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Liberal Media Spreads Blood Libel About Israel and Organ Harvesting

Liberal Media Spreads Blood Libel About Israel and Organ Harvesting

“Reporting the story as if it could be true is not journalism – it is irresponsibly spreading pure hate dressed up as objectivity. And it is emblematic of coverage of this war.”

The Washington Post has come under fire in recent weeks for what its critics say amounts to the so-called news outlet being little more than a mouthpiece for the Hamas terrorist government, accusing Israel of, among other things, “[creating] a humanitarian disaster and [damaging] America’s moral authority in much of the world” thanks to its pledged support for Israel.

Sadly, WaPo is at it again. This time around, it published one of the most serious allegations made against Israel since the start of the Hamas-instigated war: Israel is allegedly harvesting the organs of dead Palestinians before returning their bodies to Gaza.

There is, of course, no evidence for this – which the Washington Post acknowledged. But they tried to give the claims, which amount to blood libel against Israel, an air of credibility by tossing in the words “Palestinian officials say” – perhaps hoping few would understand that “Palestinian officials,” like the infamous Gaza Health Ministry, is code for Hamas officials:

Palestinian officials said Tuesday that Israel had returned the bodies of 80 people it had held during the Gaza war via the Kerem Shalom border crossing. The Hamas-run government media office said Israel had not identified the bodies or said where they had been taken from. They had been “mutilated,” the media office said in a statement, and there were “clear” indications that organs had been “stolen” from the corpses.

The claims could not be independently verified. The Israel Defense Forces referred questions about the bodies to the Israeli agency for civilian coordination with the Palestinians, which did not immediately respond. The corpses, wrapped in blue body bags, were buried Tuesday in a mass grave.

Naturally, others in the MSM ran with the claim, like NBC News tech editor Ben Goggin, who, you know, was just passing the unsubstantiated info along just to be informative and stuff:

The problem here, as Elder of Ziyon noted on Twitter, is that harvesting organs from dead bodies is nearly impossible:

Here’s @nbcnews deputy tech editor @BenjaminGoggin uncritically quoting the absurd Hamas blood libel that Israel stole [harvested] organs from dead Palestinians, something that is literally impossible unless they died in a sterile hospital environment. But why would a science editor know and report basic science? Much better to spread a classic antisemitic trope than to think critically!

Of course, his followers believe anything bad you can say about Jews, so his timeline is now filled with people who say this is evidence of Israeli evil. Great job, Ben! You helped spread hate!

Why would the @WashingtonPost, whose story he was quoting, report the charges without mentioning the science either? They were more “fair” – saying that Israel didn’t respond yet to one of the dozens of absurd lies that Hamas hurls at them, because it has to act responsibly and get an official answer, unlike Hamas which can make up as many lies as it wants and leave it to Israel to play defense.

Oh, and one more thing: if Israel is returning bodies through Kerem Shalom, as the article admits, that means they were in Israel itself. A real reporter would note that this means that the bodies were likely those of the 10/7 murderers and rapists, the only Gazans who were in Israel – unless the IDF kidnapped the Gazans just to kill them and steal their organs, which antisemites would readily believe as well.

Real journalists would report that the slander is literally impossible and that Palestinian leaders and other antisemites have a history of making up lies like this. Even Israeli doctors who go to disaster areas to save lives have been accused of organ stealing by today’s Jew-haters.

Reporting the story as if it could be true is not journalism – it is irresponsibly spreading pure hate dressed up as objectivity. And it is emblematic of coverage of this war.

They elaborated more on their blog:

It is impossible to use organs like hearts and kidneys from dead bodies. Tissue donation must be within 24 hours after death and requires a full medical evaluation of the donor beforehand.

In short, it is not just a lie, but a lie that is easily proven to be a lie. Yet the Post didn’t bother to take that extra step and actually inform their readers that it is indeed a lie.

The process for procuring and preserving organs for donation is, as one might expect, complex, as Live Science explained here, and which further proves the point that organ harvesting from dead bodies (especially the ones Israel allegedly “exhumed from their graves” according to Hamas) is near impossible.

Legal Insurrection has also tackled previous instances of the allegation being passed off as factual by anti-Semitic activists and so-called scholars here and here.

