‘Flee’ California If Legislation Requiring Parents to Affirm Children’s Gender Identity Passes, Says Republican State Senator

We recently noted a bill making its way through the California legislature that would punish parents who don’t ‘affirm’ their child’s expressed gender identity.

This is complete insanity.

The bill is making its way closer to passage.

KCRA News reports:

California bill highlighting gender affirmation in child custody cases moves forwardCalifornia lawmakers in the State Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday moved forward with a measure that would require courts to consider a parent’s acceptance of their child’s gender identity in custody or visitation cases.“As the mother of a trans child, it is jarring to know that TGI youth are at a higher risk of depression, mental health crises, self-harm and suicide than their cisgender peers,” said Assemblymember Lori Wilson, the bill’s author, in a statement. “The TGI Youth Empowerment Act provides California the opportunity to take one step closer to building a safer, more dignified, and equitable world for TGI youth and their families.”The bill, Assembly Bill 957, now heads to the Senate floor, despite concerns from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as to how courts will interpret the measure.Multiple Senators in Tuesday’s hearing indicated they want Wilson to clarify in the bill if “gender affirmation” solely means acceptance and support for the child’s identity, or if it also includes providing gender-affirming health care including surgery and medication. Others raised concerns about how the bill might affect those who practice certain religions.

In response to this, California Republican State Senator Scott Wilk has urged people to ‘flee’ the state.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

“If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee,” Wilk warned. “I’m now in year 11 in the state legislature, and all the time we’re proposing policies to protect children. After 11 years, I’ve come to the conclusion that we need to start protecting parents.””I’ve been here and witnessed a full frontal assault on charter schools, taking away parents’ choice in how their children are going to be educated to the detriment, particularly of children of color. In recent years, we have put government bureaucrats between parents, children, and doctors when it comes to medical care, and now we have this, where if a parent does not support the ideology of the government, they’re going to be taken away from the home.””Today, it only involves divorce proceedings, and frankly, a judge can already factor this in. But I assure you it’s not going to end with divorce proceedings. In the past when we’ve had these discussions and I’ve seen parental rights atrophied, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting.””I’ve changed my mind about that. If you love your children, you need to flee California,” he said.

Here’s the video:

The left is pushing too far on this issue and there will be consequences.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: California, Education, LGBT, Parenting, Republicans, Transgender