Columbia U. Prof Calls Out Elite Schools for Harboring ‘Pro-Terror’ Student Groups on Campus
“They were celebrating the rape of teenage girls at a music festival in the name of resistance. They were celebrating this and the president of the university is allowing these pro-terror student organizations to march on our campuses”

A business professor at Columbia University named Shai Davidai recently uploaded a video of himself calling out Columbia, Harvard, Stanford, and other schools for allowing ‘pro-terror’ student groups to demonstrate in favor of Hamas on their campuses.
Columbia has been in the news for related issues. An Israeli student was assaulted outside the library. A student there also lost a job offer over support for Hamas.
The situation at Harvard has been even worse.
Professor Davidai points out that these schools cannot keep their Jewish students safe and he is right.
The Times of Israel reports:
Columbia professor slams ‘coward’ university president for allowing ‘pro-terror’ orgs
In a viral video, Columbia Business School assistant professor Shai Davidai denounced university president Minouche Shafik’s “cowardice” for allowing the proliferation of “pro-terror student organizations” on campus, and told parents that students were not safe.
Standing at a small pro-Israel rally at the school’s Morningside Heights campus in New York City on October 19, Davidai recorded what he called “An Open Letter to Every Parent in America.”
The academic said he was sending “a message to every parent in America who sends their kids to NYU, to Harvard, to Stanford, to Berkeley, and I want you to know one thing: We cannot protect your child.”…
In an impassioned speech, Davidai, a business management professor, described how the university has hosted pro-Palestinian demonstrations in which thousands attended, chanting pro-terror songs.
“They were celebrating the rape of teenage girls at a music festival in the name of resistance. They were celebrating this and the president of the university is allowing these pro-terror student organizations to march on our campuses,” he said, adding, “It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist or atheist like myself, rape is never okay, not as an act of resistance, not as an act of revenge. Rape is never okay.”
Watch the whole video below:
Here are some examples of what has taken place at Columbia in the last two weeks.
NEW: Anti-Semitic Columbia University professor Joseph Massad is still employed after he called the Hamas terror attacks “awesome.”
Apparently being anti-Semitic is okay as long as you are a liberal professor.
Massad, who has been employed by Columbia since 1999, is now facing…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 15, 2023
Columbia University on lockdown for Palestinian protest….💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
— William Rodriguez (@willieseconpr) October 18, 2023
Happing now : Students chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” during a protest on Columbia university campus in New York
— Davide Lerner (@DavideLerner) October 12, 2023
To borrow a phrase from the left, this is not normal.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Both faculty and students are book smart but naive and gullible politically. They know nothing or don’t understand history repeating itself. Human nature is too complicated for these dolts and they all lack common sense. How did so many get this way?
Also, never underestimate the power of peer pressure. Conservative students are far brighter, but live in fear that their friends will find out their true political leanings because this revelation will turn their lives into a living HELL!
People that aren’t smart don’t realize they aren’t smart. They feel smart in an almost gnostic way. “You think the truth is X, but I KNOW the truth is Y.” Not through experimentation or careful study or understanding the principles that drive complicated systems and applying those principles in appropriate situations, but because somebody said so.
Not only do they “KNOW the truth is Y” they FEEL that Y is the truth, which is better because thinking takes effort (even though little effort was put into thinking).
People need to understand a basic truth about Islam. It is a religion based and steeped in violence. Islam is a religion that has recently seen the rise of a small splinter group who is trying to convince themselves and the world that it is a religion of peace. This recent movement will fail because almost 1500 years of violence and war, along with violent hate filled supporters appearing whenever people or nations respond to Islam’s hate fill violence and attacks, will doom the effort. For Pete’s sake, they do not even like each other and kill each other over religion.
It was George W Bush who called islam a “religion of peace”. islam calls itself “submission”.
BTW, islam demands the power of state wherever it is found. It is a political ideology, not a religion.
Teachers at many levels taught these students. Teachers funded by middle eastern Arab money along with foundations in America bankrolled by Democrat elitists.
Good. But he should have also called out universities for harboring pro-terror faculty.
Schools were promoting pro terror groups back in the 60s and 70s. Why is just now discovered? What do u think happened at Kent State? Weather Underground?
What happened at Kent State was an attitude adjustment. It was effective.. At the time I thought it was was wrong, today, looking at how out of hand things are, I am no longer sure.
Columbia was the home base of Palestinian terror support in the US for many, many years when they had Edward Said as one of their favorite house pets. Said was a major supporter of international pan-arab terror and a mouthpiece to the world … all with the “legitimacy” of being a Columbia professor as a hobby.
Columbia is woke trash dumpster fire!
Like harvard they don’t teach critical thinking nowadays. Its all conformity to CRT, DEI, BLM, LGBT.
Woke trash.
The university president is Minouche Shafik??? Gee, how times have changed . For the worst. And they say diversity is our strength. Yup, that’s what they say alright.