George Soros Gives His Far-Leftist Empire to His Son Alex
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George Soros Gives His Far-Leftist Empire to His Son Alex

George Soros Gives His Far-Leftist Empire to His Son Alex

“I have some differences with my generation in regard to free speech and other things—I grew up watching Bill Maher before bed, after all.”

“Right-wing target” George Soros (The Wall Street Journal‘s wording, not mine) has given his far-left $25 billion empire to his “center-left” son Alex.

How center-left is Alex? Who knows:

The 37-year-old, who goes by Alex, said in the first interview since his selection that he was broadening his father’s liberal aims—“We think alike,” the elder Soros said—while embracing some different causes. Those include voting and abortion rights, as well as gender equity. He plans to continue using the family’s deep pockets to back left-leaning U.S. politicians.

“I’m more political,” Alex said, compared with his father. He recently met with Biden administration officials, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and heads of state, including Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to advocate for issues related to the family foundation.

This line caught my eye: “Just because someone votes Trump doesn’t mean they’re lost or racist.”


In contrast with some on the left, Alex believes that speech on college campuses and elsewhere has become too restricted. “I have some differences with my generation in regard to free speech and other things—I grew up watching Bill Maher before bed, after all,” he said, referring to the TV personality and First Amendment advocate.


Alex wants his side “to be better about being more patriotic and inclusive.”

My goodness. It sounds like Alex might actually know what’s wrong with the left:

Alex is more focused on domestic politics than his father, he said. Alex is helping Democrats appeal to Latino voters and improve turnout among Black voters. He has urged Democratic politicians to better hone their message, broadening the party’s appeal.

Alex is a Soros and obviously a leftist. I guess I could consider him a center-left person if he truly believes in free speech.

But does the appreciation for free speech and knowing the problems of the left actually change anything? Soros admits he’s more political than his father, so will his words just be hot air, and the money will go to anyone who could beat Republicans?

I laughed when Alex told the WSJ he wants to get money out of politics, but as long as the right keeps spending money in politics, he’ll have to keep doing the same!

Oh, child.

Your father outpaces everyone. The Open Society Foundation gives $1.5 billion to groups worldwide every year. Democracy PAC, the Soros family super PAC, has given millions to the anti-police and anti-punishment district/state attorneys. I also wonder if Alex will back those same people

Soros helped elect:

The Democrats and the left can thank Soros money for a great 2022 midterm since he gave Democracy PAC $125 million during that election season.

Alex admits that he wants to pour money into abortion and voting rights. But he has given the Biden Victory Fund $726,900 and “$11 million to left-wing PACs since 2010.”


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I hope Alex fails in keeping to his father’s legacy as most former playboys/addicts are in staying “reformed”

SeymourButz | June 12, 2023 at 7:20 am

Leftists love it when a trust-fund baby inherits all of daddy’s money.

Kind of like Fidel Castro handing his dictatorship to his brother Raul. Young Alex is certainly not ‘liberal’.

E Howard Hunt | June 12, 2023 at 9:06 am

Why doesn’t Soros give his empire to an illiterate, alcoholic, Central American, peasant, halfwit? He has no trouble giving the United States to them.

It’s always YOUR money they want out of politics, never their own.

Ok Ms. Chastain, all of that is interesting, but you left the most important question unanswered: What pronouns does he prefer?

A spoiled, indoctrinated child heir that has been totally isolated from reality stumbling into a vast mammon of moolah.
What could possibly go wrong with Hunter 3.1?

healthguyfsu | June 12, 2023 at 12:25 pm

He is lying through his teeth. He has zero desire to be centered.

Spawn of Satan, kind of like Chelsea Clinton.

texansamurai | June 12, 2023 at 2:22 pm

hope he has studied 20th century history a bit–the deliberate acts of his father to diminish stability / freedom / personal responsibility & accountability around the world have affected millions of people–sr’s actions / attitude cast a very long shadow–jr might not be around long enough to atone for it all

Far left or simply oligopolist fascism?

Peter Floyd | June 13, 2023 at 9:29 am

Hopefully, Alex;’s old man will crook soon and Alex can spend his money on super yachts and gorgeous fashion models and hang out at casinos and any other palxe where he can quickly plunder his new found wealth. Se le vie! Voila!

Wondering if every Halloween if Alex dresses up in daddy’s old Nazi uniform.