Department of Justice Claims Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Sexually Harassed 13 Women
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Department of Justice Claims Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Sexually Harassed 13 Women

Department of Justice Claims Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Sexually Harassed 13 Women

“The conduct in the Executive Chamber under the former governor, the state’s most powerful elected official, was especially egregious because of the stark power differential involved and the victims’ lack of avenues to report and redress harassment”

The Department of Justice suddenly announced this week that former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed 13 women over the course of eight years.

Can anyone remember a political figure whose fortune changed so drastically and quickly? Just a few years ago, Democrats were hanging on Cuomo’s every word during his COVID press briefings. People wanted him to run for president.

Politico reports:

DOJ says Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed 13 women

New York — Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed 13 women who worked for the state over the course of an eight-year period, the Department of Justice announced Friday as part of a civil rights settlement with his successor.

The agreement concluded the governor’s office under Cuomo violated federal Title VII rules against discrimination and retaliation between 2013 and 2021.

Cuomo and his staff engaged in “a pattern or practice of discrimination against female employees based on sex” and found they retaliated against the women, Justice Department officials found.

The justice department found Cuomo “repeatedly subjected” women in his office to non-consensual sexual contact, ogling and gender-based nicknames. Top Cuomo staff “were aware of the conduct and retaliated against four of the women he harassed,” the DOJ concluded.

“The conduct in the Executive Chamber under the former governor, the state’s most powerful elected official, was especially egregious because of the stark power differential involved and the victims’ lack of avenues to report and redress harassment,” Kristen Clarke, the assistant attorney general in the agency’s civil rights division, said in a statement.

Federal officials Friday also announced they reached a settlement with Cuomo’s successor, Gov. Kathy Hochul, to expand her office’s human resources department, create new policies and procedures for reporting and develop “robust training” for anti-retaliation programs.

FOX News has reaction from Cuomo’s attorney, who calls the investigation politically motivated garbage:

In a statement, Cuomo’s attorney, Rita Glavin, said he didn’t harass anyone and that the DOJ investigation was based on a “deeply flawed, inaccurate, biased, and misleading report” by New York State Attorney General Letitia James.

“This is nothing more than a political settlement with no investigation,” Glavin said.

Cuomo is suing James for documents related to her 2021 investigation into alleged sexual harassment that led to his resignation in August 2021 following her bombshell report of his alleged misdeeds.

In a separate statement, Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi said the DOJ’s investigation “isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.”

You can read the DOJ report here.

Last year, Cuomo hinted at mounting a political comeback and possibly even running for mayor of New York City. This development is probably going to put a damper on those plans.


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I always thought that the DoJ refrained from publicly discussing cases absent a criminal indictment or civil lawsuit that they file. They say this all the time, right? ‘We can’t comment an ongoing investigation,’ gets repeated ad nauseam. This is one reason some legal observers criticize special prosecutors when they file a ‘report’ rather than filing some kind of legal action or obtaining an indictment. I mean, there’s a reason why Grand Jury testimony is secret, right?

I obviously can’t stand Cuomo. But, there are bigger issues at play here. What’s to keep the DoJ from doing this to some Republican politician they don’t like? Nothing. If the DoJ has a case to make in public, it should start with an indictment or civil action..or, they should keep their traps shut, IMO.

    I get your point, but the feds have progressed to concocting elaborate schemes of treason against their R opponents. And when that doesn’t work they’ll coordinate lawfare against their R opponents with the assistance of progressive zealots at the state and local level.

    This is just a shot across the bow to Cuomo to stay out of the Dim 2024 POTUS mix.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to Paul. | January 28, 2024 at 12:38 am

      Yeah. They finally threw him out when the reports of Randy Andy’s shenanigans started fracturing their D-party coalition. Can’t have the useful idiots thinking too hard, they might have a thought.

With all the time New Dork has to go after Republicans, I guess that’s why this took so long.

That’s in lieu of charges, a new justice dept legal convention.

“Federal officials Friday also announced they reached a settlement with Cuomo’s successor, Gov. Kathy Hochul, to expand her office’s human resources department, create new policies and procedures for reporting and develop “robust training” for anti-retaliation programs.”

This was the goal all along. Patronage and, though it doesn’t say it directly, DEI.

(Sorry for the length.)

Also from Politico:


ALBANY, New York — Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign account balance has grown for the first time since he left office over two years ago, inching up from $7.7 million to $7.8 million over the past six months.

But the growth isn’t due to a surge in donations for Cuomo, who has been weighing a New York City mayoral run.

Rather, it’s due to a New York law that requires the state to reimburse legal fees for elected officials who have been accused of crimes that don’t result in convictions. The Albany County sheriff’s office brought a misdemeanor charge of forcible touching against Cuomo in 2021, which was tossed after prosecutors concluded the complaint was defective.

Cuomo received a $565,000 check from the state comptroller’s office last week, thanks to the law.

That likely won’t be the end of the money the ex-governor receives from the state.

According his campaign finance reports Tuesday, Cuomo paid $300,000 to law firm Holwell Shuster & Goldberg since July. That brings the total he has spent on legal fees to $6.9 million since the Assembly started impeachment proceedings in 2021.

The money, which has gone to a wide variety of investigations on allegations that include sexual misconduct and the misuse of state resources to write his pandemic memoir, won’t all be reimbursable. Still, Cuomo’s campaign is expected to get back several million dollars from the state as they work out the details with the comptroller’s office.


The DOJ is so compromised in my view that I’m not even willing to accept at face value anything they do. Even if it damages a Cuomo.

    JOHN B in reply to Concise. | January 27, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    Tough choice here.

    Cuomo or the Biden Justice Department.

    The Biden Justice Department is so evil and corrupt they actually make Cuomo look like a semi-good guy.

Was due process observed? These types of charges and the rather gleeful reporting lead me to suspect that due process was not observed and that the charges are inflated or at least not fully backed by facts. I am no fan of Gov Cuomo but he, and all others, deserve due process. I think this story has yet to fully unfold.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Arnoldn. | January 27, 2024 at 1:30 pm

    Screw that. democrats are less than punctilious about “due process” when it comes to prosecuting those they consider their enemies so Cuomo doesn’t deserve any better. He can swing by his balls in a court of law for all I care. But let’s not whine about “due process”. He deserves exactly what he gets. And nothing more.

Apparently Andy doesn’t understand that he’s supposed to go away. The ‘garbage claims’ from the DOJ are, today, a brush-back pitch. If he doesn’t get the message, they (or Ms. James) will indict him on some politically-motivated nonsense, and he’ll spend the next couple years in court. He won’t have $7.8 million in his account when they’re done.

The Democrats have a few rules about their inner-circle membership, and one of them is this: if you ain’t in the circle, you ain’t in the circle. You don’t have jack. Shut up and do as you’re told. If you don’t, bad things are going to happen to you.

See also: arkancide….

When does Cuomo get sued for $80 million?

13, huh? I’m surprised a DOJ employee could count that high. Usually, just to get as high as 11, they have to take off their shoes and,/i> their pants.

So how many seniors did he kill in nursing homes, or aren’t we counting those for some reason? Maybe the DOJ folks are still struggling to envision their entire Cuomo legal staff naked.

I’m sure that NY will say that the statute of limitations expired on these.

What are they waiting for? there is a gold mine to be had no matter how many decades ago the claim.