DeSantis Blasts Trump’s ‘Very Bizarre’ Claim That Cuomo Handled COVID Better
“But if he thinks Cuomo handled it better, that’s an indication if something like this were to happen again, he would double down and do what he did in March of 2020.”

President Donald Trump actually claimed that disgraced former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo handled COVID better than FL Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Cuomo forced sick people into elderly homes. He didn’t allow family members to be with their sick and dying loved ones.
Florida kicked butt! DeSantis kept the state open.
Also, when you want to compare COVID deaths, you have to look at population. Florida has the third highest population in the country. New York has two million fewer people than Florida.
I know it’s a primary but come on, dude. You moved to Florida for the freedom over oppressive New York. Trump:
TRUMP: Ron DeSantis is "better than most Democrat governors, but very average at best compared to Republican governors…Even Cuomo did better [on COVID]."
DESANTIS: "Would have rather have lived during COVID under Cuomo in New York? Are you glad that we in Florida stood up to…
— (@townhallcom) May 26, 2023
Donald Trump Jr. in 2021: "Gov. DeSantis got more hell in Florida for keeping beaches open — for keeping beaches open! — with social distancing and masks, than Andrew Cuomo got for executive orders sending people into nursing homes to die"
— Never Back Down (@NvrBackDown24) May 25, 2023
DeSantis on The Ben Shapiro Show:
“First of all, Florida had less excess mortality than California or New York,” DeSantis said. “Part of that is because states like California had excess mortality derived from the lockdown policy, which is really, really avoidable mortality.”
“But if he thinks Cuomo handled it better, that’s an indication if something like this were to happen again, he would double down and do what he did in March of 2020,” DeSantis said on the Ben Shapiro Show.
“That was a difficult situation. We didn’t have all the facts, and people can kind of understand if you did things that may not have worked out,” the GOP presidential contender said.
“But we all have to sit here today in 2023, look back on March of 2020 and say, ‘Faucism was wrong. Faucism was destructive. Faucism has set us on this path with the CARES Act and the Fed printing money, creating inflation, and creating some of the economic problems that we have today.”
“So, if you could do it again, would he do the same thing?” DeSantis added. “I sure hope not.”
DeSantis also said Fauci “should’ve been fired” by Trump while he was president and that the former president “responded” to the pandemic by “turning the reins over” to Fauci, “elevating” him.

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Yeah, Trump jumped the shark with this one.
Yep. I’m still of the opinion neither Trump nor Biden will be their respective party nominees.
We can only hope.
Maybe but beware of what you ask for. The talk on the left is increasingly directed at Michelle Obama being the nominee. I would keep Biden as the nominee because I’m quite sure that by 2024 this country will be in such economic distress he will have zero chance of winning.
Where are you reading about this Michelle Obama business?
The only place I’ve seen it is from comments at sights like Gateway, and CFP
Michelle Obama? Michelle Obama?!??! democrats are thinking Michelle Obama would be a good candidate for the 2024 presidential election? A First Lady that couldn’t even design and implement a successful school lunch program? But I wouldn’t doubt it. The democrats seem to be the party of the incompetent and mentally deficient. No, if Michelle Obama is nominated it will be only for the purpose of obtaining a fourth term for Barack. Nothing more.
The problem with that fever dream is Michelle Obama herself. She doesn’t want the hassle, headaches or sharp elbows of a campaign. She has a great life. She’s wealth, her kids are grown going to college. She can travel, write pretentious books, go on ‘book tour’ do whatever she likes.
Why in the world would she give all that up? Don’t forget the adulation and ego stroke validation dopamine hit she gets every time she is mentioned as a potential ‘candidate’. She has all the + and zero – right now. Enter the arena and the gloves come off, folks ask pointed questions, demand specificity about policy instead of her usual ‘puppies are cute’ pablum.
Trump’s campaign managers are like the CV-19 vaccine: poison in your blood.
They just gave DeSantis a gift to campaign on.
