Trump Pleads Not Guilty in Classified Documents Case
He said he will plead not guilty to the charges he faces: willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice and false statements.

President Donald Trump arrived at the Federal Courthouse in Miami. He’ll be arraigned at 3 PM ET.
He said he would plead not guilty to the charges he faces: willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and false statements.
Pleads Not Guilty
Trump pleads not guilty:
Former President Trump pleaded not guilty at a Miami federal courthouse Tuesday to 37 federal felony counts related to his alleged refusal to hand over classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago residence.
Trump made his first appearance in court for the case in Miami on Tuesday and pleaded not guilty. He was indicted last week on the 37 counts by Special Counsel Jack Smith.
The FBI seized 102 documents from Trump with classification markings in August.
Trump Processed
Trump entered the courthouse and processed:
Former President Donald Trump was placed under arrest by deputy US Marshals and his booking process and that of his co-defendant Walt Nauta have been completed, CNN reports from inside the courthouse.
The marshals are expected to take electronic copies of his fingerprints at some point during today’s proceedings. They are not expected to take a mugshot of Trump given his recognizability.
Trump arrived at the courthouse.
BREAKING: The motorcade of former president Donald Trump arrives at the Wilkie D. Ferguson U.S. Courthouse in Miami for his arraignment.
— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) June 13, 2023
Supporters cheered on former President Donald Trump as he arrived at a Miami courthouse Tuesday for arraignment.
The latest on Trump's arraignment:
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) June 13, 2023
Witch Hunt!
Trump posted on Truth Social before he left for the courthouse.

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I wonder if the Democrat strategists have considered a Trump campaign season with him “in the basement” will take the edge of the divisive comments that may otherwise have been attributed to him. I essence, giving him the Joe Biden “basement strategy” where he makes no mistakes by just not being there.
Probably not. Biden is under control of his handlers, while Trump is master of his own blunderfull world.
And his handlers include the Soros’ son, the ChiComs and possibly some Ukrainian thugs.
It was a good run since 1776 until today
Say a prayer
prayers do not help
Better hands that work than lips that pray.
Where was this from? The book of Marx?
You’re in a place like New Orleans. Flood waters are rising, and folks are: a) filling sandbags, providing coffee and sandwiches to the crews, ham operators keeping lines of communications open. b) sitting in a warm church reciting words.
Who is more useful?
Book of Marx indeed.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
That’s more or less the message of the Good Samaritan parable. How often do we blow off someone who needs help with a short prayer for God to send someone to help them?
No, no it isn’t. The Good Samaritan parable is not a mocking dismissal of the power of prayer. Atheists and communists, but I repeat myself, do that.
I was taught that the ‘Lord helps those who help themselves’. The parable of talents seems appropriate. If the choice for what is a more effective and immediate resolution to a problem then rolling up your sleeves and fixing it right now is preferable to prayer alone.
Nothing says we can’t do both but many folks seem to substitute prayers in place of concrete personal actions. It is analogous to the virtue signaling tweets and #tag the leftists are so fond of, b/c having done so they feel they have done their part.
“You’re in a place like New Orleans. Flood waters are rising, and folks are: a) filling sandbags, providing coffee and sandwiches to the crews, ham operators keeping lines of communications open. b) sitting in a warm church reciting words.”
Adtually, what a LOT of people in that highly religious town were doing was filling sandbags, providing meals and coffefe to those in need, keeping comms open AND praying to god that this would all be over, that no one else would die, that those helping would stay safe.
Because the two things are not exclusive.
It always perplexes me that so many who refuse to know the gods think that they are.
Perhaps they’re projecting a failure of their own onto others?
I’ll have y’all know that the self-help section in the New Age bookstores are crammed with books pushing — something — in all kinds of creative ways, except the word “prayer.” And they swear up and down it works.
I think it does work, but the effect is mainly on the person doing the praying. So, my go-to is guidance for the best action take. Works for me.
Prayer works , magic crystals, not so much unless your nuts
I actually know of a healer and someone who had terminal cancer and went to her
He has been cancer free for about 5 years, and not a religious person by any means
I know of others that went to or talked to her amd some have done well, others not so much
I don’t know why it works for some, not others and she is religious
I wish very much I knew of her before my sister died of terminal cancer amd it was indeed very otherworldly how I was led to her.
