NYC Mayor Eric Adams Announces Anti-Shoplifting Plan: Social Services Kiosks in Stores and “Second Chance” Program
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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Announces Anti-Shoplifting Plan: Social Services Kiosks in Stores and “Second Chance” Program

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Announces Anti-Shoplifting Plan: Social Services Kiosks in Stores and “Second Chance” Program

Sounds like a plan. A bad plan: “allow non-violent offenders to avoid prosecution or incarceration by meaningfully engaging with services to help address underlying factors that lead to shoplifting.”

As residents of New York City have found out the hard way, Mayor Eric Adams is not quite the “tough on crime” guy he promised to be in his election campaign, and a new retail theft deterrent program he unveiled last week is further proof of that.

Because it was revealed last month that “nearly a third of all shoplifting arrests in New York City last year involved just 327 people,” the push from the public to do something was on.

In response, Adams held a presser on Wednesday to let people know that he allegedly was already on top of it, with his team noting that back in December his administration had convened a “retail theft summit” where law enforcement officers, business owners, social service liaisons, and reps from the District Attorneys’ offices came together to talk daily about the retail theft epidemic in the city and ways to combat it.

All at the presser, including Adams, his deputy mayor Phillip Banks, New York AG Letitia James, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg talked a big game on repeat offenders and making the city safer, but when it boiled right down to it, what they said was part of their “roadmap” to combating shoplifting and other types of retail theft amounted to more of the same:

[Adams] “And so, the partnership, what we are creating in the city is two new diversion programs to allow non-violent offenders to avoid prosecution or incarceration by helping them address underlying factors like substance abuse or severe mental illness. Some of these cases, in many of our retail shops and owners would tell you, you have people that come in the stores, clearly can’t take care of themselves, going into the stores repeatedly, stealing items, and they’re dealing with real mental health issues. We’re going to also train our workers in de-escalation tactics and security best practices, so that they can know how to address this issue.

We’re going to increase enforcement against repeated offenders and organized crime. That’s the partnership we want to develop with our state and local prosecutors. We’re also going to advocate on the state and federal level with additional authentication procedures to prevent the resale of stolen goods. This resale on the social media channels of items that were stolen from stores and now you’re openly selling them on social media, it’s just unacceptable. And we must get help on all levels of government.

And we will build on the NYPD’s Operation Safe Shopper by establishing neighborhood retail watches that would allow businesses to share real time intelligence. This is one area we are very excited about. If our businesses are sharing real time intelligence, we can prevent much of these thefts. And there has been an operation that was put in place that has shown promising results and we are excited about continuing that.”

The devil, as they say, is in the details, and the details of this plan should infuriate New Yorkers who have grown frustrated with the city’s response to retail crime:

Among the prevention and intervention strategies included in the plan, the administration will:

– Establish two new diversion programs — “Second Chance” and Re-Engaging Store Theft Offenders and Retail Establishments (RESTORE) — to allow non-violent offenders to avoid prosecution or incarceration by meaningfully engaging with services to help address underlying factors that lead to shoplifting.
– Install resource kiosks in stores to connect individuals in need to critical government resources and social services.
– Launch an employee support program to train retail workers in de-escalation tactics, anti-theft tools, and security best practices to help keep them safe in the event of an emergency and to support employees who have been impacted by thefts.

To increase necessary enforcement against repeat shoplifters and deter organized crime rings perpetrating these thefts, the administration will:

– Create a Precision Repeat Offender Program (PROP) in which retailers can submit dedicated security incident reports to the NYPD to better identify and track repeat offenders and facilitate stronger prosecutions by the five District Attorneys’ Offices.
– Establish a neighborhood retail watch for businesses in close proximity to one another to share real-time intelligence with each other and with law enforcement in the event of a theft. This program builds upon the NYPD’s Operation Safe Shopper initiative created under Mayor Adams’ leadership as Brooklyn borough president to expand video surveillance camera usage among participants.
– Advocate at the state and federal level for additional online sale authentication procedures to prevent the resale of stolen goods to build upon the federal Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act, which goes into effect in June 2023.
– Establish a New York City Organized Retail Theft Task Force, comprised of retailers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to collaborate and respond to retail theft trends.

