Nothing To See Here: Democrats, Media Think The Real Problem With Hamas Invasion of Israel Is . . . Wait For It . . . Americans’ Islamophobia

We have all seen the heart-wrenching footage of the horrors inflicted on innocent Israeli citizens by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The gruesome, evil savagery perpetrated upon innocent people just going about their daily lives. The torture, the rapes, the beheadings, the inhumanity on such a scale that it was truly soul-wrenching to witness even from afar, via video (most of which helpfully provided by the evil-doers themselves).

What is the Democrat response? Well, beyond the Hamas Caucus that seems to be quite a bit larger than the original (and merely) “progressive” Squad, it’s been the George W. Bush throwback to warning about the inherent danger nestled in Americans’ hearts, those vile throbbing masses of potentially violent xenophobia and hate (per the establishment class, remember, that’s you. And me. And every other normal American in the nation.).

We’re not being bombarded with assurances that Islam is the religion of peace and love, as we were by Bush 43, but it’s the same tune: Americans are the problem. If only we could just stop hating these barbaric terrorists and their truly horrendous deeds, the world would be a better place. And stuff.

Indeed, the Biden White House views pretty much anyone who votes or has ever voted or who ever once thought they might vote for a Republican as a domestic terrorist threat to ‘the very soul of our nation’ up to and including parents who don’t want their K-3rd grader exposed to kiddie porn or who don’t like their kids being posited into a life-defining caste as either “oppressor” or “the oppressed” as “domestic terrorists.” Those deplorables, those “extreme MAGA” types, those J6 paraders and selfie-takers, those are the REAL terrorists.

Oh, and Catholics, we all know they are the real domestic terrorist threat. Oh, and grandmas who did (or simply possess!) a needlepoint of the Gadsden flag. Or random Americans who have an unconstructed Lego set of the Capitol building in a closet. But actual people threatening (and carrying out) actual violence (including homicide). Oh, hell to the no. Those are a protected class. Somehow.

After doing such a stellar job as border czar, Kackles Kamala has apparently been made Islamaphobia czar. Or something.

This Democrat-hactivist media initiative is so tone-deaf, so crazy that people are reduced to stating facts in the face of such fallacy (even as we all know by now that facts and truth don’t matter one whit to these “it’s all about the psy-ops and Teh Narrative” people).

Of course, this is so insane, that there has been a rather amusing backlash now that, thanks to Elon Musk, some conservatives on X can actually say words.

Democrats and their U.S. intel-media arm keep shilling the “Islamaphobia” angle as if it’s real. And as if we even care anymore about their hurt feelz and can’t see through their diversionary whining. It’s okay for us to disagree with a Muslim, Jew, Christian, et al. without being a “[insert whatever]-phobe.” When lefties attacked me for not supporting Obama, I said that I wouldn’t support his policies if they were fronted by a white person, either. And here we are, Obama 3.0, fronted by Weekend at Joey’s, and I still don’t like the policies . . . because they are anti- and unAmerican, because they are an insult to our great country. Not because they are Obama’s (they aren’t, they are rooted in ’60s radical ideology that is, in its turn, rooted in Marxism). But they play their victim role to a “T.”

It’s just not clear how much longer that game will play.

And we have the Democrat hactivst media literally creating their own conspiracy theories in real time (as they are wont to do):

One of my very favorite writers over at Hot Air, David Strom, discusses the crazy as only he can: “Islamophobia Jumps the Shark”

Oh, and it’s happening in London, too. Apparently, Brits are just as deplorable in their disgust and loathing of unspeakable brutality against women, children, and the elderly as we normal Americans are.

Twitchy: “As Antisemitism Rages, London Mayor Targets … Islamophobia?”

By the way, they really do hate you and want you dead.

On the bright side, they need us to respond in a way that grants them public support. And we are far too smart for that, so they keep pushing. Surely something, they hope, will push our buttons, lead to a “revolution.” Naw. We still have a Constitution, and as is growing more meaningful by the day, states rights.

I’m (old) American to my core, but I do find myself “identifying” as a Floridian more and more as more and more of our country falls prey to these un- and anti-American jackals. Anyone else doing that? Or finding that? It’s been an odd and harrowing journey for me from an American to a Flordian (or as I think of it, a Free Flordian). I miss America.

Nothing To See Here

Um, what?

So when the leftst Welsh are bemoaning the vast weight of their black heritage, it may be time to call a freaking time out on the crazy, no?

He’s not wrong.

Yeah, never shopping at Target.

Hot Air: “Incurable Disease Update: Target CEO’s Woke Virus Brain Damage Looking Permanent”

They think that Americans will put up with this (actual Americans!). Yeah, we won’t.

National Review: “Congress Sheds Light on Proposed New Energy Rules That Could Leave Americans in the Dark”

A dark day for Florida. Seattle he leaves destroyed in his progressive wake, a hotbed of crime, drugs, homelessness, and horror. And now he’s moving to my free state. Not happy.

Definitely Nothing To See Here

So Obama is actually in charge? Who the heck voted for freaking Obama in 2020?

I will be the first to admit I am behind the curve on AI, don’t get it and the ‘get off my lawn’ part of me hates it, but who knows? It could be good. Until we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it won’t be, can’t be.

For the next time a Democrat tells you that no one wants abortion legal up until the moment of birth:

Interesting take on America without guns (hint: we don’t become some Australian Utopia, we become a third world hellhole–unless Mexico is just a second world hellhole, but still, not exactly aspirational for anyone who loves our country):

Bearing Arms: “The Federalist Explores What US Would Look Like Without Guns”

Yeah, we know.

What have they learned? And how does that play against the loss of trust over covid? Far far fewer people gobble up the word of “science” and “experts” now. Surely, that wasn’t a goal.

This is huge and really matters. So, of course, the Democrat propagandists ignore it.

Read the whole thread:

Reason 1,365,895,243 to home school:

And finally, some good news.

Red State: “Carjackers Made a Deadly Mistake When Trying to Steal an Armed Citizen’s Vehicle”

There’s something to be said for having a governor who also knows the law.

For the funny (watch him sniff people, fall all over the place, and steal things that don’t belong to him . . . it’s JOE “I am the Democratic Party” BIDEN!):

This is the awesome.

Tags: Democrats, Gaza, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Palestinian Terror