Top White House Health Official Regrets Working with Fauci to Downplay COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory

Sky News Australia has an exclusive interview with a former Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) official, who says he downplayed the COVID-19 lab leak theory alongside former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The former Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the US Department of Health, Dr Robert Kadlec, has told Sky News he feels obligated to reveal confidential discussions he had with Dr Fauci, America’s top infectious diseases adviser, about diverting attention away from the lab leak theory.In his first television interview, to air on Sky News on Tuesday night, he also warns of another pandemic emerging from high-risk experiments in laboratories globally, saying the lessons from Covid-19 haven’t been learnt.“The tools of science to do this kind of synthetic biology, this risky research has not been limited to China. It happens in the United States. It’s happening in a lot of places in the world and we could have another one of these (pandemics) if we don’t accept that,” he says in the new Sky News documentary “What Really Happened in Wuhan, the Next Chapter.”Dr Kadlec, who worked for presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump and lead American efforts to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, said his intention in initially downplaying a lab leak was to encourage co-operation from China in the early days of the outbreak.But the public denial of the lab leak theory spiralled and the proposition Covid may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology turned into a conspiracy.“I wake up at usually about 2 or 3am and think about it honestly, because it’s something that we all played a role in,” Dr Kadlec says.

Legal Insurrection will likely recall our many reports on the lab leak being a reasonable and credible theory based on real science.

I started in February 2020 when I noted that Chinese university researchers believed the virus might have originated in a government laboratory in Wuhan.

Stories our team has covered since that time support the assertion that covid’s origins were from a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Legal Insurrection readers may also recall our report on the Chinese coronavirus investigator who fell from a roof after filing a covid vaccine patent 2 months before China reported the outbreak.

Intelligence obtained by members of the US Senate reveals that Zhou Yusen filed a patent for a Covid-19 vaccine on February 24, 2020, barely a month after China put Wuhan into lockdown because of the outbreak.US vaccine developers told investigators that it would have been impossible to have generated the data cited in the patent so swiftly – it would have taken about three months’ work, meaning that scientists at the Wuhan Institute for Virology were secretly working on a Covid vaccine in November, two months before Beijing told the world about the pandemic.Zhou, who worked for the People’s Liberation Army and was collaborating with Wuhan scientists at the time of the outbreak, died in mysterious circumstances in May 2020, aged 54.US investigators are said to have been told ‘Zhou fell from the roof of the Institute’, although this has not been confirmed.

Kadlec considered the scenario that Yusen’s death was linked to the outbreak “certainly possible.”

Three months after filing his patent, the scientist mysteriously died when he ‘fell from the roof of the institute.’Dr Kadlec believes it was during Dr Yusen’s research that the virus escaped from the WIV and sparked a global health emergency.Dr Kadlec said: ‘It looked like he was censored as a consequence of whatever happened. Our evidence would suggest that something happened while he was doing his work, which we believe was when the virus first emerged.’And whether he was held accountable either through some formal proceeding or not, he was certainly dead by July (2020).’Asked by Sky News if it was possible Dr Yusen was killed for starting the pandemic, Dr Kadlec told the outlet: ‘It’s certainly possible, we considered that as a plausible possibility, however, we had no evidence to make that assessment.’

All of these are good fact to keep in mind as we monitor reports about the mysterious respiratory illness striking children in China.

It will also be interesting to see if the Biden administration begins to position Fauci for tossing under the bus.

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Wuhan Coronavirus