below 50%:
“I think it’s going to be bad for President Trump if he doesn’t come in over 50. He’s not meeting expectations that the media and the polls have been putting out for the past several months,” Reynolds argued in an interview Monday morning on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.”
Trump has changed his tune:
“No one has ever won the Iowa caucus by more than 12%,” Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita told Fox News Digital on Saturday. “I think the public polls are a little rich.”
Trump, speaking with reporters on Sunday, said “there seems to be something about 50%.”
“I think they’re doing it so that they can set a high expectation. So if we end up with 49%, which would be about 25 points bigger than anyone else ever got. They can say he had a failure, it was a failure. You know fake news,” he argued.

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LI coping with hopium.
Finally the voting begins. (sort of, its a caucus which is more about endurance than choice of candidate)
Lets get to the real polls the ones with a vote total.
Yes caucus is ridiculously long, I’ve been involved in one
But the cheating, outside of Dems coming in and voting to Haley and DeSantis, which they have been encouraged to
It wasnt for nothing the Dems changed their states and no Dems caucus today for a Dem
I got so mad when people encouraged others to register and vote in the primary. Do not vote in another party’s primary! Even if Oklahoma were an open primary state, I still wouldn’t vote in the GOP or Democrat primary. It’s so wrong!
If the rules allow it, why do you think it’s wrong? They set the rules, and they decided to allow it, so why on earth should we not take advantage? I am a registered Democrat, because for most races where I live the Dem primary is the real election; I was planning to switch back in time to vote in the R presidential primary, but by the time it comes to NY it’s unlikely to be close, so I’m not going to bother. When registering there is no pledge to vote for that party’s nominees in November, so why should I pretend there was one?
At least in NY you can’t switch parties close to the election; by the deadline you usually don’t know who the candidates are going to be, so it’s difficult to game it.
If I were in charge things would be very different. I would say that in order to have a voice in choosing a party’s candidates you should have to pay a membership fee to the party, attend at least two meetings a year, and pledge a certain number of hours to the campaign, or pay enough money to hire someone to put in those hours in your place. Only people with that sort of commitment to the party deserve to be heard on whom it should run in the various races, from president to dog catcher.
I do on a personal level. If they want people outside of their party voting, then okay. I find it weird and uncomfortable.
I like your way of thinking. It would make everything more authentic, for sure. I get why you’re a registered Democrat. It’s why many of my family members are registered Republicans here in Oklahoma. I was registered as an Independent until Oklahoma recognized the libertarian party. I registered as a libertarian but do not belong to the party.
Even more straightforward would be to allow the party to decide who is on their membership rolls (not the secretary of state using a trivial form on which anyone can lie without consequence). The original basis of partisan politics was that parties were PRIVATE organizations (not virtual branches of government!) who put together a slate of candidates that supported their common interests… the same as unions presumably operate w/r/t their industries.
When Arizona became an open-primary state, the state Libertarian Party sued in the 9th Circuit to protect their right of association… and won. In Arizona, People registered “no party” in Arizona cannot ask for a Libertarian primary ballot. They can, however, ask for an R or D ballot, because those parties declined to insist on their right of association.
Right, and then instead of 10% voters we would have 2%
And this would be a bad thing why?
You always have a “legal loophole” or just conjure up one, but here’s a little known aspect of life that you probably don’t practice (or exhibit) – COMMON DECENCY! If you’re OK with playing “dirty politics” then that just shows your character! I’m not sure what the rules are, but it seems like if you vote in a Primary for one Party then you should NOT be able to vote in the General Election for the OTHER Party! Simple as that! But, that requires one to have COMMON DECENCY and Honor! Both qualities are sorely lacking on the DEMOcrat (HYPOCRITE) side. NEITHER side should use a “rule” to damage the candidates on the other side – that includes those in office using OUR DO”j” and fbi!
