Almost this entire al-Ahli Baptist Hospital story is a massive lie started by Hamas and amplified by western media
There was no Israeli bombing, a hospital was not hit or seriously damaged, something hit the parking lot leaving cars just yards away intact, almost certainly part of a misfired terror group rocket, and the likelihood that over 500 people were killed is slim.

We have had several posts about the false allegation that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital killing 500 or more civilians. This set off riots on “the Arab street” in numerous nations, caused the cancelation of a summit with Biden, the President of Egypt, the King of Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority President. It also helped Iran make the case for regional war on Israel and the U.S. to its proxies.
People have died and will die because of this lie.
Almost this entire al-Ahli Baptist Hospital story is a massive lie started by Hamas and amplified without question for hours by western media, including the NY Times, Islamic world media, and alt-right influencers. There was no Israeli bombing, a hospital was not hit or seriously damaged, something hit the parking lot leaving cars just yards away intact, almost certainly part of a misfired terror group rocket, and the likelihood that over 500 people were killed is slim.
Here is the sourcing, “for the record”.
Almost this entire al-Ahli Baptist Hospital story is a massive lie started by Hamas and amplified without question for hours by western media, including the NY Times, Islamic world media, and alt-right influencers. There was no Israeli bombing, a hospital was not hit or seriously…
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) October 18, 2023
The physical evidence shows a small crater, no substantial damage to the hospital, and a hit in a parking lot
And we now have footage of the (partially) burnt-out parking lot at the Ahli Hospital in Gaza.
Overall damage to the structures in the complex appears to be limited, a clay-tiled awning adjacent to the parking lot is still mostly intact.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) October 18, 2023
"Is a Hamas rocket even capable of THAT MUCH damage? I am very smart and an objective journalist definitely getting my information from legit sources."
The damage:
— SCHOOL BOND LIBRARY (@SchoolBondLib) October 18, 2023
Attached is video footage from this morning at the hospital in Gaza City which was hit by a failed rocket launched by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization last night:
— דובר צה״ל דניאל הגרי – Daniel Hagari (@IDFSpokesperson) October 18, 2023
Update on the chapel at the Ahli Hospital in Gaza, the building lost several of its stained glass windows in the explosion, but otherwise appears to be intact.
— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) October 18, 2023
This is a close picture of the crater caused by the failed PIJ rocket (taken by a Palestinian journalist).
So, that has killed 500 Palestinians…??— Joshua L. Zarka (@yzarka) October 18, 2023
OK LETS CALL THIS: Clearly this was NOT an @IDF air strike. The warhead that struck here was nowhere near that of an aerial bomb. There is virtually no visual crater. The blast effect was not that extensive and cars absorbed it & caught fire. I’m convinced it was a misfired…
— Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) October 18, 2023
In July 2016 a truck bomb in Baghdad killed ~350, this is the damage it did.
In Oct 2017, a truck bomb in Mogadishu killed 500+, this is the damage it did.
In Oct 2022, a truck bomb in Mogadishu killed ~125, this is the damage it did.Compare any of that to the above.
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) October 18, 2023
To sum up:
1. Gaza blast was in parking lot, not inside hospital.
2. Damage at site very limited, this was no airstrike.
2. Reported death toll likely exaggerated by at least 500% (we will never know)— Israel Radar (@IsraelRadar_com) October 18, 2023
Even anti-Israel sources in Gaza are reporting that the explosion at Al-Ahly hospital was likely a misfired rocket. An explosion of that magnitude means it likely hit an ammo dump. Rockets don't kill hundreds. It appears to be just another instance of Hamas killing its own.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) October 17, 2023
Other Physical Evidence
A missile launched by a Palestinian group exploded mid-air (Reason unknown) and one piece fell on the hospital causing an explosion.
The geolocation and timing of the footage is conclusive.
More information will be added to this thread.
— GeoConfirmed (@GeoConfirmed) October 17, 2023
One minute before a rocket blew up a hospital in Gaza, Hamas announced on Telegram that they were launching their most robust weapons in the arsenal at Haifa.
No rockets reached Haifa. High probability these hit the hospital and set off secondary explosions within building.
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) October 17, 2023
Furthermore, by the Qassam brigades own account, it fired heavily on Israeli cities in Tel Aviv and Asdud areas at the time of the hospital blast, and it is known that long range rockets are often fired from within Gaza city.
