Another California Soros-Backed DA is Potentially Facing a Recall Vote

Legal Insurrection readers may recall our previous reports featuring Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price.

Price is one of many George Soros DA’s who in recent years dominated the down ballot races across the United States. Since assuming office in early January, in a move commonly implemented by the Soros DA’s, Price went after the human capital.She put veteran prosecutors on paid leave and fired two former investigators. In their place, the former employment and civil rights attorney brought in friends most of whom had no relevant experience as well as the staff members of former San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin who was recalled in June last year.Price shocked the legal community when she offered a fifteen year sentence to a man accused of three murders including one of a witness.

Now the effort to oust Price has moved forward as an organization filed the intent to recall paperwork and the needed signatures to officially begin the process.

The group calling for Price’s recall is known as Save Alameda For Everyone or SAFE. It includes critics, activists and members of families who have been affected by her policies.Seven months into her tenure, Price has already become a lightning rod in the heated conversation about criminal justice reform and public safety. She ran on a platform emphasizing restorative justice policies including reducing sentences for younger offenders, eliminating most sentencing enhancements and holding law enforcement accountable.But critics say she’s too lenient on violent criminals. District attorneys are an arm of law enforcement. Police officers arrest suspects, then it’s up to district attorneys to decide which charges to file. The more serious the charges, the more jail time.

Oakland Chinatown leader Carl Chan is helping lead the effort, and the family members of victims whose perpetrators were lightly punished under Price’s questionable brand of justice are contributing passionately to the growing recall movement.

“We are here to save people in the future not become victimized,” Chan said. “If we don’t do something now, I’m sure that so many people will be impacted directly, and many innocent people will be hurt.””To think that my son’s case could go to trial with Price at the helm, it destroys me,” said Lorie Mohs, whose son Blake Mohs was the security guard who was shot and killed by a woman accused of stealing from the Home Depot in Pleasanton.”She’s not getting death or discharge of a gun, which is how she murdered my child. She shot my child in the heart within two feet of his person,” said Lorie Mohs.

For those of you interested, the link to Save Alameda for Everybody is HERE.

Tags: California, Crime, George Soros