BLSinSC, what the hell are you talking about? From which part of your intestines did you pull this stupid idea that ” if you vote in a Primary for one Party then you should NOT be able to vote in the General Election for the OTHER Party!”, let alone the idea that doing so violates your bizarre ideas of “COMMON DECENCY”. I’ve got news for you: nobody else shares your idea, so it’s not at all “common”. It’s peculiar to you alone.
There is simply no such rule. Registering for a party does not involve any kind of pledge to vote for that party. There is no expectation that you ought to vote for that party. There is certainly no moral principle to that effect. And that’s even in states like NY where you have to declare your party well in advance, usually before you know who will be running in the primaries. It’s even more so in states with open primaries, where you are explicitly invited to choose a party on primary day, with no pledge on how you will vote in November.
I didn’t make the rules; but those are the rules, so why on earth should I not follow them?
Why do you insist on writing WAHHHHH in all caps?
Milhouse– ” I am a registered Democrat”
Does anything else really have to be said?
Of course it defends open primaries–the left forced those the second they had enough power to do so– to get control of who is allowed to run.
And it openly states that it intended to switch parties to cast a vote for whoever it’s masters told it to vote for.
Why doesn’t it just crawl back to the sewer it oozed from?
What are you talking about? I lived in Massachusetts for over a decade and was a registered Democrat there because they have closed primaries. The ONLY way I had any say at all was to vote for the least leftist progressive puke on the ballot (often with no Republican challenger at all, just shades of commie).
If you don’t understand politics or primaries or pretty much anything, just stay quiet . . . and certainly don’t attack someone for being completely logical and politically savvy about something you clearly don’t understand even on a basic level.
Azathoth, go jump in the lake. You’re a lowlife and a moron, as well as a liar. I can’t even respond to your attack, because there’s nothing to respond to. It’s just an incoherent rant.
The rules do allow it. I think the rules should be changed.
Republicans should not choose who the Democrats (or anyone else) run for office.
Democrats should not choose who the Republicans (or anyone else) run for office.
I’ve never liked the whole change your party, vote, and than change back. I seriously doubt it’s ever had an effect on any race but I just don’t think it’s the right thing to do. It’s dirty pool.
You should have to change your party say six months before an election. Also you can’t change six months until after an election. This to prevent you from voting in both primaries.
NY has that rule, more or less. They recently relaxed it slightly.
It used to be that changes to party registration had to be received by early October, and were processed in mid-November. If you missed the deadline, your change wasn’t processed until the following November. Now I think the deadline is in February, which is still long enough before the June primary that it makes it hard to game (except for presidential primaries, which are in April, and the candidates are known long before then).
Though I don’t see how you think such a rule is necessary to prevent you from voting in both parties’ primaries, since they’re both on the same day.
“I lived in Massachusetts for over a decade and was a registered Democrat there because they have closed primaries. ”
Explains so much.
I lived in New York and had the firmness of conviction to NOT become a registered Democrat.
There is no such thing as a ‘least’ lefty progressive.
And in ANY deep blue state, people on the right know damned well that the best thing for the right is to stand up and be counted as part of the right.
Because your ‘convictions of convenience’ serve no use in leftist elections and only allow YOU to be counted as one of THEM.
Milhouse IS a Democrat right now–and is STAYING a Democrat. Why? To do what you claim to have done? Cast a useless vote for a progressive you find palatable?
Instead of standing up and saying NO and maybe, just maybe, doing something good.
I understand the pragmatic use of party affiliation IF IT’S GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. But doing it when you know there’s going to be a blue tsunami no matter what you do is not that.
Because, at the end of the day, your registration helped the left. I have never done any such thing.
So you are almost there, but not quite. Keep working on it.
That is utter nonsense. Of course there is such a thing, and how. There is often a vast gulf between the different candidates in a D primary, especially in a safe D seat.
Of course you can’t respond to my post.
All I said was that you are a Democrat, by quoting you.
And you claim it’s a lie.
And I, and everyone else who points out what you are, are the lowlifes, morons and liars.
“So you are almost there, but not quite. Keep working on it.”