— Gaza Report – اخبار غزة (@gaza_report) October 17, 2023
Another footage of the moment Gaza hospital was bombed by Hamas misfire
— Adin – עדין (@AdinHaykin1) October 17, 2023
The U.S. Assessment
The Senate Intelligence Committee reviewed intelligence related to the attack on al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. Based on this information, we feel confident that the explosion was the result of a failed rocket launch by militant terrorists and not the result of an Israeli airstrike.
— Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) October 18, 2023
UPDATE on Gaza hospital explosion from @NSC_Spox
"The US government assesses that #Israel was not responsible for an explosion that killed hundreds of civilians yesterday at the Al Ahli Hospital in the #Gaza Strip"
— Jeff Seldin (@jseldin) October 18, 2023
U.S. President Biden stated in Israel this morning regarding the Explosion yesterday at the Al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital in Northern Gaza, that after everything he has seen it appears it was caused by the “Other Team” in reference to Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 18, 2023
The Israeli Assessment
The Spokesman for the Israeli Defense Force, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has announced that they have Intelligence which Confirms that the Explosion and subsequent Fire earlier tonight at Al-Ahli Arabi Baptist Hospital in Northern Gaza, which is reported to have Killed over 500…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 17, 2023
This is the tragic result of firing rockets from densely populated neighborhoods.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 18, 2023
Fierce exchange between @LTCPeterLerner and @BeckyCNN on @CNN regarding the Al Ahli hospital incident. #HamsisISIS
— Ram Eli Brandts (@RamEliBrandts) October 18, 2023
Attached is a recording of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the Islamic Jihad failed rocket launch on the hospital on October 17, 2023:
— דובר צה״ל דניאל הגרי – Daniel Hagari (@IDFSpokesperson) October 18, 2023
Here I explain to @ErinBurnett on @cnni our investigation and some of the evidence we are going to share about why the explosion at the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket that misfired. And I caution all jornalists to take info from Hamas-controlled…
— Jonathan Conricus (@jconricus) October 18, 2023
The media was complicit
I didn’t even think about that. NYT used a picture from a completely different location while (falsely) blaming the strike on Israel because the hospital location doesn’t have any destroyed buildings.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) October 18, 2023
In one of its first tweets about the bomb at al-Ahli al-Arab hospital, The New York Times used a photo from a different bombing site.
I’ve traced the photo to Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, which is approximately 25 km from Gaza City where the hospital is located.
— Yashar Ali
(@yashar) October 18, 2023
Did the NY Times think we wouldn’t notice?
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) October 17, 2023
It took @cnnpr six hours to update a claim that was based entirely on the word of Hamas, an internationally designated terrorist organization.
Completely irresponsible.
— David Litman (@dmlitman) October 18, 2023
Media outlets around the globe were quick to run Hamas’ headlines—without fact checking.
We now know that an Islamic Jihad rocket aimed at Israel misfired and hit the hospital in Gaza.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 17, 2023

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Now get back to the business of leveling Gaza and eliminating hamas. Take out hezbollah while you’re at it.
Any chances that the liberal media will profusely apologize for their bad journalism? I recall that after the Mueller report came out, a report that Mueller apparently never read, they never apologized.
Nobody returned their Pulitzer did they
It was a classic information operation. The media ran with it because they did not think it could be disproven.
About the only thing we know for sure is that there is a building it might even be a hospital.
I’m surprised that AP and Reuters didn’t jump in and print some photoshopped images to help hamas and iran. I remember when they did that against American troops in Iraq and against Israel in Lebanon. AP had photoshopped images of civilian injuries in Iraq (against America) and Reuters had run completely made-up images of Israeli bombing in Lebanon. The reuters images were discovered because they had copied and pasted one smoke cloud over and over and over.
I can’t wait for green helmet guy to start showing up in Gaza.
In fact NYT didn’t even bother to photoshop; they just showed an entirely different hospital elsewhere that had sustained bomb damage.
Muhammad al-Dura could not have scripted it better. Wonder what he’s doing these day?
He was alive and uninjured when he was put in the ambulance, but I don’t believe he got out of that ambulance alive. Why would they let him live, when he was so valuable to them dead? Not that there would be much risk of anyone reporting that they’d seen him in the street, but why take even that small risk, when it would be so easy to prevent?
