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Germany’s Scholz Publicly Backs Biden for 2024, Calls Trump ‘Divisive’

Germany’s Scholz Publicly Backs Biden for 2024, Calls Trump ‘Divisive’

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Joe Biden is “better” than Donald Trump.

In what should be considered a major foreign interference in the U.S. electoral process, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has publicly endorsed President Joe Biden for the 2024 election.

Speaking at a school in Berlin, Chancellor Scholz declared that “the current president is better, so I want him to be re-elected.”

President Biden knows “what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war,” the German leader said Monday.

Referring to President Donald Trump, Scholz claimed that “the former president certainly stands for a great division in the country.”

Scholz, who served as Germany’s vice chancellor under Angela Merkel, was at odds with the Trump administration over demands to reduce Germany’s dependence on Russian gas and to shoulder a fair share of NATO defense spending.

British newspaper The Telegraph reported the German leader’s remarks:

Joe Biden is “better” than Donald Trump, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Monday before adding that he hoped the current US President would be re-elected for a second time.

The centre-Left leader accused Mr Trump of being divisive and said it would be bad for Germany and the US if the Republican was to return to the White House.

“I think the current president is better, so I want him to be re-elected,” Mr Scholz said, as he answered questions from pupils at a primary school close to Berlin. (…)

Biden’s many years of public service mean he knows exactly “what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war,” the Chancellor said.

Referring to Mr Trump, he added, “If all people are only against each other, then there cannot be a good future, and that is why the former president certainly stands for a great division in the country.” (…)

European governments are concerned over the consequences of a Trump victory for US support for Ukraine and European security in general.

Scholz’s long-standing grudge

Scholz, Chancellor Merkel’s right-hand man between 2018 and 2021, has pursued the same policies since taking office in 2021. Germany is committed to the disastrous green energy policy, destroying the country’s industrial base. The Merkel-era open borders policy is swarming the country with illegal immigration.

President Donald Trump had slammed Chancellor Merkel for her immigration policy, letting in millions of migrants, mostly young men from Muslim-majority North Africa and the Middle East.

“The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition,” he tweeted in 2018. “Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!” he added.

President Trump was vindicated, as Germany saw a rise in violent migrant crimes, including rapes and murders.

President Trump was also right about Germany’s fatal dependence on Russia for energy needs. At the United Nations gathering in late 2018, the former president warned Merkel’s government against becoming ‘totally dependent’ on Russian gas.

The German political elites and mainstream media mocked him for stating the obvious. The German foreign minister and his team “could be seen smirking alongside his colleagues,” The Washington Post gleefully reported.


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Olaf misspoke. He meant to say Biden knows to obey me and prevent war by doing what I say.

Remember when foreign officials stayed out of American politics? Ah, good times. Good times.

Nobody in America will be influenced by this but from the article

“President Donald Trump had slammed Chancellor Merkel for her immigration policy, letting in millions of migrants, mostly young men from Muslim-majority North Africa and the Middle East.

“The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition,” he tweeted in 2018. “Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!” he added.”

There is no way for that to be vindicated, he inserted himself into the domestic politics of another country (and lost Scholz won his election).

I do not want to get into a fight with an ally that has one of the worlds largest economies because the president has a short fuse and has to run his mouth non stop. Sometimes the best thing is silence. Nobody in Germany asked Trump for his opinion on their politics.

    mailman in reply to Danny. | May 23, 2023 at 3:14 pm

    He was vindicated by the fact his words were true.

    I’m sorry this hurt your feelings darling 😂😂

      Danny in reply to mailman. | May 23, 2023 at 8:31 pm

      No when you insert yourself into the politics of another country you are vindicated if it goes well for you, the people you are attacking are voted out of power, or if they change their policies to your liking.

      None of the above happened. Germans voted for the same cast of characters, they held to exactly the same policies, and there was a backlash against Trump there.

      That is called losing. You aren’t vindicated by losing, and Germany did not invite him into it’s internal politics or policies.

        bhwms in reply to Danny. | May 24, 2023 at 11:15 am

        Have you spoken with any actual Germans in Germany? I have. They don’t like Trump personally – think he’s nuts but that’s a reflection of their media, but acknowledge the he was correct about Russian gas & their crime situation. They begrudgingly admit Germany has historically been lax in their NATO defense commitments.

        Trump was right, and if they want to dismiss what he says, fine. We can dismiss Scholz for his proven idiocy.

          Danny in reply to bhwms. | May 25, 2023 at 4:12 pm

          If Trump was an eccentric commentator that would be vindication but here is what vindicates a pointless showdown with a foreign government

          1. if it goes well for you (it didn’t)

          2. the people you are attacking are voted out of power assuming the possibility of someone better (did not happen)

          3. they change their policies to your liking.

    CommoChief in reply to Danny. | May 23, 2023 at 4:17 pm

    The context is important. Trump’s remarks were in response to the continuing excuses from GER among other NATO members who failed to meet the 2% of GDP target for defense spending. His argument was the Germans seemed to have plenty of money to throw at migrants and an expansive welfare state but somehow couldn’t prioritize meeting their commitment to NATO.

      Danny in reply to CommoChief. | May 23, 2023 at 8:39 pm

      Trump was threatening Germany over it’s military budget through his presidency so clearly that didn’t work.

      Attacking Germany in public had the same impact as Obama attacking Israel in public did.

      The key to diplomacy with an ally is, you have to treat that nation as an ally and if you teach it that the feeling of alliance isn’t mutual…….

      In truth Joe Biden’s administration insulting India isn’t all that dissimilar to Trump’s insertion of himself into German politics it is an American disease to treat diplomacy as there are red countries and blue countries and it has to stop.

