Tucker Carlson is Out at Fox News
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Tucker Carlson is Out at Fox News

Tucker Carlson is Out at Fox News

Effective immediately.

Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. Fox News statement is here.

(WAJ adds) This is pretty shocking. Still waiting on details as to why. He was more than a show host, he was, in many ways, the franchise, with multiple shows. The best comparison of his impact would be Rush Limbaugh – I planned my day, particularly my long 6-hour drives to/from Ithaca so that I could spend 3 hours of it listening to Rush. Same with Tucker, the evening was planned around being able to watch the show.

Not sure how long this will stay up – a snippet of my hour-long interview.

We owe Tucker a lot – we launched CriticalRace.org on his show two years ago.

And EqualProtect.org in late February.

I can’t say I knew Tucker well, but I did meet him twice for show tapings, including a fair amount of time for the Tucker Carlson Today show. Off-camera, he is just as he is on camera. He doesn’t put on a show face. He was the same.

This suggests it was his decision:

Other Reactions

Fox news posted a statement – they are getting massively ratioed.


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Wow! What is going on over there? First Bongino left after having the #1 show almost every Saturday and now Tucker who had the most popular show on cable that routinely outdrew other channels entire days viewership.

Gutfeld next.

The Gentle Grizzly | April 24, 2023 at 12:02 pm

First Susan Rice leaves the White House. Now this.

What sort of juicy rumor can be made from all of this whole cloth?

Is this Paul Ryan at work? Preparing for Susan Rice in that slot?

Wasn’t it the highest rated show on cable TV?

    guyjones in reply to geronl. | April 24, 2023 at 2:47 pm

    Carlson’s ratings success was unquestioned, which means that his firing is transparently a feckless political act of slavish appeasement, in which Carlson becomes a sacrificial offering to the Dumb-o-crat Party/Deep State.

      Camperfixer in reply to guyjones. | April 24, 2023 at 3:16 pm

      Go woke…go broke. Proves once again that companies will kill the host to make some asinine political point, destroying their own revenue stream. Like Don Lemon they’ll stand there dumb-faced wondering why their ship is taking on water.

      Morons are born everyday, doesn’t matter how much money they have. Wheat-Chaff.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 24, 2023 at 12:06 pm

I just saw that on Fox. How weird – and to announce that he already had his last show.

This reminds me of what Fox did to Beck, though even with Beck they announced that he was going to leave, not that he had “just left”. Beck, also, was the biggest show on Fox at the time (and the biggest on cable news, I believe).

2smartforlibs | April 24, 2023 at 12:11 pm

Can Fox stay alive with only Greg and the 5?


    CommoChief in reply to 2smartforlibs. | April 24, 2023 at 6:22 pm

    Yes but at a much lower ratings level. Carlson led into Hannity dragging his ratings higher. Ingrham is pretty good, much closer to the populist audience than Hannity.

    When Tucker began his documentary series and what amounts to a podcast he was being given lots of room and was bringing in the audience to justify it. Probably some jealousy of other hosts/talent involved in this as well as disagreement over content. The constant flak from d/prog and the establishment folks probably got old for the Fox management.

    IMO they decided the constant headaches and internal bickering were no longer worth it and decided to part ways with Carlson hoping that the remaining talent can fill the void and they will retain much of the audience out of habit. Personally I think they are flat crazy, the core Carlson audience isn’t the same as the core Hannity audience. When they eventually find themselves competing with Carlson they will very much regret this action.

      gonzotx in reply to CommoChief. | April 24, 2023 at 7:00 pm

      God,Hannity and Laura are God awful

        CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | April 25, 2023 at 9:48 am

        Hannity is a buffoon and is largely a mouthpiece for whatever red meat the establishment is willing to allow being thrown to the audience, IMO. He won’t allow his guests time to speak and respond to questions, the man seems in love with the sound of his own voice.

        Ingrahm is smart as a whip though not a full throated populist. She is far more willing than Hannity or the Five to wade into establishment antics though. Sort of TC lite in a way, IMO.

Good. He used a fake laugh to cover weak positions, which he had a lot of.


    Name his ‘weak’ positions.

    Fake? According to Professor Jacobson:

    “We owe Tucker a lot – we launched CriticalRace.org on his show two years ago.”

    “I can’t say I knew Tucker well, but I did meet him twice for show tapings, including a fair amount of time for the Tucker Carlson Today show. Off-camera he is just as he is on camera, he doesn’t put on a show face, he was the same.”