I thought the same thing when the world started to make a huge fuss about Raoul Wallenberg. I thought, if by some chance he was still alive before they started the campaign, he’s definitely not alive any more.
Unfortunately, it’s a lie that might well result in Muslim violence in the West. Face it, having large populations of Muslims in your country is a bad idea. Should adjust immigration priorities accordingly. Ideally, no more Muslim immigrants, esp not illegal invaders.
When you let in everybody who shows up, I don’t believe adjustments are even possible.
Not all Muslims are bad. The ninety-nine per cent bat sh*t crazy Muslims give the one per cent moderate Muslims a bad name.
Unfortunately for them, their religion preaches deceit as a tool for the advancement of Muslims and Islam when dealing with non-believers. Any person who identifies themselves as a Muslim cannot be trusted to accurately recount their background and life experiences to immigration officials. Not our fault that their religion makes them untrustworthy. I get it that most Muslims aren’t a threat, but don’t rely on them to confess terrorist ties when they attempt to enter the country. (Or course, it’s true that no terrorist can be trusted, but deceit isn’t expected as a matter of doctrine from the followers of most major religions. This is a distinction held solely by Islam.)
I don’t think you need an ammo dump. Unused rocket fuel and car gasoline give a nice fire. Probably a half dozen dead.
With a few exceptions, all counter-narrative is on Twitter.
Musk the knight-errant buying twitter was a unheralded eucatastrophe.
The following link is threaded twitter.
Also – Mollie Hemingway is Stalwart.
Truth is the first casualty of war. Wouldn’t be surprising it muzzies blew themselves up by accident. Muzzies are more crazy than smart.
Palis install rocket launchers on the roof tops of apartment buildings, where they dry out their laundry. Then Palis protest with the apartment building gets targeted.
What can do with that??
Meanwhile how many people outside Israel know that a Hamas rocket struck the children’s ward of Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon Israel on October 11?
True. But who can blame them when the rocket exhaust so quickly dries the laundry, and leaves it smelling springtime Intifada fresh!
To hide their fault, they make it up as they go along, and blame Israel. Pavlov and Alinsky smile. The world suffers.
Prefer Shirley Temper, truth be told.
The immediate impulse on the part of many legacy media organs to condemn Israel here should be astounding but instead its not even disappointing b/c we all expected this reaction. It’s not confined to reporting about about Israel. It comes on the heels of the many fake propaganda stories out of Ukraine. It comes after the many outright false accusations against Trump. It comes after the many distortions and suppressed evidence about Covid. It has become so pervasive, so ordinary that many of us would find it unusual if they failed to do it.
Since 2016 the ‘narrative’ has become the uniting force of the ideologues. The truth not only doesn’t come first it comes last behind every other consideration. Only after the purposeful misinformation has been spread far and wide, with its secondary and tertiary impacts kindled from bright spark to inferno on fuel of lies, does the truth begin to creep in. First comes the stealth edit, then the unacknowledged walk back asserting ‘our sources said’.
As clear evidence mounts which easily refutes the initial headlines the narrative subtlety shifts to a version of whataboutism followed by a passive aggressive claim that viewers/readers need to know the ‘story’ immediately. The next to last phase is what I term as an ‘appeal to journalistic patriotism’ in which the liars now tell us they lied for our own good and not due to the ‘narrative’. Like other scoundrels they seek refuge behind a facade which they pretend not to know that we don’t believe anymore. The final phase comes much, much later. Usually a few years later when one of the principal liars needs to sell their book about their experience as a ‘journalist’, then they will obfuscate and duck and dodge in the QA until pinned down and finally admit that ‘mistakes were made and processes put in place as a result. The ‘narrative’ is not only pervasive it is profitable.
Ibram X Kendi is a documented racist who blames all his problems in life of white people.
Woke trash.
Used Car lots during the Summer of Love saw more damage than this
“This is a close picture of the crater caused by the failed PIJ rocket (taken by a Palestinian journalist).
So, that has killed 500 Palestinians…??”
They live underground, ya dumshit! In TUNNELS!
I picked this up late last night that it wasn’t the Hospital that took a hit with the same pics and details you posted here.
In today’s NY Post where the lede printed it was the Hospital and 500 were killed. I couldn’t believe it.
This was what I posted as a comment rebuttal.