        CommoChief in reply to Danny. | May 24, 2023 at 3:24 pm

        Considering the Germans have come around to admit they didn’t spend enough on defense and are reorganizing to fix decades of disrepair DJT was proven correct. Just as he was proven correct about German reliance upon Russian energy.

        The Germans haven’t really been true allies in decades. If they had been they would have met the NATO target of 2% of GDP for defense spending without any prompting from outside.

          Danny in reply to CommoChief. | May 25, 2023 at 4:10 pm

          If Trump wants to work as a commentator he could be vindicated that way all day.

          When the president of the United States inserts himself into the domestic politics of another nation uninvited this is the ONLY way he is vindicated

          1. if it goes well for you (it didn’t)

          2. the people you are attacking are voted out of power (did not happen)

          3. they change their policies to your liking.

          That is what you are seeking from confontations.

          Trump did not get any of those three.

          If you are a commentator and predicted Russo-German military confrontation you get vindicated when it happens.

          If you are a president who pisses off foreign governments needlessly and uselessly you are not vindicated.

          Results matter, actually they are all that matter. Trump achieved nothing whatever in his public confrontations with Germany which means they shouldn’t have happened.

Is this Biden’s policy twin? And, President Biden does NOT know “what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war.” We are in a proxy war with Russia, that will soon be up to $200 billion. IMO it was started because of Biden’s catastrophic pullout from Afghanistan and his public statement that “It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion ….”

Who was that? Olaf Schlong?? I am bad with names.

The Globalist c*nts are destroying Germany with open borders and subservience to Russian energy.

Trump called them out on their c*ntist behavior. C*nts don’t like being called c*nts. That is part of what makes them c*nts.

Notice that the Globalist C*nts in this country are following pretty much the same strategy.

“Divisive”…. Demanding that Germany live up to its commitments. Time to quit keeping Germany a welfare state and pull out our remaining forces from Europe. End NOTO. Let Europe negotiate with Russia. A century of European involvement must end.

    CommoChief in reply to alaskabob. | May 23, 2023 at 4:10 pm

    Indeed. Let’s follow the wisdom of Washington and avoid ‘entangling alliances’. We are a continental size Nation with two oceans the gulf, the Bering Sea and the Arctic in between us and danger. Except of course for the Mexican border and the faltering Mexican Govt and the creeping totalitarianism in Canada.

The German chancellor declared, “The current president is better.”

I suppose that’s because of the jumbo size que cards Biden is holding. They’re are very effective when you have Alzheimer’s and have no earthly idea what to say.

Remember when people thought Germans were smart? That myth has been dispelled quite well over the last few years.

Trump 2024

henrybowman | May 23, 2023 at 3:32 pm

“President Biden knows “what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war,” the German leader said Monday.”

Yeah, you arm a puppet government your old boss installed, and then have them provoke the hell out of their powerful enemies until they retaliate.
Oh, and he also blows up your own country’s cheap energy feed, ya feckless moron.
This fuckwit is Klaus Schwab’s Mini-Me.

Scholz is another dumb as f*ck leftist who can’t be bothered to discover anything on his own. Apparently he believes a country is only divided IF there is a republican president. Obama and Biden are the two most divisive presidents in my lifetime but that doesn’t count because they’re left wing.

    guyjones in reply to Sanddog. | May 25, 2023 at 4:22 am

    Scholz is stupid, and, dishonest. Note that he conveniently ignores/omits mention of the salient fact that Putin’s predations against Ukraine have taken place solely during the tenures of narcissist-incompetent, Obama, and, dotard-marionette, Biden, while no such invasions occurred on President Trump’s watch.

The man can give his opinion, but this is hilarious:

Biden’s many years of public service mean he knows exactly “what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war,” the Chancellor said.

Obama/Biden of ethnic Springs (e.g. the sequel to the Iraq war) that is a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (CAIR), of Green schemes, of albinophobia, of diversity, of abortion, too. #HateLovesAbortion

Olaf’s mad that Trump called Germany out for not keeping up to their NATO commitments.

There’s a bumper sticker the Alaskans published in the 1970s that applies here:


stevewhitemd | May 23, 2023 at 4:28 pm

Chancellor Olaf Scholz favors Biden in our next election?

I favor Mr. Scholz’s opponent (whoever that might be) in the next German election. But I have more class than to say that in Berlin at a news conference.

Yeah, Trump made him pay his NATO dues,…in full

Isn’t that foreign interference in our election?

Der Reichfuhrer says what?

President Biden knows “what you have to do to prevent the world from going to war,” the German leader said Monday.

That’s an odd thing to say considering Biden is funding a war right now.

I prefer divisive over devastating.

While Vajeeter is the Only columnist here bsides W Jake that s worth reading, i am asking Why the hell should we care about this headline?

    Vijeta Uniyal in reply to joejoejoe. | May 25, 2023 at 10:58 am

    Imagine the meltdown if Putin (Bolsonaro, Netanyahu or anyone else) had endorsed Trump. This hypocrisy is worth a headline, I would say.

BiteYourTongue | May 24, 2023 at 12:15 pm

Somebody should ask Chancellor Olaf Scholz which wars Trump got us into, vs over Bidens political career he got us into. Also, someone should remind Scholz Biden’s actions in Afghanistan dragged the US into a costly war in Ukraine. Germany should be the last country we should abide by their advice on war.

Herr Scholz, <>

Herr Scholz, “Deutschland unter alles.”

I haven’t seen this much comedy in Germany since Stalag 13.

Scholz is a manifest fool, and, a contemptibly dishonest/revisionist one, at that.

It is dotard-marionette’s transparent weakness, dithering, physical and mental frailties, policy incompetence and failure of credible deterrence that Putin exploited in invading Ukraine in the first place — an invasion that never would have occurred on President Trump’s watch, and, in fact, didn’t occur on Trump’s watch.