Canada: Violent Trans Activists Assault Peaceful Protester While Cops Stand By, Smirking

billboard chris

Chris Elston, a Canadian man who goes by “Billboard Chris,” was physically assaulted by crazed transgender activists while police stood around seemingly doing nothing but smirking as a crime was committed in their presence. The police reportedly went so far as to tell Chris that he brought the violent attack on himself.

David Strom over at Hot Air has some background on Chris:

Billboard Chris is on a quiet mission.A father of two girls in Canada, he is worried about the effects that gender ideology is having on both his children and his society. In response he has gone on a simple, quiet, and to the trans community very threatening mission: he visits cities in North America and walks around wearing a sandwich board that simply reads: “children cannot consent to puberty blockers.”He doesn’t shout. He doesn’t challenge trans activists to arguments. He simply walks around with his sandwich board. He occasionally gets media interviews and he is all over social media, but he doesn’t confront anybody.

Any deviation from, doubt about, or even basic questioning of the trans agenda is not permitted, so of course, radical trans activists violently assaulted the peaceful man whose only goal is to stop the chemical, physical, and sexual mutilation of healthy children.

The Daily Wire reports:

Canadian police officers appeared to simply watch — and one appeared to smile — as radical trans activists approached and then eventually assaulted a lone counter-protester wearing a sandwich board sign that read, “Children can’t consent to puberty blockers.”Video of the incident was shared by Chris Elston (@BillboardChris), who said that he was assaulted twice at the protest, and that police did nothing. When pressed to respond, police officers suggested that he might have cut his own nose — or that he had incited the trans activists to violence by showing up with a sign that they did not like.

For its part, the Vancouver Police Department is reportedly investigating the incident.

Chris responded to the outpouring of support on Twitter:

Tags: Canada, Crime, LGBT, Transgender