As always, in these matters, it’s best to consider the source – and then form your opinions accordingly.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Can anybody tell the difference between the journalism standards of WaPo and alex jones of infowars? Double standards much?

    mailman in reply to smooth. | December 28, 2023 at 11:52 am

    I believe even Alex Jones has standards the Democrat media wishes they had.

      smooth in reply to mailman. | December 28, 2023 at 11:57 am

      Why not $1.1B judgement against WaPo?

        Milhouse in reply to smooth. | December 28, 2023 at 9:58 pm

        Because they haven’t defamed any private people lately. Jones wasn’t hit for any of the lies he told, until he told some very damaging lies about specific individuals, and knowingly caused them terrible harm.

        Telling lies in general is constitutionally protected; defamation is not, but that exception has to be read narrowly. For instance this evil blood libel is not defamation because it’s against “Israel”, not against specific individuals. There is no such thing in US law as group libel; tell any lie about more than 25 people and you’re safe.

    Jones is more credible than the Pravda media!

    Milhouse in reply to smooth. | December 28, 2023 at 9:52 pm

    Can anybody tell the difference between the journalism standards of WaPo and alex jones of infowars?

    Yes. People expect Alex Jones to make stuff up, so they don’t automatically believe anything he “reports”. He barely even bothers pretending otherwise.

    Under-informed people expect WaPo to tell some reasonable approximation of the truth, and generally believe anything it says unless and until it’s proven false, or in some cases unless and until WaPo publishes a retraction, which doesn’t always happen even then.

And you were expecting?
Satanists gonna satan….

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to rduke007. | December 28, 2023 at 12:57 pm

    The Jew-haters have an answer for everything. So the organs are unusable- that just shows how cruel the Jews are, going to the expense & bother of removing the organs for the sole purpose of desecrating the bodies & adding to the families’ anguish.

I know we have talked about Fetterman, his support for Israel in face of his party’s Islamic lovefest,
And a few other non lefty stands, but never forget who he really is

He absolutely adores Biden, thinks he the bestest

“Guest host John Berman said, “Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman did an interview with Politico, where he talked about you. He said that you need to shut the blank up. And what he’s talking about is you’ve been warning Democrats about President Biden’s chances for re-election. Fetterman went on to say, I don’t know why he, you, believes it’s helpful to say these kinds of things about an incredibly difficult circumstance with an incredibly strong and decent and excellent president. I think he also went on to question how relevant you’ve been since Grunge”

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | December 28, 2023 at 12:21 pm

    Where in the article is there anything about Fetterman, whether about his affinity for Biden, or not?

    I did a fast F for Fetterman and the first place it appears is in your comment.

    So, how is all of this connected?

      Well sir, the article is about Israel and often people are in awe of Fetterman and his support for the same, thinking maybe the stroke in the head did something to move him from the radical he is

      Israel support or not he’s 110% crazy democrat

      So it relates on an level, dont trust the media and don’t trust fetterman


By and large we don’t have much in the way of journalism from the legacy/corporate media. Instead they receive press releases, curated leaks and taking points to disseminate from their ideological brethren. That’s why alternative media has grown and continues to grow.

    That’s why I keep saying the media are the prophets or the Progressive church. And “experts” are its priests.

    jakebizlaw in reply to CommoChief. | December 28, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    Obama’s novelist Ben Rhodes explained it well – feeding the narrative to gullible and ignorant 27-year olds who have a journalism degree hanging on their wall.

Even if it were true I wouldn’t care as it probably would be the first time in these thugs existence that they made a positive contribution to humanity ( that assumes that the organs were actually useful).

    JohnSmith100 in reply to CountMontyC. | December 28, 2023 at 4:48 pm

    I was thinking that while this is a bald faced lie about Jews that they are entitled to made as whole as possible, so maybe harvesting organs has some merit 🙂 Also, there are a lot of hungry Pale’s who might appreciate less useful parts of Hamas. It is fun to mess with them.

WaPo is to print journalism what CNN is to broadcast journalism.

    inspectorudy in reply to Q. | December 28, 2023 at 3:15 pm

    I disagree. WaPo is to journalism what msnbc is to TV news. CNN is just stupid and unprofessional but msnbc is so mean, and racist that they are unwatchable. They have a black woman who hates whites with her own show! As a test of their variety of news, tune into them several times a day and you will see the word Trump in the crawler. If it wasn’t for him, they wouldn’t be on the air.

Blood libel has a bad sound to it but appears to just be another name for a story about ritual use of blood by Jews. It doesn’t seem to cover organ harvesting.