As someone who voted for him twice I am increasingly turned off by his crazy talk and tweets. DeSantis or Ramiswamy would be far better than Trump. I wish he would just shut up.
Worse than Cuomo? Bruh, no, hell no. No one believes that BS b/c the history shows it isn’t true. That’s Cray Cray. The thing is DJT can either immediately walk this back or he is gonna carry this obvious distortion like an anchor the rest of the way. Every other candidate is gonna use this obvious lie to shank him on everything else he claims.
This is political malpractice, you don’t ever tell obvious lies that every knows ain’t true. Shade the truth? Sure. Spin things to look better than they are? Sure. Use showmanship and charisma to embellish a little bit or engage in little puffery? Sure, but never make a provably false claim that everyone already knows isn’t so.
“” he is gonna carry this obvious distortion like an anchor the rest of the way.””
No, this will get lost in the blizzard of other lies, half-truths, distortions and smears that he’ll spread for the next year and a half. By next week, the cult will be swearing he never said any such thing.
Community notes on Twitter is gonna have a field day with the Trump campaign if he refuses to tell the truth. The media want to talk about Trump b/c it’s good for their ratings and revenue. If they can talk about Trump while justifiably calling him out for obvious lies they will do so very happily.
You may be right about die hards but their votes ain’t up for grabs in the primary. It’s the rest of the electorate that is in play and will actually be willing to listen.
The problem with the media is the lied so much that you can’t trust what they say. I can’t stand Trump, but I certainly saw the 27/7 lying by the media about Trump.
I’ve never seen anything like it in my life and I’m 62. And I’ve seen a lot of shitty media. And nothing comes close to the Trump derangement of the 2016-2023 media when it comes to Trump.
As Moses points out, even the left doesn’t pay attention to the LSM anymore.
I still maintain that attaching this lie to every other utterance from Trump is gonna happen. That’s how you keep folks from forgetting. Sort of a reprise of Reagan ‘there he goes again’.
The other factor is new media. Many people get their news outside the legacy media. Nearly everyone supplements their news intake from new media; Twitter, blogs, web sites like LI, pod casts, YouTube reaction and commentary.
Finally while Trump may not use Twitter his surrogates will. That’s where community notes comes in.
Why does DJT say such things? Was he having a Biden moment?
I think he is getting dementia. Remember that on March 30 on Truth Social he suggested that DeSantis is a gay groomer who had been with an underaged boy.
He cannot stand not being the center of attention. And likely a Cuomo said something to flatter Donald Trump, and that’s ALL Trump cares about.
And his petty temper may have cost him the 2020 election. Georgia wanted to reopen, and Trump chewed out the governor — because the press was saying bad things! — then bad-mouthed him at a press conference. Then the election came along, and Trump expected the governor he threw under the bus to save him.
Trump does this all of the time, where he throws people under the bus and then praises them later if they show a smidgen of loyalty. To him, it isn’t about what’s right for the country but what’s right for him. I get loyalty but when my country is involved loyalty comes second. I believe we are all adults on this site and it boggles my mind that a man who was POTUS can still come out and say such obvious lies! Does he think we are all fools? He called DeSantis the worst governor in the country in Iowa and the friendly crowd went silent. You would think that might show him that it is not popular to lie openly about another R. One thing DJT has learned from his TV days is that ANY publicity is better than no publicity and by making outlandish claims, he gets plenty!
If nothing else,he’s sounding like a querulous old man.
Right? And the last damned thing we need is another querulous old man President.
If nothing else, he has more lawns to tell us to stay off of than Biden.
President Donald Trump actually claimed that disgraced former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo handled COVID better than FL Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Cuomo forced sick people into elderly homes. He didn’t allow family members to be with their sick and dying loved ones.
Trump is a loser. Vote for Trump and you are GUARANTEED 4 more years of Biden.
If he keeps up the mean-girl act like this, he’s going to blow the primary and leave voters with a clear conscience.
