Pro-Hamas “Globalize The Intifada” Group Publishes NYC Target Map Of Enemies

Another day, another call for domestic terrorism by Hamas supporters, so of course, the feds won’t take it seriously until something happens and people actually die. Even then, they’ll find a way to blame Americans’ “Islamaphobia.”

The latest call for murderous acts of violence on American soil comes from a pro-Hamas group who posted an antisemitic map of New York City that has been marked with various “targets” for violence. These targets include news outlets, assorted businesses, and even landmarks.

The New York Post reports:

A pro-Palestinian activist group shared a frightening map of New York City newsrooms, businesses and landmark buildings — and called for “direct action” to “globalize intifada.”In addition to news buildings, Within Our Lifetime, which describes itself as a Palestinian-led community organization, called for followers to target the offices of technology companies“Each of the locations on this map reflects the location of an office of an enemy of both the Palestinian people and colonized people all over the world. Today and beyond, these locations will be sites for popular mobilization in defense of our people,” the sickening Wednesday night post read.“May this map serve as a call for every struggle to act in their own interest. As we do so, we uplift one another’s struggles and free Palestine from the river to the sea,” it continued, repeating the Palestine Liberation Organization mantra adopted by Hamas that calls for the eradication of Israel.The controversial post has since been deleted.

Fox News has more:

A pro-Palestinian group posted a picture of multiple locations around New York City it alleges are associated with the “genocide” in Gaza.The group, Within Our Lifetime, posted the map which was later deleted, with a headline of “From Palestine to NYC. Globalize the Intifada,” according to the New York Post. The map stated that the locations were considered zones “of direct action.”. . . . The group describes itself as a “Palestinian-led community organization” with 121,000 followers on Instagram.New York City political leaders commented on the map, saying it calls for violence against Jewish individuals.”Coded calls for violence against Jews are proliferating on social media,” Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y. wrote on X.Mark Levine, Manhattan borough president, said the organization’s actions are “dangerous and reprehensible.”

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

Tags: Antisemitism, Crime, Gaza - 2023 War, New York City, Terrorism