Nothing to see here: Devon Who?, Rah Rah “Bidenomics,” “Illusions of Access”
And other things the media under-reported last week.

Another week, another week of Democrat propagandist media antics. From ignoring stories about their Dear Leader that they would be cycling 24/7 if they were about any Republican to promoting absolute crazy in lieu of actual news, the Democrat hacktivists have had a busy week.
Having been in around-the-clock propaganda mode about what a wonderful, leg thrill-inducing success “Bidenomics” has been, the Democrat hacktivists are not breaking through.
Newsbusters: “MEDIA FAIL: New CBS News Poll Shows Most Americans Think ‘Bidenomics’ Sucks”
ZeroHedge: “Biden Gaslights Americans With Fake ‘Manufacturing Boom’ As US Production Plunges”
Speaking of gaslighting (via Twitchy): The NY Times “reports” that “it’s ‘long been known that elder Biden’ interacted with son’s business partners.”
So why didn't the NYT ever mention this or find the contradiction notable when Biden explicitly denied doing so a hundred times?
Seems like they either need to throw Biden or their own journalism under the bus here.
— Joe Colangelo (@Itsjoeco) August 1, 2023
And they wonder why no one trusts or believes them.
The president stood on a debate stage and not only lied about his role in his son’s business dealings, but accused a nuclear armed power of making it up.
— a newsman (@a_newsman) August 7, 2023
— a newsman (@a_newsman) August 7, 2023
The entire media now knows
Biden's answer here is a lie, and not a single WH journalist will challenge Pierre or him on it. The laptop is not Russia. They know it, and they ignore it.— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) August 7, 2023
If all one reads is the Democrat hacktivist media, one might be forgiven for not having any idea who Devon Archer is.
…There was a discussion of a $142,000 purchase of a luxury car for Hunter as part of his payments as well as various wire transfers…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) August 3, 2023
…Archer told Congress Burisma would have gone out of business without securing the Biden backing…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) August 3, 2023
Devon Archer admits the value of adding Hunter Biden to the Burisma board was it "sent the right signals" and "a lot of it's about opening doors, you know, globally in D.C."
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) August 3, 2023
Archer stated then-VP Biden was on the phone over 20 times with Hunter Biden’s business associates and that these phone calls were a “signal.”
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) August 3, 2023
Read the full transcript here 👇
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) August 3, 2023
Oh, it was all just an “illusion” of access, not actual influence peddling. Or something.
Hot Air: “The new Democrat line: Hunter was selling an ‘illusion’ of access”
Some “illusion”:
So @JoeBiden claimed he never had any contact with Hunter’s business. Here’s a letter to Hunter’s business partner from when Joe was Vice President with a handwritten note saying he’s happy Devon Archer and Hunter Biden are in business together. How many smoking guns do we need?
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) August 3, 2023
Democrats are destroying America with their ridiculous indictment of Trump over J6, and the media is gleefully assisting.
It is very dangerous to teach a large number of people that elections are a joke and the political system is permanently rigged against them. The double standard on "election denial" is broadcasting that message with painful intensity. It's almost gleeful mockery of democracy.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 2, 2023
And of course whatever criticism you might make of Trump's conduct after the 2020 election, he did nothing remotely comparable to the Russia Collusion Hoax, a stunning example of pure disinformation delivered by corrupt government officials in collusion with much of the media.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 2, 2023
He’s not wrong.
Nothing to see here:
Washington Free Beacon: “Missouri Democratic Party Advocates Burning Down Neighbor’s House Over Trump Flags”
A very real deleted tweet from the official account of the Missouri Democrat Party
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 1, 2023
Meanwhile, we may have a new Solyndra courtesy of your tax dollars being set on fire by the Biden administration. Not that you’re likely to see this covered by the Democrat propagandists.
Wall Street Journal (archive link): “The U.S. Clean-Energy Company That Hit the Subsidies Jackpot — First Solar stands out among beneficiaries of Biden’s climate legislation, but lots of green energy companies are ‘trying to get on the gravy train’.”
Hot Air: “Another school shooting that didn’t happen”
McCrory Avenue and Gary Street
— Memphis Police Dept (@MEM_PoliceDept) July 31, 2023
Hot Air: “China investing millions in U.S. K-12 schools”
In 2021, the White House wanted to control what narratives and true content was posted on Facebook surrounding #COVID19.
