Fallout Continues from NYC Eco-Tyrants’ War on Wood Fired Pizza
It turns out that the pizza oven restrictions may result in an even more carbon emissions

If there is a carbon-cutting rule that may be the straw to break the back of the climate cult, it would be the one New York City just implemented.
My colleague Mary Chastain covered the details yesterday. However, the fallout is continuing from the news.
Big Tech icon Elon Musk slammed the crackdown on coal-and-wood-fired pizzerias.
“This is utter bs. It won’t make a difference to climate change,” Musk, the billionaire honcho whose Tesla company manufactures cleaner electric cars, said on Monday in a tweeted response to a Post story on the new city particulate emission rules targeting iconic slice makers.
Some slice-loving city politicians were beside themselves.
“We will save the planet by putting 9 or 10 fantastic #NYC pizzerias out of business! Gunna really change things you guys!,” said City Council Republican Minority Leader Joe Borelli.
This is utter bs. It won’t make a difference to climate change.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 26, 2023
A real scientist also points out that the end result of these new rules will mean even more carbon is emitted.
Physicist Dr. Will Happer, emeritus of Princeton University and the chair of the CO2 Coalition, told the New York Post that restrictions on wood or coal-fired pizza ovens may increase the carbon footprint of pizza in New York City.
“To the extent that the wood-fired ovens are replaced by electrically heated ovens, which I suppose is what is intended, CO2 emissions will probably increase,” Happer said.
“Even for New York City, most of the electrical power probably comes from burning gas or coal. For a gas-fired pizza oven, all the heat of combustion is used to bake the pizza. For an electrically heated oven, you have to convert electrical power back to heat.”
“It is hard to see how emissions could decrease if people want to continue eating the same amount of pizza,” he added.
Meanwhile, unhappy New Yorkers are expressing their anger at being the victims of another eco-tyrannical dictate…in the form of a very special pizza delivery to its mayor.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams (D) says someone threw pizza over his gate in response to proposed Environmental Protection Dept. rules that pizzerias using coal/wood-fired ovens must cut carbon emissions by up to 75%:
“They could have delivered me the pie and allowed me to eat the pie.” pic.twitter.com/YH1noqHTKM
— The Recount (@therecount) June 26, 2023

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They don’t care about carbon emissions. They care about bilking business owners for $20k.
Plus the dopamine hit they receive when telling other people how to live their lives. Not to mention the potential kickbacks from favored business paid, in part, from govt subsidies to favored businesses.
Even for New York City, most of the electrical power probably comes from burning gas or coal…
Okay, now apply this to the rest of the electric this and that mandates….
Especially EV’s.
Nothing tastes so good or smells so wonderful as a pizza cooked in a Suzy HomeMaker Oven…according to NYC’s officials.
Hey! I ate many a muffin out of one of those when I was a kid.
The Climate Change scammers march on.
Sure, all the wood, coal fired pizza ovens in NY don’t affect anything but take all the cool, fired pizza ovens in the US. Well that won’t doesn’t affect anything either, Actually never mind.
It’ll have no effect other than the pizza won’t taste nearly as good
Pizza, just like many other foods, tastes better when smoked, different woods impart unique flavors.
Contrary to how the propane industry brainwashed poor Hank Hill.
We already know this isn’t about the environment. It’s just about power.
It’s not about the CO2, it’s about them flexing their power to undermine traditions and institutions at will.
In more ways than one.
They should eliminate the making of wine. CO2 is a major byproduct of winemaking.
From my cold, dead hands!
Wine is just spoiled grape juice anyway. [grin]
These are pretty much the same people who tried that, too.
Beer too. In fact, have a new batch bubbling away here at home just now.
I wholeheartedly agree!
There is nothing that will piss off over educated female liberal baby killers than taking away their fertilized grapes.
These people are misanthropes who are malevolent. There is precious little evidence that CO2 is a major contributor to the modest warming that has occurred. It seems the green watermelons want to inconvenience us, impoverish us and ultimately destroy us.
“They could have delivered me the pie and allowed me to eat the pie.”
How you like OUR slice of the pie, you tone-deaf twit?
The pie wasn’t for you to eat, Eric.
You wouldn’t like what they actually want you to eat right now.
Here is our famous NIghtshade Pie. Dig in, Mayor
Has America’s ultimate hypocrite, John Kerry, weighed in on this from his private jet?
John Kerry said New Yorkers should eat microwave pizza.
Actually, he published his wife’s favorite recipe, which was pita bread with ketchup.
