Joy Reid, Lincoln Project Usher in Next Media Installment of ‘DeSantis Is Worse Than Trump’
“And it’s a hard thing for a lot of us who worked in the party to accept, that we helped create this monster. But we did. And this is very purposeful by the party. But it’s not something they stumbled into. Their second choice is a guy who is worse than Trump.”

Even with 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump holding on to a firm lead in primary polling despite two indictments in three months, the Usual Suspects in the media and on the left still seem to be convinced for some reason that at some point his chief rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, will one day move ahead.
How do we know this? Because the next installment of their “DeSantis is worse than Trump” narrative is being ushered in once again.
This time around, it was MSNBC’s Joy Reid who got the ball rolling in a segment with Lincoln Project senior adviser Stuart Stevens on Monday night, where both were fretting over DeSantis’ alleged “fascist” tendencies and where Stevens declared that “Their second choice is a guy who is worse than Trump”:
JOY REID: And Stewart, I’m going to give you the last word on this because Chris Christie got booed for telling the truth about Trump. So, and he’s at 5 percent, he’s, you know, he’s somewhere, he’s not nowhere. He’s ahead of Nikki Haley and some of the others. But what does it say about the Republican Party that the next guy down is Ron DeSantis, who is running the most openly fascist campaign I think I’ve ever seen. And I’m saying that, having covered Donald Trump running for president. That’s the next guy down.
STUART STEVENS: Yeah, I mean, I suppose if you’re inside the DeSantis war room, you got to think of a way to get yourself indicted to get up ahead of Donald Trump. You know, this just goes to my point that this is what the party wants to be. And it’s a hard thing for a lot of us who worked in the party to accept, that we helped create this monster. But we did. And this is very purposeful by the party. But it’s not something they stumbled into. Their second choice is a guy who is worse than Trump. So it’s a threat to what it means really to be an American. And I think we have to realize that and address it accordingly.
Stevens did not elaborate on what he meant by “what it really means to be an Amerian” and “address it accordingly,” but as you might imagine, the latter likely includes more fearmongering and hyperventilating over how the Lincoln Project America will not survive if DeSantis wins the nomination over Trump and defeats Joe Biden in the general election.
MSNBC had a normal one. Joy Reid says DeSantis "running the most openly fascist campaign I think I've ever seen." Stuart Stevens says "it's a hard thing for a lot of us who worked in the party to accept, that we helped create this monster" and DeSantis is "worse than Trump."
— Alex Christy (@alexchristy17) June 27, 2023
This is the same Stuart Stevens, I should point out, who thought it would be cute last summer to make fun of Ron DeSantis’ weight and military service.
He was wrong:
Stevens is prick and a punk.
After DeSantis finished at Yale and Harvard Law he joined the Navy. Served with SEAL Team 1 in country as JAG advisor.Stevens went to film school. Then helped Mitt go down in flames. He's the fat guy on the right.
— Jim Thompson (@JimmySportToons) August 23, 2022 senior reporter Ian Millhiser also got in a dig at DeSantis in a recent tweet, reminding his followers that though DeSantis has in Millhiser’s words “tanked” in the polls, he was still extremely dangerous and “evil”:
I think a lot of us have backed off paying too much attention to Meatball Ron as his polls have tanked. But just in case you were wondering, he’s still evil and fundamentally opposed to the concept of constitutional governance.
— Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) June 27, 2023
New Republic editor Michael Tomasky had a slightly different take, believing that DeSantis isn’t quite there yet on being worse than Trump, but “wants to be”:
Showing his hand. Wants to be worse than Trump. Follow @newrepublic
— Michael Tomasky (@mtomasky) June 26, 2023
Naturally, the DeSantis presidential campaign’s rapid response “War Room” Twitter account has turned such attacks into an advantage, and if you watch the below video, you’ll see why:
The Left always tells you who they fear most.
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) June 24, 2023
I mean I would have to think that after seeing that series of clips that some fence-sitters on the GOP side who are torn between Trump and DeSantis might just have an easier time making up their minds because, ironically, DeSantis’ unhinged critics in those segments made him look even more impressive.
Of course, let’s all remember that this is the standard operating procedure for the MSM and Democrats, as we’ve seen over the course of several presidential election cycles going back decades:
2024: Ron DeSantis is worse than Donald Trump.