    Some know better about what is fake and what is not.

      I found this site and Professor Jacobson from watching Tucker’s show some years ago. He said that he reads Legal Insurrection daily and you should too.

      I have not regretted following LI once. I have gained clarity and understanding for many confusing issues and current events just from reading LI’s authors.

      I shall be forever grateful to Tucker and LI.

      Best wishes in your next chapter, Tucker.

    txvet2 in reply to rhhardin. | April 24, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    Said the MSNBC fan.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 24, 2023 at 12:15 pm

Fox is looking to replace Tucker with a Dylan Mulvaney show.

StillNeedToDrainTheSwamp | April 24, 2023 at 12:23 pm

I think most of us knew he was destined to be gone sooner than later – but for me, this is yet still a bit of a shock. I completely agree with Megyn Kelly’s comment.

AOC calls for his censorship and now he’s gone.

What exactly are we waiting for?

Inevitable coming off the Dominion charade. The Left hates truth.

    diver64 in reply to Camperfixer. | April 24, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    I thought the same myself. I wonder if Fox settling the suit had anything to do with this?

    Tucker was never part of the “2020 was stolen” crowd. He does have questions about how involved the Feds were with the Jan. 6 “riot” meanwhile 60 Minutes does a puff piece on Ray Epps.


      Camperfixer in reply to rbj1. | April 24, 2023 at 3:21 pm

      I believe TC to be a God-fearing Believer, maybe he got fed up with his idiot bosses trying to suppress truth, something none of us can actually know for certain. Principled people get fed up after a while. I say, enjoy your place in Maine far from the fray, then when you feel like it come back with a vengeance. Michael Savage went full podcast, and he too doesn’t need the money.

        gonzotx in reply to Camperfixer. | April 24, 2023 at 6:58 pm

        Tucker is worth 400million according to a source but m not sure

        I was of
        The opinion that he came from a family of money, but apparently they were very poor.

        A self made man

          Ugh. He’s reportedly got a net worth of about $30 million. It’s not hard to use a search engine, gonzo, you should try it some time.

          There are sites that say he is worth much more than $30 million, and the comment about $400 million was accurate, despite your unnecessary denigration.

          Celebrity Net Worth, your likely source, says his peak annual salary at Fox was $6 million. Forbes says was making between $15 million and $20 million a year hosting his show. His net worth is not known. However, he did more than just host a show.

          Fortunately, you got your shot in anyway, here and above. Poor, unprovoked behavior for someone with your platform. You could have just said it was $30 million and left it there. Guess that is expecting too much.

          InEssence in reply to gonzotx. | April 25, 2023 at 2:00 am

          Tucker’s next contract will probably be the largest ever. It could reach a billion dollars. Fox needed Tucker (not vice-versa). Somehow I know this, and I never watched him. I guess it is all in the numbers.

Maybe he will team up with Elon Musk to start a new News Outlet called NewsX.

    henrybowman in reply to Peabody. | April 24, 2023 at 6:30 pm

    Can you imagine Musk, Carlson, and O’Keefe joining up?
    It would be like the Justice League of America.

Interesting Q: Does Tucker have access to the J6 tapes, or does Fox? Because I’d kinda like to see a full collection of “This is Ray Epps from arrival to departure. This is each one of the unarrested people he met with on J6, from their arrival to departure. This is Scaffold Commander from arrival to departure. Here’s FBI CHS Bob Smith from his arrival to departure and who he had contact with.” Just out of curiosity, and to see what strings touch where. I suspect we know the answers.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to georgfelis. | April 24, 2023 at 5:08 pm

    Something was off from *one* episode using the unsuppressed tapes.

    henrybowman in reply to georgfelis. | April 24, 2023 at 6:32 pm

    Neither. The House still controls access to the tapes, and after Tucker’s first few shows, changed the rules to be like classified material rules — you can go into the “SCIF” and watch them, but you can’t copy them or take any of them out.

This decision most likely came from DC and was due to the 40,000 hours of videotapes that Tucker wanted to reveal. There are so many judges and pols involved with this coverup and prosecution that most of DC would be shown to have been involved. Murdoch and his evil sons are now totally in the control of the left and Tucker was not going to fit in. It will be interesting to see where he ends up. That doesn’t leave much at FNC to tune in. The slappable Hannity and truth-avoiding Ingrahm don’t offer much.

Well, well, well. Looks like Don Lemon is out at CNN.

