Nothing to see here: Devon Who?, Rah Rah “Bidenomics,” “Illusions of Access”

Another week, another week of Democrat propagandist media antics. From ignoring stories about their Dear Leader that they would be cycling 24/7 if they were about any Republican to promoting absolute crazy in lieu of actual news, the Democrat hacktivists have had a busy week.

Having been in around-the-clock propaganda mode about what a wonderful, leg thrill-inducing success “Bidenomics” has been, the Democrat hacktivists are not breaking through.

Newsbusters: “MEDIA FAIL: New CBS News Poll Shows Most Americans Think ‘Bidenomics’ Sucks”

ZeroHedge: “Biden Gaslights Americans With Fake ‘Manufacturing Boom’ As US Production Plunges”

Speaking of gaslighting (via Twitchy): The NY Times “reports” that “it’s ‘long been known that elder Biden’ interacted with son’s business partners.”

And they wonder why no one trusts or believes them.

If all one reads is the Democrat hacktivist media, one might be forgiven for not having any idea who Devon Archer is.

Oh, it was all just an “illusion” of access, not actual influence peddling. Or something.

Hot Air: “The new Democrat line: Hunter was selling an ‘illusion’ of access”

Some “illusion”:

Democrats are destroying America with their ridiculous indictment of Trump over J6, and the media is gleefully assisting.

He’s not wrong.

Nothing to see here:

Washington Free Beacon: “Missouri Democratic Party Advocates Burning Down Neighbor’s House Over Trump Flags”

Meanwhile, we may have a new Solyndra courtesy of your tax dollars being set on fire by the Biden administration. Not that you’re likely to see this covered by the Democrat propagandists.

Wall Street Journal (archive link): “The U.S. Clean-Energy Company That Hit the Subsidies Jackpot — First Solar stands out among beneficiaries of Biden’s climate legislation, but lots of green energy companies are ‘trying to get on the gravy train’.”

Hot Air: “Another school shooting that didn’t happen”

Hot Air: “China investing millions in U.S. K-12 schools”

Of course you heard all about the results and human impact of Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Or maybe not.

Twitchy has more on these heartbreaking stories about Biden’s disgraceful conduct. Remember, not one person has been held accountable for this horrific and shameful scandal.

The Democrat media, of course, didn’t bother to cover this, much less run with it 24/7 as they absolutely would if Trump had been president at the time.

Definitely nothing to see here:

To heck with Soros-backed DA’s, Democrats are now targeting state Attorneys General seats.

The New Republic: “The Democrats’ Battle Plan for Three Red-State Upsets — A new memo from the Democratic Attorneys General Association argues the party can flip seats in Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi.”

Hot Air: “Professor says children should be exposed to adult genitals”

Daily Caller: “Woman Arrested For Allegedly Threatening School Board Members Who Voted To Tell Parents If Their Kid Is Trans”

PJMedia: “Border Expert: Illegals Committed 430K+ Criminal Offenses in Texas Since 2011”

And, finally, for the funny:

Tags: Biden Economic Policy, Donald Trump, Hunter Biden, Media Bias