I keep getting a feeling o was going to run into these 2 NP’s I worked with for years, hadn’t seen them in a couple of years amd no contact at all, but I just knew I was going to see them at HEB, a one I don’t usually shop at but I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Anyway, I see a car go by in the parking lot amd I swear it’s them, so I park and run up to the store, it’s huge, but O find them
Before I go in. Didn’t tell her if I remember right about the feeling Inhad, maybe I did, I don’t remember, but I thought it was odd how uncommunicative Ron was as he was the real mouth of the couple and he was looking away
We decided to have lunch she and I with another nurse and a few weeks later we did.
That’s where after an hour or so we were talking and I know I mentioned that I just knew I would meet them
That day and she told us Ron’s journey and the healer
She was in tears the whole time and she’s not a wacko or overtly religious person in any way. I was stunned.
It’s very long, but I would be a fool not to believe that some people do have “something “. I worked with a Social Worker who had some healing ability, he probably kept it on the DL but one day he saw me probably stretching my neck and as they say, the rest is history, the neck and shoulder pain were gone and it was very weird. He told me he was standing on a corner and was about to cross the street and Bam, he felt like a bolt of lightning hit him, and somehow he knew. Now how much he could do I don’t know and I lost track of him..
You’re not alone. I’ve been blessed to play a part in a few healings, while healing has eluded me. A recurrent dream has convinced me that there are some who carry burdens for the spiritual growth they cultivate – thereby lessening the load on others who might other wise be unable to carry them. I’ve gotten past the “it’s not fair” point only by taking stock of the good that’s come my way. A few more years and my questions will all be answered – but I suspect when we cross the threshold, the questions don’t matter any more.
Mr E… I hope you have many blessed years
“It was a good run since 1776 until today
Say a prayer”
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He hast trampled out the vintage where the Grapes of Wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Freedom is not free. It must be fought for, kept and cherished lest it’s light –that of Liberty– be darkened.
Sundowner is get-away with records kept in a garage under keep by Hunter
Hillary erased tens of thousands or emails and other records in her private server that ran the State Department
Barky has a warehouse of records unprotected
But Trump is in deep charges having records under Secret Service protection
But Jack Smith assured us that everyone is treated equally under the law!!
As Hillary once said, “that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.”
Skip, I don’t disagree with what you say but of all the things the prosecution is touting as leaked evidence against Trump came from his own big mouth. Just the classified documents alone are not a big deal because of the precedents set, but the recording of Trump waving alleged classified papers in front of people saying that he hadn’t declassified them is going to be a tough nut to crack. The man has the great ability to mount support for his causes but is cursed with a mouth that has no filters or limits.
The “Trump is playing 25 dimensional chess” crowd is hardest hit.
No, American jurisprudence and equality under the law are hardest hit.
Second: voter integrity.
Cause of both maladies: the Democrat socialists.
§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records
“The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.”
Couldn’t help but notice that the statute says “The United States” and not Donald Trump or “the former president. “
Presidential records does not include personal records.
He wasn’t popped for personal records and nothing listed in the indictment is a personal record. Moreover, the definition of personal record in the PRA blows that talking point out of the water.
(3) The term “personal records” means all documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, of a purely private or nonpublic character which do not relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term includes–
(A) diaries, journals, or other personal notes serving as the functional equivalent of a diary or journal which are not prepared or utilized for, or circulated or communicated in the course of, transacting Government business;
(B) materials relating to private political associations, and having no relation to or direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; and
(C) materials relating exclusively to the President’s own election to the office of the Presidency; and materials directly relating to the election of a particular individual or individuals to Federal, State, or local office, which have no relation to or direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.
Actually, the president has a high degree of discretion over what materials are to be preserved under the PRA.
“NARA does not have direct oversight authority over the White House records program as it does over federal agencies’ records programs. Instead, NARA “provides advice and assistance to the White House on records management practices upon request,” which would appear to give the President discretion over which materials might be included under the PRA.”
Ferriero, “NARA’s Role under the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act.”
