Nothing To See Here: Democrats’ Continued Attacks on Americans’ Rights, from Freedom of Speech to the Right To Keep And Bear Arms

Biden Back

All your guns are belong to us, wail the Democrats and their propagandist media arm in the wake of any shooting, and the recent Maine shooting by a known threat (he apparently told anyone who would listen that he was going to shoot up some place and lots of people) was no exception. They fail, as always, to understand not only the laws in place (and unenforced) but the Constitution of these United States.

The only even remotely possible way to take our guns would be a repeal of the Second Amendment. And I don’t see that happening, and even if it did, I’m not sure how many people would comply with the revocation of a God-given right, but at least their gun-grabbing would resemble something Constitutional if they somehow got a repeal.

Not sure what is going on with this, but it seems worth noting.

Hot Air: “U.S. Freezes Exports of Civilian Firearms”

He’s not wrong.

The Hill: “DeSantis points to ‘liberal, soft on crime policies’ in wake of Maine mass shooting”

Nothing To See Here

This is just weird.

Sharyl Attkisson: “Off-duty pilot charged with attempted murder for allegedly trying to shutdown engines on US flight”

Your tax dollars at work.

To protect him, I guess.

The Federalist: “FBI And Its Foreign Influence Task Force Purged Sources Who Were Onto Biden Corruption”

What is going on here?

Washington Examiner: “A Texas farmer’s fight for justice could have major implications for property rights”

The Canadian government is on a (depopulation?) mission.

So criminals are a bit skittish of armed citizens. As we’ve been saying all along.

Bearing Arms: “Guess What Happened to Violent Crime Rates After Ohio Adopted Permitless Carry?”

This is funny . . . until you remember the left’s propensity for projection.

Hot Air: “Maddow on The View: Trump Wants to Execute Us”

There has to be a reason that Democrats are working so hard to destroy any semblance of competitive academic excellence on the world stage or even here in America. It’s almost as if they want Americans to be the most ignorant, uneducated drooling idiots on the planet. But why?

Hot Air: “Oregon: You Don’t Need Math, Reading, Writing, to Graduate”

The Messenger: “The US Education Crisis Spells Failure for Our Future”

The Free Press: “‘I Was Fired for Setting Academic Standards’”

I’m pretty sure that’s the goal.

Washington Examiner: “Judge James Ho warns college campuses have become a danger to American ideals”

We know why.


Daily Caller: “EXCLUSIVE: Border Authorities Are Counting Palestinian Migrants As Other Nationalities”

To no one’s surprise . . . but to crickets from the Democrats and their media co-conspirators.

Town Hall: “Biden Administration Exposed for Child Trafficking”

And then there’s this.

Credit where it’s due.

Trump said . . . what the hell?

Oh, I’m sure he didn’t mean you. He meant those other “losers.” For sure. Totally.

Fool me once . . . .

This is just bizarre. And sad. And bizarre.

Hot Air: “‘My Worst Nightmare’: Seattle Homeowner Lives in a Van While Deadbeat Tenant Rents His Home on Airbnb”

Definitely Nothing To See Here

Ridiculous tyrant-wannabe Sen. Amy Klobucher (D-MN) is on a mission to ensure that there is no dissent anywhere on the internet. Democrats and their media hactivist liars are convinced that we would believe their absolute hackery and lies if only we didn’t have access to anything else. They truly believe we cannot think for ourselves, hold any ideas we didn’t glean online, or think a single thought not fed to us by some by media or government hack. It’s beyond insulting.

Glenn Greenwald: “Sen. Klobuchar Pressures Amazon to Blacklist Rumble/Substack.”

Newsbusters: “Lawmakers Pressure Amazon to Censor Alexa’s So-Called ‘Election Misinformation’”

Matt Taibbi makes the case for making Klobucher “the face of the digital censorship movement,” and it’s hard to argue with his logic: “Note to Readers: On ‘Project Amy’.”

The Biden administration, getting a pass from SCOTUS for some unfathomable reason, is already gearing up to silence speech it dislikes.

Hot Air: “FTC to Use Child Psychologists to Regulate Social Media”

They are well and truly shocked to learn that years of suppression of conservative voices didn’t win a single heart or mind to their crazy. That’s why they are in such a tizzy about Elon Musk buying Twitter and unleashing (however modestly) non-Democrat, non-leftist, non-woke voices. They didn’t hear us, so they deluded themselves into believing we were with them.

They’ve been railing against Fox News for years because they seem to honestly believe that if only we could only hear Teh Narrative, we’d be totally all-in on anti- and unAmerican Democrat policies. Stop laughing, this seems to be driving their anti-free speech, anti-First Amendment madness.

Liberal (an actual liberal and seemingly more and more reluctant Democrat) Ruy Teixeira calls this phenomenon the “Fox News fallacy.” “The Worst Fox News Fallacy of Them All: If voters don’t love Bidenomics it must be because they are manipulated and misinformed.”

It’s really kind of sad if you think about: you can’t win in the marketplace of ideas, so you shut down anyone who disagrees with you, puff yourself up because no one is pushing back (they can’t because you shut them down), and then find out that it was all a complete and self-created illusion. Enforced silence didn’t actually mean agreement and support. In fact, everyone who was silenced, cancelled, and falsely accused and persecuted just got super angry as well as not changing their minds one bit. Who could have foreseen that? Oh, right, everyone . . . who is not them.

And finally, when good things happen:

I love to see Republicans with a backbone. Such a refreshing and welcome change.

This child mutilation craze won’t stop until it hits them where it hurts: in the wallet.

Hot Air: “Female Detransitioner Sues Pediatric Academy”

A handy guide for those of us who live in concealed carry states.

Bearing Arms: “12 Concealed Carry Guns 12 Ounces Or Less”

This new GOP House Speaker looks better by the day.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Biden Administration, Crime, Democrats, Education, Free Speech, Media Bias