Almost where?
Are you suggesting that what you Democrats do–you and Milhouse that is, is a place anyone would want to get to?
No thanks, Democrat.
I vote in the D MA primary all the time. There are seldom competitive races within R ranks so why not exercise my right to vote in hope of somehow getting a less odious D on the ballot for the general.
It’s moot this time around as there will be no Democrat Primary, which I find curious the base is [seemingly] passive on this detail…by effect being “told” who they get to vote for in November. That looks like a Union vote to me, not a free and fair Primary.
[[[ not a free and fair Primary ]]]
I agree — if an incumbent is doing well and is popular, there’s no reason to waste time, money, and effort to primary him. In Biden’s case, it’s just the Regime desperate to hold on to power with white knuckles.
What’s wrong is being a libertarian and not understanding that libertarianism is stealth leftism.
And how do you come to that conclusion?
Libertarianism is not stealth leftism.
But, like far too many things, it has been infiltrated.
Recently the movement split, with the party being taken over by the Mises Caucus–the non-left libertarians.
But the others are still there, still plugging away. And some are part of the Mises caucus.
As we can see, even here, the left worms it’s way in, providing evil counsel and cloaking it’s ideals in language that hides it’s provenance..
The leftists want to regulate every aspect of our lives, censor free speech, restrict/curtail firearms, raise taxes to punitive levels, confiscate/redistribute wealth among many other policies.
Libertarians don’t want any of that. Anyone who is endorsing those ideas isn’t a Libertarian. These are the posers who just want to smoke weed and they glam onto calling themselves ‘libertarian’.
In this case the polls were right on. But there is no mail-in ballot harvesting with a caucus. Everyone should vote in person, unless physically unable but in that case you must present yourself to a notary to sign the ballot envelope.
Agreed and that’s how we do in Bama. The ONLY exception is if you having a legit medical emergency attested to by your Physician, notarized and handed in to County Clerk before Noon the day prior to election day. Otherwise unless you qualify for a traditional absentee ballot such as military service abroad you vote in person or not at all.
Somebody just called it for Trump. Got the flash over my iPad.
TY Mary,, very good description of the process.. I looked up one question, re ID, and it seems that they do have to present a valid id..
To register to vote, Iowans must bring a valid form of ID and proof of residence. Voters are also required to be 18 years old by Nov. 5, election day, in order to register. People already registered to vote must still bring an accepted form of identification in order to caucus. Valid IDs include driver’s licenses, Iowa Voter Identification Cards, military IDs and U.S. passports.
Thank you!
Right now at 7:40 central time the AP, Poiltico and the New York Slimes have trump at 69.9% CNN has him at 70.3%
Looks like Gov Pigface, Birdbrain, and Vivek are two pump chumps.
That is a great line, DeSantis screwed the pooch and has never recovered.
Ron said he would not challenge Trump.
Then went back on his word.
He likely has worm-tongues whispering in his ear, but still that reveals Ron’s lack of backbone and integrity.
He was stupid to run in the first place.
Already called. Trump is at 70%, DeSantis is about 15%, Haley at about 8%, Vivek at about 5%.
This wasn’t a competition it was a complete slaughter.
Now my tinfoil hat is stumped as to whether all the Democrats who thought it was a great idea to embroil Trump in four lawsuits during election season are changing their underwear or rubbing their hands together in glee.
Where did you see that 70? I’m looking around this AM and see Trump at 51%
There were projections, The 70% was put out by several places initially – but yes, looks like the final totals are in.
IMO, they intentionally ‘called’ the race early knowing Trump supporters would probably go celebrate but the rest would still register ‘protest votes’ to try and lower the margin, but it didn’t really matter, he won in an historic landslide in Iowa.
But it honestly doesn’t matter. He won 51%…. but got that 51% by winning literally every county in the entire state, even the blue areas.