President Biden went so far to say that Facebook was “killing people” for allowing certain statements to be published on the site.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) August 3, 2023
For example, Flaherty questioned whether Facebook was doing enough to reduce traffic from sites like the @nypost.
“I’m curious – NY Post churning out articles every day… What is supposed to happen to that from Policy perspective. Does that article get a reduction, labels?”
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) August 3, 2023
These newly subpoenaed meeting notes continue to show the Biden White House’s desire to direct and control content on Facebook.
More evidence of the censorship-industrial complex.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) August 3, 2023
Of course you heard all about the results and human impact of Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Or maybe not.
I'm convening a public hearing on the Afghanistan withdrawal deaths. For almost two years, the Gold Star Families of the fallen in Afghanistan have waited for answers and accountability for the loss of their loved ones – and they have waited long enough.
— Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) August 3, 2023
RIGHT NOW: I am in Escondido where Mayor @Dwhite1904 is hosting #C48’s @repdarrellissa for an Afghanistan Gold Star Families Public Forum, where family members of those killed during Biden’s chaotic withdrawal are speaking jointly for the first time
— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) August 7, 2023
"I will fight until my last breath to get to the truth" -Coral Briseno, mother of fallen Marine Cpl. Humberto Sanchez
"We deserve the truth" -Alicia Lopez, mother of fallen Marine Cpl. Hunter Lopez
Listening to the Gold Star families demand answers today was 💔
— Hannah Williams (@Hannah0923CW) August 7, 2023
Twitchy has more on these heartbreaking stories about Biden’s disgraceful conduct. Remember, not one person has been held accountable for this horrific and shameful scandal.
The Democrat media, of course, didn’t bother to cover this, much less run with it 24/7 as they absolutely would if Trump had been president at the time.
Every station should have been covering, it, but with exception of Fox News, none of the other stations were showing it at all.
— Politcswatch (@Politcswatch) August 7, 2023
Definitely nothing to see here:
To heck with Soros-backed DA’s, Democrats are now targeting state Attorneys General seats.
The New Republic: “The Democrats’ Battle Plan for Three Red-State Upsets — A new memo from the Democratic Attorneys General Association argues the party can flip seats in Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi.”
Hot Air: “Professor says children should be exposed to adult genitals”
You. Are. Deranged. And. Should. Be. In. Prison.
I'd tag you, but, naturally, you made your account private.
If you need a guest lecturer for you course, let me know. In the meantime, someone should check her search history.
— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) August 3, 2023
That’s at least 2 officers that faked injuries, cried like babies, got book and speaking deals, and they are an absolute disgrace to the uniform. It’s shameful to everyone who wears the uniform, past and present.
— Rachel Schwartz (@Schwartzenator5) August 4, 2023
Daily Caller: “Woman Arrested For Allegedly Threatening School Board Members Who Voted To Tell Parents If Their Kid Is Trans”
PJMedia: “Border Expert: Illegals Committed 430K+ Criminal Offenses in Texas Since 2011”
And, finally, for the funny:
Have you ever gotten your women’s luggage stolen from weirdos in the Biden administration? Protect yourself with the official Sam Brinton Luggage Tag, now available only on!
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) August 7, 2023

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Maybe it would help get the message through the blockade imposed by the lapdog legacy media if the leading contenders for the GoP nomination had spent the months since the midterms focusing on Biden instead of on each other, some far more so than others. How about a simple gentleman’s agreement among the field to spend twice as much air time, money, interview time and stump speech material taking about Biden as they do on each other? Try it until Oct 1st and see how it goes.
Ah, Reagan’s 11th Commandment for Republicans still applies.
There is plenty about the Biden regime and the administrative state to campaign against.
Other contenders for the GOP nomination may be wrong but at least they are not totally corrupt and thoroughly evil.
Tell that to Pence, Asa Hutchingson, McConnell, Christie and De Santis.
And Trump.
That could be because right now the campaign is to become the Republican nominee so of course they are going after each other. The time for going after The Big Guy will come once that race is over.
How about from Nov ’22 -May ’23?
