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Former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy Wants to Unseat Democrat Montana Senator in 2024

Former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy Wants to Unseat Democrat Montana Senator in 2024

Don’t sleep on Montana. The state could help the GOP regain the majority.

Former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy wants to flip a Montana Senate seat in November 2024.

Unseating Sen. John Tester (D-MT) would help the GOP regain the majority in the upper chamber.

Sheehy, also a businessman and firefighting pilot, announced his campaign on Tuesday:

“From inflation to our border to our deficit, America is ready for change. And I think it’s time for a new generation of leaders to step up,” Sheehy told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview. “Leaders who understand servant leadership, which is putting the mission before yourself, and leaders who understand how to get results.”

“I think Americans are feeling underrepresented. They’re tired of a government that they don’t feel is working for them,” the candidate said when asked why he decided to throw his hat into the ring for the Democrat-held seat.

Sheehy served in Afghanistan, Iraq, South America, and the Pacific. He received “the Bronze Star for Heroism in Combat and the Purple Heart Medal.”

But before Tester, Sheehy has to win the primary. Rep. Matt Rosendale told colleagues in the House and Senate he wants to challenge Tester again. He lost to him in 2018.

But the National Republican Senatorial Committee backs Sheehy:

Rep. Ryan Zinke’s name has been thrown around but he doesn’t know if he would throw his hat into the ring.

As of now, Cook Political Report has the Montana race leaning Democrat. But only barely:

As we previously reported, a poll from the Political Company, a Montana-based GOP firm, conducted Jan. 30-Feb. 1 (534 LVs, +/- 4%) showed Tester leading both Rosendale (45%-40%) and Zinke (46%-40%). However, the poll also tested Gov. Greg Gianforte against Tester (it may have been designed to pique his interest in the race) and showed the governor and Democratic senator tied at 45% each. Attorney General Austin Knudsen has also shown interest, and state Auditor Troy Downing, who lost to Rosendale in the 2018 primary, is also mentioned.

Rosendale lost to Tester in 2018 by 3.5 points.

Trump easily defeated Biden in Montana in 2020 and 2016.


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JohnSmith100 | June 27, 2023 at 3:25 pm

He is starting with the right credentials, and business background to boot.

Leaning Democratic

Montana.. it’s actually pretty sad

Great. Now, what’s his position on the 2nd Amendment and the right of the People to keep and bear arms wherever they go for any lawful purpose?

I find the answer to that question to be a good litmus test for how they view all other personal freedoms. It asks a candidate how they view citizens on a fundamental level.

To whit: Are we responsible, productive members of an egalitarian society “of the people, for the people, and by the people”? Or are we criminals who just haven’t been caught yet, a problem that must be solved with government controls?

    And I feel the question must be asked because so many current Congress-critters — Republicans and Democrats alike — are former military and stand firmly against the right of the People to keep and bear arms …

    … in contravention of the oaths they took upon entering the military and upon taking their seats in Congress.

rabid wombat | June 27, 2023 at 7:58 pm

Is he a Crenshaw, or not?

    Aarradin in reply to rabid wombat. | June 27, 2023 at 11:44 pm

    I’d take a Crenshaw over a Tester any day, especially if it meant holding the majority in the Senate and having R majorities in every Senate committee and setting the agenda.

    As annoying as eyepatch McCain can be sometimes, he’s still better than every D in the House. Its not like he’s a Kinzinger or Cheney.

We’ll, I for one down under, wish him well. At face value he has all the right qualities.

Interestingly, Jon Tester and NC’s gay Guv-wannabe, Josh Stein, have teamed up. Stein is sending out emails from Jon Tester seeking donations in NC that they will split. I didn’t know that they were a couple.