This early call was worse than AZ in ’20 b/c at least in AZ the polls had closed. The caucus process was still ongoing and it isn’t unusual for the process to go towards midnight with multiple rounds of voting. Not to mention the d/prog conveniently foregoing their primary and setting up the opportunity for d/prog deliberate shenanigans at the caucuses.
IMO this was election interference. Not legally but there is no way in hell that at least one person in one precinct in Iowa didn’t decide ‘to hell with it I’m going home’ before the caucus wrangling and multitude voting rounds were completed. The early call influenced that decision.
Do better media and wait to make a call until the process of voting is complete. Especially so in primaries where performance as 3rd v 2nd or X % share as 2nd has an impact on future primary contests.
Oh Jesus
Good to know that you seem just fine with media making calls about who wins before the voters are finished making a decision.
That’s the issue. I want the the media to wait till the decision process of voters is done and you seem to be encouraging them to make their ‘call’ before it is over. No backsliding or whining outta you when it happens in the fall general election.
I’m not ‘fine’ with it, but acting like this was some kind of media attack on DeSantis is just stupid.
Take this and use it to make clear to everybody that the media has no part in the process.
The media aren’t to be trusted. We KNOW they aren’t to be trusted. I’m sure they’re going to try and do this in November.
That being said, the DeSantis supporters crying about it is just stupid. The outcome wasn’t going to change, he lost, just deal with it.
So to sum up the media is simultaneously not to be trusted b/c they will absolutely put their thumb on the scale but this wasn’t an example of it either intentionally or unintentionally?
I didn’t say it was conspiracy or a plot. I said it was a bad decision not to wait until the last voter made a decision. Whether intentional or unintentional there is no way this bad decision to announce a ‘winner’ before it was over didn’t influence at least one voter in Iowa. Recall that the meme guy got sent to prison for ‘election interference’ without the DoJ producing one voter who was influenced by his meme.
The media shouldn’t be authorized or empowered to call any election, ever. They should only report the results from an official government source.
So you’re advocating censorship! Who the hell do you think you are to dictate to people what they are “allowed” to say? The only “authority” or “empowerment” they have or need is the freedom of speech, which is protected by the first amendment.
“IMO this was election interference”
You are absolutely right.
They were hoping that Trump voters in the parts of Iowa that hadn’t caucused yet, seeing that Trump had already won would go home and leave the also rans there to fight for second– not knowing that they were about to hand the state to those also rans.
It didn’t work.
Equally possible. Either way I don’t think it was a conspiracy. It was a bad decision though. I don’t understand why y’all are OK for media to call the race before the voters in the State are done voting.
It doesn’t seem like too much to ask for the media to wait until the voters are done making their decision before they announce a winner.
I don’t think I said that I was okay with the AP and the NYT calling the race early.
I just said why they did it.
Calling the race early could only hurt Trump. Haley and DeSantis knew they were running for second– and that didn’t change when they called it for Trump. So it had no effect on their ground effort.
Bot it might’ve had an effect on Trumps. In fact, right after they called it, Trump dropped from 70%+ down into the 60s.
Who knows? If they hadn’t called it, he might’ve stayed in the 70s. THAT probably would have ended the entire primary season right there.
Now we have to continue wasting time and money on this farce.
Years ago, I started to read blogs like Captain’s Quarters, Legal Insurrection, Power Line, etc. because I wanted a source of news & commentary that was not solely from a liberal/ democrat/ MSM perspective.
Now many of them repeat liberal/ democrat/ MSM talking points – if their preferred presidential candidate is not is not prevailing – like these:
• Does President Donald Trump need 50%? It’s significant because Trump has bragged about being above 50 points, some as high as 60, in polls.
• “Little Marco” Endorses Trump In Embarrassing Tweet ^^
And none of them hold their preferred presidential candidate responsible for their results; which is another indication of what many of us fear: Unlike the Greatest & Silent generations, the Boomer & Gen X generations are not up to the challenge of being the Adults-In-The-Room.
^^ = my comment to this posting:
1) Show of hands, how many think an “anti-Rubio” article would have been posted on LI if Rubio had endorsed DeSantis?