    E Howard Hunt in reply to diver64. | April 24, 2023 at 1:03 pm

    It was a business decision. Fox and most other media outlets are lowbrow. The audience is dying. Just look at all of the commercials for old-timers. Its strategy is to pretend to still be conservative while slowly transitioning to slightly left, This will allow it to retain the dying oldsters and gain a share of the young. Carlson was seen as too strident to not offend today’s young idiots.

    Don’t despair. Go read a book.

    Olinser in reply to diver64. | April 24, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    I mean, it was obvious they were just waiting for the opportunity to fire him with minimal blowback since he was clearly going to make a big deal about them firing a gay minority.

    Today Tucker’s abrupt quitting is sucking all the air out of the room and its the PERFECT opportunity to throw LeMon out. Nobody in the liberal media cares as long as they can talk about Tucker and how evil Fox is.

    Strelnikov in reply to diver64. | April 24, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    Maybe they’re going to elope.

healthguyfsu | April 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

Truthfully, news programs are slow, repetitive, and obsolete.

I can read and comprehend much faster. These kinds of networks are just a step behind the dinosaur print media.

    txvet2 in reply to healthguyfsu. | April 24, 2023 at 2:51 pm

    I have the same problem with the ubiquitous videos. Can’t stand to waste the time when I can read the text in half the time and it doesn’t tax my fading hearing.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to healthguyfsu. | April 24, 2023 at 5:16 pm

    In a bit more synchronicity, consider the current Crowder Kerfuffle. Whatever his traits and behavior, he diligently provides links to sources with his video clips, esp on YouTube.

    “News” has become repetitive, shallow pseudo-analysis on a good day, opinion on a worse. With Teh Interwebz, why isn’t literally everything footnoted, with links?

I never have to watch Fox again now. Tucker will be back and I look forward to it.

I predicted this weeks ago when it was blatantly clear that Fox ordered Tucker to stop airing Jan 6th footage after only ONE show about the Shaman, and then Tucker gave an interview (I forget who with), and was clearly incredibly depressed talking about a ‘revelation’. I thought he was going to quit a bit quicker, but he’s finally walked.

Scuttlebutt claims that he was getting ready to do a show on the election crap and Fox canned him instead.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Olinser. | April 24, 2023 at 5:16 pm

    I think that interview was Dave Rubin.

      gonzotx in reply to BierceAmbrose. | April 24, 2023 at 7:09 pm

      Dave Rubin is a “new” conservative, sort of , and jumped ship to DeSantis after expressing support to Trump
      He’s really a liberal , gay, 2 kids through surrogates, just moved to florida from California
      I use to listen to his podcast but it was not really very good

        Uh huh. So if Rubin jumped on the Trump train tomorrow, you’d still feel this way? My guess is no. You seem to like or dislike people based on their support for–and level of that support for–Trump. That’s a very narrow-minded way of judging people.

          gonzotx in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | April 24, 2023 at 9:50 pm

          Dang, it’s my opinion,I knew him when he was Jordons Petersons front man BEFORE his podcasts and have followed him for years

          But you have a nice day there and bless your heart

chrisboltssr | April 24, 2023 at 1:31 pm

Fox News will be fully Leftist in five years. If you believe even earlier than that I will not argue.

Shortly to be revealed: Fox agreed to this as part of the settlement with Dominion.

The short term it’s a loss, but longer term it could be an opportunity for him to be free of FOX oversight if he can find the right platform.

It’s easier to censor him elsewhere than FOX, and ultimately that’s what’s going on

Water down Fox and label everything else fringe so there is no conservative “media” left because it’s easier to deny a new channel access to cable than to Fox with all its heft.

And screw Paul Ryan and the rest of the RINOs

Close The Fed | April 24, 2023 at 2:00 pm

Has anyone looked at Murdoch’s citizenship application? Be great to revoke it and bar him from the country.

Fox is now 60% of the way to becoming CNN-2.

After 2020 election and when I saw Fox call AZ for Biden before 1% was in I knew the election was rigged and they like the other MSM was fully aware. I stopped watching Fox, but I would watch videos of Tucker on You Tube and other places. The loss of Tucker will cost Fox and it is already losing money in stock. After Fox loss Roger Ailes the have continue to move left and this will add to it.

Looks like it is time to FINALLY cut the cord. Tucker was like the only reason I have cable TV.

It’s impossible to view Carlson’s firing as anything other than a transparent and feckless act of obsequious appeasement intended to placate/kowto to the obnoxiously totalitarian whims of the Deep State/D.C. Swamp/Dumb-o-crat Party powers-that-be.

