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Hitting Universities Where it Hurts Week in Education

Hitting Universities Where it Hurts Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

The power players in higher education think their industry is untouchable. It is not.

Claudine Gay does not deserve this support.

People are tired of this.

DEI is also on the chopping block.

Shame on SNL.

Beyond parody.

I could have saved them the time and money.

This sounds great!

What could go wrong?

Of course.

Good for him!


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She’s just a fashion accessory for the Liberal Left. A Black, Marxist, Pro-Palestine*, Lesbian.

* Of course she’s more than “Pro-Palestine” – she’s absolutely going to be anti-Semitic. She surrounded by highly intelligent Jews at Harvard and they make her feel stupid.

Apparently Obama made phone calls to every board member threatening them

What a guy

You would think that hitting them where it hurts is a reference to their pocket books because some donors have threatened to cancel gifts. But many of these universities have bigger endowments than than Elon Musk has FU money. Harvard has fifty billion.

    ConradCA in reply to Peabody. | December 16, 2023 at 8:44 pm

    Their endowment fund is held in a trust fund. If the university loses it’s nonprofit status then they should have to pay taxes on their withdrawals from the fund.

She’s black and has big glasses. Television beckons. She can play a judge, a police captain or a jet-setting, corporate troubleshooter. Her role will call for straightening out confused, white worker bees, and mouthing world-weary noble sentiments. There is a hard quota, by fiat, for this in Great Britain. No exceptions made for historical accuracy or regional integrity. When we watch English dramas, we place bets on how many seconds before the first negro, queer or pederast priest appears on screen.

Yellow Jacket 1 | December 16, 2023 at 5:19 pm

Imagine if Trump gets nominated

And chooses Rep. Elise Stefanik for vice-president.

Subotai Bahadur | December 16, 2023 at 7:40 pm

Just for clarification. Some GOP members of Congress want to cut the funds to Harvard, but by no means a majority. And if for some reason it becomes a majority you can be sure enough Republicans will change sides when it comes time to actually vote to guarantee that the GOPe does not accidentally support what the party base wants.

Subotai Bahadur

Does she keep her hair cut super short like because she has wig collection for disguise in public? Or because she masculine personality traits?

The recent revelations of the many BILLIONS of dollars, unauditable because records erased, coming from middle eastern countries (I think at least some of the countries are still identifiable) to our top universities — makes me think this may be hopeless. The schools aren’t acting this way because they want to piss on Jews, but because they are being paid billions of dollars to do so.

No exaggeration. Cornell got $1.4 billion last year.