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Seminary Prof in Louisiana Fired for Allegedly Offering to Fly Women to Abortion States

Seminary Prof in Louisiana Fired for Allegedly Offering to Fly Women to Abortion States

“If any women need to make an unexpected trip from the south to, say, Illinois or New Mexico or Virginia for reasons that are none of my business”

It’s like that classic scene in Seinfeld where George is fired for inappropriate behavior and then asks, “Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?”

Inside Higher Ed reports:

Seminary Professor Fired for Offering to Fly Women to Abortions

A seminary in Louisiana fired a professor for offering on Facebook to fly women out of the South to get an abortion, The Guardian reported.

The professor, Greg Williams, is also a volunteer pilot who helps transport people in need of medical care. Though he did not explicitly mention abortion in his post, his phrasing and the regions he referenced made clear what he was talking about.

“If any women need to make an unexpected trip from the south to, say, Illinois or New Mexico or Virginia for reasons that are none of my business, I can provide safe, private air transport that would get you where you need to go and back the same day at a price that will work for you,” he wrote.

Saint Joseph Seminary College, the New Orleans–area institution where he worked, fired Williams in accordance with a policy that prohibits employees from publicly expressing beliefs that go against the teachings of the Catholic church, which is staunchly antiabortion.


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SeiteiSouther | April 27, 2023 at 2:12 pm

Not seeing a problem here. N.O. is, and always has been, hella Catholic.

At last! A Catholic organization that adheres to the church! God bless them.. likely the former “professor” will land at some “woke” institution for more money. Something about 30 pieces of silver?

Lots of anti life Catholics among the rank and file. They don’t appear to be a majority but I bet about 20 to 40% favor killing unborn babies.