PBS Adds ‘Context’ to Trump Bedminster Speech While CNN, MSNBC Declare It Too ‘Dangerous,’ ‘Untrue’ to Cover

For a group of people who got what they wanted Tuesday when former President Donald Trump was arraigned in a Miami courtroom on 37 federal counts related to the classified documents probe, the Usual Suspects on the cable news networks sure were a sour-faced lot.

Take, for instance, how CNN’s Jake Tapper whined about Trump’s stop at a local Cuban cafe in the aftermath of his arraignment, where people prayed for him and sang “happy birthday” to him. Tapper was very faux fended that Trump was being showered with attention and was at points smiling and laughing with the crowd:

“To the folks in the control room, I don’t need to see any more of that. He’s trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign ad. That is enough of that. We’ve seen it already. Ah, let’s go over again the 37 charges that Donald Trump is facing…”

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace was also not amused, calling on the control room to stop airing the footage:

Other MSNBC media figures, including former Biden press secretary Jen Psaki and woke NBC News presidential “historian” Michael Beschloss, also had a moment:

Things did not get any better once Trump’s Bedminster, New Jersey speech started hours later.

Tapper, for instance, declared without a shred of self-awareness that the 2024 presidential candidate’s speech was too “dangerous” and lie-filled to air on CNN, where “Facts First” is still, laughably, their motto:

“We’re not carrying his remarks live because frankly, he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous.”


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who rose to fame and fortune during the Trump presidential era by repeatedly perpetuating, as Tapper did, the Russia/Trump collusion hoax , similarly proclaimed that the paragons of truth-telling at MSNBC simply were not willing to tolerate untruths allegedly being told “no matter who says them”:

“We are here to bring you the news. It hurts our ability to do that if we live broadcast what we fully expect in advance to be a litany of lies and false accusations, no matter who says them.”

Though PBS did air Trump’s speech, they kept adding “context” notes throughout, including towards the end when they engaged in the “words are violence” tactic the left is notorious for:

You can watch some of the other “contextual” disclaimers they added via the video below:

CNN’s and MSNBC’s refusal to air Trump’s speech was rather perplexing considering that according to a Newsbusters analysis, 95 percent of both networks’ coverage on Tuesday was devoted to Trump’s arraignment.

Needless to say, Maddow, Tapper, and Wallace were all called out for obsessing about Trump all during the course of the day before refusing to air the speech he gave defending himself against the charges both networks analyzed and dissected all day:

Pretty amazing considering the desperate lengths CNN in particular went to in order to cover the proceedings:

As far as what all of this means for the sorry state of modern journalism, I leave you with this parting thought:


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: CNN, Donald Trump, Jake Tapper, Media, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Trump 2024