Carlson’s reporting clearly ruffled feathers in D.C. with his staunch refusal to parrot/promote the Dumb-o-crat Party Narrative(TM), and, his scalp was demanded, as a result. Now, Fox News will join PBS, MSNBC and CNN as gleeful and reliable propaganda mouthpieces for the Dumb-o-crats.

Steven Brizel | April 24, 2023 at 3:00 pm

Tucker did great work on 1.6 and the Bidens but at times presented a pompous on air persona. That being the case, any employee, and not just a prominent commentator who presents one pitch in public and then privately questions the same in private on any electronic medium that is subject to discovery in a law suit is not showing that he is trustworthy or a person with discretion. Such a person despite a great salary and great results, is not trustworthy or discrete and is not indispensable to the work of his employer-just as woke employees who use their working time to undermine their employer are also not trustworthy –

Breaking News: Fox News is changing its name to MSFOX, and has extended an offer of employment to Don Lemon.

    guyjones in reply to Q. | April 24, 2023 at 3:56 pm

    Also being considered as a name re-branding candidate — “TNN” — the “Tranny News Network.” All trannies, all the time.

Steven Brizel | April 24, 2023 at 3:16 pm

I don’t think it is the end of the world for Fox as a conservative bastion-the legacy media have also fired or terminated the employment of many very prestigious reporters for a variety of reasons -Dan Rather , Charley Rose, and Daniel Schorr. are a few prominent names

Tucker will land on his feet. The question is who will host his podcast.
Elon Musk.

From Tucker. I’m in!


Rush.. Gone

Mark Steyn – gone from Rush, Gone from GBN, now on Steyn online

Tucker – Gone

2024 right around the corner

I’m very depressed but after one day of 1/6, I could feel it coming, but didn’t want to acknowledge it

The administrative state is in full control. Fox (Murdoch) fired him over 1/6. Tucker gets tapes. Tucker runs footage of QAnon shaman showing truth. QAnon Shaman released. Fox settles Dominion suit it should win. Fox fires Tucker and Dan. Tucker now right wing conspiracy nut preaching to the choir like Glenn Beck. All is restored. Chalk up win for Chuck.

Feels like this is more of a “Fox News is out at Tucker Carlson”.

Suburban Farm Guy | April 24, 2023 at 4:39 pm

Mark Steyn guest-hosted for TC a few times and quit abruptly, after being made to do some lame segment when he had important stuff to cover.. Tut tut. Looks like full blown statist fascism is all there is now.

Fascists sure do need to control the narrative

Just to be clear…

Don Lemon got fired because nobody watched him.

Tucker Carlson got fired because everybody watched him.”

Guess the Jan6 videos are going back into the vault

    Skip in reply to Skip. | April 24, 2023 at 4:55 pm

    I stopped Fox when they hired the cheat Donna Brazile,

    mailman in reply to Skip. | April 24, 2023 at 5:38 pm

    I suspect not as the decision on where and who gets the tapes remains with McCarthy. Free from Fox’s reigns I suspect we’ll start seeing stuff from the tapes shortly.

    The word on the street was Monday nights show was ready to go with a Ray Epps take down of MSNBC’s fan interview but the execs said no and tucker said get fucked.

I find all the reactions to this involving rants against the uniparty/stonecutters or the immanent death of Foxnews to be hilarious.

Little Tuck is a snake oil salesmen and one of the grifters that cost Foxnews over three-quarters of a billion dollars, and could cost them further. Dollar to a donut Foxnews settled because a trial would have revealed that things were even worse for Foxnews than we already knew it to be.

Foxnews played with fire and got burned. All this is is sensible people putting down the matches.

BierceAmbrose | April 24, 2023 at 6:25 pm

Well, even the loyal oppostion of The Apparatus can’t have one of their big voices proclaiming people are their own first cause, not elements of the state.

What’s funny is that Fox News brass foolishly believe that they’ve bought themselves some tangible and lasting goodwill from the Deep State and D.C. Swamp Dumb-o-crats with this sacrificial offering, but, like all naive and self-deluding appeasers throughout history, they’ve sold their soul for bupkis.

The Dumb-o-crats and their media lapdogs will continue to vilify Fox News and beat it like a pinata, because it’s politically useful to do so.

Wow, over 100 comments! That is a pretty good run!

With Tucker gone the path is clear now for Ryan to push DeSantis.