In essence, retailers will be tasked with sharing more of the burden of keeping track of and handling repeat offenders, first-time “non-violent” offenders will be let off the hook, and social services kiosks will be set up in retail stores to try and deter thieves from committing crimes by letting them know there are social services available to them.

You could not make this stuff up if you tried:

Would be a relief if it was, wouldn’t it?

To watch the full presser with Adams and all the rest – where I should note not a single word was spoken about the rampant problems brought about by woke District Attorneys and New York’s infamous bail reform laws, click below:

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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SeymourButz | May 21, 2023 at 12:12 pm

Underlying factors like “not wanting to pay for things that I want”

healthguyfsu | May 21, 2023 at 12:32 pm

Why would they avoid prosecution with this program? They get out with no bail and get released anyways. This other way is much more nonsense work for those that want to get back out and cause havoc ASAP.

    Gosport in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 22, 2023 at 5:36 pm

    Ah, but they will be subject to long, heartfelt lectures from specially trained wokeness counselors. The mere threat of that might help prevent some crimes.

Yeeeeah. That’s gonna work, NOT.

Do you think those 327 people keep going at it because they are “in need”?
Of course not! They do it because they are criminals who know there will be no consequences if they commit the crime. And now the government is saying “We will again give you a second chance.”
It’s not “second” chance if you are getting it for the 100th time.

healthguyfsu | May 21, 2023 at 12:34 pm

“– Create a Precision Repeat Offender Program (PROP) in which retailers can submit dedicated security incident reports to the NYPD to better identify and track repeat offenders and facilitate stronger prosecutions by the five District Attorneys’ Offices.
– Establish a neighborhood retail watch for businesses in close proximity to one another to share real-time intelligence with each other and with law enforcement in the event of a theft. This program builds upon the NYPD’s Operation Safe Shopper initiative created under Mayor Adams’ leadership as Brooklyn borough president to expand video surveillance camera usage among participants.”

Read all of these ridiculous hoops to jump through all to avoid criminal penalty for those who should be penalized. Also, I can’t help but notice that their great plan just puts more on businesses to do the work rather than the actual LEO job of the city.

Redistributive change. Send the mayor et al to rehabilitation.

Create rampant crime, call the result “racist”….the shoplifters cheer even more.

The only way to deter shoplifting in NYC is to close your store and move another city that has a lower crime rate.

There are two possibilities.

1) The mayor actually believes this stuff will work, in which case he is an imbecile.
2) The mayor knows it won’t work but thinks this will fool his constituents into contributing to his campaign/slush fund, in which case he is a cynical, evil person.

In the end, it doesn’t matter which one you believe. Stay the hell away from New York either way!

stevewhitemd | May 21, 2023 at 1:35 pm

This is what happens when you are sufficiently blinded by your ideology that you can’t, using logic and real-world understandings of human behavior, reason your way through a problem.

The gods of the copybook headings are amused.

If they are mentally I’ll people engaging in crimes, commit them to mental hospitals.

The Gentle Grizzly | May 21, 2023 at 1:48 pm

How many new government “workers” will be hired to man those kiosks? How many will be hired based on race (black) and sex (female) as sole qualifications?

JackinSilverSpring | May 21, 2023 at 1:52 pm

I wonder how many shuttered retail establishments it will take to make New Yorkers to change their voting patterns?

This is nonsense, everyone knows it’s nonsense, and it’s not meant to actually address crime. So, let’s just say the quiet part out loud, the part that no liberal and far too many “good” conservatives will not say. The folks on that podium have no intention of stopping this crime for one overriding reason – 90+% of the criminals have the same skin color as the racialists mouthing this nonsense. Marxism married to racial resentment.

Adams proves again that he is truly a dimwitted fool.

Want to stop shoplifting? Aim and fire!

