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Rhode Island State Senator Who Allegedly Keyed Man’s Car Now Facing an Obstruction Charge

Rhode Island State Senator Who Allegedly Keyed Man’s Car Now Facing an Obstruction Charge

“The charge is a direct result of the totality of the circumstances surrounding the incident in question”

Last month, we brought you the story of Joshua Miller, the Democrat state senator from Rhode Island who was charged for allegedly keying a man’s car because it had a ‘Biden Sucks’ sticker on it.

Now Miller is facing an additional charge of obstruction.

The Rhode Island Current reports:

Cranston senator facing obstruction charge in car keying incident

A Rhode Island state senator is facing an additional criminal charge after allegedly keying a vehicle at the Garden City Center in Cranston last month.

Sen. Joshua Miller, a Cranston Democrat, now faces a charge for obstruction of a police officer in addition to misdemeanor vandalism, City Solicitor Christopher Millea said in an email Wednesday.

“The charge is a direct result of the totality of the circumstances surrounding the incident in question, and was the result of a full review and due diligence by my office and the Cranston Police Department after a lengthy review of all the police reports, video that was gathered from Garden City and elsewhere, the body, cam footage, and the witnesses,” Millea said.

The charges are expected to be filed before his July 18 arraignment in Providence District Court.

Rhode Island Republicans are calling on Miller to resign.

WPRI News reports:

Ruggerio silent as GOP calls on Sen. Miller to resign over obstruction charge

Senate President Dominick Ruggerio is maintaining his silence about Sen. Joshua Miller’s growing legal troubles, even as Republicans call on Miller to resign his seat.

Miller, a 69-year-old Cranston Democrat, was arrested last month for keying a car displaying a “Biden sucks” sticker. Police body-worn camera videos show Miller initially denying he did so, then admitting it later in the day when an officer told him there was footage of the incident…

The decision to proceed with an obstruction charge against Miller — who was first elected to the Senate in 2006 and now serves as chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee — led Republican Party Chairman Joe Powers to say he should resign from his seat.

“Unfortunately, this is not the first time the senator has retaliated against someone he disagrees with politically,” Powers said in a statement, alluding to a 2014 incident when Miller apologized after being caught on camera swearing at a gun-rights activist at the State House.

“Whether it’s verbal attacks or, in this case, damage to personal property, Miller has shown disregard for anyone that is not aligned with his own party,” Powers said. “He is failing to represent every constituent in his district. Now that an additional charge of obstruction will be filed against Miller, he must do the right thing for his constituents. It’s Miller’s time to resign.”

Miller’s behavior is unbecoming of a lawmaker. He should step down.


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He’s 69 years old? Physically but obviously not emotionally.

Most of us manage to grow up but some only grow older.

I’m pretty sure that under RI common law, elected Dems are immune from charges of vandalism and obstruction. It’s a RI thing. State Sen. Joshua Miller is gonna be okay, and may even pick up some extra re-election votes.

BierceAmbrose | July 15, 2023 at 2:30 pm

“Obstruction” gets thrown around a lot.

Like loitering, trespassing, public nuisance and resisting arrest, I wonder what is actual “obstruction” vs. an add-on kitchen sink charge, or difficult to refute vehicle for lawfare.

What’s a useful definition of “obstruction”, as opposed to “something the juiced-in can get away with, otherwise used to ding inconvenient outsiders.”

    CommoChief in reply to BierceAmbrose. | July 15, 2023 at 2:46 pm

    I’ll grant you there is some subjectivity for resisting arrest, loitering and public nuisance. Trespass is pretty cut and dry, either you own the place, rent the place, have permission from the owner/person with authority to grant permission to be there or you don’t. Everyone who is trespassing can already answer that question 999/1000 without LEO involvement.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to CommoChief. | July 16, 2023 at 7:21 pm

      Good info.

      What’s it take to get the others similarly crisp? Tamp down on the specious add-on charges, and people getting away with damaging crap, at the same time.

      I can dream.

This is very OT and I apologize, but remember Oberlin and the Gibson Bakery? It started with a shoplifting incident. Now California wants to make confronting a shoplifter ILLEGAL–the store owner would become the criminal if he/she did simply allow the theft and tried to stop it. This is surely where the woke Oberlin administration was/is leading:

How many people who plead not guilty and then are found guilty are then charged with obstruction?

Not that vile, lawless, stupid, totalitarian and obnoxious Dumb-o-crat apparatchiks are capable of shame, remorse and contrition, but, this idiot should be embarrassed. He’s a senior-aged guy behaving like a ne’er-do-well, sociopath teenage vandal.

Watch the video of the LEO’s conversing with him at his front door and see how these greasy, unrepentant and entitled narcissists behave when confronted about their criminality.

E Howard Hunt | July 15, 2023 at 7:47 pm

Look at that ugly, smug kisser. This is only what he’s been caught doing. I’ll bet he’s offered to fetch drinks for conservatives at functions in order to shake the dew off his lily into them before serving.

TheOldZombie | July 15, 2023 at 10:57 pm

If he gets a jury trial it wouldn’t surprise me if he was found not guilty. Democrat jurors are good with jury nullification even if they have no clue what nullification is about.

Who has actual keys, capable of “keying” anymore ???