Jenin: Palestinian Terrorists Used Teenage Girls as Spotters to Ambush Israeli Soldiers

The Palestinian terrorist groups are using children, including minor girls, as spotters for conducting ambushes on Israeli soldiers, a recent report published by the Israeli think tank Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs (JCPA) shows.

Palestinian boys and girls, as young as 15, are put in the harm’s way to spy on the movement of Israeli military and security forces conducting counter-terrorism operations in the West Bank. A Palestinian combat manual circulated on a terrorist-linked Telegram channel instructs the jihad fighters to “[u]se children and residents to observe and gather information,” and to set up improvised explosive device (IED) traps for Israel soldiers in the West Bank, the reports released on Wednesday said.

Unter the Palestinian Authority’s watch, West Bank towns such as Jenin and Nablus have turned into strongholds for terrorist groups who carry out attacks on Israeli civilians. Terrorists from these cities regularly breach the Israeli security barrier to conduct deadly attacks. The Israeli security forces have to enter these towns in search of fugitive terrorists and jihad masterminds.


The report highlights the plight of Palestinian children thrown on the forefront to record and report back on Israeli troop movement using their cellphones. The JCPA report cites the case of Palestinian girls Sadil Naghnaghia and Jana Zakarna, both 15 year-old, who died of bullet wounds in separate incidents as they filmed and spied on Israeli security forces using their cellphones.

Palestinian groups and media outlets portrayed them as innocent victims while hiding their involvement in terrorist operations and affiliation to jihadist outfits.

The Jerusalem-based research institute JCPA reported:

On April 10, 2022, The Telegram channel “Jenin Al-Qassam,” which serves armed Palestinian groups in the Jenin region, published instructions for “Jihad fighters” that deal with the use of children “to conduct visual observation and information gathering.” (…)According to Middle East analyst Jonathan Halevi, the Telegram channel “Jenin Al-Qassam” is a central source of communication and information for the armed groups in the area of Jenin. On April 10, 2022, the Telegram published instructions for the mujahideen (“Jihad fighters”), which included a section dealing with the “use of children and residents to conduct visual observation and information-gathering.” (Emphasis added) 4The Telegram channel “Jenin Al-Qassam,” which serves armed Palestinian groups in the Jenin region, published instructions for “Jihad fighters” that deal with the use of children “to conduct visual observation and information gathering.”The Telegram channel also noted that Jenin has a network of observation units staffed by “young people” assisting terrorist groups by “documenting on video and delivering reports about the activities of IDF forces.”Below is the translation of the guidelines document (originally in Arabic):To our brothers and the crown of our head, the jihad fighters all over the Jenin district, the city, the village, and the [refugee] camp that stand firm. You must know that nowadays, you are the tip of our spear and sail, and thanks to you, there is hope in us after [our trust in] Allah. From this, we hope, in our eyes, that you stay vigilant and cautious, gain experience and learn from it since there are no more evident conclusions and lessons than those engraved in the blood that was shed, and therefore [you must]:- Stay away from phones and social media and find other means of communication [emphasis added]- Divide roles and avoid gathering together- Do not shoot without cover- Do not move without cover- Be alert for [IDF] snipers- Don’t be drawn into the deceptions of the enemy who wants to take you out [of your hiding place] so that you will be a target for snipers- Use children and residents to observe and gather information- Prepare ambushes

Palestinian terrorist groups have a history of placing child soldiers on the front line and cynically using their deaths to fuel their propaganda against Israel.

Each year, tens of thousands of Palestinian children attend terrorist ‘summer camps’ where they receive Islamist indoctrination and are trained in jihad warfare. These terrorist training camps, organized by groups such as Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, hold mock drills on how to kill Israeli civilians and take IDF soldiers hostage.

These young recruits, who are often photographed with guns and terrorist paraphernalia, are made to take part in terrorist campaigns and are celebrated as martyrs for dying in jihad operations. Meanwhile, the gullible Western media repeatedly identifies them as innocent victims. In July 2022, the Israeli watchdog group NGO Monitor released a detailed database exposing the widespread use of child soldiers by Palestinian terrorist groups.

Palestinian terrorist guns down Israeli father and son

The revelation comes as Palestinian terrorists continue to target Israeli civilians in Judea and Samaria region. On Saturday, a Palestinian gunman murdered an Israeli father and son near the West Bank town of Nablus, the scene of similar deadly attacks. “A Palestinian terrorist killed two Israelis, a father and his son, in a terrorist attack in the West Bank town of Huwara on Saturday,” the Isreali TV channel i24NEWS reported. “According to early reports, the victims were at a car wash when the terrorist approached them at [sic] shot them point-blank range.”

Tags: Hamas, IDF, islamic jihad, Israel, Palestinian Terror