He hasn’t done events. He’s out playing golf day after day. Not acting like he really wants this.
Clearly you’re not paying attention
To what? Trump hasn’t done anything but blast crap on Truth Social. His campaign website “events” page is literally empty, not one event scheduled even months from now. And no attempt to return to Iowa after not being able to go because of the “weather.” Pretty sure that weather thing is all cleared up now, no?
I am paying attention. His behavior in the last couple of weeks in particular has been very odd. I also killed myself on fall weekends in Luzerne County, PA knocking on doors for Trump in 2020. Also knocked on doors for his candidate Mehmet Oz in a swing county in PA last fall
But I am done, done, done.
To what?
Pretty obvious to me that Trump is running scared that the republican party leadership isn’t going to simply hand him the nomination as 2024 republican party candidate and is lashing out with these lunatic and easily debunked statements. Have no idea what Trump thinks he gains by it but at least it seems to play well with his followers. Not so much with the rest of us. But for a narcissistic, ego-driven person like Trump it’s all he’s got.
Gonna be an interesting run-up to the 2024 election that’s for sure.
“New York Values” are back in presidential elections!
1. Siding with Disney and grooming v Parents and Kids.
2. Telling folks not to be mad at Bud Light/AB about throwing their customers under the bus to chase woke validation by partnering with with trans.
3. Telling the obvious lie that Cuomo did a better job than DeSantis in leading the Covid response in their States.
These three things could have come from the desk of Gavin Newsom, the WH podium or the DNC. Trump needs to understand he is running in a competitive GoP primary not the MAGA primary composed of just him.
Please don’t forget that he also blasted DeSantis for the 6 week abortion restriction, saying something about “even pro-lifers thought it was too harsh.” Huh? What the heck was that supposed to mean? Wasn’t he (DJT) supposed to be pro-life? If he was, he would know that for us pro-lifers all abortion is wrong. It’s certainly true that independents who are supposedly pro-choice but are somewhat morally opposed to abortion might find 6 weeks to be too restrictive, But that is not what he said.
In his flailing effort to sully DeSantis, Trump is trying to move to the Left of DeSantis. Not good and not smart.
My sense of DeSantis is that he’s a Tenth Amendment guy and will not make a nationwide abortion ban (at any number of weeks) a priority. It would be electoral suicide to do so, particularly during his first term, and he’s not remotely politically suicidal.
The six-week ban is good here in Florida because we’re largely conservative, but notice he didn’t go for an all-out ban even here and hasn’t talked about any national plans regarding abortion. It’s going to stay a states’ rights issue no matter which one wins the nomination (not sure about the rest of the field other than Pence–if he enters–who does back a nationwide ban, but that’s a non-starter in a general).
But yes, Trump is definitely running to DeSantis’ left: backing sicko groomers at Disney, trans Bud Light, and even (probably very soon) kiddie porn in schools. Can’t you just hear him? Don’t ban the books! The books are good, great! Great books should not be banned like that nasty DeSanctus does with his RINO globalist book banning of good books that should not be banned. Don’t ban the books!
In essence, he’s only returning to his Democrat roots. His instincts are overriding the script. It’s really strange that someone who seemed to have such a handle on the sentiment of the voters 6 years ago seems to be at such a loss now. It’ll be up to the DeSantis (and other primary candidates) to keep the focus on his move to the left, though. I don’t think they’ll get much help from media, left or right.
Well a President DeSantis or Trump or Biden will never be able to sign any Federal abortion legislation without a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Doubt that could happen anytime soon.
Which is fine. Dobbs gave abortion decisions back to the states where they belonged.
Dobbs: When the gods want to punish us they answer our prayers. Long overdue but a gift to the Democrats. The impact on the midterms should have been anticipated, but McCarthy and McConnell seemed blindsided by it.
Here in Virginia we have a narrow majority in the House of Delegates, but the Democrats have the Senate. With Dobbs that is unlikely to change in our upcoming elections. Say what you will (and believe me I have) about the Democrats, they have proven themselves to be highly effective at messaging.
