Tucker Carlson is Out at Fox News

Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. Fox News statement is here.

(WAJ adds) This is pretty shocking. Still waiting on details as to why. He was more than a show host, he was, in many ways, the franchise, with multiple shows. The best comparison of his impact would be Rush Limbaugh – I planned my day, particularly my long 6-hour drives to/from Ithaca so that I could spend 3 hours of it listening to Rush. Same with Tucker, the evening was planned around being able to watch the show.

Not sure how long this will stay up – a snippet of my hour-long interview.

We owe Tucker a lot – we launched CriticalRace.org on his show two years ago.

And EqualProtect.org in late February.

I can’t say I knew Tucker well, but I did meet him twice for show tapings, including a fair amount of time for the Tucker Carlson Today show. Off-camera, he is just as he is on camera. He doesn’t put on a show face. He was the same.

This suggests it was his decision:

Other Reactions

Fox news posted a statement – they are getting massively ratioed.

Tags: Fox News, Tucker Carlson