‘Peaceful Protesters’ Block NYC Subway Cars On Tracks As Dems Stoke Racial Conflict Over Jordan Neely’s Death


If one was ever curious as to what a major American city looks like when the lunatics run the asylum, one could point to New York City as a prime example on any given day, but especially when “peaceful protests” break out.

That is exactly what has taken place in the aftermath of the death of 30-year-old homeless man Jordan Neely last Monday. Neely was subdued by multiple passengers on a subway after allegedly behaving in an aggressive and threatening manner, saying he was hungry and didn’t care if he got arrested.

One of those passengers, a 24-year-old Marine, put Neely in a choke hold according to video footage. Though there is dispute about how long Neely was actually in the choke hold, the independent journalist who took the video, Juan Alberto Vazquez, claims it was around 15 minutes.

Here’s a partial video clip. Content warning—it may be disturbing to some viewers:

Neely was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. The medical examiner has ruled his death a homicide, and the D.A.’s office is investigating.

Naturally, the Usual Suspects sprung into action after this story broke, playing the race and privilege cards with wild abandon and essentially attempting to turn Neely into this year’s George Floyd.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has been among the loudest:

AOC also retweeted this:

Her fellow “Squad” member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) tweeted out an old video of Neely impersonating Michael Jackson—which he was not doing on Monday prior to the incident—declaring that Neely, who had over 40 arrests including four for alleged assault, had been “lynched on a Subway”:

Democrat NY Gov. Kathy Hochul said Neely was “killed for being a passenger on the subway trains,” leaving out what was alleged to have taken place prior to Neely being put in the choke hold.

Incredibly, there appears to be a growing consensus among woke Democrats that no one on the subway that day should have confronted Jordan Neely, with some even suggesting that such instances require that the person being subjected to erratic subway behavior just sit there and take it, even if it turns physical:

No one will be shocked to learn that the accusations of “murder” and racism and the implied statements about how one should feel more sympathy for the mentally unwell person acting out on the subway than those they are allegedly harassing and in some cases assaulting have whipped the activist left into a fevered frenzy, driving them to invade the NYC subway system including the actual tracks to scream “no justice, no peace” all while trying to provoke police officers into touching them:

This subway worker summed up what I suspect are the feelings of many in the city over how the ‘debate’ over Neely’s death has spiraled out of control and led to what went down Saturday:

Elon Musk noted the hypocrisy of the left’s current protests.

In closing, some wise words from Professor Jacobson:

Leftists are clearly turning on each other at this point in one of this country’s bluest cities in what are some pretty ugly scenes, and with no end in sight. Best to get out and grab the popcorn while they’re politically destroying each other and then return when it’s time to rebuild the city so it can be made great—and safe—again.

[Featured image via Rebecca Brannon/TPUSA]

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrats, New York, New York City, Progressives