Biden Border Crisis: Asylum Seekers Given Court Dates Into 2035

Texas Residents Border

Here at LI we’ve been covering the Biden border crisis and the complete mess surrounding the expiration of Title 42. A federal judge blocked the Biden admin’s catch and release plan, requiring the administration to provide court dates for asylum seekers released into the U.S.

Reports are now surfacing that these court dates are already being set for years from now, just days after the expiration of Title 42.

Indeed, the New York Post is reporting that some court dates are as far out as 2035.

Migrants processed into the US as asylum seekers are being given immigration court dates more than a decade away.In Brownsville, migrants who arrived in the US Thursday showed The Post their paperwork with designated court dates set as late as 2032 and 2035 in Chicago and Florida.Now they have been admitted to the county and given a court date, the migrants can receive a work permit and legally live and work in the US until their case comes up.Others who had immigration court hearings set for August 2023 in a Maryland immigration court and March 2027 at a Dallas immigration court.Two people heading to New York City had dates listed for 2025.Backlogs at immigration courts currently stand at 2.1 million cases waiting to be heard.

Meanwhile, pretty much anyone, including terrorists, can flood across our southern border.

On Wednesday, as reported by the Daily Wire, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed into law “the most ambitious anti-illegal immigration laws in the country, fighting back against reckless federal government policies and ensuring the Florida taxpayers are not footing the bill for illegal immigration.”

The law does the following:

Hopefully, other red state governors will follow suit as Biden’s border crisis becomes a full-blown national disaster.

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden Defense Policy, Biden Economic Policy, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis