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France’s Iconic Notre Dame Cathedral Will Reopen by Christmas 2024

France’s Iconic Notre Dame Cathedral Will Reopen by Christmas 2024

The new rooster weathervane has “wings of fire” to symbolize that “the cathedral can be reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix”.

Legal Insurrection covered the devastating fire that destroyed France’s iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in 2019.

At one point, the original projection for the rebuilding of this magnificent wonder of architecture was going to take 15 to 20 years.

Both the building and its esplanade might remain under renovation for another “15 or 20 years,” Patrick Chauvet told The Associated Press on Friday.

…Shortly after the fire, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to rebuild the burned-out cathedral, a symbol of national pride, in just a few years.

“We will rebuild Notre-Dame even more beautifully and I want it to be completed in five years. We can do it,” Macron said at the time.

“It is up to us to convert this disaster into an opportunity to come together, having deeply reflected on what we have been and what we have to be and become better than we are. It is up to us to find the thread of our national project,” he added.

But it is going to take less than 5. As noted by John Sexton of Hot Air, the cathedral will reopen in time for Christmas next year.

Paris is hosting the summer Olympics next year and President Macron had originally hoped to have the cathedral reopened in time for that. The schedule has since slipped a little bit but it is currently scheduled to fully reopen next December 8 in time form Christmas. There are hundreds of people working at the site every day to meet that deadline.

The new spire is now in place, complete with a new rooster weathervane to replace the one severely damaged in the fire. There are also a number of fire safety enhancements that will make the building less vulnerable to fire in the future.

The rooster is a national symbol in France.

…The designer of the rooster, architect Philippe Villeneuve, said its “wings of fire” were a reminder that “the cathedral can be reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix”.

The designer of the rooster, architect Philippe Villeneuve, said its “wings of fire” were a reminder that “the cathedral can be reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix”.

The man in charge of Notre-Dame’s restoration, Philippe Jost, described it as “an unparalleled human adventure”.

“The rooster now means it’s the very end of the rebuilding of the spire,” he said.

Artisans and craftsman have also remade and restored many of the other iconic elements of the building, including the gargoyles, that adorned the original structure.

I am delighted by the good success and beauty of these restoration efforts, especially the focus on keeping the original gothic style. I look forward to covering the reopening next year very much.


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I don’t believe I’ve ever heard what started the fire. I assume the authorities know but are not saying.

    fscarn in reply to walls. | December 25, 2023 at 11:16 am

    “to symbolize that “the cathedral can be reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix'”

    Not if the Muzzies, to whom the French, acting with a decades-long delusion, get the have their say/way.

    As to the cause of the fire, can you spell I-S-L-A-M?

Ha-shem was punishing the French for the Jew-hating Sinagoga carving.

I can’t say I shed a tear when it burned.

    alaskabob in reply to Eric R.. | December 25, 2023 at 10:45 am

    Tearless for Western Civ also?

      Eric R. in reply to alaskabob. | December 25, 2023 at 1:05 pm

      You think fanatic, murderous Jew-hatred is a portion of Western Civilization we should defend?

        alaskabob in reply to Eric R.. | December 25, 2023 at 1:59 pm

        It’s the BIGGER PICTURE I am talking about…. do I sense another Purger of the Past here? Maybe we should go back (or forward) to Islam controlling the Holy Lands (or Earth) and live by (under) the Koran and the Shadow of Khaybar? Oops..did I mention Khaybar… my bad… far kinder than the “fanatic, murderous Jew-hatred is a portion of Western Civilization”. As I have posted here before, this shallow dogma of Jews as
        “Christ Killers” is so stupid theologically. I have no place for antisemitism. But history warts and all is far better under Western civ than the alternatives . A reminder that the most fundamental Christians are not the fanatic murderous ones…. that’s left to the Left and its G-dless progressive humanism.

    gonzotx in reply to Eric R.. | December 25, 2023 at 12:13 pm

    I’m not well traveled, nor a religious scholar, so I didn’t know of these travesties.
    My hope is that they be removed to places which can be viewed for historical educational purposes, but replaced with Christian symbols of peace .

      gonzotx in reply to gonzotx. | December 25, 2023 at 12:28 pm

      and I don’t think of this as our removal of our historical statues, they are in honor of men who fought for their ideas and made peace in defeat

      I don’t see them as reminders of slavery , but as reminders of a nations debt it paid for its sin of slavery and the need of this great nation to reconcile the evil of that past with the promise of the future, in Gods name…

      In Lincoln’s second address…

      “Lincoln used inclusive language at the start of this address to connect people to their common responsibility for the war and its origins. In this concluding paragraph, his inclusive language (“us”, “we”, “ourselves”) is intended to move the nation forward towards reconciliation. Images of slavery, swords, blood, lashes, and war, are replaced in his conclusion with kindness, healing and unity.

      Throughout the address, Lincoln doesn’t talk about retribution or punishment; themes that were expected by many in the North. Instead, he calls for peace among all Americans. He leaves his listeners with one of the most memorable, empathetic, and eloquent paragraphs in Presidential writings.“

Well, I’ll be damned. I thought it would take even longer than twenty years. But determination and wanting to preserve what little remains of western civilization has provided the drive and zeal to finish this project quicker. Bravo, France!

All this assumes, of course, that it doesn’t “accidentally” burn down again.

Macron tired to turn it into a super modern multiuser (Muslim welcome) kind of place

Thank God he was defeated

Subotai Bahadur | December 25, 2023 at 3:50 pm

I seem to remember that just days ago there was a plot [Palestinian?] thwarted to burn down Cologne Cathedral in Germany. I hope that Notre Dame has a strong, dedicated, Gallic security force with weapons-free orders.

Subotai Bahadur