Former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Receives Harvard Fellowship
Ardern, who called online free speech a “weapon of war,” will be lecturing on “leadership, governance and online extremism” at Harvard.

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been awarded a prestigious fellowship by Harvard’s Kennedy School.
Ardern, who became the darling of the globalist left for waging a war on free speech and imposing one of the world’s strictest COVID lockdowns on her country, will be moving to Massachusetts later this year, where she will teach “leadership” to future world leaders, news reports suggest.
“Ardern has taken up three new roles at Harvard University, where she will study and speak on leadership, governance and online extremism,” the British newspaper The Guardian reported Wednesday.
Ardern stepped down from her post in early 2023 as her poll numbers tanked ahead of the country’s election later this spring. She claimed work-related stress and mental health issues led her to that decision, winning accolades from the mainstream media.
Reuters reported details of the Harvard fellowship:
Former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Wednesday that she was taking up three fellowships at Harvard University later in 2023. (…)
Harvard University said in a statement she had been appointed to dual fellowships at Harvard Kennedy School and to a concurrent fellowship at the Berkman Klein Center.
“I am incredibly humbled to be joining Harvard University as a fellow – not only will it give me the opportunity to share my experience with others, it will give me a chance to learn,” Ardern said in the statement.
She added on Instagram that the fellowship at the Berkman Klein Center would not only be a chance to work collaboratively with the center’s research community, but also to work on the challenges around the growth of generative AI tools.
Ardern subjected the country to a zero-COVID policy, destroying businesses and forcing people indoors for months. Her policy “effectively shutting the nation of five million off from all physical contact with the outside world,” UK weekly Spectator noted.
During her six years in office, Ardern worked hard to erode liberties and rights traditionally enjoyed by the New Zealanders. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Ardern called free speech on the internet a new ‘weapon of war.’ She railed against those who used their free speech to challenge the climate change agenda. “How do you tackle climate change if people do not believe it exists?” she complained.
Ardern undertook sweeping measures to disarm the citizenry. After a tragic mosque shooting in 2019, she introduced a law seeking to curtail citizens’ right to own guns, declaring that “owning a firearm is a privilege not a right.” Her government banned semi-automatic rifles such as AR-15 and forced gun owners to surrender more than 50,ooo firearms to avoid legal measures under her ‘amnesty’ scheme.

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He we should have given her the Ceausescu treatment
He we == The kiwis
Harvard should get the Ceausescu treatment. What a hellhole.
This woman is one of the stars of the worldwide fascist movement. So is Grechen Whitmer.
As for that sick bastard Biden, he’s bought and paid for.
Ex-US Army Psyops Expert: Fox News Fired Carlson to Maintain “Semi Lobotomized Quasi Retarded Population”
There are a whole bunch of Dictator Wannabes who saw Covid as their chance to shine. Boy Toy Trudeau, Newsome, Stretchin Gretchen, “Hands” Cuomo, Mengele Fauci. They all got in on the act. Just remember what they all did to you. Trudeau seizing bank accounts of truckers, NYC making vaccine passports a thing if you wanted to live, Australian concentration camps for Covid, Newsome bankrupting people and enforcing lockdowns while dining at a 5 Star Michelin resturant, Pelosi all in on the fascism while getting her hair done as did the alien in Chicago. Never forget, I sure won’t
It makes absolute sense that Harvard would give a degree to this dreadful woman.
Just think of all the CFR members who have a degree/s from Harvard or Yale. And you will have an answer as to why America is heading in its current direction.
This actually makes me want to vote for Trump as I think he is the only one with jewels enough to revoke this witch’s visa and deport her
She looks constipated. Which makes sense since she is full of 💩
“I am incredibly humbled to be joining Harvard University as a fellow”
I think that means she’s better than they are.
She claimed work-related stress and mental health issues led her to that decision,
She definitely has mental health issues.
She added on Instagram that the fellowship at the Berkman Klein Center would not only be a chance to work collaboratively with the center’s research community, but also to work on the challenges around the growth of generative AI tools.
The Kennedy School is the perfect place for this Stalin wannabe. They all deserve each other. The only thing that really irks me is the tax status of Hah-vahd and its various money laundering arms, as well as public monies that are dumped into those cesspits.
She should feel right at home with the other scholarly authoritarians.
They’re fascists. Let’s call them for what they are.
And remember the end goal of all fascism: genocide.
The nomenklatura takes care of its own.
Reinforcing and confirming their collective.
Globaist connections. Don’t leave home without them.
Of course, she’s not starting until June. The Derby is in May.
Where do I get one of those hats?
Two options; get a PHD or go to RenFair. /s
I don’t care about the hat. I want one of those shawls decorated with endangered species fur and kiwi feathers.
In a just world, this totalitarian witch would be rotting in prison awaiting execution for her crimes against humanity.*
*after a fair trial, of course.
A Fascist Dictator knows much about government and how to grind the proles under it’s heavy boot. Not surprised Harvard is all in on this twit.
I wouldn’t hire a Harvard grad at gunpoint these days. Elitist, smug, woke a-holes.
So, she’s been ordained as priest of the New World Order. Well, bless her heart.
Jacinda Ardern is yet another Fabian Socialist. She calls herself a social democrat, a progressive and a member of the Labour Party, but those are just code words for Fabian Socialis these days.. If you really want to know what sort of world Fabians want to create, go read the writings of noted Fabian Socialists, like Stuart Chase..
It’s appropriate that Ardern end up at Harvard since Harvard was the university from which so many early Fabian Socialist graduated … like FDR, Stuart Chase, Walter Lippmann, Felix Frankfurter, Roger Baldwin, and Harry Ward … and then later Obama and many of his associates. It’s been a seed bed for Fabian Socialists in this country for a century.
I learned a lot from your post.
Thanks. If you haven’t already, I recommend you read Stuart Chase’s 1942 book titled “The Road We Are Traveling”. Here’s a link to a free version of it: It’s a plan for installing Political System X … a communist takeover of the US. And Obama was likely paying homage to Chase in his 2012 campaign video titled “The Road We’ve Traveled.”
Thanks. It wasn’t me who gave the downtick.
A real role model for young ladies:
Out of wedlock mother
Shacking with some lowlife TV presenter
Pro Censorship
COVID Alarmist
Climate Alarmist
Horse Teeth
She would fit right in during CNN’s prime time programming.
Ardern is a dear friend of Prince William’s. William is likely to WEF Britain when he becomes King in 5 or 10 years.
This is the woke educating the wokeat work
I guess Harvard is where failed politicians go to indoctrinate the next generation in their failed ideas. Disgusting.
Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren, Jeanne Shaheen. Probably a bunch of others I’m forgetting.
Left wing politicians know that if they keep the river of money flowing into universities, they can get a cushy do nothing job