Daily Beast Editor Calling Casey DeSantis the ‘Walmart Melania’ Shows She’s Relatable

Daily Beast executive editor Katie Baker is a real piece of work with her attack piece on Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis.

“Sunshine State Lady Macbeth.”

No, Katie. In your effort to get attention, you showed us why regular people find DeSantis relatable and what the elites truly think about the working class.

DeSantis’s jacket triggered Katie. This jacket is why Katie went ballistic.

“The First Lady of Florida showed up on the campaign trail in Iowa this weekend wearing a ghastly black leather jacket—American flag on front, an alligator and the silhouette of her state on the back, with the sneering words, ‘Where Woke Goes to Die’—that brought to mind nothing so much as the racks of a Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99,” wrote Baker.

That’s Baker’s introduction sentence. It sets the tone for the rest of her piece: leftist elitism, sneering at plebes, intense DeSantis and Trump Deranged Syndrome, and hyperbole-filled lies.

How dare you shop at Walmart. No one who has an ounce of dignity shops at Walmart or bargain stores! I love how she acts that only people in the Red States shop at Walmart.

Only the poors shop at Walmart. Only the poors live in Red States.

Facts for Baker: People in every state shop at Walmart. I refuse to believe Baker has never shopped at Walmart.

You can thank Biden’s economy. I know I’ve upped my shopping at Walmart because of the economy. You can thank Target, too. I bet more people have been shopping at Walmart because of that fiasco.

Speaking of which…I need to place my Walmart order. Thanks, Katie!

So, in other words, Baker’s Walmart attack on DeSantis makes her relatable to the common people.

But it doesn’t stop there. Katie used Casey as a vehicle to her final destination: Ron and Casey DeSantis.

Unfortunately for Katie, her piece shines a positive light on Ron and Casey DeSantis.

Katie described the jacket as crude and grasping.

In fact, Katie defined her article: crude and grasping.

You guys:

Florida under DeSantis has had one of the highest COVID death rates in the nation, even as he’s exulted in his anti-mask policies. And as the governor whips up anti-LGBT sentiment and bans books on race, Casey’s jacket and its message of death also bring to mind the horrific Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Orlando, not to mention the state’s shameful history of Jim Crow-era lynch mobs and the Rosewood massacre. But of course, DeSantis and his cronies want to prevent kids from learning about any of that by censoring their library books and AP curricula.The jacket, then, is a warning: Watch out, America.

Holy moly. The unhinged ramblings of an elitist leftist who lies through her teeth because we’re obviously too stupid to know or Google the truth.

What did Martin Luther King, Jr., say about Chicago in 1965? “If we can break the system in Chicago, it can be broken any place in the country.”

LOL. Then Katie brings up JFK and Jackie because they had such a great relationship, right? Oh, the elegance of Camelot, which masked a frustrated and unhappy marriage filled with infidelities and lies. As far as I know, Ron and Casey have a loving relationship, devoted to one another. Good Lord:

But while Casey may be trying to position herself after Jackie Kennedy (good luck) and even Melania, if this weekend is any indication, she’s falling far short. It doesn’t matter how many times she wears that ice-blue Badgley Mischka cape-dress. The DeSantis’ will never be Camelot. Jackie and JFK symbolized the opposite of vulgar pettiness—they embodied youth, energy, a commitment to moral progress in the struggle for Civil Rights, a country fresh with idealism. Not an America that was obsessed with banning books about male seahorses and rainbows, or nuking the latest Disney movie.

There it is! Book banning and going after Disney.

Lady…DeSantis is not banning books. God forbid schools only provide children with age-appropriate books not filled with sexual and adult situations.

When did DeSantis nuke a Disney movie? Holy cow hyperbole.

Yes, Baker called Casey the “Sunshine State Lady Macbeth”:

Still, as they appear on the campaign trail, we are seeing clues to who the DeSantis’ are at heart. We’ve got a Sunshine State Lady Macbeth, in her green cape and white gloves, with her middling husband and her thirst for the crown—and we’ve got a guy [Trump] who wants to be sitting in a corner, mumbling about the Federalist Papers and gobbling pudding off his fingers.

Macbeth is my specialty. To call someone Lady Macbeth implies she’s the power behind the man who is forcing her husband to perform evil deeds.

Okay, lady. You want to go there? Hillary Clinton made it known she wanted to be co-president with her husband in the 1990s. Hillary wanted to be the president and be in charge.

I won’t put Michelle Obama on Hillary’s level, but she made her presence known. She didn’t interfere with President Obama as Hillary did with Bill, but she was more upfront than Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush, and Melania.

I about puked with the gushing over Michelle Obama and Jill Biden. I won’t repeat it. Too much for a Monday morning.

The left is scared.

You got your attention, Katie. Too bad it backfired. LOL.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, 2024 Republican Primaries, Casey DeSantis, DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, Florida, Media Bias, Ron DeSantis, Trump Derangement Syndrome