The vile Dumb-o-crats seek to engage in yet more of their perennial, decades-long coddling of and enabling criminal sociopaths, and, expect it to result in less criminality and less recidivism. Pure stupidity and yet more callousness displayed towards law-abiding citizens and businesses.

Did the person who came up with this attend Oberlin?

“Soft on Crime”… gets softer. Actually, doing away with criminal codes will reduce crime immediately! Stores will eventually have to have only displays. People will have to queue to buy a ticket to then stand in another line to queue to exchange ticket for the item. Ther ticket expires in 1 hour.
Welcome to the USSR…er…USSA.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to alaskabob. | May 22, 2023 at 10:04 am

    Actually bought a phone at a store in Scotland in just this way.

    Big empty room with mulriple carrels with catalogs. You find what you want in the catalog, go to one counter to pay, go to another counter to receive the item which someone has fetched from the warehouse in back.

    Zero theft, but no impulse buys either.

More theater of the absurd.

henrybowman | May 21, 2023 at 3:28 pm

“Establish a neighborhood retail watch for businesses in close proximity to one another to share real-time intelligence with each other”

…so that everyone will be able to identify the troublemakers as soon as they walk in the door. Of course, they still won’t be able to apprehend them, or even deter them in any way… but at least they’ll be able to greet them by name and direct them to the proper aisle containing the stuff they intend to steal on each visit.

You know what would also help? A loyalty card program.

I recognize the chick over Adam’s left shoulder in the top photo. She’s a political crisis actor who works for Diversity Legitimacy Personnel.

Kiosks? That’s innovative I guess, not that career criminals are well known for forming orderly queues. Maybe Adams is scratching everything possible off the list before he calls for swift arrests and long sentences? If so kiosks have got to be close to the end of that list.

    GWB in reply to CommoChief. | May 22, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    Kiosks can work.
    Simply use them to brain the individuals trying to steal from your store. Then strip said offender to their skivvies and leave them in the alley. Resell their items as necessary to recoup losses.

E Howard Hunt | May 21, 2023 at 5:31 pm

Have you noticed that Mayor Adams is tailored to the point that his suit coats fit him like a wet suit? I assume he isn’t fussing this much with an off-the-rack Kohl’s special. Where is he getting the moola to afford the togs of a Vegas song and dance man?

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | May 21, 2023 at 8:28 pm

    Really, what else does he have to spend his outrageous salary on?
    I’m living on SS and side hustles, barefoot, and wearing a T-shirt that says “ONLY LIFE CAN KILL YOU,” and I’m happier than that dude will ever be.

Just playing classical music would solve a lot of it.

Chinese opera would keep everybody out.

There actually once existed an incredibly novel and ground-breaking approach to combating criminals and crime — it involved aggressively arresting, prosecuting and sentencing criminals. But, the vile Dumb-o-crats decided that this approach was allegedly “racist” and unfair to criminal sociopaths “of color,” and, thus, over decades, we’ve now arrived at the present situation, in which criminals are perennially and predictably coddled, enabled and treated with kid gloves by police, prosecutors and judges.

Joey Williams | May 21, 2023 at 9:46 pm

Blue light special on Aisle 10 for shoplifters! See the kiosk for details…

Subotai Bahadur | May 21, 2023 at 10:12 pm

Look, this is just another step on the ongoing process of New York City’s [and eventually New York State’s] deliberate suicide. You cannot stop it. You cannot deliver justice to either the law abiding or the criminals. If you live in New York City and are law abiding, your only hope is physical, financial, and political separation from New York City. If you are law abiding and do not live in New York City, your proper course for your own safety is to never have physical, financial, or political involvement with New York City. If you are not law abiding and you live in New York City, you have won.

May your victory turn into ashes in your mouth.

Subotai Bahadur

I’m old enough to remember when the “anti-shoplifting plan” was, “we’ll throw your ass in jail, embarrass you in the local newspaper, and make you pay from the crap you took.”

It always successfully stopped me…

Is the Bee writing for you now?