Lots of time there in that 6+ month period to bash Biden, the d/prog in Congress, the d/prog Cray Cray policies and the d/prog shenanigans of all sorts.
Funny thing is such an agreement would EASILY favor the candidate in the lead. But since he has only one real trick and tunnel vision, he can’t help himself.
Reason #99999999 that Trump is his own worst enemy.
There are 6 companies in America that handle 90% of the MSM…and each and the employees of consequence therein would see the Constitution ripped in half before turning on the Democrat Party. Liberalism and its absurd ancillary tenants like global warming, sex morphology, the sense of superior intellect etc. is a mental condition, a cult if you will, that is pathologically destructive.
It’s not liberalism or its tenets that is responsible for the illiberal beliefs and actions described.
True liberalism is shifted right in the Overton window of Progressivism. However, liberalism has been the “gateway drug” for progressivism.
Sorry, have to differ, though understand what you’re saying. “True” liberalism remains as such. It is not a drug either. Conservatives have also adopted some liberal tenets in the wake of progressive illiberalism. Perhaps because in many respects, the philosophies overlap. Progressivism was never liberal. Yes, a quibble, but one that is not insignificant.
Liberalism is a mental health issue.
Actually, it is one of the philosophies under which our political system is grounded upon.
Yes, so much is filtered and slanted so the truth is never revealed, or revealed in paragraph 25. It’s a cover-up involving the media and administrative state, among others, in part because they are the culprits.
They cast their lots against the individual and engage in oppression. The question is whether or not the people can overcome in spite of it.
I don’t read The NY Times but Powerline ran a partial editorial from them the other day.
The author pointed out that the group think was in large part due to the demographics of the newsroom.
He said that when he became a reporter years ago most of the reporters and writers were working class. Now most are not only college grads but largely from elite exclusive universities. They come from wealthy privileged backgrounds and largely have only associated with the rich and powerful their whole lives.
The same is true in DC even among the GOPe. You get people like Barr and Wray from Manhattan with private prep school and Ivy League backgrounds. They have never shared common experiences or interests with Tea Party or Deplorable types.
A fine point. I was raised on an island with a parent who worked for a plantation. I had to test every time I sought academic advancement without the benefit of study guides, tutors, classes on the tests, etc. Fortunately I was accepted by one of the finest colleges in America. My grade school classmates who were also brought up in similar circumstances are still my acquaintances and friends.
Well done. When I lived in New York I competed in athletic events with folks from NYC who did not own cars since finding parking was so hard and expensive as well as seldom needed.
Since I lived on Long Island, I usually provided transportation when we traveled to New England or the Mid Atlantic area.
Two of the guys I usually traveled with were from Oahu. Both were younger and Asian descent. Both grew up in one of the rougher areas of Honolulu and went to public schools, I asked one how a kid growing up there ended up in NYC working in finance. He said that he went to college in Massachusetts, I asked where but he just kind of mumbled the answer. His wife informed me that both he and his friend were Harvard graduates, but he was embarrassed to speak of it (no brag Brah). They were both academic stars in Hawaii regularly winning contests against competitors from the elite private schools.
As a final note they are still friends and basically as fine of people as you would ever hope to meet.
Some very interesting stuff here;
And if you have a spare eternity something from viva to enjoy;
And this is why I love this guy, he has an ability to filter the bullshit from the other bullshit that produces never ending articles about the rational approach Democrats are taking to charging Trump with the crime of hurting their feelings.
Yes, by all means let’s take the not rational approach and just scream into the darkness about unfairness.
With respect, screaming about unfairness has its place, too. Rationality is important, but sometimes only goes so far and can itself be a drawback.
You don’t win over voters….which Trump desperately needs to do, being irrational.
Can you imagine what an unbiased DoJ could do with all the shit thats coming out about the Biden crime family?
At the moment all these revelations appear to trigger is more indictments against Biden’s main political opposition for next years election.
There needs to be some motivation for the investigative journalists to root out corruption. Is this not their primary job, for which they have been afforded constitutional protections?
I know that Miranda Devine, Mollie Hemingway, Julie Kelly, Sharyl Attkisson, and Catherine Herridge have all been vociferous regarding political corruption,
Hey wait… these are all female journalists… I’m not a sexist, but…