2020: Donald Trump is worse than Hitler.
2016: Donald Trump is worse than Mitt Romney.
2012: Mitt Romney is worse than John McCain.
2008: John McCain is worse than George W. Bush.
2004: George W. Bush is worse than Hitler.
2000:…— Ian Haworth (@ighaworth) June 27, 2023
That said, make no mistake, “Worse Than Trump™” is here to stay for the foreseeable future:
Worse Than Trump™ has now kicked into high gear
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 27, 2023
Buckle up!
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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I would like them to define Fascism other than people I don’t like.
Also as far as I can tell they believe that the only good Republican is a dead Republican. If Chris Christie was suddenly winning the polling for the Republican nomination he would become Hitler re-incarnated in that moment. If everybody’s Hitler maybe nobody is.
Precisely. I gotta say, that Hitler guy really has a good handle on getting himself reincarnated. I’ve lost track of how many bodies he’s jumped in to.
I would say that the pedophile that tried to forceI would say that the pedophile that tried to force Medical interventions on people who did not want or need then would much more easily qualify then would much more easily qualify as a Nazi then the guy who gave folks a choice
With the build Christie has? More like Hermann Göring.
The late German commander would be insulted by that comparison.
Joy Reid: the pinnacle or quota-hiring? Or, is that more pinochle?
Now that the “We’re coming for your children” video from the NYC Pride Parade has gone viral, people are seeing that DeSantis’s supposed “fascism” was protecting children from the groomers whom NBC defends: “NBC DESPERATELY Defends We’re Coming For Your Children Chant, Accidentally CONFIRMS They’re Groomers” .
After Trump’s first indictment, I was joking that if DeSantis replaces him he’ll be indicted for something next, and then each succeeding Republican candidate (at least until they get to an establishment weenie like Romney or Jeb Bush). I begin to think it might not be a joke after all.
Ron DeSantis is Über Hitler. Über Hitler is like Hitler, only über. Or, just like Ron DeSantis.
I hope this clarifies the matter.
Hitler drove for Uber? Who knew? (s)
Did anyone Lyft him into that position?
It’s just another way to get Ronnie publicity
According to Joy, all Republicans and conservatives are Nazis. So, by her own lights (as dim as they may be), she’s actually helping DeSantis.
Exactly and the DeSantis camp knows it
Well if you don’t see it , I have an optometrist you can see
And a neurologist… in case of brain damage issues
If that’s the case, then Trump fans shouldn’t have a complaint, what with all of the publicity the left has generated for him.
“Suspects in the media and on the left still seem to be convinced for some reason that at some point his chief rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, will one day move ahead.”
Wishful thinking. It’s more likely they need another way to inject more hatred into the people that are addicted to this stuff, on both sides, and DeSantis fills the bill today.
No one is trying to stop DeSantis from being on the ballot. That alone says more than posturing about who is most evil or electable.
Rinos with no home are all in teh Lenin project.
Our leader…we are so screwed
Interesting pattern there.
All the ones that got called ‘worse than hitler’ became president.
All the ones that were called worse than the previous GOP president lost.
What’s that they said about Ron? That he’s worse than Trump?
He sure is.
Another interesting pattern is how quickly some choose to pick up and use the talking points / narratives put out by the weirdos of the Lincoln Project, cruise ship refugees, the Biden WH, other d/prog political figures nd lefty media figures like Joy Reid.
What’s really important , we’re so busy calling orange man bad and Ronnie’s the one.. we’ve already been sold
Jay Powell and Jamie Dimon and Bill Gates have all visited Xi in the last month or so…making arrangements for the New World Order and the shift of power from West to East I guess.. GRRRR
Hahahahaha. This from someone belonging to a party headed by Brandon who declared his “patience was wearing thin” and forced censorship if you deviated from the official narrative, staying in your homes and forced vaccinations if you wanted to travel, eat or have a job.
DeSantis would be questionable if MSNBC did NOT dump a load of hysterical hooey on him.
If you’re going to do entire articles about what Joy Reid and a Lincoln Project sockpuppet have to say to each other, could you at least do an equal number of articles about what Beavis and Butthead have to say to each other? At least the latter has some chance of redeeming jocular value.