2) Show of hands, how many remember that when DeSantis “officially” announced his presidential campaign in May they told us: “…Trump’s advantage will prove fleeting as high-profile GOP endorsements begin to mount.”?
see > Ron DeSantis presidential campaign team unveiled — including ex-Trump staffer Dustin Carmack (
3) Show of hands, how many know that DeSantis has failed to get within the proverbial “striking distance” of Trump’ endorsements – as measured by # of endorsements or prominence of the endorsement (e.g., Governors, Senators, Representatives, Mayors)?
see > Which 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Has The Most Endorsements? | FiveThirtyEight
In the GE, I will vote for whichever candidate wins the Republican nomination.
However, it is hard to have faith in the electability of a federal candidate that cannot garner the support of the federal Senators or Representatives in their home state – fellow politicians who know him – or have run a campaign – money spent & results – like DeSantis has.
It would be interesting if Trump fell below 50%, but hardly the earth-shattering news Chastain seems to think it would be. And what does it say about Haley and DeSantis, both of whom are struggling mightily to crack 20%?
Relative % is telling.
However you have to factor in that the Dems cancelled their caucus and have been encouraging the Dems to caucus for Haley and DeSantis
That clearly would count for at least 5%
lol you refuse to call it for President Trump
Of course
They spent 200 million dollars to take him down and he won in the largest victory in Iowa caucus history
LOL I am a libertarian. I have NO dogs in this race.
LIBERTARIAN. I don’t care who wins.
Not sure about those other blogs, but I hope you have dropped Powerline! I got banned from commenting because I referred to the segment of excrement oblama as “POS” oblama and then called one of the “commenters” “Pauly” rather than Paul! I found that their underlying ideology was VERY similar to any of the left wing rags! I’d suggest Ace of Spades for some good reading and Frontpage.
I have been reading Powerline blog almost since it first began. You have to be a huge ass**** to be banned at Powerline.
JR, not really. All you have to do is use any word that Scott Johnson thinks offensive, even if you substitute the vowels with asterisks. At least now that is explicitly stated; it used not to be.
lol you refuse to call it for President Trump
Of course
They spent 200 million dollars to take him down and he won in the largest victory in Iowa caucus history
Was it $200 million? I read that it was $78 mil between Haley and DeSantis. Are you saying Vivek spent the remainder?
LI has some sore losers, what percentage?
I didn’t realize a libertarian could be a sore loser when it comes to a GOP primary; thanks for the education.
My comment wasn’t directed at any specific person. Just an observation of significant TDS on LI.
TDS is synonymous, IMO, with the ‘never Trump’ kooks. Lots of GoP primary voters who may not have DJT as their first choice in the primary will nonetheless support DJT as the eventual nominee in the fall v Biden or whomever else the d/prog choose.
We should all commit to supporting the eventual GoP nominee to prevent Biden and his d/prog from another four years of control over the Executive Branch and Judicial nominations. Even Libertarians should make that decision just to stop further erosion of our liberties by an out of control, ideological bureaucracy seeking to micromanage every aspect of our existence.
Libertarians are our worst enemy
According to an NBC poll, and it is NBC so take it with a grain of salt, but according to that poll, 43% of Nikki Haley’s Iowa caucus voters planned to vote for Biden in the election.
M Poppins
Could you briefly compare and contrast what you believe are the basic policy positions among Libertarian, GoP and d/prog on:
1. 2A
2. Scope of Federal gov’t aka administrative State
3. Basic tax policy; income tax, estate tax, capital gains tax, wealth tax
4. Censorship by proxy; IOW the Gov’t ‘suggesting’ that X or FB and others should restrict/suppress info, take down posts or entire accounts which post info the gov’t doesn’t like.
I ask b/c you keep telling us libertarians are apparently ‘the devil’ just like Bobby Boucher’s Momma in the movie The Waterboy but don’t offer any substance to back your claim.