In essence, he gets to decide, despite the absolutism and need to blow talking points out of the water. There was an ongoing process going on that was criminalized. The “talking points” may well be the indictment, which some swallow as the gospel, even though presented by habitual abusers of the law.
By the way, it looks like Trump himself is blowing it out of the water.
Dim, you have to admit that the Dems have a lot of help from you know who. One example is the recent trial in NYC where a fake rape charge was thrown out but defamation was awarded. What did the jury say about the name-calling and insulting of the nut who made the charges? They awarded her 5 million dollars. So then what does DJT do? He goes out and insults her again and now she is suing him for 10 million dollars. Do you see a pattern here? If he could just hold his tongue once in a while but he can’t.
Is that you Danny?
§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records
“The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.”
Couldn’t help but notice that the statute says “The United States” and not Donald Trump or “the former president. “
Now do the Presidential Records Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 22.
Edit: Now do the rest of the PRA.
That is a direct quote from the Presidential Records Act genius.
There is nothing in the PRA that helps or supports Trump.
Specific examples that are fatal to Trump claims include:
Specifically, the PRA:
Establishes public ownership of all Presidential records and defines the term Presidential records.
Requires that the President and his staff take all practical steps to file personal records separately from Presidential records.
Allows the incumbent President to dispose of records that no longer have administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary value, once the views of the Archivist of the United States on the proposed disposal have been obtained in writing.
Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.
The definition of presidential records does not include personal records. Apparently, there is law that says the president has sole authority to deem what is a personal record. Therefore, it’s not clear who owns the records, despite the insistence, at least until the process is completed.
It’s absolutely clear what records were considered Presidential docs, Trump didn’t undertake any process to declassify or otherwise make personal any document in his possession. If he had he would have said so.
Presidential v. personal is not a matter of classification.
He DID say so explicitly last night. He was in the process of making these determinations and was in no rush.
Why do people pretend to know what they don’t?
No, the American people are the hardest hit. When they can target you for 8 years, when they let others that AREN’T Presidents get away with worse…it shows us that if they can get him, we are easier targets.
Oh dear God, look at the Jan 6 protesters
It’s so appalling, but it’s done it’s job
Personally, if I go to any protest I will park far far away and will leave my phone, hid my face
Yeah, it’s done it’s job…
Be aware of license plate capture technology and where it is placed.
“The “Trump is playing 25 dimensional chess” crowd is hardest hit.”
No one is playing any kind of chess– the left has screamed, shit itself and flung the board across the room.
Just like the defective children they are.
America has now joined the ranks of the unexceptional. Soviet Union, get out of the way!
Note the pivot. We have gone from “Trump took classified documents” which was an argument that *the* Executive Office from which all classification authority flows somehow could not possess the very items he classified with that authority. Now it has become ‘national defense information’ to push the mess into spyland and ignore the fact that the PRA allows that same access after his term is up. They wanted this case to go to Judge Howell so much, but even she could not ignore the fact that the supposed crimes were out of her jurisdiction. So they had her reign over as much as they could, then fired it over to Florida as a done deal for one of their own to repeat the same biased behavior. The *last* thing they wanted is for the case to wind up in front of a somewhat-neutral judge, like it has now.
I hope Judge Cannon rules fairly. She can’t be worse than Howell.
The problem with your question “she can’t be any worse than xyz” is that the answer is always “you ain’t seen nothing yet” 🙄🤔
Judge Cannon is a joke, as evidenced by the beat down she got from the court of appeal. She got every point of law wrong and demonstrated an extreme level of bias.
you are wrong, She got it right, because the FBI took stuff not allowed by the search warrant
Robert Barne’s rant on Sunday’s Viva Frei podcast was about the best summation of the case that is out there
That part is clipped here.
I still don’t understand why Trump just had to have these documents in his possession. Of what possible use were they to him. None that I can determine. But I’m not an ego-driven, narcissistic lunatic like Trump. He should have done one of three things.
• Left the documents in question behind at the White House.
• Turned all of the documents over to NARA when requested.
• Definitely turn over all documents when subpoenaed by the FBI
But nope, He had to play games with the documents. And now we’ve got to put up with hearing the flustercuck of a mess for Lord knows how long.
