Media More Concerned With DeSantis Not Meeting Biden Than With Hurricane Idalia Damage

Whether or not you support Florida governor Ron DeSantis in the GOP primary, you’d be hard-pressed to argue that he’s not an outstanding governor.

Indeed, he shines just as brightly when it comes to tackling emergencies from Communist China buying our state’s farmland to a national or global digital currency to covid and hurricanes as he does in battling Democrats’ plans to destroy our nation with Critical Race Theory, racist “anti-racist” training, and transgender indoctrination in our state’s classrooms.

DeSantis’ steady hand and superlative leadership ensured that those in the path of Hurricane Idalia received immediate and competent aid to restore power and other services and to get bridges and roads opened back up as quickly as humanly possible.

DeSantis doesn’t stand around waiting for FEMA to worry about the “equitable” and “antiracist” way to distribute aid; he jumps in and gets things done for all Floridians.

DeSantis absolutely rejects the Democrats’ insanity about human beings being the sole cause of climate change and Team Biden’s laughable claim that his rejection of string-riddled federal ‘climate’ aid somehow caused Hurricane Idalia.

It is against this backdrop of DeSantis’ admirable leadership that the left had a mental breakdown because DeSantis chose not to meet with Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden, who for some reason decided (or had decided for him) that he’d be a welcome in sight in Florida in the midst of a disaster. He wasn’t. At least not in Live Oak, FL.

Reuters reported:

U.S. President Joe Biden said he will meet with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis when he visits the state on Saturday to survey damage from this week’s Hurricane Idalia.But DeSantis’s spokesman, Jeremy Redfern, said there were no plans for the two men to meet.

So Biden just put it out there that he was coming to our state and was going to meet with our governor? Without actually arranging such a meeting first? In an attempt to what? Force a meeting?

My first thought was this:

Not only did he not take the bait, but he was clearly very busy dealing with a real disaster that affected a good number of people in his state. He didn’t have time to deal with a doddering old corruptocrat who just wanted a photo-op and had zero to offer anyone in our state.

Apparently, Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) did meet with Biden, which is fine since he has no role in governing or doing much of anything in the state. Even ABC News had to admit that DeSantis met with FEMA and the Biden team to ensure minimal interference in the state’s recovery efforts.

ABC News reports:

President Joe Biden on Saturday surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Idalia and reassured the storm’s victims of the federal government’s response, after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis chose not to meet with him.While on the ground in Florida, Biden said he was not disappointed that DeSantis rejected a meeting with him.”No, I’m not disappointed,” Biden said Saturday afternoon. “He may have had other reasons because- but he did help us plan this. He sat with FEMA and decided where we should go, where it’d be the least disruption.”Biden then commended Florida Sen. Rick Scott, a Republican, who in contrast with DeSantis joined the president on his tour of some of the hardest-hit areas. The president said he was “very pleased” that Scott was present even though they do not agree on “very much at all.”

Of course, the Democrats, their media propagandists, and their ‘Republican’ allies had a field day calling DeSantis “evil” for the ‘absolute outrage’ of ‘snubbing’ a completely useless and utterly corrupt president during a disaster.

Here are just a few of the ludicrous headlines:

How can DeSantis “snub” Biden when there were no plans for them to meet in the first place? I guess he snubbed Team Biden’s attempt to bully and shame him into a photo-op?

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

I think there may have been time when deciding to prioritize his state and disaster relief over meeting with the sitting president might have appeared unseemly, but those days are long gone now, and to my mind, DeSantis did the right thing here.

Tags: biden, Democrats, DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, Florida, Media Bias, Ron DeSantis