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Newsom Spending $267 Million to Tackle ‘Organized Retail Theft’

Newsom Spending $267 Million to Tackle ‘Organized Retail Theft’

Maybe leftists shouldn’t have caved to demands to defund police or vilify law enforcment.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a $267 million investment to combat organized retail theft plaguing the state for 55 local law enforcement agencies in the state.

There have been many retail theft incidents in Commiefornia.

Those are just the retail crime stories. I didn’t link the attacks, home invasions, unsafe streets, etc. Commiefornia sucks.

Well, here comes Newsom.

“Enough with these brazen smash-and-grabs,” said Newsom in a press statement. “With an unprecedented $267 million investment, Californians will soon see more takedowns, more police, more arrests, and more felony prosecutions. When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells.”

I don’t know, leftists. Maybe not vilify the police and sympathize with rioters? Maybe don’t elect far-left prosecutors?

It all comes back to bite you.

The investment means:

  • More police
  • More arrests
  • More takedowns
  • More prosecutors
  • More felony charges
  • More accountability

That’s the opposite of what BLM, Antifa, and other leftists demanded in the summer of 2020.

Local law enforcement agencies went through “a competitive grant process.”

Forty-one sheriffs and police departments and one probation department will get up to $23,663,194 each.

The agencies will use the money “to create fully staffed retail theft investigative units, increase arrests, install advanced surveillance technology, train loss prevention officers, create new task forces, increase cooperation with businesses and the community, target criminals in blitz operations, as well as crack down on vehicle and catalytic converter theft.”

Thirteen district attorney offices will get up to $2,050,000 each. The money will “establish new vertical prosecution units — new teams dedicated to prosecuting organized retail theft — and to establish county-wide de facto ‘intelligence centers,’ prosecution hubs for all related investigations within a county.”

The funding impressed San Francisco Sheriff Paul Miyamoto, who called it “a breath of fresh air.”

You reap what you sow.

The situation in Oakland is so dire that the local NAACP chapter condemned local officials for the rise in crime because of”‘the movement to defund the police,’ the ‘District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people,’ and ‘anti-police rhetoric.'”

“We are 500 police officers short of the number that experts say Oakland needs,” explained the chapter. “Our 911 system does not work. Residents now know that help will not come when danger confronts them. Worse, criminals know that too.”

In February 2022, then-Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf admitted that the “defund the police” movement “went too far:”

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf on Thursday called for more investment in addressing what she said are the root causes of violent crime that has spiked in big cities across the nation.

But Schaaf stopped short of echoing calls from activists to defund the police, arguing that the push “went too far and got convoluted.”

“It’s been particularly heart wrenching in Oakland because we had just made national headlines for cutting gun violence in half and sustaining those lower rates for five years,” Schaaf said in an interview with POLITICO for The Fifty: America’s Mayors summit. Schaaf added that “when we saw this surge come up during the pandemic, and let’s also be honest, after George Floyd, after this country just saw its faith in government justice compromised, we were just heartbroken.”

Los Angeles started to rethink its position on defunding the police in 2022. In 2020, then-Mayor Eric Garcetti pledged to slash $150 million from the police budget.

What happened? The obvious:

After years of decline, violent crime has begun to surge in LA. Last year, there were 397 homicides in the city, the most since 2006, and the trend has continued this year. There were 122 homicides in LA between January and April 30, which police have attributed to gang activity and the wide availability of guns. Other violent crimes, including rape and aggravated assault, are also trending higher.

“After an immediate shift in public opinion toward police reform [after Floyd’s murder] the base has almost completely reversed itself,” said Dan Schnur, a politics professor at the University of Southern California.

“At the time, it appeared we were witnessing a seminal shift in public thinking on these issues. If anything, the more traditional approaches to public safety and criminal justice are more popular now than they were two years ago,” he added.


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1st Cause Problem
2nd throw cash around to supposedly fix the problem you caused
3rd after time spend more money to fix the problem still occurring

    healthguyfsu in reply to Skip. | September 14, 2023 at 5:28 pm

    4th take credit for all of the “improvements” you made

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Skip. | September 14, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    “Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf on Thursday called for more investment in addressing what she said are the root causes of violent crime that has spiked in big cities across the nation.”

    Hell no, no investment in cities, just invest in walling them in. All we have to show for past investment is more low life.

Fund it with a tax on retail businesses.

    healthguyfsu in reply to rhhardin. | September 14, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    No…that tax passes onto consumers.

    Fund it with low wage paying manual labor hours for prisoners incarcerated for property crimes.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to healthguyfsu. | September 14, 2023 at 8:11 pm

      I remember when Florida still had chain gangs 🙂

      CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | September 14, 2023 at 8:23 pm

      Or sell the broadcast rights of newly instituted but potentially throwback punishments. Maybe a wheel of destiny spin after a normal trial and conviction to determine if your punishment will be applied from:
      1. Modern Western
      2. Modern Asian
      3. Modern Middle Eastern
      4. Modern African
      5. Mystery category
      6. Post apocalyptic fiction
      7. Nailed to the Tree of Woe
      8. Tossed into a Volcano
      9. Exiled to Alaska to survive one year above the Arctic Circle on your own as a homesteader.
      10. Viewers choice/vote by app like on those singing shows

      That would be lit and ‘must watch’ TV.