“It wasn’t Israelis. It was Hamas. It wasn’t a Hospital with 500 dead. It was was an errant Hamas missile intended for the Hospital which misfired and hit the Parking lot full of cars (explains the fire grab pic’s) and the debris of the explosion which caused deaths and destruction to a surrounding park. Most likely staff or visitors resting spot.”
I was called out for not knowing what actually happened. In the NY Post!!
The truth is hard to accept by way of too many who have been caught up in the middle of having so many lies shoved down their throats by those who are suppose to be our ‘elected’ leaders and reporters who are shown to be the biggest liers of them all. And a far left which enable and perpetuate the lies.
The New York Post sucks lately. They have become The Daily News under the Murdocks. The only good thing about them is Miranda Devine
I don’t care who hit the hospital. This is a war that Israel must win and if a hospital, school, or apartment building is between the IDDF and their targets then too bad. Legalistic discussions of legal tactics and illegal tactics are utter garbage. The Arabs don’t care. The Israelis should only care about not wasting munitions in the so-called civilians in Gaza.
Overhead drones could easily confirm the situation. Coverage by the MSM absolutely will cause deaths. This is just sickening. IMO if the newspaper owners had any integrity – and that includes Bezos of Amazon who owns the Washington Post – they would demand a front page headline story on the lie or the editors resignations.
While the Gazans did this to themselves, why are we bringing morality into this? Remember, the Gazans attacked civilians, raped babies, and burned bodies. This war has no rules.
Or rather, the rules it has are the old ones, before Progressives thought they could make war nicer and more “humane”.
Exactly true. This is war. A war of extermination by Gaza and Iran against Israel. A war prosecuted without a shred of concern for any internationally accepted rules of war. In truth, every Hamas, IJ, and active supporters can be shot or hung when captured.
Israelis would be fools to consider their enemies as deserving anything but elimination.
Thank you!
Even if the IDF had accidentally hit the hospital with a missile, it still would have been Hamas’s fault for instigating this war.
No other nation on Earth is held to this absurd and unfair standard of adhering to a 100 percent mistake-free level of total perfection in waging war against a vicious enemy, and, the hyper-scrutiny that accompanies that standard. This slanderous agitprop and the dhimmi useful idiots who lazily/stupidly parrot and regurgitate it, are evil.
No other nation on Earth
I disagree slightly. The US is often held to that standard, as well.
Fair point, but, I’d submit that the amped-up and fanatical level of scrutiny and vitriol is exclusively reserved for Israel. Even U.S. military operations don’t receive the same insane level of spite and obsessive, hyperbolic and dishonest analysis.
This set off riots on “the Arab street” in numerous nations
This was the whole point – getting the ignorant commoners riled up – as well as giving an excuse to some gov’ts to act badly.
An added bonus is the outrage of the useful idiots in places like America.
This lying thing is part of their culture. It’s why they and the Progressives get along so well.
It will be interesting to see the savages’ reaction at the future reports of injured people being taken to this hospital that was “destroyed”. How will they imagine a hospital that was rebuilt in days or weeks?
The Tet offensive was also a failure by the North Vietnamese. Until Walter Cronkite proclaimed it a success.
This is a propaganda war.
The Tet Offensive is an interesting example of the difference between tactics and strategy. The communists lost the battle, they were destroyed utterly. Tactically, we can say “We won.” (Cronkite, and the rest, lied to the American people when they told us – yes, I remember it – we had been wooped.) But the NVA didn’t intend to win the tactical battle. Indeed, they intended to lose it in order to reach a strategic goal, the elimination of the Viet Cong, in particular, their officers and NCOs (who always take casualties out of proportion to their numbers on the battlefield).
The elimination of the VC as a coherent, effective fighting force prepared the South for its occupation by the North, so that when unification came, there would be no force remaining there capable of contesting the North’s authority. By destroying the VC, we helped the North achieve it’s strategic goal, and prevented a continuing struggle for control of South Vietnam that would have otherwise occurred after the North occupied the South.
Communists will, of course, do anything to seize power and maintain it, and that includes sacrificing the lives of communists who might stand in the way.
Outanding writeup, Prof. Jacobsen. The comments are the usual mixed bag, but that post was one for the ages. Kudos to you!
Is there an Israeli that could sue the New York Times for libel?