    “Blood libel” is the term covering all sorts of bullcarp lies about Jews, originating with the claim that the blood of Gentile children are used to make matzo. Things labeled “blood libel” are lies about activity so egregious it will whip a mob into a frenzy and drive out or kill any handy Jews.

      rhhardin in reply to GWB. | December 28, 2023 at 12:15 pm

      It’s not whipping me into a frenzy. A frenzy fact check is needed.

        smooth in reply to rhhardin. | December 28, 2023 at 12:31 pm

        It certainly has that effect in the arab street, and in the mosques.

          rhhardin in reply to smooth. | December 28, 2023 at 12:41 pm

          Any number of things whip the “oppressed” into a frenzy. Is there white blood libel or is it specific to Jews?

          The oppressed are none too bright.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to smooth. | December 28, 2023 at 4:53 pm

          Since Mosques are a major terror threat, how about destroying all of them?

          Milhouse in reply to smooth. | December 28, 2023 at 10:09 pm

          The term “blood libel” is usually specific to Jews, but it’s legit to extend its use to directly similar cases. For instance I would call the claim that Sarah Palin was responsible for Jared Loughner shooting Gaby Giffords a blood libel.

        You hardly constitute a mob.

        wagnert in atlanta in reply to rhhardin. | December 29, 2023 at 9:45 am

        “It’s not whipping me into a frenzy.” You’re not the age or ethnic group it’s aimed at. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time being whipped into a frenzy. But that was then. I don’t think I’ve been in a really good frenzy for fifty years.

        Boy, I miss those days.

      jakebizlaw in reply to GWB. | December 28, 2023 at 1:24 pm

      And what makes the blood libel particularly bizarre as that the laws of kashrut (kosher foods) bend over backwards to remove blood from meat and would even preclude the use of a fertilizer chicken egg, IIRC.

    “just be another name for a story” Pathetic comment!

    No big deal. And “from the river to the sea” is “just simply freedom and rights to the Palestinian people between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,”

      Be careful, someone will call you out on “what does this have to do with the article”

      If it said “Palestinians will be free” that might have had legs. But “Palestine will be free” can only mean that a state will be established, and if it stretches from the river to the sea then that means Israel won’t exist.

    Milhouse in reply to rhhardin. | December 28, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    It’s the same thing. It also covers the bizarre libel that was popular in the middle ages, that accused the Jews of stealing consecrated hosts and torturing them. Sticking pins in them to make them bleed. Something that it would never have occurred to any Jew to do, because Jews didn’t think that was even possible, and mostly weren’t aware that Catholics thought it was.

an air of credibility by tossing in the words “Palestinian officials say” – perhaps hoping few would understand that “Palestinian officials,” like the infamous Gaza Health Ministry, is code for Hamas officials “more full of bovine scat than the Kansas City stockyards”

It’s long past time to start confronting head-on the vile, European dhimmis’ and American Dhimmi-crats’ decades-long, lazy, indefensible and gleeful parroting of, and, deference paid to, fallacious, slanderous and manifestly false Muslim supremacist/terrorist/Islamofascist propaganda vilification and demonization of Israel and Israeli Jews.

This is not “journalism,” or, legitimate and fair criticism of Israel — it’s the evil slander of an entire people, because they choose to live in a contemporary revival of their ancient homeland — a homeland which existed millennia before the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded.

The only reason to publish this manifestly false, slanderous and dangerous Muslim fascist propaganda, is to demonize Israel and Israeli Jews. There’s no reason such trash should see the light of day.

If it puts Israel and Israeli Jews in a bad light, the Dhimmi-crat and Leftist dhimmi media in Europe and in the U.S., will run with it.

    smooth in reply to guyjones. | December 28, 2023 at 11:54 am

    More and more, WaPo reads like the 100% government controlled news outlets in arab capitol cities. MEMRI needs to include WaPo on their list.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | December 28, 2023 at 1:35 pm

    Not just to demonize Israeli Jews, of course, but, also, to rationalize, justify and give moral credibility to terrorism and barbarism committed against them.

    ” ‘Resistance’ isn’t terrorism,” being the loathsome and evil propaganda slogan that Muslim supremacists/terrorists and their dhimmi/Dhimmi-crat, useful idiot allies, love to parrot.

I realize that this comment will be downvoted, but some clarification should be made.

My mother passed away two years ago and donated her body to the Maryland Department of Health.

I called to talk to the Department about what specifically would happen to her body.