“I still don’t understand”
Well then, instead of just responding with a snarky idiotic response, explain it to me. Just explain to me why it was so important to Trump that he possess those documents. Of what possible use to him are they to him. What is so important about these documents that he would allegedly involve his Assistant (Walt Nauta) to hide boxes of documents from his very own lawyers. What makes these documents so important to Trump that he’s willing to risk going to jail for the rest of his natural life over possession of these documents. Answer the bloody questions.
But I doubt you will. I suspect you don’t even know why Trump insisted on keeping those documents.
Here’s your explanation: you still don’t understand. That’s not my problem.
Yep. Just like a good liberal. When pressed to answer questions you play the ignorant schlub and refuse to answer. Just shows you don’t even know why Trump insisted on keeping those documents.
Some seem to believe the indictment is presented in good faith and puts all of the information in perfect context. Others believe the prosecutors are dirty and not entitled to the benefit of the doubt. It took violation of attorney client privilege to get information that we are supposed to believe is based on law. The movement of boxes in the box hoax case is hardly proof it was done with criminal intent, especially as everything was preserved and there is no harm involved. Maybe those are better questions to be answered.
It doesn’t matter whether Donald Trump *had* to have all these documents. It doesn’t matter whether he *had* to have any.
If he hadn’t arranged for these documents to be packed up at the White House and transported to Mar a Lago or Bedminster or Trump Tower, it’s true: he wouldn’t have been hit with *this* indictment.
Of course, other Presidents have had all kinds of stuff moved out of the White House for display in their presidential libraries or what have you… But they weren’t Donald Trump. The treatment that’s been reserved for Trump wasn’t reserved for them.
If he’d moved no documents out the White House, Trump by now would be getting hit with a *different* Federal indictment.
For all we know, this indictment isn’t enough. That other indictment may be arriving soon.
Where the present indictment is concerned, nothing even faintly resembling the rule of law is going on.
Pretending that the indictment even faintly resembles an application of the rule of law is what Joseph R. Biden, Jr., his unnamed handlers, Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, and the heads of several “USIC” agencies want *you* to do.
Never said anywhere that the democrats wouldn’t have found something else to indict him on. But my point is that Trump wouldn’t be facing spending the rest of his natural life (400 years max) in a federal prison if he hadn’t just given the documents back at the beginning. I hope Donnie thinks it’s worthwhile. Because the democrats want him gone. So their ain’t gonna be no plea deal. Federal prosecutors will be going for the max sentence. 400 years. They will now make sure that Donnie is put away where he can no longer be a problem.
So was it worth it, Donnie?
Oh stop it
I’ll stop it when you stop shilling for Trump. And seeing as how you just won’t do that well, here we are.
Can you give a factual reason from the indictment why you would conclude that there is no or limited application of the law.
I know there’s little point in responding to a troll…
But, for the record, consider each of the 31 counts purportedly about “retention of national defense information.” Then ask whether such a charge has been brought against any former President. Then ask whether any such charge *would* be brought against any future former President. Unless the former President was named Donald Trump.
Not hard to figure out.
Accidentally upvoted you, meant to reply.
You will never understand why Trump might do any given thing, because you assume the slanders in our flow of Democrat propaganda, namely that Trump is an ego-driven, narcissistic lunatic, are true.
I know differently, because I pay attention to what he does and I read his speeches. It yields and entirely different evaluation of the man.
Downvoted you, and it wasn’t an accident.
Yep, ego-driven narcissistic lunatic. As only an ego-driven, narcissistic lunatic like Trump could parley possession of classified/national security documents into possibly spending the rest of his natural life in a federal prison. Over documents that he could have easily just given back and been done with it.
400 years max and there’s no parole in the federal system.
You really need to read more than thegatewaypundit and breitbart. A lot of what they write is just hysterical nonsense. If you do you might just come to a different conclusion.
Ever hear of a “concurrent sentence?” Or is that something else that you don’t understand?
Ever hear of consecutive sentences? That’s what democrats will be going for once Trump is found guilty.
Down voted, wow, how chilling, I’m sure Valerie will wear it as a badge of sense as it is
Here here Val!!!!
I rarely read Breitbart (and only when someone more interesting links to it). Never read Gateway Pundit, Have no illusions about Donald J. Trump’s personality.