As for Trump, his bashing — and placing himself to the Left of DeSantis —- might come back and bite him in the ass.
“ My sense of DeSantis is that he’s a Tenth Amendment guy…”
States being states!?!???
I can see the ads now: DeS wants Alabama to go back to segregation; CT will again ban contraception, blargle blargle blah blah.
The notion that the issue of abortion was supposed to be determined by the states is completely wrong.
We are not talking about something like a minimum age for a driver’s license or some sort of standard for a residential building. We are talking about the right to life itself, a FUNDAMENTAL right referenced in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution.
The Dobbs decision, in sending the issue back to the states, was flawed. Instead, the Supreme Court should have abolished abortion outright or, at least, outlawed it with the usual exceptions, such cases of rape or incest.
Disagree. The States within our Federal system retain a large degree of Sovereignty. The SCOTUS has zero business in creating policy which is what you proposed; ‘outlawed it with the usual exceptions’.
By embracing Federalism Massachusetts can craft statutes that reflect the culture and will of the people in Massachusetts. The same applies when Mississippi does so.
Yearning for National top down decisions from either SCOTUS or Congress is fools game. The leftist d/prog will always seek to impose their culture upon the rest of the Nation and water down or deny every issue we want.
Much better, IMO, to have 100% control of culture war issues in Red States than hope SCOTUS or Congress does the right thing.
I understand your fervor on this subject but there are just as many of the other views who have just as much fervor. Sending it back to the states in a way, allows pro or anti-abortion people to make the decision themselves instead of 9 people telling us what we can or cannot do. If you hate abortion you have the option of moving to an anti-state and if you approve of abortion then that option is there for you. It is too big of an issue to make it one way. The same with the death penalty. On same-sex marriage, I believe a national law is required because of legal issues. It also has no effect on those that oppose same-sex marriage other than personal opinions.
Abortion brings about the deprivation of the fundamental right to life. Those who are saying the issue should be left to the states, some of which have subsequently codified abortion, are accepting such deprivation.
Not quite. We are accepting the tradeoff of 100% control of abortion laws in Red States. While also keeping the ability to influence passage of anti abortion legislation in Blue States.
That’s a much better state of affairs than previously. Federalism is the answer b/c it keeps the Federal govt smaller and out of our lives. Relying upon our own Red State legislatures v Congress has already yielded results in Red States on enacting much stricter anti abortion laws.
Protecting federalism is very important; the 10th Amendment is saving America (along with the Second, and to lesser degree due to leftist successes, the First).
It’s troubling to see right-leaning people want to twist the federal government into some central power that diminishes states rights and those of the people . . . even if it’s for the (to our minds) good.
That’s what is so offensive. The MAGA crowd is saying and doing the same things that Hillary and the DNC did to Trump to DeSantis! It is ironic that they cannot see this and realize that they are just like Democrats.
I admit to being mostly a lurker when it comes to the comments section of one of my favorite blogs. I also voted twice for DJT and sincerely believe that he is the best president of my lifetime.
That being said, I wonder where gonzo is on this post? Down voting from the sidelines?
Are you 22? Because he sucked in every possible. He was such a petulent tool that he couldn’t get anything done. He was worse than every single President we’ve had since Herbert Hoover since Andrew Johnson who fucked up the post-Civil War reconstruction and was the first President Congress tried to impeach.
I’m 67, if that matters. Old enough to remember inflation under 2%, gasoline under $2.00, a southern border that was under control, a federal administrative state that was cutting regulations at a 2:1 ratio, a complete lack of unnecessary foreign wars, Putin on a leash, the Norks on a leash, China responding to tariffs, Mexico helping to curtail illegal immigration, maybe a few other important accomplishments. Are you saying he’s worse that Herbert Hoover or worse than Andrew Johnson? Grow some coherence, ptuz.