Only those who are in swing states need make such a commitment. Those in safe states (for either party) have the luxury of knowing that their vote cannot possibly affect the result, so they can vote as they really feel. They may care who wins the “national popular vote”, and therefore vote for the Republican even if they don’t like him. Or they can vote for someone else, secure in the knowledge that they are not helping to elect a Democrat.
If it quacks like a duck……
I’m seeing a lot of sore winners here and elsewhere.
Guys guys. You have to understand why they have not yet called it for Trump. The mail in ballots haven’t been counted yet.
If you’re ‘furious’ that they called a race with an incredibly obvious outcome, then perhaps you should take a step back and examine your biases.
They called it not ‘after a minute’, but after they saw the Des Moines votes. When Trump was winning in Des Moines, which is normally a Democrat-leaning area, that was it, it was over.
Complaining that they called after he won the ‘must win’ district of his challengers, and when he’s gotten more than twice the votes of his closest challenger is just whining. The outcome wasn’t going to meaningfully change.
This was not a close race. The only question was by how much the margin of victory was going to be.
I AM A LIBERTARIAN. I don’t give a crap who wins.
Funny, you seem awfully invested in Trump losing for somebody who ‘don’t give a crap who wins’, and incessantly spamming I DON’T ACTUALLY CARE throughout this entire thread is just childish.
I’m not invested in Trump winning, I do think DeSantis would be a fine President (but Haley would be a DISASTER), but anybody acting like Trump isn’t winning by a comfortable margin at this point is just delusional. Anybody actually objective who DOESN’T care who wins would acknowledge that fact.
When Trump started winning Des Moines, this was over.
I’m childish because people assume this about me? I’m childish because I’m upset that I tried hard to do this the right way unlike the MSM by waiting until the information came out and I see people insulting me? Thanks. That is why I’m like this.
I don’t know much about Libertarians, but I am going to educate myself. I don’t like ad hominem attacks… in general… Instead, it would be great to find common ground.. and there is some out there, somewhere.
Maybe I missed something, but no insults to you registered.
Mary Chastain – since you ask – yes. You are.
Nobody is a Libertarian
I am a hardcore “get your hands off my wallet, let me live my life as I wish, don’t micromanage every aspect of my life, leave me the hell alone LIBERTARIAN.”
Always have, always will.
But I am also a realist in that the only candidates who have come close to leaving me alone (and have a damn poor f’in job of it) are republicans. So I vote for republicans. But I refuse to be part of that cult on a daily basis.
So yea, there are people who are libertarians.
But before you get all pissy with me, as I have found you are quite capable of doing when people don’t agree with you, I do agree with some but not all of what you comment about.
But I am sure that you also do not agree with everything I have to say, or the manner in which I say it.
Milton Freedman was, I worked with him for many years. I also met with many Libertarian groups. related to the issue I was working with Friedman about.
Must be cats
I’m a dog faced pony soldier, but you do live her, you know what dire straights we are in as a Country with the polices of Biden, or who ever is pulling the strings, we are being invaded, we are involved in at least 2 wars, a chicken costs $700 dollars, they are cutting off women’s breasts, sorry, little girls breasts and tanking out their wombs, we have a Supreme Court justice that can’t define what a woman is
And you wrote the article
Yet, you don’t care…
Ok, yeah, nothing wrong with that comment…
I believe that,… right…
Thou doth protest too much, methinks!
A very symbolic sign. DeSantis campaign stuck in the snow.
Looking at the Times data. Trump won every county, most by 20% or more. And that’s with >95% reported
Looks like the Iowa governor’s meme fell flat.
And whining and trying to compare it to the Arizona call is stupid. That was a VERY CLOSE race, there were numerous polls that went both ways, and the final margin of victory (if you trust the numbers) was a fraction of a percent.
Nobody complained that they called California instantly.
I get angry when anyone calls any race instantly.
Haley seems to have stepped in it down the stretch.
That surprised me!