Newsom and Brown adopted and implemented Angela Davis’ Prison Abolition scheme.

Newsom wants to increase “arrests,” but not impose bail requirements, prosecutions and prison sentences.

Our jails are full! Rapists can go home (confined to quarters lol) wearing a GPS tracking ankle bracelet. Too bad no one tracks the tracking bracelets, but some one finds time to download traffic cam images and issue moving violation traffic fines.

Two weeks ago Newsom ordered CalTrans to take action on SB1 (infrastructure) which literally involves posting gigantic construction signs along busy freeway and highway corridors announcing how “INFRASTRUCTURE” is THE top priority of First Lord Governor Newsom and his Sacramento grifter administration.

JOB 1, foolish peasants!

One week ago CalTrans dropped huge pallets of materials on the infield area of a cloverleaf freeway intersection. Materials destined for a sound barrier; essentially pallet loads of decorative cinder blocks and mortar. The aesthetics of it are pleasing.

Never mind the crumbling road and bridge surfaces. I-80 over Donner Pass is crap until one crosses the Nevada state borderline, then it’s smooth sailin’.

Shasta Country mandated paper-only balloting. State officials object to such impertinence, and are working to outlaw the hand counting of paper ballots.

Commiefornia indeed.

Criminals: “An unprecedented $267 million.” The ol’ Hegelian Dialect ruse, eh, Newsom?
Newsom: Yup. Just fleece the tax payers in another shell game wealth transfer. Ha ha
Criminals: Ya know, if you’d pay us to stop robbing all of you – we’d stop robbing all of you!
Newsom: Aunt Tiffa? Is that you?

He doesn’t care

But he wants to be President

Clean up on isle 69

Thirteen district attorney offices will get up to $2,050,000 each.

The AG’s offices have saved a fortune in the last 3-4 years by NOT prosecuting these animals. They have literally rewritten the criminal code to suit their agenda and neither the legislature, the governor, nor the mayors have done (or even said) a damned thing about it.

So now they are going to be rewarded for that and bribed to do their jobs?

Bets that accepting those bribes bind them to anything?

Newson could petition the state legislature to repeal the law that kicked up the amount of value of stolen goods to $950 before it becomes a felony.

The CA AG has the power to assume prosecutions of crimes that the local DA declines to prosecute.

With regards to flash mobs, aka organized mass looting, the sum value of all stolen goods can be applied to every participant, so there is no need for an individual participant to steal the requisite $950 before being charged with a felony, as they are all acting in concert.

Notice the ‘solution’ that Newsom proposes involves more money to local DAs, even though many of them are Soros plants and are part of the problem.

CA has 20 men’s prisons. A lawsuit had the court agree that the prisons are overcrowded. CA’s response was to close more prisons.

I could go on and on.

Bottom line, CA is not merely refusing to properly address problems, Sacramento consistently acts to make them worse.


    “CA has 20 men’s prisons. A lawsuit had the court agree that the prisons are overcrowded. CA’s response was to close more prisons”

    This was a concerted effort between the Fed judge, Gov. Brown and activist lawyers to implement prison abolition.

    2010-11 our small valley city watched as the prison floodgates opened and we suddenly had panhandling vagrants begging and thieving in a city that previously had no such problems.

    Now it’s normalized.

    Exactly. But that would require admitting that their ideology is flawed.

Yet these are who the people return time and again to “lead” based on ????

Can’t wait for what they will come up with next, but odds are 50/50 it will have some relation to race.

Memo for Newsom: Just issue a shoot-to-kill order. Trust me, your problems will soon be over and you won’t have to spend $267m.

    SeiteiSouther in reply to MarkJ. | September 15, 2023 at 10:28 am

    Like I said before, you’ll have to get to Judge Dredd levels of enforcement in order to make a difference.

$267 Million will buy a hell of a lot of shotguns! No additional cost for prosecutions, no additional cost for jails. Problem solved.

Remove a very easily identifiable population segment, and such crime will vanish.

As long as you believe locking up black people for committing crimes is racist measures to curtail crime are never going to work. After all, locking up criminals for committing crimes used to be the ultimate curtailment, but several Americans of all political persuasions abandoned this notion in the pursuit of “criminal justice” and “racial equity.” You get what you deserve.

    But, initially, it was to transform a punitive process into a rehabilitative one. That way precedes any “equity” rationale.

      chrisboltssr in reply to GWB. | September 15, 2023 at 9:57 am

      And that was the arrogance. A man can’t “rehabilitate” another man. Only a man can rehabilitate himself.

        And punitive measures can surely motivate a man to rehabilitate himself.

          chrisboltssr in reply to GWB. | September 15, 2023 at 2:34 pm

          Yes. You will be surprised how many men actually rehabilitate themselves because they are tired of getting punishment. You’re talking to one.

          A man can only rehabilitate himself. Period. Outside forces will never work. Stop concerning yourself with trying to save people.

“When shameless criminals walk out of stores with stolen goods, they’ll walk straight into jail cells.”
And the next day, they’ll walk straight back out, unless you fix the actual problem, which is insane Democrat officials.

If that money isn’t to build more prisons, then it won’t matter one whit.
It costs a lot less money to remove people from the society which they are causing harm than it does to “rehabilitate” them unsuccessfully.