They said that the body could be used in a variety of ways such as teaching students anatomy at hospitals. The other thing that could happen would be that her organs could be removed, analyzed and studied.

All the while, her remains would be frozen.

The point is while 12 months after her death, her organs could not be donated for use in another person, her organs were still a source or viable information for other studies and data collection.

While it is improbable and more likely impossible for the Israelis to use the deceased to be used as organ donors into other living people, it is possible that organs were removed for study. I am not saying that happened, only that it is possible. (And I believe the likelihood is remote at best,)

The State of Maryland used mom’s organs for study for well over a year. After 15 months, she was cremated and her ashes returned to me for interment.

    I hope your mom taught them a thing or two. 🙂

    Except this isn’t about your mother. Nice try though attempting to make this about something else.

      No, he was providing a bit of truth about the uses for organs, given the statements about organs not being useful for transplant.
      It’s always helpful to have this sort of “Well, there could be this…” info, so you’re prepared when an opponent tries to toss it out there. It helps prevent myopia in our attacks on the lies.

        GWB – thank you.

        Your restating of the point I was trying to make may be helpful in some regard.

        Once again, for the benefit of people like “smooth” above. while deceased people’s organs have to be used quickly if they are being used in a transplant, the organs themselves can be used for scientific study long after deaf if properly maintained.

        That’s the only point I was trying to make.

          For what purpose? Would Maryland have wanted the organs from the field of battle, as compared to donation?

          oldschooltwentysix: The State of Maryland may not want the bodies who were killed in a military setting, but the US Military does.

          The military, like the civilian world, asks members to sign releases for organ and tissue donation after death (for transplants into a living person) and also tissue donations after death for medical research.

          This makes sense when you think about it because it enables people to be saved through donations of transplants and also research into tissue samples for preventing battlefield injuries through better equipment, etc. The only way to determine the effect of a weapon on a body is to study the body, the organs and the tissue.

          Once again, I do not believe that Israel was stealing organs for transplants. My point was an remains that there is something that can be gained from examining organs and tissue that are not being transplanted.

          The other thing that needs to be remembered is that Jewish law and custom provides that a body be buried in tact and lacking that, as complete as possible.

          My only point is telling my story with the State of Maryland was that contrary to what the original post claims, there is a medical research value to organs and tissue after a 24 hour period and after the organs have been frozen.

And I noticed this, reading through:
there were “clear” indications that organs had been “stolen” from the corpses (emphasis added)
Note they don’t say the organs were missing. They don’t say “They gave them back without hearts and kidneys.” They say there were clear “indications” that parts had been stolen. It’s a melding of fantasy thinking common to many muslims, Pallywood, blood libel, and classic journalistic shuck and jive.

    smooth in reply to GWB. | December 28, 2023 at 12:07 pm

    Its obvious fabricated counter story to the hamas mutilations. Leftie psyops are transparent, but it can be somewhat effective because the world if full of stupid people on tiktok.

    GWB – agreed.

    To put it another way, either the organs are there or they are not.

    The body either has incisions for the removal of organs, or it does not.

    The term “indications” means nothing in the context of the allegations.

      It makes me think of the bit with the coroner in Men In Black, where she asks “J” to put his hand in the body cavity of the one corpse.
      “Notice anything strange? Stomach, liver, lungs?”
      “Nope. All fine.”
      “Doctor, they’re all missing.”
      “Of course. Oh, you know, that’s obviously the first thing I noticed. What I was pointing out is the fact there are no pieces of them left. You know, so, they’re intact somewhere.”

They He elaborated more on their his blog”
Fixed it for you.
Elder of Ziyon is a man. Aside from acknowledging his XY DNA by posting audio recordings, he has maintained his anonymity. See (or rather hear) him at

Note: The IRA that he criticizes is NOT me. 😉

Izvestia nye Pravda, y Pravda nye Izvestia.

nothing liberal about this media, stacy. You might mean marxist or fascist

WP rivals the NYT for being a Hamas propaganda sheet

What this does to the ignorant fools of the world is to inflame them to the point of aggression. We have seen it over and over when an event is incorrectly blamed on Israel and then later proven to be a lie. The proof is never made public to the Arab world so the damage is done. The idiots in the US will see this lie and it will add to their hatred for Israel. Hamas has become the propaganda machine of all time making Goebbels of Hitler’s Germany look like a choir boy!

Sick…Blatantly Just Sick!
Yet not surprised!