DeSantis and Haley are ONLY in the race because of Jack Smith, Fani Willis, and friends.
And they are only interested to get a ticket punched out of the state.
DeSantis has a legitimate following because he has done an arguably great job as governor of Florida.
People may support him, but that is not why he’s in it. More about the crap shoot.
And should have waited for the next election cycle
Vivek is out. still speaking.
He is supporting Trump.. wow..
Wow? Who didn’t see that coming?
Funny, isn’t it? From day one VR repeatedly spoke up for Trump, yet politicos are now surprised he endorsed Trump? This after a year of VR defending Trump. Shows how uniformed the pridefully informed are. Blind eye and all that.
VR also said – multiplex+multiple times – he will not serve as VP. Yet here we are. The first thing out of “informed” mouths is “VP.” The hell of it.
Where the heck have you bunnies been for the past bloody year? That’s right. Not paying attention. If one doesn’t even know this about VR, then they literally know nothing about VR the candidate.
I knew VR irked all the right people when dirty tricks operators doxxed his parents – and discovered his parents are apolitical and kinda boring. And that VR spent years not voting or lying about voting, and not voting. Or registered third party and not voting third party. Or something like that. Very thin gruel. Hard to whip that sort of thing into a frothy partisan rage campaign.
“pridefully informed” is an excellent turn of phrase. I’ll have to remember that one.
Fair enough.. I was surprised that it happened so quickly.
Ah, I misunderstood you.
I guess he wants a job in the Trump administration!
Possibly, but his polices,
For the most part are
Just copies of Trumps,
Who else would he support?
You think
He would support DeSantis?
So, you can’t object to VR’s political platform since it just a copy of Trump’s. You object to other things.
Like VR not hiring a filthy whore for bejeers. Or not earning money via Atlantic City mafia-casinos. No, much worse. VR earned money the bad way – via pharma venture capitalism. THAT kind of dirty money, compared to old school gangster gambling corruption, is so nouveau riche!
Copying Trump policies, DeSantis did it first.
Running for VP?
I could easily see Vivek as Press Secretary, at the very least.
by noon tomorrow all the national media will vacate all the hotels , rental homes and offices in Iowa until early 2028.
It’ll be here before you know it.
So they are trying to frame it as a terrible sign for Trump if he doesn’t get more than 50% even though he’s winning by a record amount? Ok.
Yup, pretty much. I think Reynolds knew that Trump was going to win Iowa.
But he isover 50% and may win every countty in the state.
He has won every county in the state.
A de facto “incumbent” barely treading water above 50% of the total vote, under conditions that clearly favored him, is a bad sign for November. Many of those who voted for someone other than Trump may very well done the proverbial clothespin and vote for him, but many are indicated they won’t.
Turnout was terrible. Hard to say whether it’s weather or something else.
Haley using a teleprompter. At least DeSantis and Trump spoke off the cuff.
She comes in 3rd and claims it’s a two person race. Inauthentic.
I guess going into NH she’s going to aim at Trump instead of DeSantis.
She already does, also comparing him to Biden. But to make the claim of a two person race based on the result tonight is laughable.
They have to spin somehow. I agree with you, though.
Will she pitch a fit like Hillary?
Of course not. She’ll just bitch a bit like Haley.
Not really. She is trying to make the best of it, I think. After the media trying to push her to the top coming in 3rd is a big disappointment for her. Not for America as that Big Government Squish would be bad for our country but for her.
She was talking off a teleprompter with a speech clearly written for a 2nd place finish and her staff obviously forgot to update the speech and she was too dumb to realize what she was saying.
Or it was a Freudian slip and she’s expecting Trump to be forcibly removed and this to be a 2 person race between her and DeSantis.
Haley or her peeps must not trust her mouth or foot
I would hope that our media might learn to stop calling races while the polls are still open.
The fundamental problem still remains the possibility of injecting fake votes during the counting phase.
