Nothing To See Here: “Foibles,” Global “Boiling” Dominate ‘News;’ Militarized IRS, DePopulation, Global Minimum Tax Not So Much

Another week, another litany of Democrat hacktivist media fail: On the one hand, attempting to minimize the absolute scandal of Biden Family foreign influence peddling and pay-to-play schemes by pinning them on Hunter Biden and his “foibles,” and on the other hand, attempting to stir up public panic over “global boiling.” Good grief.

All while busily ignoring further evidence of Biden family criminality, reaching right into the White House (and probably the Obama White House, as well).

The New York Post: “Media beg Republicans to ‘move on’ from Hunter Biden – because they know scandal is serious”

Having impeached then-President Trump over an innocuous phone call with Ukraine, the Democrat corporate press was quick to jump to the defense of Joe Biden for far far worse, even criminal, actions.

The Federalist: “10 Media Hack Factories That Pooh-Poohed The Biden-Burisma Scandal As A Conspiracy Theory”

What did the Obama administration know about Joe Biden’s nefarious influence peddling schemes, and when did they know it?

National Review: “Painting a Portrait of Corruption around the Bidens”

And despite Biden’s assertion that “there wasn’t any hint of scandal at all when we were there,” know that Obama administration officials were uncomfortable with Hunter Biden joining Burisma’s board. In a September 2016 email to other senior State Department officials, the acting deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, George Kent, wrote, “The presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.”

Flashback: Remember when corrupt Joe Biden got visibly agitated about Ukraine and Burisma during an NBC interview in early 2020?

And during a presser in 2019?

Or when he called for Trump’s impeachment over that Ukraine phone call?

CNBC reported at the time (archive link):

The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate joined many of his rivals in unequivocally saying Trump “should be impeached.” Biden had previously gone as far as backing the House’s inquiry into whether Trump abused his power by urging Ukraine to investigate the former vice president and his son Hunter.“In full view of the world and the American people, Donald Trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts,” Biden said to applause during remarks in New Hampshire.“To preserve our Constitution, our democracy, our basic integrity, he should be impeached,” he added.

Meanwhile, here’s Joe:

Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden needs to be investigated by a House impeachment panel.  No matter what Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is suddenly (?) saying.

But . . . Trump! And Republicans!

Over in NeverTrump land, they think that pointing out that Trump didn’t do enough to stop the J6 riots is a good plan. It’s not, as Roseanne Barr happily pointed out.

Politico attempted some weird flex in a piece about members of Congress owning EVs: “Here are the 25 members of Congress who drive electric cars.”

Meanwhile, the anti-America Democrat media liars are heavily pushing the need for Western civilization to be eradicated, essentially throwing us back into the Dark Ages . . . or further back, CNN is having fever dreams of a world without humans.

Daily Caller: “Climate Alarmists Are Finally Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud In Their Agenda.”

The [LA Times] op/ed is appropriately titled, “Would an Occasional Blackout Help Solve Climate Change?” It is a headline that tacitly admits a truth about the transition that boosters of renewable energy have been careful not to publicize: That the notion that generation sources with extremely low energy density like wind and solar cannot hope to be viable alternatives to generation with extremely high energy density like natural gas, nuclear and coal. It is a notion that defies the laws of thermodynamics and physics, and those are laws, not suggestions that can be discarded as a matter of convenience or, as in this case, in pursuit of a hyper-political agenda.This kind of propaganda is designed to condition readers to accept the lowering of their own living conditions in the name of saving the climate, or, as this writer poses is, “preventing climate catastrophe.” It is the kind of propaganda Americans and citizens around the world have been bombarded with as we have experienced the current hot summer.

Brownstone Institute: “Population Control: The Receipts”

What else did the corrupt hacks in the Democrat propaganda media decide wasn’t important? Oh, a lot.

They are completely ignoring (and probably celebrating) the decline in patriotism in our nation’s school children. We’ve already seen polls showing that America’s young people dislike capitalism and think that people who disagree with them should be not only silenced but jailed, so this isn’t a big surprise, but it is a big problem for America’s future.

Axios: “Poll: Youth sour on America”

Hot Air: “Blame the public schools for decline in patriotism among the young”

Nothing to see here:

Fox News: “Republican sounds alarm on ‘militarization’ of IRS after it spent $10M on weapons, gear since 2020”

“I write to you today to express my concerns regarding the increased rate of weapon purchases by the Internal Revenue Service,” Rep. Stephanie Bice, R-Okla., wrote in a Tuesday letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.”While I recognize the Criminal Investigation division has a law enforcement role, recent reports have indicated that the IRS has made substantial purchases of weaponry and tactical gear. As a civilian agency whose stated mission is to ‘Provide America’s taxpayers top-quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all,’ the increasing militarization of the IRS is of growing concern.”

More via HotAir: “Did you know POTATUS and the treasury gnome have spent 2 years negotiating a Global Minimum Tax?”

Before FOREIGN COUNTRIES CAN START IMPOSING NEW TAXES ON ANY U.S. COMPANIES DEEMED TO PAY “too little” tax in the U.S.What are these Davos devotees doing to us? [emphasis in original]

TownHall: “Progressive Liberal Cori Bush Dished Out Massive Amount of Campaign Funds to Her Husband for Security”

Reason: “A SWAT Team Destroyed an Innocent Man’s Shop. Then the City Left Him With the Bill.”

You won’t be reading in Democrat propaganda hack rags about a Democrat Congressman acknowledging not only that Hunter Biden broke the law but that he should be “held accountable.”

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis worked hard to clean up our voting rolls and to ensure that Florida has safe, clean, and accurate elections. This has made Democrats unhappy.

PJ Media: “Florida Democrats Scurry to Rebuild Mail-in Voter Rolls After New Law Wipes Them Clean”

Fox News is backing the Democrats when it comes to Justin Aldean’s amazing video for “Try That in a Small Town.”

Producers of Jason Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town” music video have quietly removed archival footage of Black Lives Matter rioters after Fox threatened legal action, according to a new report.The footage in question is a brief series of clips from Fox 5 Atlanta showing BLM rioters violently protesting in the streets, TMZ reported.

And now for a feel-good story to cleanse the palate:

The Truth About Guns: “Home Invader Shot by BOTH Homeowners When They Returned Fire During Burglary Attempt”

Tags: Biden Administration, Corruption, Donald Trump, FBI, Hunter Biden, IRS, Joe Biden, Media Bias, Ron DeSantis, Ukraine