You are wrong. He got more done in the same amount of time than any other POTUS in history. The problem was that he did it with executive orders and not through Congress, thus all of his great deeds were canceled by Biden on day one. I understood why at the time because he was a strong businessman who got things done all by himself and did not need anyone’s approval or help. But in DC, that doesn’t work. He pissed off a lot of Rs and Ds and no one wanted to work with him. He hasn’t changed so we can expect the same results if he gets re-elected.
Calm down. I’m no Trump fan, to say the least, but he wasn’t that bad except for his COVID response. He cut the federal bureaucracy, cut regulation, appointed conservative judges, and was good on the economy. And he sure as hell wasn’t “the first President Congress tried to impeach.” Bill Clinton ring a bell?
And you might want to crack a history book if you think he was the worst since Johnson. Look up Roosevelt’s actions, look up the proto-fascism of the Wilson administration, the malicious expansion of the welfare state under LBJ, the incompetence of Carter, or the malicious use of agencies against ordinary Americans under Obama. I’m not voting for him again, but spare us the drama.
“”And he sure as hell wasn’t “the first President Congress tried to impeach.” Bill Clinton ring a bell? “”
I think that was a reference to Andrew Johnson, not to Trump.
“”I wonder where gonzo is on this post?””
Downvoting and reloading.
Does she use a semiautomatic downvoting device with extended magazine?
Hey, creepy, old unappealing guys who harass women have got to stick together.
Saying this about Cuomo when IMO his specific actions killed so many is just despicable. It is time for an honest, competent, younger straight-shooter. If you watched the Fox interviews of DeSantis with Gowdy and Bolling that is what you got. I did not think Trump could win in 2024 before this and that he could say something like this certainly does not help.
Pathetic. Time to pack it in, Donald.
Love ya, DJ but you’re really out of bounds on this. And you really don’t have alot to stand on yourself, the way you and your admin handled this. Seeing clips of you up there smiling while Fauci bends you and the rest of us over is not going to age well.
I think that picture you described will appear in a lot of DeSantis ads.
Ron. He’s baiting you. Don’t rise to it. Let him go on sounding like Biden.
Hopefully, his responses will mirror those prior to his formal declaration – ignore the insults and continue to damn Trump with faint praise.
No, he has to hit back.
He does but with adult ads with facts. DJT uses teenage-level ads with no facts.
Disagree, Griz. Trump is lobbing softballs right over the plate with his covid attacks on DeSantis. Ron got it right, for the most part, and Trump got it very, very wrong.
Is Trump sowing the seeds of divorce from his base?
To what effect? Will he run as a Democrat?
Okay, now THAT would be interesting.
And more honest. I wonder how many cult members would switch parties? I think it’s more likely that he’d go third party if he lost the nomination. After all a big chunk of his support comes from Perotistas and other independents.
It was an off-the-wall thought, Griz. When my 1st wife ended our marriage I bent over backward to reconcile. To put an exclamation point on her decision to divorce, she seduced the neighbor – which nuked our home and relationship with all the neighbors. What she did was out of spite, of course – and I’m not suggesting Trump did what he did intentionally – nevertheless – it’s a self-destructive move – a damaging relational move – to tell such an obvious fabrication.
Sooner or later that orange noggin of his must think MAGA failed to deliver the presidency to him – he doesn’t seem to accept any personal responsibility for the results. So how does a person who tends narcissistic deal with that mentally and emotionally?
With such a commanding lead in the polls, yet not able to win the general, how does he begin to release his base – and let them congeal around the heir apparent? Does he make himself loathsome to them? It’s not that far fetched if we conclude the obvious – he’s dysfunctional – sort of an idiot savant.
Both of these guys should just be attacking Biden, not each other. The problem, as it has been for decades, is democrats. The problem is not which Republican would make a better president than the guy who’s the worst president in the history of this country.