1 Tiki in reply to gonzotx. | January 16, 2024 at 3:24 am
When I decide to hire a Priest to save this Country, I will , of course, confer with you
You call a vote quickly by looking only at specific fast precincts that statistically are correlated with the rest. So you need some fast city ones and some fast rural ones and the right formula.
They had a lot of interviews and polling people repeatedly, to call the thing based on “data”.
But I think Mary has a point,,, maybe they should have some kind of delay… This isn’t a R or D or L issue,, just a hiccup in the whole process.
Especially so with a caucus. It isn’t a simple one and done cast a vote and leave. Those folks have discussions, multiple rounds of voting, negotiating. Some folks depart, others stay till the end that’s why I referred to a caucus as a test of endurance.
Let’s look forward — who should be the (R) nominee in 2028?
If we don’t get a handle on 2024 elections, and removed the fascists who want to remove candidates from ballots based on invented insurrections, we won’t have a 2028 election. We will have a coronation of a pre-selected fascist left wing tyrant,
At this point it is clear that the GOP will blindly nominate Trump as long as he’s still alive, and probably after if they could get away with it.
I’m surprised:
That Trump and Haley got as many as they did.
That Desantis was not higher.
Honestly I thought this would be a race between Trump and Desantis.
I have concerns with both.
Can Desantis take on the Swamp?
Can Trump get results other than pissing off leftists. I mean it’s a noble pursuit, but it doesn’t earn him any forgiveness for the Fauci years for which many self made people have paid dearly.
also can’t help but make fun of all the RINOS who think Haley is a candidate. I would not even put her in Buttplugigeg’s job as transpo secretary. She’s a wannabe swamp beast. Sort of like Kim Wyman turned into in Wa state politics.
My only comment to your post regards: “it doesn’t earn him any forgiveness for the Fauci years for which many self made people have paid dearly.”
If Trump is the nominee, the binary choice is Trump or Biden (or a dark horse candidate to be named later).
I am willing to forgive Trump for making the mistake of listening to swamp creatures. I lost a lot during the COVID years. I attempted to open a business franchise after my retirement, and lost a boatload of seed money from my 403b, not to mention advance franchise fees, and other expenses for a business that didn’t launch. Also, there a whole slew of deep state operatives, including the media and federal agencies, who tied his hands.
But I have lost more from Biden’s antics. So, to use an analogy to an outrageous comment made by the media, “Trump could kill a journalist on 5th Avenue if New York, and I would still vote for him.”
All is forgiven DJT. Go and sin no more. I will not vote for a Democrat.
It’s never a binary choice.
It will always be a binary choice until the other parties understand that they’ve got to run for, win, and do good at the office of dogcatcher or county clerk or school board member before anyone’s going to trust them anywhere near the presidency.
There has NEVER been a third party candidate who has garnered enough votes to blow snot into a tissue.
So, until proven otherwise, it will ALWAYS be Republican or Democrat, with Green Party, Circle Jerk Party, Birthday Party, Libertarian Party, Ross Perot Party, or any other party only siphoning off votes from the other two. Unless of course you count sitting home with the voters thumb up their ass, that could be a different choice. But there have always been voters who choose not to participate.
So, it’s a binary choice, Either a Democrat or a Republican will win. The rest is just static.
My take. Go back to the original Constitution and have the first with the greatest number of electoral votes be President, and the next Vice President, per Article Ii, Section I.
Nope. 1800 showed how that design was fundamentally broken. It was based on the strange expectation that there would be no parties or campaigns, that people would not get together and organize to try to get a majority of electors to support the same two people.
Biden won’t be on the ballot.
As always the election will come down to a few swing states.
The fact that that the reddest red states love Trump as much as the bluest shit holes hate him matters not.
You have forgiven him, but if weak knee-d, no constitution, ill informed, swing voters in swing states still think “Orange man bad” and “too many mean tweets”…. then NOT Trump is going to win the election.
Trump not only has to win, he also has to win above the margin of cheating.
So if we’re talking primary debate questions, who has the ground game to counter the cheating?