I still don’t buy a single portion of your bad argument.
Why did Biden steal some of his in 1984?? Why did Clinton have a secret server, and why did she destroy what she was subpoenaed to turn in?? There are LOTS of questions that need answering, and we need equal treatment of the law.
What Biden, Hillary or anyone else did is irrelevant as we’re not talking about them. This is about Trump. So what’s your point, exactly?
Selective enforcement shows the lack of good faith of the DoJ. That alone should cause a person to reject any prosecution that is blatantly bad faith.
Of course it is a bad faith prosecution. They been trying n to find something, anything in fact to use a tool to ‘get Trump’ since 2015.
The whole MO is to use that something to end his political career and the refusal to treat DJT alleged offenses and investigation(s) the same way they did for HRC is an obvious example of the malicious and ideological nature of this process.
That said, knowing all this, wouldn’t it have been more prudent to avoid an entanglement with the Archives and simply return the docs? Hell, produce a simple memorandum for the record that memorialized his declassification of the Cross fire Hurricane material and affix it to the files and scan them releasing them online for the world to see? He could have done that two years ago.
From Politifact, circa 2017, when Pres. Trump was accused of giving classified info to the Russian (prelude to the collusion hoax?). After the following explanations, they proceed to state why it can’t be applied to Pres. Trump, because, well, he’s President Trump….(https://www.politifactDOTcom/factchecks/2017/may/16/james-risch/does-president-have-ability-declassify-anything-an/
To wit;
The president’s classification and declassification powers are broad
Experts agreed that the president, as commander in chief, is ultimately responsible for classification and declassification. When people lower in the chain of command handle classification and declassification duties — which is usually how it’s done — it’s because they have been delegated to do so by the president directly, or by an appointee chosen by the president.
The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy vs. Egan — which addressed the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance — addresses this line of authority.
“The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’” according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. “His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security … flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.”
Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said that such authority gives the president the authority to “classify and declassify at will.”
In fact, Robert F. Turner, associate director of the University of Virginia’s Center for National Security Law, said that “if Congress were to enact a statute seeking to limit the president’s authority to classify or declassify national security information, or to prohibit him from sharing certain kinds of information with Russia, it would raise serious separation of powers constitutional issues.”
The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren’t necessarily binding on the president. The president is not “obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed,” Aftergood said. “And he can change those.”
Biden’s DoJ established four different Grand Juries to look for “crimes” that Trump, his presumptive opponent in the next presidential election, might possibly be charged with.
One would have to be incredibly delusional or utterly stupid not to see that for what it is.
Over the next year or two we will discover whether we have actually become a banana republic where Presidents can have their political opponents arrested without repercussions.
Frankly, if Trump doesn’t win the election, MAGA friendly reps don’t control both houses, and they don’t absolutely clean house in DC restoring constitutional govt I think we are done as a republic.
We are already a banana republic – that’s not even debatable.
No need to wait. It is already happening.
And remember, they don’t need a conviction. The process is the punishment, and they will keep punishing Trump (and us) on multiple fronts simultaneously. Just wait as the election gets closer.
We have a banana republic now. The question is whether we can escape from banana republic status.
Methinks Trump was advised to take the docs.
Same as getting tailed by an LEO waiting for one reason to harass you.
“Meanwhile President Shit My Pants just approved more aid to Ukraine.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 13, 2023 02:53 PM (ZLI7S) “
Ace comment
The pace of looting is accelerating. Apparently the Regime and its parasites think the end is closer than I do.
Ron Coleman was pretty explicit..This is persecution, (not prosecution) Here is his tweet, with a brief video, if you are interested.
They couldn’t have done it without treasonous, corupt scum l ike McConnell and useful idiots like Ronna Romney:
McConnell, GOP allies steer clear of defending Trump on indictment
How McConnell and Chao used political power to make their family rich:
John W. Huber is an American lawyer who served as the United States Attorney for the District of Utah from June 2015 to February 2021. He supposedly investigated the Clintons, but never seemed to know any more. In fact, a Senate hearing to have Huber report on his investigation was cancelled when it seemed he hadn’t done a damn thing.
Of course, we got yet another “Huber” in Delaware to investigate the Bidens.