Trump has spent the last six months attacking DeSantis. Spent $15 million attacking him. DeSantis has just addressed the attacks this week. This is all coming from Trump. You can’t blame DeSantis for this
A narcissistic, ego-driven hack like Trump is bound to go after the person he is most threatened by. And at this point it isn’t Biden. It’s DeSantis. So we will see this kind of behavior and worse from Trump as July 15th approaches and he attempts to bully republican party leadership into nominating him.
He’s much more low energy this year. He doesn’t have the stamina that he used to and DeSantis, at 44, will be visiting every county in Iowa. Part of me wonders, seeing Trump golfing every day if he truly wants to go through a campaign again. He’s looking so old.
Much has been made of Cuomo sending recovering Covid patients to nursing homes. Where did these patients go in other states, including Florida?
I was a physician working in nursing homes in Northern Virginia for 15 years before Covid descended on us, retired 6 months into the pandemic. It’s absolutely true these facilities were ill-prepared to manage these patients. Nonetheless, patients were discharged from hospitals to nursing homes in Virginia as of late March 2020. Initially appropriate protective equipment was very hard to come by. We adapted quickly.
The point is, if the hospitals (in NY and elsewhere) were overwhelmed with actively ill Covid patients, where could the hospitals send the recovering patients to continue to recuperate, in order to make accommodation for the onslaught of new Covid admissions? The hospital ships hadn’t arrived yet. And NYC was slammed during the initial days and weeks far worse than elsewhere.
As for family members not able to visit hospitalized patients and nursing home patients, that was the case in northern Virginia, almost from the beginning continuing for months, long past my retirement in September 2020. So sad. Heartbreaking really. Dementia patients especially really needed that family contact and it was ripped away.
Well, Trump did send that hospital ship to NY that just floated there empty.
The Javits Center was also outfitted to take care of patients and little used, By the way, the hospital ship “Comfort was directed to begin accepting COVID-19 patients on April 6, 2020.” It was April 4 for the Javits Center. Therefore, I would argue that this capacity was delivered timely.
I’ll be up front, I love Trump and this sniping is killing me!
I follow him on Insta and every time there is a negative attack ad against DeathSantis the vast majority of comments are of the “please work together” variety.
Those here who are of the “tRuMp fanboys suck” category are no different to the “no one but Trump” group. The reality is both Trump and DeathSantis will be an improvement over the corps that’s currently in the WH!
Would that everyone can see the wisdom of your statement. Trump has flaws. It was a dumba** comment. Apparently, DeSantis has NO flaws. He’s perfect. I am tired of people saying that Trump won’t win because people won’t vote for him in the general when the people making the claims, I would say nearly 100 percent, are part of the group who won’t vote for him. “You” are the problem if Trump loses the general. The Democrats always stick together. Always. Trump at the moment has way more cultists than DeSantis does, and I can’t see him losing the primary due to a significant drop in support. If DeSantis wins, he has my vote.
This is where you and mailman are wrong. I voted twice for DT and I will again but if you go to TGP or some of the other rabid Trump sites they are claiming that will write DJT’s name in instead of voting for DeSantis. Of course, DeSantis has flaws but he is not attacking with made-up lies about Trump. He has actually accomplished a lot on FL and what he did, he did by making them laws instead of executive orders. What you see by people saying great things about DeSantis is to counter the lies being spewed by Trump and his campaign. If he was acting like a man instead of a petulant brat, you wouldn’t see all of this crowing bout DeSantis.
Your call for unity sort of loses its punch when you refer to him as “DeathSantis”.
I remember Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic as one of the weirdest episodes of media gaslighting in recent memory. As COVID began spreading within the US, there was much talk of “flattening the curve” – delaying and lowering the peak of cases and hospitalizations, so we could build capacity and avoid overwhelming the healthcare system.
Then New York’s cases spiked hard and fast. Suddenly those same talking heads were congratulating Cuomo on New York “flattening the curve”. “But wait,” I said, “what happened there was the *opposite* of flattening the curve!”. “No,” they insisted, “flattening the curve means getting to declining case numbers as soon as possible,” in other words, by peaking high and early.