I don’t think they have gone far enough. If they really cared about the climate, they would ban residents from using ALL fuels (other than solar or wind) for ANY purpose – including backyard grills/smokers using charcoal, wood, pellets, propane, etc. Perhaps organizing a new backyard-grill Strike Force that could patrol neighborhoods around the July 4th period to really show they are addressing the climate-change threat. Show the voters that Dem/socialists CARE about the environment!
in stern voice
You think you’re funny, but you’re not.
It really does seem that they want to roll civilization back millions of years. Before fire was mastered by cave men.
But they were more “at one with nature” back then. Hiding in caves from the jungle outside… sort of like NYC now.
Welcome to the Jungle, we got fun and games
We got everything you want, honey we know the names
We are the people that can find whatever you may need
If you got the money honey we got your disease
Welcome to the Jungle, Guns N’ Roses
I don’t understand all the anger. After all, you don’t need a wood-fired oven to eat the bugs the Leftists want to serve as our diet.
At the rate their going we will be using dung fires to heat and cook after they collapse civilization.
In fact, isn’t that what they want to continue being done in Africa? Also, in connection with Germany, I recall reading that chopping down trees and burning wood is on the rise.
You will NOT be using that dung to cook your crickets!
That dung will be used to organically fertilize the urban garden you will be growing to feed your commune. Whose population will be kept down (Malthusians deserve a cut of this paradise, too!) by the constant raging diphtheria and other diseases.
First you have to have dung… and cows are on the out in the future. Human dung? Well, just grab a shovel and scrape that ready supply at your doorstep.
Nope as they are trying to ban cows.
The Babylon Bee is reporting that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are moving to FL to avoid the NY pizza ban.
Being an old fart, I LOL’ed at this.
I’m pretty sure they’d be the middle-aged Mutant Ninja Turtles by now
“It is hard to see how emissions could decrease if people want to continue eating the same amount of pizza,”
Ah, I think you might be about to see the point, here….
“They could have delivered me the pie and allowed me to eat the pie.”
Annnnnd, he totally misses the point.
Of course, he’s eyeing the first point: the plebes will eat crickets and like it, while he enjoys HIS pie, made and delivered however it must be, regardless of carbon emissions, because he is one of the Elite.
“Even for New York City, most of the electrical power probably comes from burning gas or coal. For a gas-fired pizza oven, all the heat of combustion is used to bake the pizza. For an electrically heated oven, you have to convert electrical power back to heat.”
“It is hard to see how emissions could decrease if people want to continue eating the same amount of pizza,” he added.
Physics! And he’s not even mentioning the energy loss (due to inefficiencies) at the coal-fired power plant end. It’s far more efficient to burn the fuel where it’s heat is needed, rather than going through multiple conversions (and transmission losses during delivery of the energy).
There’s this really great wood-fired hole-in-the-wall pizza joint in Queens that I absolutely love. If the city screws with that, there will be … never mind.
In 1976 the New York City Marathon traversed all five boroughs for the first time; proving that you can get around on foot.
To show their commitment to the environment the Mayor and City Council need to dictate: i) all NYC municipal vehicles except those of EMS, Fire and Sanitation should be parked (NYPD can use bicycles or their feet – the health benefits to the members of the force and the public due to the potential delays in response time and their use of violence are obvious); and ii) all NYC municipal buildings and offices need turn off their A/Cs and heating systems (not too long ago people survived in offices without A/Cs (again – health – sweating off excess weight will lower personnel costs (health, disability and retirement costs)).
More credible than denying the efficiency of gas ovens and stoves, the savings from these simple changes in behavior among those who altruistically serve the People of NYC measured by the tremendous reduction that will result in local pollution and global warming is indisputable.
And if they work from home, they should have to turn off the a/c there, too.
And they shouldn’t be allowed to commute to work in personal vehicles.
NYC Government: There’s nothing we can’t ruin.
“If there is a carbon-cutting rule that may be the straw to break the back of the climate cult, it would be the one New York City just implemented.”
You need to scrap this article and start over. The rule is not cutting carbon emissions. It is to reduce particulates being emitted by installing filtration or scrubbers.
Why anyone lives there is a mystery to me. “Escape From New York” was a documentary I guess
Remember Farenheit 451, the book about a dystopian future in which all books are banned?
Some aspiring novelist should write a novel about a future in which all combustion is banned.
Well, ok, but people aren’t going to riot over pizza.
The Fascists will be overthrown when they ban beer.
What’s left, electric pizza ovens, since they’re banning gas stoves, gas pipelines, use of gas, too?
I mean, that’ll suck, but I’m not for the rich, smokey flavor of diesel.