If you only use one metric, any statement can be proven true.
“How about the fact that he had the third-most deaths of any state… Even Cuomo did better. He was No. 4,” Trump said.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that Florida had the third-highest number of COVID-19-related deaths in 2021, while New York had the fourth-most. But the data also shows Florida had the 18th-highest death rate per 100,000 residents that year.
CDC mortality rates, 2021:
New York death rate 83.9 — deaths 21,675
Florida death rate 111.7 — deaths 34557
18th highest death rate when you have a gigantic number of old people is a stunning result. If Trump actually does not comprehend that and is materially distorting the truth for political reasons, that is bad.
Covid was potentially deadly to the 60+ demographic. What’s the average age of the deaths? What % of population of NY and FL are 65+?
Then lets explore the impact on the economy of each State. FL is booming while NY…not so much. Then lets look at education outcomes between NY and FL.
The reality is Covid took out the infirm elderly, the obese and the immune compromised. Shutting down/lock down for months on end was unsuccessful in protecting the vulnerable. The Fauci fanatics did it anyway crushing small business, hurting students, disrupting the economy and for what exactly? The majority of the deaths were in population subsets who were in essence culled 12-36 months earlier than normal and none of the crap we did prevented those deaths. In many cases it accelerated them and certainly isolated many of the dying from spending the time had left with family and religious worship.
Trump and his gang are also touting DeSAntis’ vote on a non-binding resolution to save SS and Medicare. It was a non-partisan committee trying to figure out a way to save both programs within the budget projected for the future. He didn’t vote to cut anything but that is what they are lying about. This is the same lie the DNC used when they showed an old lady in a wheelchair being pushed over a cliff. How can you have respect for a man who condones this?
Good point, especially your concluding remark. I have seen endless TV commercials about that, long before DeSantis entered the race. Throw in the name-calling, bullying and cheating on wives and I do not respect Trump. He is just vastly more competent than Biden, who merits even less respect. The country needs someone who is both competent and deserves respect.
The stink of desperation sweat here in the comments from DeSantis supporters is pathetic. And much like our worthless mainstream media, several posters here claim that Trump said things that he did not actually say.
““He has to do what he has to do,” Trump said when asked about Florida’s new abortion restrictions. “If you look at what DeSantis did, a lot of people don’t even know if he knew what he was doing. But he signed six weeks, and many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh.””
Wish both would go after the enemy and not each other
Trump has spent $15 million dollars in the last five months with attack ads on DeSantis. DeSantis has said nothing until three days ago- when he announced he was running. Trump is to blame for all of this.
“Three days ago” would have been May 24th. De Santis has been attacking Trump openly since March.
“”I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair. I can’t speak to that”
— Ron De Santis, Monday, March 20, 2023
Trump started losing me the day he stood beside Anthony Fauci and turned our future over to him.
The distance grew worse when he stood silent while millions were forced to take the jab.
The process was complete when I saw the first photos of jab-related blood clots.
Nothing Donald Trump could do in a second term would compel me to vote for him. We’ll never be done paying for the first one.
I can understand this sentiment. I was the same way for awhile and as he kept hawking that vaccine bullshit I was getting more pissed that he keeps thinking that shit was good. If anyone asks him about the vaccine and he still says it was good idea I will not vote for the guy. All of everything associated with the Wuhan bullshit was a fraud (and yes, I am intentionally being redundant).
I am a Trump supporters but one of the few things that I was critical of him on was his handling of this Wuhan bullshit. He should have staked his entire presidency om keeping the country open and operating as normal because after all the hindsight he still “lost” and no one can honestly tell you how the country is different before, during and after the Wuhan bullshit other than how people are acting.
And Cuomo didn’t handle the Wuhan bullshit better than DeSantis. DeSantis fell for the same nonsense but he was the first governor to wake up first (and Kristi Noem never went to sleep).
Trump’s claim is bizarre.